English language -- Dialects -- PhonologySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- England -- Phonology On Early English Pronunciation, With Especial Reference to Shakspere and Chaucer (5 volumes (Early English Text Society Extra Series 2, 7, 14, 23, and 56); 1869-1889), ed. by Alexander John Ellis
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: English language -- Dialects
Filed under: Canadianisms -- Dictionaries
Filed under: Canadianisms -- Newfoundland and Labrador -- Dictionaries
Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- Newfoundland and Labrador -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- England -- Dorset -- Texts
Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- England -- Lancashire -- Texts The Barrel Organ, by Edwin Waugh (Gutenberg text) Bits o' Broad Lancashire: Poems in the Dialect (ca. 1888), by William Baron (HTML in the UK) Dialect of South Lancashire: or, Tim Bobbin's Tummus and Meary, Revised and Corrected, With His Rhymes, and an Enlarged and Amended Glossary of Words and Phrases Chiefly Used by the Rural Population of the Manufacturing Districts of South Lancaster (1850), by Tim Bobbin, ed. by Samuel Bamford (HTML in the UK) Lancashire Songs (1865), by Edwin Waugh (HTML in the UK) Lancashire Songs (sheet music edition from Hime and Addison), by Edwin Waugh (PDF files in the UK) Poems and Songs (Manchester, UK: John Heywood, 1883), by Edwin Waugh (HTML in the UK) Poems and Songs (Second Series) (Liverpool: G. Walmsley; Oldham: W. E. Clegg, 1889), by Edwin Waugh (HTML in the UK)
Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- England -- London -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- England -- Somerset The Dialect of the West of England, Particularly Somersetshire: With a Glossary of Words Now in Use There; Also With Poems and Other Pieces Exemplifying the Dialect (second edition; London: John Russell Smith, 1869), by James Jennings Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- England -- WiltshireFiled under: English language -- Dialects -- England -- Yorkshire
Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- England -- Yorkshire -- Texts
Filed under: English language -- Middle English, 1100-1500 -- Dialects -- England -- West Midlands -- Texts
Filed under: Scots language -- Dictionaries -- EnglishFiled under: Scots language -- Etymology -- DictionariesFiled under: Scots language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. A Complete Word and Phrase Concordance to the Poems and Songs of Robert Burns, Incorporating a Glossary of Scotch Words, With Notes, Index, and Appendix of Reading (Glasgow: Kerr and Richardson, 1889), ed. by J. B. Reid Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- Great Smoky Mountains (N.C. and Tenn.)Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- Ireland
Filed under: English language -- Dialects -- Massachusetts -- NantucketFiled under: English language -- Dialects -- New EnglandFiled under: English language -- Dialects -- Texts
Filed under: Americanisms
Filed under: Americanisms -- Dictionaries
Filed under: Americanisms -- West (U.S.) -- DictionariesFiled under: Americanisms -- Great Smoky Mountains (N.C. and Tenn.)
Filed under: Americanisms -- Massachusetts -- NantucketFiled under: Americanisms -- PeriodicalsFiled under: English language -- Provincialisms Bits of Mountain Speech (c1974), by Paul M. Fink (PDF and Epub with commentary at appstate.edu) Boucher's Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words: A Supplement to the Dictionaries of the English Language, Particularly Those of Dr. Johnson and Dr. Webster (nothing further published after "Blade"; London: Printed for Black, Young, and Young, 1832-1833), by Jonathan Boucher, ed. by Joseph Hunter and Joseph Stevenson, contrib. by J. Odell A Few Practical Suggestions (Society for Pure English Tract #3; 1920), by Logan Pearsall Smith (Gutenberg text and page images)
Filed under: English language -- Provincialisms -- North CarolinaFiled under: English language -- Provincialisms -- Tennessee
Filed under: English language -- Variation -- Periodicals
Filed under: Pidgin English -- HawaiiFiled under: English language -- Old English, ca. 450-1100 -- Dialects
Filed under: English language -- Phonology
Filed under: English language -- Phonology -- Periodicals Lexis (full serial archives) Filed under: English Language -- Early modern, 1500-1700 -- Phonology On Early English Pronunciation, With Especial Reference to Shakspere and Chaucer (5 volumes (Early English Text Society Extra Series 2, 7, 14, 23, and 56); 1869-1889), ed. by Alexander John Ellis
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