Fasts and feasts -- Québec (Province)See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Fasts and feasts -- Québec (Province) Mandement de Monseigneur l'évêque de Québec qui permet à travailler à certains jours de fêtes (Samuel Neilson, 1791), by Eglise catholique. Diocèse de Québec. Evêque (1788-1797 : Hubert), Joseph Octave Plessis, and Jean François Hubert (page images at HathiTrust) Mandement de Monseigneur l'évêque de Québec qui révoque certaines dispositions de deux mandemens précédens, et pourvoit à quelques autres objets (s.n., 1793), by Eglise catholique. Diocèse de Québec. Evêque (1788-1797 : Hubert), Joseph Octave Plessis, and Jean François Hubert (page images at HathiTrust) Souvenir du jubilé sacerdotal hommage reconnaissant à notre vénéré père de Rev. G. L. Lemoine, Ursulines de Québec, le 16 mars 1889. (s.n., 1889) (page images at HathiTrust) Circulaire de Monseigneur l'évêque de Montréal au clergé de son diocèse accompagnant le mandement du jubilé de 1865 (s.n., 1865), by Église catholique. Diocèse de Montréal. Évêque (1840-1876 : Bourget) and Ignace Bourget (page images at HathiTrust) Lettre circulaire au clergé du diocèse de Montréal vous trouverez, de l'autre part, copie de la lettre circulaire de Mgr. l'archevêque de Québec annonçant la célébration du second Concile provincial .. (s.n., 1854), by Église catholique. Diocèse de Montréal. Évêque (1840-1876 : Bourget) and Ignace Bourget (page images at HathiTrust) Exercices du jubilé de l'année 1830 pour la ville et la paroisse Notre-Dame de Québec (C. Le François, 1830), by Notre-Dame de Québec (Paroisse) (page images at HathiTrust) [Lettre] les pouvoirs extraordinaires accordés au clergé pour les temps de concours devant expirer à la fin de la présente année .. (s.n., 1865), by Église catholique. Diocèse de Montréal. Vicaire général (1840- 1872 : Truteau) and A. F. Truteau (page images at HathiTrust) Circulaire ayant été autorisé, par un indult du St. Siége [sic] en date du 10 juillet 1840 ... (s.n., 1841), by Église catholique. Diocèse de Québec. Évêque (1833-1844 : Signay) (page images at HathiTrust) Tabula titularium ecclesiarum archidiocesis Quebecensis (s.n.], 1863) (page images at HathiTrust) Appendices au mandement de Mgr. l'évêque de Montréal concernant l'institution de la fête de St. Zénon et de ses compagnons martyrs contenant divers actes propres a en donner l'explication. (s.n., 1870), by Église catholique. Diocèse de Montréal. Évêque (1840-1876 : Bourget) and Ignace Bourget (page images at HathiTrust) Circulaire au clergé accompagnant le mandement sur le 18e anniversaire séculaire du martyre de St. Pierre et St. Paul (s.n., 1867), by Église catholique. Diocèse de Montréal. Évêque (1840-1876 : Bourget) and Ignace Bourget (page images at HathiTrust) Circulaire au clergé il a plu à N.S.P. le pape d'appeler tous les évêques de l'univers catholique autour de sa personne sacrée, pour célébrer le 18e anniversaire séculaire du martyre des bienheureux âpotres Pierre et Paul .. (s.n., 1867), by Église catholique. Diocèse de Montréal. Évêque (1840-1876 : Bourget) and Ignace Bourget (page images at HathiTrust) Fête des rois, 6 janvier 1856 discours de l'Hon. M. Chauveau. (s.n., 1856), by Pierre-J.-Olivier Chauveau (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Christmas -- Québec (Province)
Filed under: John the Baptist's Day -- Québec (Province) -- Montréal
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Fasts and feasts Pagan Holidays, or God's Holy Days: Which?, by Herbert W. Armstrong (multiple formats with commentary at The Hidden Side of Christian Festivals (Los Angeles et al.: St. Alban Press, 1920), by C. W. Leadbeater The Festival of the Dead (reprinted as New Materials for the History of Man #1; Toronto: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 1920), by R. G. Haliburton (page images at HathiTrust) The Pilgrimage of Etheria (1919 SPCK edition of all extant portions of this work), by Egeria, trans. by M. L. McClure and Charles Lett Feltoe (HTML at CCEL) The Pilgrimage of S. Silvia of Aquitania to the Holy Places (Circ. 385 A.D.) (in English only (Latin text omitted); London: Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society, 1896), by Egeria, ed. by J. H. Bernard, contrib. by Charles William Wilson (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers) De garĕbĕg's te Ngajogyåkartå (M. Nijhoff, 1895), by I. Groneman and Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal- (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography, & history, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character (J. B. Lippincott company, 1914), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain : chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar and provincial customs, ceremonies, and superstitions (H.G. Bohn, 1853), by John Brand and Henry Ellis (page images at HathiTrust) The festal year; or, The origin, history, ceremonies and meaning of the Sundays, seasons, feasts and festivals of the church during the year, explained for the people (Russell brothers, 1883), by Jas. L. Meagher (page images at HathiTrust) The pilgrimage of Etheria (Society for promoting Christian knowledge;, 1919), by Charles Lett Feltoe and M. L. McClure (page images at HathiTrust) Cornish feasts and folk-lore. (Beare and son, 1890), by M. A. Courtney (page images at HathiTrust) Die pilgerreise der Aetheria. (F. Schöningh, 1927), by August Bludau (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Christmas in ritual and tradition, Christian and pagan (T. F. Unwin, 1913), by Clement A. Miles (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Nucleus & medulla postillarum. Vel: Dispositiones methodicae omnium Euangeliorum, cum dominicalium, tum festorum per totum annum, unà cum synopsi & delineatione methodica totius historiae passionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, ex variis autoribus ... concinnatae ... (sumtibus I. & H. Stern, bibliopp. Lünaeb, 1617), by Christophorus Barbarossa (page images at HathiTrust) Les vies des saints et fêtes de toute l'année (L. Vivès, 1857), by Pedro de Ribadeneyra, Timoléon Vassel de Fautereau, and Éduard Daras (page images at HathiTrust) Cambodge; fêtes civiles et religieuses. (Imprimerie nationale, 1916), by Adhémard Leclère (page images at HathiTrust) Das Jahr und seine Feste : die Feste und Feiertage des Jahres, ihre Entstehung, Entwicklung und Bedeutung in Geschichte, Sage, Sitte und Gebrauch (J.E.G. Wegner, 1917), by Johann Heinrich Albers (page images at HathiTrust) Kalendarium manuale utriusque ecclesiae orientalis et occidentalis (typis et sumptibus Feliciani Rauch (K. Pustet), 1896), by Nicolaus Nilles (page images at HathiTrust) De theoxeniis ... (typis C. Georgi, 1881), by Friedrich Mattheis Deneken (page images at HathiTrust) Kalendarium manuale utriusque ecclesiae orientalis et occidentalis : academiis clericorum accommodatum (Feliciani Rauch, 1879), by Nicolaus Nilles (page images at HathiTrust) Sĕrbătorile la Românĭ. (Institul de arte grafice C. Göbl, 1898), by Simion Florea Marian and Academia Română (1879-1948) (page images at HathiTrust) De Chineezen; hun godsdienst, hun jaartelling en hunne feestdagen, met talrijke illustratien (N. Veenstra, 1900), by A. S. H. Booms (page images at HathiTrust) Paisajes y leyendas, tradiciones y costumbres de Mexico. (Imprenta y Litografía Española, 1884), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano (page images at HathiTrust) Heilige Stunden; Predigten auf alle Festtage des Kirchenjahres nebst einigen Predigten aus dem letzten Teile der Trinitatiszeit. (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1914), by Rudolf Steinmetz (page images at HathiTrust) Calendari folklòric d'Urgell. (S.A. - I.G. Seix & Barral herms., 1916), by Valerio Serra y Boldú (page images at HathiTrust) Hand-Postille; oder, Christkatholisches Unterrichts- und Erbauungsbuch ... (L. Mayer, 1878), by Leonard Goffine (page images at HathiTrust) Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen (M. Cohen & Sohn (F. Cohn), 1889), by Hermann Usener (page images at HathiTrust) Faiths and folklore : a dictionary of national beliefs, superstitions and popular customs, past and current, with their classical and foreign analogues (Reeves and Turner, 1905), by John Brand, William Carew Hazlitt, and Henry Ellis (page images at HathiTrust) Die heiligen Zeiten und Feste nach ihrer Geschichte und Feier in der katholischen Kirche (C.G. Kunze, 1863), by Markus Adam Nickel (page images at HathiTrust) So many pathways (The Womans Press, 1940), by Annie Barclay Kerr (page images at HathiTrust) The Paschal or Lent fast, apostolical and perpetual : at first delivered in a sermon preached before his majesty in Lent, and since enlarged, wherein the judgment of antiquity is laid down (Oxford : J. H. Parker, 1845., 1845), by Peter Gunning (page images at HathiTrust) Good cheer : the romance of food and feasting (Sturgis & Walton, 1911), by Frederick William Hackwood (page images at HathiTrust) Saints and festivals of the Christian church (Frederick A. Stokes company, 1904), by H. Pomeroy Brewster (page images at HathiTrust) New curiosities of literature : and book of the months. (E. Churton, 1849), by George Soane (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days : a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography & history, curiosities of literature, and oddities of human life and character (W. & R. Chambers, 1869), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) Les vies des saints et fêtes de toute l'année (L. Vivès, 1872), by Pedro de Ribadeneyra and Édouard Daras (page images at HathiTrust) Überreste germanischen Heidentums im Christentum; oder, Die Wochentage, Monate und christlichen Feste etymologisch, mythologisch, symbolisch und historisch erklärt. (Verlag von Emil Sommermeyer, 1883), by K A Oberle (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days; a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography & history, curiosities of literature, and oddities of human life and character. (W. & R. Chambers, 1888), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days; a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography, and history, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character. (W. & R. Chambers, 1869), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography, & history, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character. (W. & R. Chambers;, 1863), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) Holidays, and the reasons why they are observed. (Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1860), by Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Publication (page images at HathiTrust) Heortologie, oder, die geschichtliche Entwicklung des Kirchjahres und der Heiligenfeste : von den ältesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart (Herder, 1911), by K. A. Heinrich Kellner (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Festkalendar in Bildern und Liedern : geistlich und weltlich (Herder, 1887), by Franz Pocci and Guido Görres (page images at HathiTrust) Russkīĭ narod, ego obychi, obri︠a︡dy, predanīia︡︠, suevie︡︠rīia︡︠ i poėzīia︡︠ (Izd. knigoprodavts︡︠a M. Berezina, 1880), by M. Zabylin (page images at HathiTrust) Review of compensatory time for religious observance : Social Security Administration. (Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, Audit Agency, 1981), by United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Audit Agency and United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Inspector General (page images at HathiTrust) Beschreibung des jüdischen Neu-Jahr-Festes nach ihrer Lehre und gewöhnlichen Gebräuchen aus den talmudischen und rabbinischen Schrifften vorgestellt. (zu haben bey dem Verfasser und bey Felsseckers seel.Erben, 1755), by Adam Rudolf Georg Christoph Matthäi (page images at HathiTrust) Feasts and fasts; an essay on the rise, progress, and present state of the laws relating to Sundays and other holidays, and days of fasting (J. Murray [etc.], 1845), by Edward Vansittart Neale (page images at HathiTrust) Popular antiquities of Great Britain. Faiths and folklore; a dictionary of national beliefs, superstitions and popular customs, past and current, with their classical and foreign analogues described and illustrated. (Reeves and Turner, 1905), by John Brand, William Carew Hazlitt, and Henry Ellis (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days; a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography, & history, curiosities of literature and oddities of huma life and character (W. & R. Chambers, 1878), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) Novena carta pastoral : dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Sonora y del Vicariato Apostólico de la Baja California (Tip. de A. Ramírez, 1889), by Herculano López (page images at HathiTrust) A treatise of repentance and of fasting : especially of the Lent-fast. In III parts (R. Royston, 1686), by Simon Patrick (page images at HathiTrust) Essai d'un nouveau calendrier liturgique, ou Classification nouvelle et raisonnée des fêtes pour tout le cours de l'année Chrétienne. (J.M. Eberhart, 1803), by N. Duffaut (page images at HathiTrust) Der Festkalender, enthaltend: Die Sinndeute der monatszeichen, die Entstehungs und umbildungsgeschichte von Naturfestten in Kirchenfeste ... (Verlag des Herausgegebers, 1847), by F. Nork (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days. A miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography, & history, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character. (W. & R. Chambers, 1864), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) Osservazioni contro il progetto di soppressione d'alcune feste religiose nel cantone Ticino. (Lugano : Tipografia Traversa e Degiori, 1868., 1868) (page images at HathiTrust) New curiosities of literature & book of the months. (Churton, 1847), by George Soane and J. Billing (page images at HathiTrust) Holy-days and holidays : a treasury of historical material, sermons in full and in brief, suggestive thoughts, and poetry, relating to holy days and holidays (Funk & Wagnalls, 1902), by Edward Mark Deems (page images at HathiTrust) Chambers's book of days, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography & history, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character. (W. & R. Chambers, 1873), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days; a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography & history, curiosities of literature, and oddities of human life and character. (W. & R. Chambers, 1881), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) The lives of saints, collected from authentick records, of church history. With a full account of the other festivals throughout the year. The whole interspersed with suitable reflections ... To which is prefix'd a treatise on the moveable feasts and fasts of the church. (Meighan, 1729), by Charles Fell and Adrien Baillet (page images at HathiTrust) Thoughts on materialism : and on religious festivals, and sabbaths (Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1833), by Henry Bradshaw Fearon (page images at HathiTrust) Les vies des saints et fêtes de toute l'année (L. Vivès, 1855), by Pedro de Ribadeneyra and Édouard Daras (page images at HathiTrust) The church seasons (Hart, 1892), by P. H. Dixon (page images at HathiTrust) Questions on the chief festivals and holy days also on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, for the use of the parochial and Sunday schools in the parish of Cornwall, diocese of Toronto (s.n.], 1851), by Henry Patton (page images at HathiTrust) Christmas in ritual and tradition, Christian and pagan (Bell and Cockburn, 1912), by Clement A. Miles (page images at HathiTrust) Fête du couronnement de l'image de la Très-Sainte Vierge dans l'église de Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, le 9 juillet 1852. (Sagnier et Bray, 1854), by Henri Léon Camusat Riancey (page images at HathiTrust) Fête patronale des paroisses et missions (s.n., 1810) (page images at HathiTrust) Fêtes de l'inauguration du Sanctuaire de Notre-Dame du Sacré-Coeur à Jésus-Marie, Sillery les 4 et 5 octobre 1900 programme du jeudi, 4 octobre. (s.n., 1900) (page images at HathiTrust) [Lettre] vous recevrez, avec la présente, une copie de l'invitation, qui a été faite aujourd'hui au prône de la cathé drale, à l'ouverture du triduum qui s'y fait .. (s.n., 1867), by Ignace Bourget and Église catholique. Diocèse de Montréal. Évêque (1840-1876 : Bourget) (page images at HathiTrust) The mystic cities of Scripture Zion and Babylon (Printed for F. Brodie by J. Loveday, 1877), by F. B. (page images at HathiTrust) Der karfreitag in der deutschen dichtung; drei vorträge. (C. Bertelsmann, 1877), by A. Freybe (page images at HathiTrust) Allerlei merkwürdiges über verschiedene tage und feste des jahreskreises 1876. (Brüstlein u. comp., 1877), by August Stoeber (page images at HathiTrust) Feestlichtstralen : gedachten en beelden met betrekking tot de hooge Feesten der kerk (C. Morks, 1892), by Emil Frommel (page images at HathiTrust) Instructions historiques, dogmatiques et morales sur les principales fêtes de l'église. (V. Lecoffre, 1880), by Gosselin (page images at HathiTrust) Populäre Festpostille : Aufsätze und Vorträge über Ursprung, Entwicklung und Bedeutung sämtlicher Feste, Feier- und Heiligentage des Jahres nebst Erklärung der damit verbundenen Sagen, Sitten und Gebräuche (G. Lang ;, 1891), by J. H. Albers (page images at HathiTrust) De sêḍêkahs en slamêtans in de desa en de daarbij gewoonlijk door den Javaan gegeven andere festiviteiten (G.C.T. van Dorp., 1909), by L. Th. Mayer and J. F. A. C. Moll (page images at HathiTrust) Die Feier der Sonn- und Festtage seit dem letzten Jahrhundert des Mittelalters ... (G. Volkhardt'sche Druckerei, 1914), by Engelhard Eisentraut (page images at HathiTrust) A sermon preached at the Royal Chapel at St. James's on Wednesday, January the 16th. 1711/12 : being the day appointed by Her Majesty for a general fast for imploring the blessing of Almighty God upon the Treaty of peace, &c. (Printed by J.H. for Jonah Bowyer, 1712), by George Smalridge (page images at HathiTrust) Christmas in ritual and tradition, Christian and Pagan (T.F. Unwin, 1912), by Clement A. Miles (page images at HathiTrust) Geschichte der Sonn- und Festtage der Christen, nach ihrem Ursprung und Benennungen, den an selbigen üblichen Gebräuchen und eingerissenen Missbräuchen, nebst andern hieher gehdrigen Dingen und kurzen Lebens-beschreibungen der Apostle, in alphabetischer Ordnung zur Belehrung für Studierte und Unstudierte bearbeitet. (Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1793), by Gottfried Benjamin Eisenschmid (page images at HathiTrust) A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Protestant Episcopal church. Principally selected and altered from Nelson's Companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England. With forms of devotion. (E.P. Dutton and Company, 1877), by John Henry Hobart (page images at HathiTrust) Kurze nachricht von der entstehung und feyer der christlichen sonn- und festtage (W. Starke, 1819), by Johann Wilhelm Schwarz (page images at HathiTrust) Festbüchlein, oder, Die feier aller sonn- und festtage des christlichen kirchenjahres, wie sie entstanden ist, und was sie bedeutet. Ein schriftchen für schule und haus. (Kesselring, 1833), by Carl Kühner (page images at HathiTrust) Liturgische festandachten für das kirchenjahr, mit einem anhange, enthaltend die gebete dazu. Zum gebrauch und zur erbauung in kirche und haus. (A. Duncker, 1857), by Johannes Hübner (page images at HathiTrust) Unterricht über den ursprung und die benennung aller sonn = fest- und anderer tage durchs ganze jahr; nebst beschreibung der an den- selben üblichen gebräuche und gervohnheiten ... (Gebrüder Schumann, 1817), by J. G. Böhme (page images at HathiTrust) Los tres sueños. Reflexiones que puede hacer al acostarse el cristiano que se prepara a la sagrada comunion por un católico. (Tip. de J. Aguilar Vera y Ca., 1904) (page images at HathiTrust) Olympia; oder, Darstellung der grossen Olympischen Spiele und der damit verbundenen Festlichkeiten, so wie sämmtlicher kleineren Olympien in verschiedenen Staaten, nebst einem ausführlichen Verzeichnisse der olympischen Sieger in alphabetischer Ordnung und einigen Fragmenten des Phlegon aus Tralles. (F. Beck's Universitäts-Buchhandlung, 1838), by Johann Heinrich Krause and Phlegon of Tralles (page images at HathiTrust) Des fêtes des anciens, et en particulier des fêtes des Hébreux : lecture faite dans une des séances particulières de l'Académie royale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon (Lyon : Imprimerie typographique et lithographique de Louis Perrin, MDCCCXXXVIII [1838], 1838), by J.-B.-M. Nolhac (page images at HathiTrust) The table book of daily recreation and information; concerning remarkable men and manners, times and seasons, solemnities and merry-makings, antiquities and novelties. (W. Tegg, 1800), by William Hone (page images at HathiTrust) The book of days, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar (W. & R. Chambers;, 1914), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) Grund und Ursach ausz gotlicher Schrifft ([Strasbourg] : [Wolfgang Köpfel], [1524], 1524), by Martin Bucer (page images at HathiTrust) ʻAvodat ha-ḳodesh : ... ṿe-nilḥak li-shene ḥalaḳim ... Moreh ba-etsbaʻ ... Tsiporen shamir. (Bi-Defus D.S.Y. Ṿaḳs, 1844), by Hayyim Joseph David Azulai (page images at HathiTrust) Heortology : A history of the Christian festivals from their origin to the present day, by K. A. Heinrich Kellner (Gutenberg ebook) Considerations and exhortations to the serious and religious observation of the Lent-fast, enjoined by authority humbly proposed in tendency to promote a reformation of manners in the debauched age we live in / by P. A., Gent. (London : Printed and are to be sold by John Nutt ..., 1700), by Gent P. A. (HTML at EEBO TCP) A treatise of repentance and of fasting especially of the Lent-fast : in III parts. (London : Printed for R. Royston, 1686), by Simon Patrick (HTML at EEBO TCP) For VVhitsontyds last feast: the present, 1645: ([London? : s.n.], Printed in the yeere 1645), by Eleanor Douglas (HTML at EEBO TCP) Diatribe triplex, or, A threefold exercitation concerning 1. Superstition, 2. Will-worship, 3. Christmas festivall, with the reverend and learned Dr. Hammond / by Daniel Cawdry ... (London : Printed for John Wright ..., 1654), by Daniel Cawdrey (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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