Emigration and immigration -- FictionSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Fiction Tonnewonte, Or, The Adopted Son of America (Watertown, NY: J.Q. Adams, 1825), by Julia Catherine Beckwith Hart
Filed under: Poland -- Emigration and immigration -- FictionFiled under: United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Fiction
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Emigration and immigration
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Congresses Nations, Identities, Cultures (originally published as special issue of the South Atlantic Quarterly; c1995), ed. by V. Y. Mudimbe, contrib. by Martin Bernal, Dominique Colas, Wyatt MacGaffey, Jocelyn Létourneau, Daphna Golan-Agnon, Miriam Cooke, Thomas Lahusen, Anders Linde-Laursen, John McCumber, John McCumber, Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein, and Kenneth Surin (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Economic aspects Migrating into Financial Markets: How Remittances Became a Development Tool (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, c2015), by Matt Bakker
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Government policy
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Great Britain
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Moral and ethical aspects
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Periodicals
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Philosophy
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Political aspects
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Psychological aspects Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2019), ed. by Deborah Willis, Ellyn Toscano, and Kalia Brooks Nelson (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Britishness, Belonging and Citizenship: Experiencing Nationality Law (Bristol, UK: Policy Press, University of Bristol, c2018), by Devyani Prabhat (PDF with commentary at oapen.org)
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Social aspects
Filed under: Emigration and immigration in art Women and Migration(s) II (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2022), ed. by Kalia Brooks Nelson, Cheryl Finley, Ellyn Toscano, and Deborah Willis (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2019), ed. by Deborah Willis, Ellyn Toscano, and Kalia Brooks Nelson (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers)
Filed under: Emigration and immigration in literature Women and Migration(s) II (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2022), ed. by Kalia Brooks Nelson, Cheryl Finley, Ellyn Toscano, and Deborah Willis (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Redefining Russian Literary Diaspora, 1920-2020 (London: UCL Press, c2021), ed. by Marii︠a︡ Rubins (PDF files at UCL and JSTOR) Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2019), ed. by Deborah Willis, Ellyn Toscano, and Kalia Brooks Nelson (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Middle Passages and the Healing Place of History: Migration and Identity in Black Women's Literature (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2006), ed. by Elizabeth Brown-Guillory (PDF at Ohio State)
Filed under: Emigration and immigration law International Migration and the Law: Legal Approaches to a Global Challenge (London and New York: Routledge, c2025), ed. by Angela Di Stasi, Ida Caracciolo, Giovanni Cellamare, and Pietro Gargiulo
Filed under: Australia -- Emigration and immigration The Irish in Australia (1887), by James Francis Hogan (text at Gutenberg Australia) The Emigrant's Manual: Australia, New Zealand, America, and South Africa (with a preliminary dissertation by Burton; Edinburgh: W. and R. Chambers, 1851), contrib. by John Hill Burton
Filed under: Bahrain -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: Burma -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: California -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: Canada -- Emigration and immigration The Canadian Settler's Guide (London: E. Stanford, 1860), by Catherine Parr Strickland Traill (multiple formats at archive.org) Hints to Emigrants, in a Series of Letters From Upper Canada (Edinburgh: Printed for Waugh and Innes, 1824), by William Bell (HTML at globalgenealogy.com) Reception and Protection of Female Immigrants in Canada (ca.1879), by Elsie von Koerber (multiple formats at archive.org) The Female Emigrant's Guide, and Hints on Canadian Housekeeping (Toronto: Maclear, 1854), by Catherine Parr Strickland Traill (multiple formats at archive.org) The Emigrant's Manual: Australia, New Zealand, America, and South Africa (with a preliminary dissertation by Burton; Edinburgh: W. and R. Chambers, 1851), contrib. by John Hill Burton God's Answers: A Record of Miss Annie Macpherson's Work at the Home of Industry, Spitalfields, London, and in Canada, by Clara M. S. Lowe, contrib. by John Macpherson (Gutenberg text) Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners and Emigration, in the United States and Canada: Made During a Residence There in 1832 (London: Whittaker, Treacher, 1833), by Isaac Fidler (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Caribbean Area -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: China -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: Europe -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: Germany -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: Great Britain -- Emigration and immigration Britishness, Belonging and Citizenship: Experiencing Nationality Law (Bristol, UK: Policy Press, University of Bristol, c2018), by Devyani Prabhat (PDF with commentary at oapen.org) The Alien Immigrant (London: W. Heinemann; New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1903), by W. Evans-Gordon (multiple formats at archive.org) The Alien Problem and its Remedy (London: P. S. King and Son, 1911), by M. J. Landa England Under the Jews (London: J. Banister, 1901), by Joseph Banister (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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