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Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology)
Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Alabama
Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Alaska -- Aleutian IslandsFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Alberta
Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Algeria -- Djemila Ruines de Djemila (Antique Cuicul) (in French; Algiers: J. Carbonel, 1921), by Albert Ballu Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona Nalakihu: Excavations at a Pueblo III Site on Wupatki National Monument, Arizona (Museum of Northern Arizona bulletin #23; Flagstaff: Northern Arizona Society of Science and Art, in cooperation with the Southwestern Monuments Association, 1949), by Dale S. King, contrib. by Volney H. Jones, Charlie R. Steen, and Robert S. Harris (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Two Archaeological Studies in Northern Arizona: The Pueblo Ecology Study, Hail and Farewell; and A Brief Survey Through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River (Museum of Northern Arizona bulletin #30; Flagstaff: Northern Arizona Society of Science and Art, 1958), by Walter W. Taylor (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Glen Canyon Survey in 1957 (University of Utah Anthropological Papers #30; 1958), by Robert H. Lister (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona -- Santa Cruz CountyFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona -- Tsegi CanyonFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona -- Verde River ValleyFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona -- Walhalla PlateauFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona -- Wupatki National MonumentFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Glen Canyon (Utah and Ariz.)Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- CaliforniaFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Egypt Fouilles de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire (in French) (partial serial archives) A Century of Excavation in the Land of the Pharaohs (London: Religious Tract Society, ca. 1924), by James Baikie Tell el Amarna (London: Methuen and Co., 1894), by W. M. Flinders Petrie, contrib. by A. H. Sayce, F. Ll. Griffith, and F. C. J. Spurrell The Hawara Portfolio: Paintings of the Roman Age (1913), by W. M. Flinders Petrie Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1891), by Amelia B. Edwards (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers) Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site (N.D. and Mont.) Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site (32WI17) Material Culture Reports (10 volumes; 1986-1996), by William J. Hunt, Carole A. Angus, Carl R. Falk, and Steven Leroy De Vore Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Scotland
Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Scotland -- Aberdeen
Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Scotland -- Brough of BirsayFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- GreeceFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Hungary Die Prähistorische Ansiedelung Velem St. Vid: Beschreibung der Raubbaufunde (only volume published; in German; Vienna: C. Konegen, 1908), by Kálmán Miske Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- IllinoisFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- IsraelFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- LouisianaFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- MinnesotaFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- New Mexico Aztec Ruins National Monument: Administrative History of an Archeological Preserve (1990), by Robert H. Lister and Florence C. Lister Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- OregonFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- PalestineFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Pennsylvania An Exploration of Durham Cave in 1893 (Boston: Ginn and Co., 1897), by Henry C. Mercer Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Rio Grande Valley (Colo.-Mexico and Tex.)Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- RomeFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Snake Valley (Utah and Nev.)
Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- South Carolina -- Mount PleasantFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Southern StatesFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Southwest, NewFiled under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Turkey Nysa ad Maeandrum: Nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909 (Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft 10, in German; Berlin: G. Reimer, 1913), ed. by Walther von Diest, contrib. by Harry von Coler, Konrad Graefinghoff, Friedrich Hiller von Gaertringen, Heinrich Pringsheim, and Kurt Regling Filed under: Excavations (Archaeology) -- Utah 1961 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (University of Utah Anthropological Papers #63; 1963), by Floyd W. Sharrock, Kent C. Day, and David S. Dibble, contrib. by Erik Kellerman Reed and John F. Lance (page images at HathiTrust) 1959 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (University of Utah Anthropological Papers #49; 1960), by William D. Lipe, Floyd W. Sharrock, David S. Dibble, and Keith M. Anderson, contrib. by Christy G. Turner and Dee Ann Story (page images at HathiTrust) 1957 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (University of Utah Anthropological Papers #43; 1959), by James H. Gunnerson (page images at HathiTrust) The Glen Canyon Survey in 1957 (University of Utah Anthropological Papers #30; 1958), by Robert H. Lister (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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