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Filed under: Eschatology The Great Tribulation (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, ca. 1997), by David Chilton (PDF with commentary at He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillenial Eschatology (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, c1992), by Kenneth L. Gentry (PDF with commentary at Paradise Restored: A Biblical Theology of Dominion (fourth printing; Tyler, TX: Dominion Press, 1994), by David Chilton (PDF with commentary at Dominion and Common Grace: The Biblical Basis of Progress (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, c1987), by Gary North (PDF with commentary at The Conflict of the Ages: The Mystery of Lawlessness, its Origin, Historical Development and Coming Defeat (New York: Publication Office "Our Hope", et al., c1933), by Arno Clemens Gaebelein (multiple formats at Millenialism and Social Theory (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, c1990), by Gary North (PDF with commentary at The Legacy of Hatred Continues: A Response to Hal Lindsey's The Road to Holocaust (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, c1989), by Gary DeMar and Peter J. Leithart (PDF with commentary at The Doctrine of the Last Things: Jewish and Christian (London: John Murray, 1908), by W. O. E. Oesterley (HTML with commentary at The Dualism of Eternal Life: A Revolution in Eschatology (Rochester, NY: The author, c1916), by Stephen Speers Craig The End of Time: The First of the Rev. Dr. Watts His Discourses on the World to Come, Selected and Published for the More Easy Dispersing it, Into Private Families (Boston: S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1740), by Isaac Watts (page images at Concerning the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Being Gathered to Him (2 Thess. 2:1): A Lutheran Response to the "Left Behind" Series (St. Louis, MO: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, 2004), by Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Commission on Theology and Church Relations (PDF at 101 Signs of Christ's Coming: X-Raying Today's Crisis (third edition; Joliet, IL: C. O. Benham, c1937), by Charles O. Benham (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Belief of the First Three Centuries Concerning Christ's Mission to the Underworld (Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Co.; et al., 1854), by Frederic Huidekoper (page images at HathiTrust) Early Writings, by Ellen G. White (HTML at The Last Judgment (multiple translations), by Emanuel Swedenborg The Second Coming of the Lord, by Chauncey Giles (HTML at Swedenborg Digital Library) The Spirits in Prison, and Other Studies on the Life After Death (London: Wm. Isbister Limited, 1884), by E. H. Plumptre The Separated Soul in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas (dissertation published as Catholic University of America Philosophical Series v55; Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1940), by Victor Edmund Sleva (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Intermediate State and Prayers for the Dead, Examined in the Light of Scripture, and of Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature (London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1900), by Charles H. H. Wright (multiple formats at Google) La Escatologia Musulmana en la Divina Comedia (in Spanish; Madrid: E. Maestre, 1919), by Miguel Asín Palacios, contrib. by Julián Ribera
Filed under: Eschatology -- Biblical teaching The Parousia in the New Testament (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1966), by Arthur L. Moore (PDF files in the UK) The Debate Over Christian Reconstruction (Fort Worth: Dominion Press; Atlanta: American Vision Press, 1988), by Gary DeMar (PDF with commentary at The Reduction of Christianity: A Biblical Response to Dave Hunt (1990 edition), by Gary DeMar and Peter J. Leithart (PDF with commentary at Three Worlds, and The Harvest of This World (1877), by Nelson H. Barbour, contrib. by C. T. Russell (PDF at Wayback Machine) What on Earth is Happening? What Jesus Said About the End of the Age, by Ray C. Stedman (HTML at Torah in the Messianic Age and/or the Age to Come (Journal of Biblical Literature monograph series v7; Philadelphia: Society of Biblical Literature, 1952), by W. D. Davies (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Eschatology -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Eschatology -- History of doctrines
Filed under: Eschatology -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Eschatology -- Presbyterian Church
Filed under: Eschatology -- Sermons The Regal Advent, and the Resurrection, of the Past: A Sermon, the Sixth of a Series on These Subjects (Toronto: Printed by D.K. Winder, 1878), by Thomas Rattray
Filed under: Annihilationism Death not Life: or, The Destruction of the Wicked (12th edition; Buffalo: The author, 1868), by Jacob Blain (multiple formats at Google) Death not Life: or, The Theological Hell and Endless Misery Disproved, and the Doctrine of Destruction Established, by a Collection and Explanation of All Passages on Future Punishment; Also Metaphysical Arguments for the Immortality of the Wicked Exploded (New York: Pub. at the Office of the Bible Examiner, 1853), by Jacob Blain (multiple formats at Spice for Spiritualists: or, The Dogma of an Immortal Life Examined and Considered (Philadelphia: T. W. Stuckey, 1875), by John J. Woodward (multiple formats at The Unity of the Faith (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1881), by William R. Hart (PDF at Wayback Machine) The State of the Dead and the Destiny of the Wicked (Battle Creek, MI: Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association, 1873), by Uriah Smith (multiple formats at
Filed under: Antichrist The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist (Zug, Switzerland: Aurora Production AG, c2012), by Scott MacGregor (HTML at Antichrist, Armageddon and the End of the World (Temple City, CA: Radio School of the Bible, ca. 1957), by William W. Orr (multiple formats at The Antichrist, by Arthur Walkington Pink (multiple formats at CCEL) Bliz Griadushchii Antikhrist (in Russian; Moscow: Tip. Sviato-Troitskoi Sergievoi Lavry, 1911), by Sergi︠e︡ĭ Nilusʺ (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Coming Prince: The Last Great Monarch of Christendom (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1881), by Robert Anderson (page images at HathiTrust) Passional Christi und Antichristi (in German; woodcuts sometimes attributed to Hans and sometimes to Lucas Cranach; 1521), by Martin Luther, contrib. by Philip Melanchthon and Johann Schwertfeger, illust. by Hans Cranach and Lucas Cranach (page images at HathiTrust) The Pope is the Antichrist: A Demonstration From Scripture, History, and His Own Lips; Being a Precis of Dr. J.A. Wylie's Classic, "The Papacy is the Antichrist", by Ian Paisley, contrib. by J. A. Wylie (HTML at Wayback Machine) An Epistolary Discourse Concerning the Rise and Fall of Anti-Christ (Fredericton, NB: Reprinted for the publishers by J.P.A. Phillips, 1846), by Robert Fleming (multiple formats at Louis Napoleon the Destined Monarch of the World (19th thousand; Philadelphia: J. S. Claxton; London: Morgan and Chase, 1867), by M. Baxter (multiple formats at The Hidden Hand: The Protocols and the Coming Superman (Wichita, KS: Defender Publishers, c1933), by Gerald B. Winrod (multiple formats at The Mystery of Iniquity: An Expose of the Spirit and Nature of International Communism (Fresno, CA: Graeter Publishing Concern, c1933), by Louis Richard Patmont (page images at HathiTrust) Tri Razgovora (in Russian; Munich: Izd-vo Milavida, ca. 1910), by Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Buddhist eschatology
Filed under: Death -- Religious aspects The Tuma Underworld of Love: Erotic and Other Narrative Songs of the Trobriand Islanders and Their Spirits of the Dead (Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2011), by Gunter Senft (PDF with commentary at John Benjamins e-Platform) Reminiscences of the Best Hours of Life for the Hour of Death (Boston: Joseph Dowe, 1841), by Jean Paul (page images at Google) Nearing Home: Comforts and Counsels for the Aged, by William Edward Schenck (page images at MOA) A Short Account of the Exemplary Life and Triumphant Death of Theodosia Maxey, a Young Woman of Virginia, Whose Death Happened on the 3d Day of March, 1793 (Philadelphia: Printed for W. Glendinning by W. W. Woodward, 1794) (HTML at Evans TCP) The Intermediate State and Prayers for the Dead, Examined in the Light of Scripture, and of Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature (London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1900), by Charles H. H. Wright (multiple formats at Google)
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