Fast day sermons -- 1721 May 10See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1721 May 10
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Filed under: Fast day sermons- "Vain is the help of man." A sermon preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Thursday, September 15, 1864, being the day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, appointed by the governor of the state of Georgia. (Burke, Boykin & company, 1864), by Stephen Elliott (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ezra's dilemma. A sermon preached in Christ church, Saannah, on Friday, August 21 st, 1863, being the day of humiliation, fasting and prayer, appointed by the President of the Confederate States (Power Press of G,N. Nichols, 1863), by Stephen Elliott (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lessons from an ancient fast. A discourse delivered in the Citadel Square Church, Charleston, S. C., on the occasion of the general fast, Thursday, June 13, 1861 (Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell, 1861), by J. R. Kendrick (page images at HathiTrust)
- A discourse before the General Assembly of South Carolina, on December 10, 1863, appointed by the legislature as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer. (C.P. Pelham, state printer, 1864), by B. M. Palmer (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gods call to his people to turn unto him; together with his promise to turn unto them. Opened and applied in II. sermons at two publick fasting-dayes appointed by authority. / By Mr. John Davenport: B.D. and Pastor to the First Church of Christ at Boston in New-England. ; Published by the desire of sundry friends. (Cambridge [Mass.]: : Printed by S.G. [Samuel Green] and M.J. [Marmaduke Johnson] for John Usher of Boston., MDCLXIX. [1669]), by John Davenport (HTML at Evans TCP)
- A seasonable discourse wherein sincerity & delight in the service of God is earnestly pressed upon professors of religion. Delivered on a publick fast, at Cambridge in New-England, / by the Reverend, and learned Urian Oakes, late Pastor of the church there and praesident of Harvard Colledge. ; [Eight lines of Scripture texts] (Cambridge [Mass.], : Printed by Samuel Green, 1682), by Urian Oakes and Increase Mather (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1645 June 25- Wine for Gospel wantons: or, Cautions against spirituall drunkenness. Being the brief notes of a sermon preached at Cambridge in New-England, upon a day of publick fasting and prayer throughout the colony, June 25. 1645. In reference to the sad estate of the Lords people in England. / By that Reverend servant of the Lord, Mr. Thomas Shepard deceased, sometimes the Pastor of the Church of Christ there. ; [Five lines of Scripture texts] ; Imprimatur, Charles Chauncy. John Sherman. (Cambridge [Mass.]: : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1668), by Thomas Shepard, Charles Chauncy, and John Sherman (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1674 Feb. 11
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1674 Jan. 26- A fast of Gods chusing, plainly opened, for the help of those poor in spirit, whose hearts are set to seek the Lord their God in New-England, in the solemn ordinance of a fast wherein is shewed 1. The nature of such a fast. 2. The testimony God will give thereunto of his gracious acceptation. 3. The special seasons wherein God will bear witness to such a fast. 4. Some helps to faith that it shall be so. 5. Why such a fast is so acceptable and successfull. 6. How much this concerns Gods people in New-England. : Preached on a fast called by publick authority, on 26. 1. 74. / By Thomas Thacher, Pastor of a church in Boston. (Boston, : Printed by John Foster,, 1678), by Thomas Thacher and Increase Mather (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1677 Mar. 21
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1678 July 3- Pray for the rising generation, or A sermon wherein godly parents are encouraged, to pray and believe for their children, preached the third day of the fifth month, 1678. which day was set apart by the Second Church in Boston in New-England, humbly to seek unto God by fasting and prayer, for a spirit of converting grace, to be poured out upon the children and rising generation in New-England. / By Increase Mather, teacher of that church. ; [Seven lines of quotations] (Cambridge [Mass.]: : Printed by Samuel Green, and sold by Edmund Ranger in Boston., 1678), by Increase Mather (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1678 Nov. 21- The necessity of the pouring out of the spirit from on high upon a sinning apostatizing people, set under judgment, in order to their merciful deliverance and salvation. As it was delivered in part, upon 21. 9. 1678. being a general fast throughout the united colonies of N.E. / By William Adams, Pastor of the Church in Dedham. ; [Ten lines of Scripture texts] (Boston; : Printed by John Foster, for William Avery, near the sign of the Blew Anchor., 1679), by William Adams, Samuel Torrey, and Josiah Flint (HTML at Evans TCP)
- The possiblity of Gods forsaking a people, that have been visibly near & dear to him together, with the misery of a people thus forsaken, set forth in a sermon, preached at Weathersfield, Nov. 21, 1678. Being a day of fast and humiliation. / By Mr. Joseph Rowlandson Pastor of the church of Christ there. ; Being also his last sermon. ; [Four lines of Scripture texts] (Boston in New-England : Printed [by Samuel Green] for John Ratcliffe, & John Griffin,, 1682), by Joseph Rowlandson (HTML at Evans TCP)
- The possiblity of Gods forsaking a people, that have been visibly near & dear to him together, with the misery of a people thus forsaken, set forth in a sermon, preached at Weathersfield, Nov. 21, 1678. Being a day of fast and humiliation. / By Mr. Joseph Rowlandson Pastor of the church of Christ there. ; Being also his last sermon. ; [Four lines of Scripture texts] (Cambridge [Mass.]: : Printed by Samuel Green., [1682]), by Joseph Rowlandson (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1681 Feb. 15
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1682
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1682 June 24Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1687 July 26Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1692- A midnight cry an essay for our awakening out of that sinful sleep, to which we are at this time too much disposed; and for our discovering of what peculiar things there are in this time, that are for our awakening. In a discourse given on a day of prayer, kept by the North-Church in Boston. 1692. / By Cotton Mather. ; Now published for the use of that church, together with a copy of acknowledgments and protestations made in pursuance of the reformation, whereto we are to be awakened. ; [One line of Latin text] (Boston, : Printed by John Allen, for Samuel Phillips, and are to be sold at his shop, at the west-end of the Town-House., 1692), by Cotton Mather and Mass.) Second Church (Boston (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1694 Aug. 23Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1707 Apr. 16Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1716 Mar. 22Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1717 Jan. 8- Zelotes. A zeal for the house of God, blown up, in a sermon unto an assembly of Christians; in the south-part of Boston. On 8. d. XI. m. 1716,17. : A day of prayer kept by them, at their first entrance into a new edifice erected by them, for the publick worship of God our Saviour. / By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. ; [Two lines from St. Ambrose] (Boston: : Printed by J. Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the sign of the Bible in Cornhill,, 1717), by Cotton Mather and Mass.) New South Church (Boston (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1717 June 14- Bridgwater's monitor. Two sermons, preached unto a new-assembly, of Christians at Bridgwater. On, 14d. VI. m. 1717. A day of prayer kept by them, at their entring into the new-edifice, erected for the worship of God among them. / The first, by James Keith, Pastor of the church in Bridgwater. ; The second, by Samuel Danforth, Pastor of the church in Taunton. ; With a preface of Dr. Increase Mather, and Dr. Cotton Mather. (Boston: : Printed by T. Crump, for Samuel Phillips, and sold at his shop in King-Street, 1717), by James Keith, Increase Mather, Cotton Mather, and Samuel Danforth (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1719 Apr. 2Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1722 Nov. 13Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1727 Dec. 21Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1727 Dec. 24Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1727 Nov. 1- Thunder and earthquake, a loud and awful call to reformation. Consider'd in a sermon preached at Brooklyn [i.e., Brookline, Mass.], November the first; upon a special fast, occasion'd by the earthquake, which happen'd in the evening after the 29th day of October 1727. : Now published with enlargements. / By James Allin, Minister of the Gospel there. (Boston, N.E. : Printed by Gamaliel Rogers, for Joseph Edwards at the corner shop on the north side of the town-house., [1727]), by James Allin (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1727 Nov. 2- The judgments of Providence in the hand of Christ: his voice to us in the terrible earthquake. And the earth devoured by the curse. : In four sermons. / By Benjamin Colman. ; [Four lines from Isaiah] (Boston: : Printed for J. Phillips at the Stationers-Arms on the south side of the town-house, and T. Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns near the town dock,, 1727), by Benjamin Colman (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Earthquakes the works of God and tokens of his just displeasure. Two sermons on Psal. xviii. 7. At the particular fast in Boston, Nov. 2. and the general thanksgiving, Nov. 9. Occasioned by the late dreadful earthquake. Wherein among other things is offered a brief account of the natural causes of these operations in the hands of God: with a relation of some late terrible ones in other parts of the world, as well as those that have been perceived in New-England since it's [sic] settlement by English inhabitants. / By Thomas Prince, M.A. and one of the Pastors of the South Church in Boston. ; [Four lines from Psalms] (Boston in New-England: : Printed for D. Henchman, over against the Brick Meeting House in Cornhill., MDCCXXVII. [1727]), by Thomas Prince (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1727 Nov. 3- A holy fear of God, and his judgments, exhorted to: in a sermon preach'd at Newton, November 3. 1727. On a day of fasting and prayer, occasion'd by the terrible earthquake that shook New-England, on the Lords-Day night before. / By John Cotton, Pastor of the Church of Christ there. ; With an appendix containing a remarkable account of the extraordinary impressions made on the inhabitants of Haverhill, &c. ; [Five lines of Scripture quotations] (Boston: : Printed by B. Green, Jun. for S. Gerrish, at the lower end of Cornhill., M.DCC.XXVII. [1727]), by John Cotton and John Brown (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1733 Apr. 18Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1740 Dec. 3Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1750 Feb. 28- The sad tendency of divisions and contentions in churches, to bring on their ruin and desolation. As it was shewed in a sermon, delivered at the West-Farms, in Norwich, on a day of fasting, Feb. 28. 1750. : Published at the desire of some who heard it, and of others. / By Solomon Williams, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Lebanon. (Newport [R.I.]: : Printed by James Franklin, at the printing-office, under the Town-School-House., [1751?]), by Solomon Williams (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1755 Jan. 1- A discourse delivered at New-Ark, in New-Jersey. January 1, 1755. Being a day set apart for solemn fasting and prayer, on account of the late encroachments of the French, and their designs against the British colonies in America. / By Aaron Burr, A.M. President of the College of New-Jersey. ; [Four lines of Scripture texts] (New-York: : Printed and sold by Hugh Gaine, at the printing office in Queen-Street, between Fly and Meal-Market, M,DCCLV. (Price, one shilling, and three coppers.), [1755]), by Aaron Burr (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1756 Jan. 8Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1769 Apr. 6- A concise, historical view of the perils, hardships, difficulties and discouragements which have attended the planting and progressive improvements of New-England; with a particular account of its long and destructive wars, expensive expeditions, &c. : With reflections, principally, moral and religious. : In two discourses, preached at Roxbury on the general fast, April 6. 1769. : And published at the general desire of the hearers. / By Amos Adams, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Roxbury. ; [Seven lines of quotations] (Boston: : Printed and sold by Kneeland and Adams, next to the Treasurer's Office in Milk-Street., MDCCLXIX. [1769]), by Amos Adams (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1770 Apr. 18- A brief view of the distresses, hardships and dangers our ancestors encounter'd, in settling New-England-- the privileges we enjoy, and our obligations thence arising; with moral reflections thereupon. : In two sermons, delivered at Litchfield, on the general fast, April 18, 1770. / By Judah Champion, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Litchfield. ; [Five lines of quotations] (Hartford: : Printed by Green & Watson, near the Great-Bridge,, M,DCC,LXX. [1770]), by Judah Champion (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1774 Aug. 31- A sermon, containing Scriptural instructions to civil rulers, and all free-born subjects. In which the principles of sound policy and good government are established and vindicated; and some doctrines advanced and zealously propagated by New-England Tories, are considered and refuted. : Delivered on the public fast, August 31, 1774. : With an address to the freemen of the colony. / By Samuel Sherwood, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Fairfield. ; Also, an appendix, stating the heavy grievances the colonies labour under from several late acts of the British Parliament, and shewing what we have just reason to expect the consequences of these measures will be. By the Rev. Ebenezer Baldwin, of Danbury. ; [Five lines of quotations] (New-Haven, : Printed by T. and S. Green., [1774]), by Samuel Sherwood and Ebenezer Baldwin (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1774 July 14- The importance of righteousness to the happiness, and the tendency of oppression to the misery of a people, illustrated in two discourses delivered at Brookfield, July 4 [i.e., 14] 1774. Being a day observed by general consent through the province, (at the recommendation of the late House of Representatives) as a day of public fasting and prayer, on account of the threatning aspect of our public affairs. / By Nathan Fiske, A.M. Pastor of the Third Church in Brookfield. ; (Published at the desire of the hearers.) ; [Five lines of Scripture texts] (Boston: : Printed by John Kneeland, in Milk-Street., MDCCLXXIV. [1774]), by Nathan Fiske (HTML at Evans TCP)
- The duty of a people under the oppression of man, to seek deliverance from God. The substance of two sermons, delivered at Barnstable, July 14th, 1774. A day set apart for humiliation and prayer on account of the present dark and melancholy aspect of our public affairs. / By Timothy Hilliard, A.M. Pastor of the East Church in that town. ; Published at the general desire of the hearers. ; [Five lines from King Solomon] (Boston: : Printed at Greenleaf's printing-office, Hanover-Street,, M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774]), by Timothy Hilliard (HTML at Evans TCP)
- Reformation of manners, of absolute necessity in order to conciliate the divine favour, in times of public evil and distress. Shewn in two sermons, preached at Worcester, upon a special fast observed there, as well as in many other towns, July 14th, 1774. On account of the pubic difficulties of the present day. / By Thaddeus Maccarty, A.M. Pastor of the church in Worcester. ; [Three lines from Psalms] (Boston: : Printed and sold by William M'Alpine, about mid-way between the Province-House, and Dr. Gardiner's, in Marlborough-Street., M,DCCLXXIV. [1774]), by Thaddeus Maccarty (HTML at Evans TCP)
- The misery and duty of an oppress'd and enslav'd people, represented in a sermon delivered at Salisbury, July 14, 1774. : On a day set apart for fasting and prayer, on account of approaching public calamities. : Published by request. / By Samuel Webster, A.M. Pastor of a church in Salisbury. (Boston: : Printed by Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street., M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774]), by Samuel Webster (HTML at Evans TCP)
- The transgression of a land punished by a multitude of rulers. Considered in two discourses, delivered July 14, 1774, being voluntarily observed in most of the religious assemblies throughout the province of Massachusetts-Bay, as a day of fasting and prayer, on account of the dark aspect of our public affairs: ; and now published at the desire of the hearers, to whom they are inscribed. / By Peter Whitney, A.M. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Northborough. (Boston: : Printed by John Boyle in Marlborough-Street., MDCCLXXIV. [1774]), by Peter Whitney (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1775Filed under: Fast day sermons -- 1775 July 20- A sermon, preached at York-Town, before Captain Morgan's and Captain Price's companies of rifle-men, on Thursday, July 20, 1775. Being the day recommended by the Honorable Continental Congress for a general fast throughout the twelve united colonies of North-America. / By Daniel Batwell, M.A. ; Published by request. (Philadelphia: : Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street., M,DCC,LXXV. [1775]), by Daniel Batwell (HTML at Evans TCP)
- The American vine, a sermon, preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, before the Honourable Continental Congress, July 20th, 1775. Being the day recommended by them for a general fast throughout the united English colonies of America. / By the Reverend Jacob Duchë, M.A. (Philadelphia. : Printed by James Humphreys, Junior., M,DCC,LXXV. [1775]), by Jacob Duché and United States Continental Congress (HTML at Evans TCP)
- A sermon, delivered at Middletown, July 20th, A.D. 1775, the day appointed by the Continental Congress, to be observed by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer. / By Enoch Huntington, A.M. and Pastor of the First Church in Middletown. ; Published at the request of the auditors. (Hartford: : Printed by Eben. Watson, near the Great Bridge., [1775]), by Enoch Huntington (HTML at Evans TCP)
- A sermon preached at Roxbury-Camp, before Col. Cotton's regiment; on the 20th of July, P.M. 1775. : Being a day set apart for fasting and prayer, throughout all the united colonies in America. / By Ezra Samson, colleague Pastor of the First Church in Plymton. ; (Published at the request of the officers of said regiment.) ; [Two lines from Judges] (Watertown [Mass.]: Printed and sold by Benjamin Edes., 1775), by Ezra Sampson (HTML at Evans TCP)
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