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Filed under: Rhododendrons -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Vaccinium
Filed under: Blueberries
Filed under: Blueberries -- Nova ScotiaFiled under: Cranberries
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Dicotyledons
Filed under: Dicotyledons -- Polynesia
Filed under: Cactus -- FranceFiled under: Cactus -- Periodicals
Filed under: Cactus -- Seeds -- Catalogs Catalogue of Seeds, Plants, Rare Flowers (Ventura-by-the-Sea, CA: Theodosia B. Shepherd Co., 1908), by Theodosia B. Shepherd Company (multiple formats at Mrs. Theodosia B. Shepherd's Descriptive Catalogue of California Flowers, Plants, Seeds, Bulbs, Palms, Orchids, Cacti (Ventura-by-the-Sea, CA: T. B. Shepherd Co., 1900), by Theodosia Burr Shepherd (multiple formats at Mrs. Theodosia B. Shepherd's Descriptive Catalogue of Flowers, Plants, Bulbs, Seeds, Cacti, Etc. (Ventura-by-the-Sea, CA: T. B. Shepherd Co., ca. 1902), by Theodosia Burr Shepherd (multiple formats at
Filed under: Compositae
Filed under: Compositae -- Hawaii -- IdentificationFiled under: ArtemisiaFiled under: CrepisFiled under: DubautiaFiled under: Tetramolopium
Filed under: Scaevola
Filed under: Sugar beet The Sugar Beet: Including a History of the Beet Sugar Industry in Europe, Varieties of the Sugar Beet, Examination, Soils, Tillage, Seeds and Sowing, Yield and Cost of Cultivation, Harvesting, Transportation, Conservation, Feeding Qualities of the Beet and of the Pulp, etc. (Philadelphia: H. C. Baird and Co., 1880), by Lewis S. Ware (page images at Cornell)
Filed under: Sugar beet -- FranceFiled under: Sugar beet -- Periodicals
Filed under: Quinoa
Filed under: Cooking (Quinoa)Filed under: Portulacaceae
Filed under: American chestnut -- Periodicals
Filed under: Chestnut -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Oak Journal Kept by David Douglas During His Travels in North America, 1823-1827, Together With a Particular Description of Thirty-Three Species of American Oaks and Eighteen Species of Pinus; With Appendices Containing a List of the Plants Introduced by Douglas and an Account of His Death in 1834 (London: W. Wesley and Son, 1914), by David Douglas, ed. by W. Wilks and H. R. Hutchinson
Filed under: Oak -- Breeding -- Periodicals
Filed under: Oak -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800 Heart of Oak, the British Bulwark (London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1763), by Roger Fisher Filed under: Oak -- Periodicals
Filed under: Furniture, Mission -- Design and construction Mission Furniture: How to Make It (3 parts; Chicago: Popular Mechanics Co., c1909-1912), by H. H. Windsor
Filed under: Cinchona Malarial Subjects: Empire, Medicine and Nonhumans in British India, 1820-1909 (Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017), by Rohan Deb Roy (HTML and PDF files at Cambridge University Press) Kina en Kinine (in Dutch; Leiden: Pub. by A. W. Sijthoff for Rijks- Instituut voor Pharmacotherapeutisch Onderzoek, 1927), ed. by Willem Jacobus Bais, U. G. Bijlsma, H. Pinkhof, W. Schüffner, and Pieter van der Wielen Filed under: Coffee
Filed under: Coffee -- Early works to 1800 De l'Usage du Caphé, du Thé, et du Chocolate (published anonymously, but often attributed to Dufour; in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1671), by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour (multiple formats at Google) The Nature of the Drink Kauhi, or Coffe, and the Berry of Which it is Made, Described by an Arabian Phisitian (Oxford: Henry Hall, 1659), by Da'ud ibn 'Umar Antaki (HTML in Germany) Traitez Nouveaux et Curieux du Cafè, du Thé et du Chocolate (in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1685), by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, contrib. by Bartolomeo Marradon The Women's Petition Against Coffee: Representing to Publick Consideration the Grand Inconveniencies Accruing to Their Sex from the Excessive Use of That Drying, Enfeebling Liquor (London, 1674), by Well-willer (HTML in Germany) Usage du Caphé, du Thé, et du Chocolate (in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1671), ed. by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, contrib. by Jacob Spon, Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma, Bartolomeo Marradon, Antonius Faustus Naironus, and Alexandre de Rhodes (multiple formats at Google) The Vertues of Chocolate; The Properties of Cavee (Oxford: Henry Hall, 1660) (HTML in Germany) Filed under: CoprosmaFiled under: HedyotisMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |