Emblem books, English -- England -- 18th centurySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Emblem books, English -- England -- 18th century
Filed under: Emblem books, English -- Great Britain -- England -- 18th century Emblems, divine and moral : together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man (Printed for D. Midwinter , A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, S. Ballard, J. Batley, and J. Wood, S. Birt, A. Ward, and J. Clarke in Duck Lane, 1736), by Francis Quarles (page images at HathiTrust)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Emblem books, English -- England -- 17th century The art of making devises : treating of hieroglyphicks, symboles, emblemes, aenigma's, sentences, parables, reverses of medals, armes, blazons, cimiers, cyphers and rebus (Printed for Richard Royston, and are to be sold at the Angell in Ivie Lane, 1648), by Henry Estienne, Richard Royston, William Marshall, and Thomas Blount (page images at HathiTrust) Divine addresses (Printed by J[ohn] L[eake] for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690), by Herman Hugo, Henry Bonwicke, John Leake, John Sturt, and Edmund Arwaker (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems (Printed for J. Williams at the Crowne in St. Pauls Churchyard & sould by Wm Grantham at ye Crown and Pearl ouer a gt. Exeter Change in ye Strand, 1684), by Francis Quarles and William Grantham (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Emblem books, English -- England -- 19th centuryFiled under: Emblem books, English -- England -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Emblem books -- England -- 18th century The history of nature, in two parts : emblematically express'd in near a hundred folio copper-plates : wherein are also represented all the operations, facultys, and passions of the mind, &c. according to the manner of the most celebrated poets and philosophers (Printed for D. Browne, W. Mears, and F. Clay ..., W. Taylor, ... A. Johnston, engraver, ... and W. Bray ..., 1720), by Daniel Browne, Michael van der Gucht, Bernard Lens, Bernard Lens, G. Freman, and Johannes Kip (page images at HathiTrust) School of the heart (Printed and sold by H. Trapp ..., 1778), by Christopher Harvey, H. Trappe, C. E. De Coetlogon, and Benedictus van Haeften (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems divine and moral ; together with Hieroglyphics of the life of man (Printed and sold by H. Trapp ..., 1777), by Francis Quarles and H. Trapp (page images at HathiTrust) Choice emblems : natural, historical, fabulous, moral and divine, for the improvement and pastime of youth : ornamented with near fifty handsome allegorical engravings, designed on purpose for this work : with pleasing and familiar descriptions to each, in prose and verse, serving to display the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists : the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of the right honorable Lord Newbattle. (Printed for George Riley, in Curzon Street, May Fair, 1772), by John Huddlestone Wynne, George Riley, fl. 1772 Ovenden, and Samuel Wale (page images at HathiTrust) Choice emblems, divine and moral, antient and modern (Printed for Edmund Parker ..., 1732), by 1632?-1725? R. B. (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems, for the entertainment and improvement of youth : containing hieroglyphical and enigmatical devices, relating to all parts and stations of life : together with explanations and proverbs in French, Spanish, Italian, and Latin, alluding to them and translated into English : the whole curiously engrav'd on 62 copper plates. (Sold by R. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Warwick Lane at Amen Corner, 1735), by Richard Ware (page images at HathiTrust) Hermathenae (s.n., in the 1740s), by Francis Tolson and John Devoto (page images at HathiTrust) The school of the heart, or, The heart (of itself gone away from God) brought back again to Him, and instructed by Him : in forty-seven emblems (Printed for Alexr. Hogg, 1778), by Christopher Harvey, Benedictus van Haeften, and Francis Quarles (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems, divine and moral ; together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man (Printed by Eliz. Nutt, and sold by T. Horn, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Wyat, T. Varnam and J. Osborn, D. Midwinter, R. Robinson, W. Taylor, J. Bower, R. Gosling, H. Clements, W. Mears, W. Innys, J. Browne, and W. Churchill, 1718), by Francis Quarles, Frederick Hendrick van Hove, P. Holmes, and Herman Hugo (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Emblem books -- England -- London -- 18th century Emblems of mortality : representing, in upwards of fifty cuts, Death seizing all ranks and degrees of people : imitated from a painting in the cemetery of the Dominican church at Basil, in Switzerland : with an apostrophe to each, translated from the Latin and French, intended as well for the information of the curious, as the instruction and entertainment of youth : to which is prefixed a copious preface, containing an historical account of the above, and other paintings on this subject, now or lately existing in divers parts of Europe. (Printed for T. Hodgson, in George's-Court, St. John's-Lane, Clerkenwell, 1789), by Hans Holbein, Jean de Vauzelles, Gilles Corrozet, Georg Aemilius, John Sidney Hawkins, Hans Lützelburger, and John Bewick (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Emblem books -- Great Britain -- England -- 18th century Emblems, divine and moral : together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man (Printed for D. Midwinter , A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, S. Ballard, J. Batley, and J. Wood, S. Birt, A. Ward, and J. Clarke in Duck Lane, 1736), by Francis Quarles (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: England -- 18th century
Filed under: England -- 18th century -- Fiction Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an heiress (Printed and published by J.F. Dove, in the 1820s), by Fanny Burney, John Davis, Charles Heath, and H. Corbould (page images at HathiTrust) Young lady's entrance into the world (London : Printed for T. Lowndes, No. 77, in Fleet Street, 1778-1779, 1778), by Fanny Burney and Thomas Lowndes (page images at HathiTrust) History of a young lady's entrance into the world (Printed for W. Lowndes ..., 1791), by Fanny Burney (page images at HathiTrust) Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world. (Pr. for T. Barrois, junior, 1808), by Fanny Burney (page images at HathiTrust) Entrée d'une jeune personne dans le monde (Chez Imbert, imprimeur, Cloître Notre-Dame, no 35, 1798), by Fanny Burney (page images at HathiTrust) Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world. (Pr. for T. Barrois, junior, 1808), by Fanny Burney (page images at HathiTrust) History of a young lady's introduction to the world (London : Published by J.S. Pratt, MDCCCXLV [1845], 1845), by Fanny Burney (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Advertising -- England -- London -- 18th century
Filed under: Advertising fliers -- England -- London -- 18th century Decemb. 6. 1708. Advertisement to book-sellers, and others. Whereas there hath been a book lately printed and publish'd, intituled, The neat duties (all discounts and abatements deducted) of all merchandize specify'd in the Book of Rates, begun in the 12th Car. II. with the several variations to this present year 1708. The said book hath, upon examination, been found very erroneous and false ... besides several omissions. This is to give notice, that there is preparing for the press, and will speedily be publish'd at Her Majesties printing-office in Black-Fryers, a book of all the neat duties upon merchandize both inwards and outwards ... and will be sold at a very reasonable price at the place aforesaid, and at most book-sellers ... ([London : H.M. Printing Office, 1708]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Africans -- England -- London -- History -- 18th century
Filed under: Agricultural laborers -- England -- History -- 18th century
Filed under: Agriculture -- England -- 18th century
Filed under: Almanacs -- England -- 18th century
Filed under: Almanacs, English -- England -- 18th century
Filed under: Annotations (Provenance) -- England -- 18th century Dizionario delle lingue Italiana et Inglese (Printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes ... [and 9 others], 1760), by Giuseppe Baretti, R. B. Adam, Robert William Rogers, James Boswell, Samuel Johnson, Donald & Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Houghton Library), and C. Hitch and L. Hawes (page images at HathiTrust) Fable of the bees (Printed for J. Tonson ..., 1725), by Bernard Mandeville, Jerome Kern, Hester Lynch Piozzi, Jacob Tonson, Donald & Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Houghton Library), and Riviere & Son (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Anthologies -- England -- London -- 18th century
Filed under: Aquatint -- England -- 18th century A vindication of Homer and of the ancient poets and historians, who have recorded the siege and fall of Troy : in answer to two late publications of Mr. Bryant : with a map and plates. (Printed by W. Blanchard, for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies ..., 1798), by John B. S. Morritt, Gaetano Mercati, James Merigot, Jacob Bryant, and Cadell & Davies (page images at HathiTrust) Observations, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty, made in the year 1776, on several parts of Great Britain, particularly the High-lands of Scotland (Printed for R. Blamire ..., 1789), by William Gilpin, Richmond Blamire, Sawrey Gilpin, and Samuel Alken (page images at HathiTrust) Observations on the river Wye, and several parts of South Wales, &c., relative chiefly to picturesque beauty : made in the summer of the year 1770 (Printed for R. Blamire, in the Strand, 1789), by William Gilpin and R. Blamire (page images at HathiTrust) Picturesque views, on the River Medway, from the Nore to the vicinity of its source in Sussex : with observations on the public buildings and other works of art in its neighbourhood (Published by T. and J. Egerton ..., 1793), by Samuel Ireland, Cornelis Apostool, and Thomas and John Egerton (Firm) (page images at HathiTrust) Ruines de Rome (Sold by Messrs. Robinsons, Mr. White, Mr. Faulder, and Mr. Evans, 1815), by J. Mérigot (page images at HathiTrust) Remarks on forest scenery, and other woodland views, (relative chiefly to picturesque beauty) : illustrated by the scenes of New-Forest in Hampshire : in three books (Printed for R. Blamire, Strand, 1791), by William Gilpin, Richmond Blamire, Sawrey Gilpin, and Samuel Alken (page images at HathiTrust) A picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France, made in the autumn of 1789 (Printed for T. Egerton ... [and 8 others], 1796), by Samuel Ireland, Thomas Egerton, and Cornelis Apostool (page images at HathiTrust) Essays on picturesque beauty, etc. etc. etc. (Printed for R. Blamire ..., 1794), by William Gilpin and Richmond Blamire (page images at HathiTrust) An account of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1767 : in a letter to the Earl of Morton, President of the Royal Society (Royal Society, 1768), by William Hamilton and Royal Society (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust) Observations on the river Wye, and several parts of South Wales, &c., relative chiefly to picturesque beauty : made in the summer of the year 1770 (Printed for R. Blamire ..., 1792), by William Gilpin and Richmond Blamire (page images at HathiTrust) Nouveau recueil de cheminées, ornées dans le stile de l'architecture Etrusque, Grecque, & Romaine (Printed for the author, 1781), by George Richardson (page images at HathiTrust) Introductory lessons, with familiar examples in landscape, for the use of those who are desirous of gaining some knowledge of the pleasing art of painting in water colours : to which are added some clear and simple rules, exemplified by suitable sketches and more finished paintings : as this work is chiefly intended for the mere beginner, the rules, are both familiar and progressive : to which are added instructions for executing transparencies, in a style both novel and easy (Printed by W. Bulmer and Co., Cleveland-Row, St. James's, for the author :, 1800), by James Roberts, John and Josiah Boydell (Firm), G. and W. Nicol (Firm), and W. Bulmer and Co (page images at HathiTrust) Observations on the western parts of England, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty : to which are added, a few remarks on the picturesque beauties of the Isle of Wight (Printed for T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies ..., 1798), by William Gilpin and Cadell & Davies (page images at HathiTrust) Observations on the mountains and lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland (Printed for R. Blamire ..., 1786), by William Gilpin (page images at HathiTrust) A picturesque guide to Bath, Bristol Hot-Wells, the River Avon, and the adjacent country (Printed for Hookham and Carpenter ..., 1793), by Julius Ibbetson, J. Hassell, and John Laporte (page images at HathiTrust) An essay on British cottage architecture : being an attempt to perpetuate on principle, that peculiar mode of building, which was originally the effect of chance : supported by fourteen designs, their ichnography, or plans, laid down to scale : comprising dwellings for the peasant and farmer, and retreats for the gentlemen : with various observations thereon : the whole extending to twenty-one plates, designed and executed in aqua-tinta (Published by Hookham and Carpenter ... : and to be had at Taylor's Architectural Library ..., at Egerton's Military Library ..., of Mr. Wilkinson ..., and of the author ..., 1798), by James Malton, Vaughan Griffiths, Robert Wilkinson, Thomas Egerton, England) I. and J. Taylor's Architectural Library (London, and England) Hookham and Carpenter (London (page images at HathiTrust) Imitations of ancient and modern drawings, from the restoration of the arts in Italy to the present time : together with a chronological account of the artists, and strictures on their works, in English and French (Printed for the author, Thayer-Street, Manchester Square, 1798), by C. M. Metz (page images at HathiTrust) Antiquities of London and its environs : containing views of houses, monuments, statues, and other curious remains of antiquity, engraved from original drawings, communicated by several members of the Society of Antiquaries : with remarks and references to the historical works of Pennant, Lysons, Stowe, Weaver, Camden, Maitland, &c. (Pubd. by T. Sewell ..., R. Faulder ..., T. Simco ..., J. Manson ..., Messrs. Molteno and Colnaghi ..., J.T. Smith ..., & Nath. Smith ..., 1800), by John Thomas Smith, Wenceslaus Hollar, William Marlow, and Benjamin Green (page images at HathiTrust) A collection of various forms of stoves, used for forcing pine plants, fruit trees, and preserving tender exotics : intended as well for the use of amateurs, as that of students in the art of gardening : the plates accompanied by ample letter-press, and a correct method shewn for drawing their elevations and sections, from the plans : with the parts at large (Published as the Act directs, Jan. 1, 1798, at R. Ackermann's Gallery ..., 1798), by William Robertson (page images at HathiTrust) Designs in architecture, for garden chairs, small gates for villas, park entrances, aviarys, temples, boat houses, mausoleums, and bridges : with their plans, elevations, and sections, accompanied with scenery, &c. (Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. :, 1800), by William Robertson, Thomas Rowlandson, and George Holmes (page images at HathiTrust) History of the River Thames (Printed by W. Bulmer & Co., Shakspeare Printing-Office, for John and Josiah Boydell, from the types of W. Martin, 1794), by William Combe, Joseph Farington, Joseph Constantine Stadler, John and Josiah Boydell (Firm), and W. Bulmer and Co (page images at HathiTrust) Hungarian and highland broad sword (Published as the Act directs Feby. 12th 1799 by H. Angelo ..., 1799), by Thomas Rowlandson, Henry Angelo, and John Hill (page images at HathiTrust)
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