Erickson, Ernest, 1893-1983 -- Art collectionsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Erickson, Ernest, 1893-1983 -- Art collections -- Catalogs
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Arensberg, Louise S. (Louise Stevens), 1879-1953 -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Arensberg, Walter, 1878-1954 -- Art collections -- ExhibitionsFiled under: Ballard, James Franklin, 1851-1931 -- Art collections
Filed under: Beauharnais, Eugène de, 1781-1824 -- Art collections -- Catalogs Catalogue des Tableaux de la Galerie de Feu Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Prince Eugène Duc de Leuchtenberg à Munich (in French; Munich: Galerie Leuchtenberg, 1825), by J. N. Muxel Filed under: Burke, Jackson, 1908-1975 -- Art collectionsFiled under: Burke, Mary -- Art collections
Filed under: Burke, Mary Griggs -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Cantor, B. Gerald, 1916-1996 -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Cesnola, Luigi Palma di, 1832-1904 -- Art collections -- Catalogs
Filed under: Cherkasky, Martin -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Cherkasky, Sarah -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Clarke, Thomas B. (Thomas Benedict), 1848-1931 -- Art collections -- ExhibitionsFiled under: Clearwater, Alphonso Trumpbour, 1848-1933 -- Art collections American Silver of the XVII and XVIII Centuries: A Study Based on the Clearwater Collection (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1920), by C. Louise Avery, contrib. by R. T. Haines Halsey
Filed under: Costakis, Georgi -- Art collections -- Catalogs
Filed under: Degas, Edgar, 1834-1917 -- Art collections -- Exhibitions The Private Collection of Edgar Degas (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1997), by Ann Dumas, Colta Feller Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, and Gary Tinterow, trans. by Mark Polizzotti, contrib. by Françoise Cachin, Caroline Durand-Ruel Godfroy, Richard Kendall, Mari Kálmán Meller, Juliet Wilson-Bareau, Rebecca A. Rabinow, Theodore Reff, and Barbara Stern Shapiro (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) The Private Collection of Edgar Degas: A Summary Catalogue (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1997), by Colta Feller Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, and Julie A. Steiner, contrib. by Ann Dumas, Rebecca A. Rabinow, and Gary Tinterow (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) Filed under: Devonshire, Victor Christian William Cavendish, Duke of, 1868-1938 -- Art collections
Filed under: Diker, Charles -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Diker, Valerie -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Fitch, Clyde, 1865-1909 -- Art collections -- Catalogs Catalogue of the Valuable Art Property, Antiques, Curios and Artistic Objects of Utility Removed From the Residence of the Noted Playwright, the Late Clyde Fitch, to be Sold at Unrestricted Public Sale for the Benefit of the Actors' Fund of America (estate auction catalog, 1918), by American Art Association Filed under: Forster, John, 1812-1876 -- Art collections
Filed under: Gallatin, A. E. (Albert Eugene), 1881-1952 -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Gerry, Peggy -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Gerry, Roger, 1916- -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Gillott, Joseph, 1799-1872 -- Art collections -- CatalogsFiled under: Gonzaga family -- Art collections
Filed under: Gould, Edith M. Kingdon, -1921 -- Art collections -- Catalogs Objects of Art, Including Miniature Portraits, Battersea Enamels, Eighteenth Century Fans, Gold Mounted Snuff Boxes: Collection Belonging to the Estate of the Late Edith Kingdon Gould, Sold by Order of the Executors Jay Gould and Charles Prentiss Noyes (New York: American Art Association, 1929), by American Art Association
Filed under: Windsor, House of -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Greenfield, Charles A. -- Art collections -- ExhibitionsFiled under: Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951 -- Art collections
Filed under: Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951 -- Art collections -- CatalogsFiled under: Horowitz, Margaret -- Art collectionsFiled under: Horowitz, Raymond J. -- Art collections
Filed under: Irving, Florence -- Art collections -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Irving, Herbert -- Art collections -- ExhibitionsFiled under: Liechtenstein, House of -- Art collectionsFiled under: Ludwig, Peter, 1925-1996 -- Art collectionsFiled under: McCann, Helena Woolworth -- Art collectionsFiled under: Pfeiffer, Gustavus Adolphus, 1872-1953 -- Art collectionsFiled under: Richard II, King of England, 1367-1400 -- Art collectionsFiled under: Stroganov family -- Art collectionsFiled under: Università di Genova -- Art collectionsFiled under: Untermyer, Irwin -- Art collectionsFiled under: Weill, Guy A. -- Art collectionsFiled under: Weill, Marie-Hélène -- Art collectionsFiled under: Winston, Harry Lewis -- Art collectionsFiled under: Winston, Lydia, 1897-1989 -- Art collectionsFiled under: Wrightsman, Charles B. -- Art collectionsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |