EqualitySee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Related terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Egalitarianism
- Inequality
- Social equality
- Social inequality
Filed under: Equality The Velvet Glove: Paternalism and Conflict in Gender, Class, and Race Relations (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994), by Mary R. Jackman (HTML at UC Press) Antiracism Inc.: Why the Way We Talk about Racial Justice Matters (Punctum Books, c2019), ed. by Felice Blake, Paula Ioanide, and Alison Rose Reed (PDF at oapen.org) Happiness is the Wrong Metric: A Liberal Communitarian Response to Populism (Cham: SpringerOpen, c2018), by Amitai Etzioni, contrib. by Oren Etzioni (PDF and Epub with commentary at springer.com) Promissory Notes: On the Literary Conditions of Debt (Amherst, MA: Lever Press, 2018), by Robin Truth Goodman (Javascript-dependent HTML with commentary at Lever Press) From Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World (2008), by Duncan Green (PDF with commentary at oxfam.org) A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Among Men, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, trans. by G. D. H. Cole (HTML at Wikisource) A Discourse Upon the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind (John Adams's copy, with his handwritten annotations; London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1761), by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, contrib. by John Adams (multiple formats at archive.org) A Discourse Upon the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Gutenberg text) Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (New York: Holt and Williams, 1873), by James Fitzjames Stephen Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1873), by James Fitzjames Stephen (HTML at terrenceberres.com) The Subjection of Women (London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1869), by John Stuart Mill (Gutenberg text and page images)
Filed under: Equality -- Brazil
Filed under: Equality -- China
Filed under: Equality -- Economic aspects Equality Within Our Lifetimes: How Laws and Policies Can Close, or Widen, Gender Gaps in Economies Worldwide (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, c2023), by Jody Heymann, Aleta Sprague, and Amy Raub (multiple formats with commentary at luminosoa.org) Equity and Growth in a Globalizing World (Washington: Commission on Growth and Development; World Bank, c2010), ed. by S. M. Ravi Kanbur and Michael Spence (PDF with commentary at worldbank.org) Tyneside Neighbourhoods: Deprivation, Social Life and Social Behaviour in One British City (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2015), by Daniel Nettle (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers)
Filed under: Equality -- Great Britain
Filed under: Equality -- India
Filed under: Equality -- MongoliaFiled under: Equality -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Equality -- PoetryFiled under: Individualism The Individual and Society in the Middle Ages (originally published 1966; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Walter Ullmann (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) One is a Crowd: Reflections of an Individualist (New York: Devin-Adair Co., 1952), by Frank Chodorov, contrib. by John Chamberlain (PDF and Epub with commentary at mises.org) Toward a Liberalism (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c1989), by Richard E. Flathman (PDF and Epub with commentary at Cornell Open) The Myth of the Individual (New York: John Day Co., 1927), by Charles Wesley Wood (page images at HathiTrust) The Ego and His Own (New York: B. R. Tucker, 1907), by Max Stirner, trans. by Steven T. Byington The Free Man and the Soldier: Essays on the Reconciliation of Liberty and Discipline (New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1916), by Ralph Barton Perry Pour la Vie (published under author's "Alexandra Myrial" pseudonym, in Bibliothèque des "Temps Nouveaux" #25, in French; ca. 1901), by Alexandra David-Néel, contrib. by Elisée Reclus (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Private Rights and Government Control: Address Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association, Held at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., September 4, 1917 (Washington: GPO, 1917), by George Sutherland À Chacun sa Quête: Essais sur les Nouveaux Visages de la Transcendance (in French; Sainte-Foy, QC: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2000), ed. by Yves Boisvert and Lawrence Olivier (PDF files at Project MUSE) The Individual Under Socialism: A Lecture (London: Independent Labour Party, ca. 1905), by Philip Snowden (page images at HathiTrust) The Right to Ignore the State (London: Freedom Press, 1913), by Herbert Spencer (Gutenberg multiple formats) The Rights of Man (c1940), by Harold J. Laski (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Human Nature and the Social Order (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906), by Charles Horton Cooley (multiple formats at archive.org) Human Nature and the Social Order (revised edition, 1922), by Charles Horton Cooley L'Individualisme Anarchiste Max Stirner (in French; Paris: F. Alcan, 1904), by Victor Basch The Man Versus the State, by Herbert Spencer (text at McMaster) The Reconciliation of Government with Liberty (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1915), by John William Burgess Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: The Unbridgeable Chasm, by Murray Bookchin (HTML at theanarchistlibrary.org) Liberalism Fights On (New York: Macmillan, 1936), by Ogden Livingston Mills (page images at HathiTrust) Political Ideals, by Bertrand Russell (Gutenberg text) Protagoras, Nietzsche, Stirner: Platz dem Egoismus! (in German; Berlin: L. Simion Nf., 1914), by Benedict Lachmann (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Filed under: Social justice Encyclical Letter, Fratelli Tutti, of the Holy Father Francis, on Fraternity and Social Friendship (in multiple languages; 2020), by Pope Francis (HTML at the Vatican) Migration, Gender and Social Justice: Perspectives on Human Insecurity (c2014), ed. by Thanh-Dam Truong, D. Gasper, Jeff Handmaker, and Sylvia I. Bergh (PDF files with commentary at SpringerLink) Backfire Manual: Tactics Against Injustice (Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2012), by Brian Martin (PDF with commentary in Australia) Justice Ignited: The Dynamics of Backfire (prepublication version, 2007), by Brian Martin (PDF in Australia) Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020), by Sasha Costanza-Chock (illustrated HTML with commentary at pubpub.org) Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2022), by Carmen Martinez-Vargas (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) I am a Man of Peace: Writings Inspired by the Maynooth University Ken Saro-Wiwa Collection (Ottawa: Daraja Press, 2020), ed. by Helen Fallon (PDF with commentary in Ireland) Antiracism Inc.: Why the Way We Talk about Racial Justice Matters (Punctum Books, c2019), ed. by Felice Blake, Paula Ioanide, and Alison Rose Reed (PDF at oapen.org) Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-Examined (Cambridge, UK: OpenBook Publishers, c2017), by Ingrid Robeyns (PDF and HTML with commentary at openbookpublishers.com) Arguing About Justice: Essays for Philippe Van Parijs (Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, c2011), ed. by Axel Gosseries and Yannick Vanderborght (PDF with commentary at UC Louvain) Deflective Whiteness: Co-Opting Black and Latinx Identity Politics (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c2022), by Hannah Noel (PDF at OAPEN) The Love That Does Justice: Spiritual Activism in Dialogue with Social Science (2008), ed. by Michael A. Edwards and Stephen G. Post (PDF at unlimitedloveinstitute.org) What's the Matter with Liberalism? (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), by Ronald Beiner (HTML at UC Press) Never Again: Ending War, Democide, and Famine Through Democratic Freedom, by R. J. Rummel (PDF at Hawaii) Newer Ideals of Peace, by Jane Addams (HTML at Brock)
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