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Filed under: Executions and executioners -- Québec (Province)
Filed under: Executions and executioners -- Québec (Province) -- Québec The Trial, condemnation and horrid execution of David M'Lean, formerly of Pennsylvania, for high treason, against the British government, at the city of Quebec, on the 21st of July last. Who was hanged, drawn, quartered and beheaded on the above day, with all the attendant circumstances of cruelty and barbarity. (Windham [Conn.]: : Printed [by John Byrne], 1797), by David McLane (HTML at Evans TCP)
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Filed under: Executions and executioners El Libro rojo, 1520-1867 (A. Pola, 1905), by Vicente Riva Palacio (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) La guillotine et les exécuteurs des arrêts criminels pendant la révolution; d'après des documents inédits tirés des archives de l'état (Perrin et cie., 1922), by G. Lenotre (page images at HathiTrust) Histoire des conspirations et des exécutions politiques en France, en Angleterre, en Russie, et en Espagne depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'á nos jours ... (G. Havard, 1849), by Emile Marco de Saint-Hilaire (page images at HathiTrust) Sept générations d'exécuteurs 1688-1847. (Dupray de la Mahèrie et cie, 1862), by Henri Sanson, d' Olbreuze, Henri Sanson, and Charles Henri Sanson (page images at HathiTrust) 88 men and 2 women (Doubleday, 1962), by Clinton T. Duffy (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Histoire des luttes, attentats et conspirations politiques ... tant en France, qu'en Angleterre, en Espagne et en Russie, etc., etc. (Au siège de l'Administration, 1849), by Emile Marco de Saint-Hilaire (page images at HathiTrust) Ocherki sovremennykh kazneĭ. (Moskva, 1906), by V. Vladimirov (page images at HathiTrust) Der Henker in der Volksmeinung; seine Namen und sein Vorkommen in der mündlichen Volksüberlieferung (F. Klopp, 1928), by Else Angstmann (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The guillotine and its servants (Hutchinson & co., 1929), by G. Lenotre and Maud Margaret Key Stawell (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) A hangman's diary, being the journal of Master Franz Schmidt, public executioner of Nuremberg, 1573-1617. (D. Appleton, 1928), by Franz Schmidt, Albert William Gruner, Charles Vincent Calvert, and Albrecht Keller (page images at HathiTrust) Il patibolo. Il carnefice ed il paziente, ventiquattr' ore di storia. (R. Stabilimento Lavagnino, 1868), by Giacomo Borgonovo (page images at HathiTrust) A hangman's diary, being the journal of Master Franz Schmidt, public executioner of Nuremberg, 1573-1617 (P. Allan & co., ltd., 1929), by Franz Schmidt, Albert William Gruner, Charles Vincent Calvert, and Albrecht Keller (page images at HathiTrust) Some distinguished victims of the scaffold (K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1905), by Horace Bleackley (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) La guillotine et les exécuteurs des arrêts criminels pendant la révolution, d'après des documents inédits tirés des archives de l'état (Perrin et cie., 1920), by G. Lenotre (page images at HathiTrust) Temple Bar : the City Golgotha : a narrative of the historical occurrences of a criminal character associated with the present Bar (D. Bogue, 1853), by James Holbert Wilson (page images at HathiTrust) Der Scharfrichter in der deutschen Kulturgeschichte (K. Schroeder, 1921), by Albrecht Keller (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Histoire des conspirations et des exécutions politiques en France, en Angleterre, en Russie, et en Espagne depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours ... terminée par un précis de la révolution de février et des événements de juin 1848. (G. Harvard, 1849), by Emile Marco de Saint-Hilaire (page images at HathiTrust) A tale of two cities. (Chapman and Hall, 1866), by Charles Dickens (page images at HathiTrust) Sept générations d'exécuteurs 1688-1847 : Mémoires des Sanson mis en ordre (Dupray de la Mahérie, 1862), by Henri Sanson (page images at HathiTrust) Bøddel og galgefugl et kulturhistorisk forsøg. (Gldendalske Boghandel Nordisk, 1910), by Hugo Matthiessen (page images at HathiTrust) Tyburn tree : its history and annals (Brown, Langham & Co., 1908), by Alfred Marks (page images at HathiTrust) Pariser-Schavottens historia, från 1688 till 1847 : eller, Familjen Sansons memoirer, ordnade, redigerade och utg. af H. Sanson (Tryckt hos N. Marcus, 1862), by d' Olbreuze, Henri Sanson, Charles Henri Sanson, and Henri Sanson (page images at HathiTrust) Bøddel og galgefugl : et kultur-historisk forsøg. (Gyldendal, 1910), by Hugo Matthiessen (page images at HathiTrust) La guillotine et les exécuteurs des arrêts criminels pendant la révolution d'après des documents inédits tirés des Archives de l'état (Perrin, 1910), by G. Lenotre (page images at HathiTrust) The importance of a religious education illustrated and enforced : a sermon, delivered at Worcester, October 31, 1793, occasioned by the execution of Samuel Frost, on that day, for the murder of Captain Elisha Allen, of Princeton, on the 16th day of July, 1793 (by Isaiah Thomas. Sold at the Worcester bookstore, 1793), by Aaron Bancroft (page images at HathiTrust) Billy Budd, Benito Cereno and the enchanted isles (Press of the Readers Club, 1942), by Herman Melville (page images at HathiTrust) La guillotine et les exécuteurs des arrêts criminels pendant la révolution, d'après des documents inédits tirés des Archives de l'état (Perrin et cie, 1927), by G. Lenotre (page images at HathiTrust) The trial of Henry Joseph and Amos Otis, for the murder of James Crosby, captain of the Brig Juniper, on the high seas. : In the Circuit Court of the United States, District of Massachusetts, holden at Boston--October term, 1834. (Published by Light & Horton, 1 & 3 Cornhill, 1834), by Henry Joseph, Amos Otis, Light and Horton, and United States. Circuit Court (Massachusetts) (page images at HathiTrust) The six who were hanged. ([New Orleans, 1924), by Clem G. Hearsey (page images at HathiTrust) Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire de la révolution français (A la Librairie Centrale, 1830), by L. F. L'Héritier and Honoré de Balzac (page images at HathiTrust) Die Pfählung : eine Form der Todesstrafe : Kultur- und Rechtshistorische Studie (Manz, 1903), by Sigmund Stiassny (page images at HathiTrust) Tagebücher der Henker von Paris, 1685 bis 1847 (G. Kiepenheuer, 1923), by Henri Sanson (page images at HathiTrust) Tyburn Tree: Its History and Annals, by Alfred Marks (Gutenberg ebook) El libro rojo, 1520-1867, Tomo II (in Spanish), by Vicente Riva Palacio, Rafael Martinez de la Torre, Juan A. Mateos, and Manuel Payno (Gutenberg ebook) El libro rojo, 1520-1867, Tomo I (in Spanish), by Vicente Riva Palacio, Rafael Martinez de la Torre, Juan A. Mateos, and Manuel Payno (Gutenberg ebook) Some Distinguished Victims of the Scaffold, by Horace Bleackley (Gutenberg ebook) The speeches and prayers of Major General Harison, Octob. 13. Mr. John Carew, Octob. 15. Mr. Justice Cooke, Mr. Hugh Peters, Octob. 16. Mr. Tho. Scott, Mr. Gregory Clement, Col. Adrian Scroop, Col. John Jones, Octob. 17. Col. Daniel Axtell, & Col. Fran. Hacker, Oct. 19: the times of their death. Together with severall occasionall speeches and passages in their imprisonment till they came to the place of execution. Faithfully and impartially collected for further satisfaction. ([London] : Printed [by Simon Dover and Thomas Creeke], anno Dom. 1660), by Thomas Harrison (HTML at EEBO TCP) Two speeches dflivered [sic] on the scaffold at Tower-Hill on Friday last,: by Mr. Christopher Love, and Mr. Gibbins, being the 22. of this instant August, 1651. With the manner of their deportment and carriage at the place of execution: and Mr. Love's declaration and propositions to the citizens of London, touching the King, Scots, and covenant. / By G.H. An ear-witness on the scaffold. (London : Printed for William Loe [sic], servant to the Common-wealth of England, 1651), by G. H., Christopher Love, and John Gibbons (HTML at EEBO TCP) Mr. Love his funeral sermon,: preached by himself on the scaffold on Tower Hill, in the hearing of many thousand people, on Friday the two and twentieth day of this instant August. Divided into three parts; 1. The matter for which he suffered, 2. The cleering or justifying of himself. 3. His exhortation to the people. (London : Printed by Robert Wood, 1651), by Christopher Love (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Executions and executioners -- Connecticut The last words and dying speech of Thomas Goss, in a private conference, previous to his exection. ([Connecticut? : s.n., 1778?]), by Thomas Goss (HTML at Evans TCP) The reasons and design of public punishments; a sermon, delivered before the people who were collected to the execution of Moses Dunbar, who was condemned for high treason against the state of Connecticut, and executed March 19th, A.D. 1777. / By Nathan Strong, Pastor of the First Church in Hartford. ; [One line of text] (Hartford: : Printed and sold by Eben. Watson,, M.DCC.LXXVII. [1777]), by Nathan Strong (HTML at Evans TCP) A sermon, preached in Hartford, June 10th, 1797, at the execution of Richard Doane. By Nathan Strong, Minister of the North Congregational Church in Hartford. ; To which is added, a short account of his life, as given by himself: also of the state of his mind during the time of his confinement, and at his death. (Hartford: : Printed by Elisha Babcock., 1797), by Nathan Strong (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Executions and executioners -- Early works to 1800 Sadducimus debellatus: or, a true narrative of the sorceries and witchcrafts exercis'd by the devil and his instruments upon Mrs. Christian Shaw, daughter of Mr. John Shaw, of Bargarran in the County of Renfrew in the West of Scotland, from Aug. 1696 to Apr. 1697. Containing the journal of her sufferings, as it was exhibited and prov'd by the voluntary confession of some of the witches, and other unexceptionable evidence, before the Commissioners appointed by the Privy Council of Scotland to enquire into the same. Collected from the records. Together with reflexions upon witchcraft in general, and the learned arguments of the lawyers, on both sides, at the trial of seven of those witches who were condemned: and some passages which happened at their execution. (London : printed for H. Newman and A. Bell; at the Grasshopper in the Poultry, and at the Crosse Keys and Bible in Cornhill near Stocks-Market, 1698), by Francis Grant Cullen (HTML at EEBO TCP) The last speech and confession of Sarah Elestone at the place of execution who was burned for killing her husband, April 24. 1678. With her deportment in prison since her condemnation. With allowance. ([London] : Printed for T.D., 1678), by Sarah Elestone (HTML at EEBO TCP) The true and perfect speeches of Colonel John Gerhard upon the scaffold at Tower-hill, on Munday last, and Mr. Peter Vowel at Charing-Cross, on Munday last, being the 11 of this instant July, 1654. With their declarations to the people touching the King of Scots; their protestations sealed with their blood; and their prayers immediatly before the fatal stroke of death was struck. Likewise, the speech of the Portugal ambassadors brother upon the scaffold, his acknowledgment and confession; and the great and wonderful miracle that hapned upon the putting of Mr. Gerard into the coffin. Taken by an ear witness, and impartially communicated for general satisfaction. (Imprinted at London : for C. Horton, 1654), by John Gerard and Peter Vowell (HTML at EEBO TCP) To the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of Francis Wicker, the wife of Robert Wicker ([S.l. : s.n., 1655]), by Francis Wicker (HTML at EEBO TCP) The life and death of Charles the First King of Great Britain, France and Ireland: containing an account of his sufferings; his tryal, sentence, and dying words on the scaffold; and his sorrowful farewel and advice to his children, and the whole nation in general. (London : printed by J. Bradford, in Fetter-Lane, [1690]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A true account of the behaviour, last dying words, and execution of John Hutchins, the sollicitor who was executed on a gibbet erected in Fleet-Street, for the murther of John Sparks, a water-man, on Wednesday the 17th. of December, 1684. Printed by order, &c. ([London : printed by E.R. for R. Turner at the Star in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1684]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The true and perfect speech of John James, a Baptist, and fifth-monarchy-man, on Wednesday last at Tyburn, the place of execution with his prayer and confession, in presence of many hundreds of people, and his desire to the sheriff of London; also a declaration, concerning the charge of high-treason exhibited against him, touching his sermon preached in White-Chappel, taking his text out of the eighth Psalm, and the second verse; his doctrines thereupon; and a true narrative of his proceedings, to the last minute of his being executed under the gallows. (London : printed for George Horton, 1661), by John James (HTML at EEBO TCP) The noble resolution delivered in a paper thrown over the scaffold at Edenborough, by Patt. Leithe of Hearthill; one of the commanders of His Majesties forces in the kingdom of Scotland, at his death, not being permitted to deliver himselfe in vvords. The. 26. of October, 1647. Sent in a letter from Scotland. (London : [s.n.], printed in the yeare, 1647), by Patrick Leith (HTML at EEBO TCP) The life and death of James commonly called Collonel Turner executed at Lime-street end Ianua[ry] the 21. 1663. for a burglary and fellony committed in the house of Mr. Francis Tryon of Limestreet, Merchant. Licensed and entred. (London : printed for T.J., 1663), by James Turner (HTML at EEBO TCP) A new and perfect relation of the takeing and apprehending five pyrates, viz. P.F. J.M. J.F-G. Irish-men. I.G. and I.F. English-men. That stole a merchants ship in Amsterdam; and having her at sea, they killed all the men that were aboard the ship, and brought her to Ireland, and there sold her merchants goods. Together with their tryals, speeches, and confessions at the place of execution; as they, were truly gathered by one that was present at their tryals and execution. By D.M. ([London] : Printed for I. Conniers, in Duck-Lane, [1670]), by D. M. (HTML at EEBO TCP) An impartial account of the behaviour of Sir Thomas Armstrong, from the time of his apprehension to his execution: with his deportment at Tybourn; where he was executed for high-treason, on Friday the 20th day of June, 1684. (London : Printed by Geo. Croom, at the sign of the Blue Ball over against Baynard's Castle in Thames-street, 1684) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A looking-glass for the times in the tryal and martyrdom of King Charles the I. of glorious memory. With his excellent speech on the scaffold which was erected before his royal palace at Whitehall. With the charge of the Commons of England. (London : [s.n.], printed in the year MDCLXXXIX. [1689]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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