Feminist theory -- AustraliaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Feminist theory -- Australia
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Feminist theory Discrepant Dislocations: Feminism, Theory, and Postcolonial Histories (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996), by Mary E. John (HTML at UC Press) Engaging with Carol Bacchi: Strategic Interventions and Exchanges (Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, 2012), ed. by Angelique Bletsas and Chris Beasley (PDF with commentary at Adelaide) Numinous Subjects: Engendering the Sacred in Western Culture, An Essay (2007), by Lucy Tatman (multiple formats with commentary at ANU E Press) Molecular Feminisms: Biology, Becomings, and Life in the Lab (Seattle: University of Washington Press, c2018), by Deboleena Roy (page images at HathiTrust) Unbecoming Language: Anti-Identitarian French Feminist Fictions (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2018), by Annabel L. Kim (PDF at Ohio State) Women and the Glorious Quran: An Analytical Study of Women-Related Verses of Sura An-Nisa (in English and German; 2004), by Gunawan Adnan (PDF in Germany) From Betty Crocker to Feminist Food Studies: Critical Perspectives on Women and Food (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c2005), ed. by Arlene Voski Avakian and Barbara Haber (PDF at umass.edu) The Prostitution of Sexuality (New York and London: New York University Press, c1995), by Kathleen Barry (HTML with commentary at NYU Press) For-Giving: A Feminist Criticism of Exchange, by Genevieve Vaughan (illustrated HTML at for-giving.com) Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development, ed. by Jane L. Parpart, Patricia Connelly, and Eudine Barriteau (PDF and HTML with commentary at idrc.ca)
Filed under: Feminist theory -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Feminist theory -- Political aspectsFiled under: Feminist theory -- United States
Filed under: Feminist jurisprudence -- United StatesFiled under: CyberfeminismFiled under: Feminist jurisprudence The Vestal and the Fasces: Hegel, Lacan, Property, and the Feminine (Berkeley: University of California Press, c1998), by Jeanne Lorraine Schroeder (frame-dependent HTML with commentary at UC Press) Imagining Law: Essays in Conversation with Judith Gardam (Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, c2016), ed. by Dale Stephens and Paul Babie (PDF with commentary at Adelaide) Representing Women: Law, Literature, and Feminism (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1994), ed. by Susan Sage Heinzelman and Zipporah Batshaw Wiseman, contrib. by Martha Minow, Kathryn Abrams, Judy Scales-Trent, Carol Sanger, Angela P. Harris, Linda Brodkey, Michelle Fine, Elizabeth Cullingford, Susan Estrich, Rita Copeland, Margaret Anne Doody, Christine L. Krueger, and Anne Tierney Goldstein (page images at HathiTrust) In Contempt: Nineteenth-Century Women, Law, and Literature (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2012), by Kristin Kalsem (PDF at Ohio State)
Filed under: Feminism -- Australia
Filed under: Feminism -- Australia -- History
Filed under: Feminists -- Australia -- South Australia -- Biography
Filed under: Feminists -- Australia -- South Australia -- CorrespondenceFiled under: Spence, Catherine Helen, 1825-1910Filed under: Sex discrimination against women -- AustraliaFiled under: Feminism -- Political aspects -- Australia
Filed under: Australia Australia: Our Neighbor "Down Under" (1944), by Herbert Heaton (multiple formats at archive.org) Pocket Guide to Australia (ca. 1942), by United States Army Service Forces Special Service Division Australia Unlimited (Melbourne: G. Robertson and Co., ca. 1918), by E. J. Brady (multiple formats at archive.org) Oztralia, by Chester Eagle (PDF with commentary at Trojan Press) The Three Colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Their Pastures, Copper Mines and Gold Fields (London: Ingram, Cooke and Co., 1852), by Samuel Sidney (multiple formats at archive.org) The Three Colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Their Pastures, Copper Mines and Gold Fields (second edition; London: Ingram, Cooke and Co., 1853), by Samuel Sidney (multiple formats at archive.org) Oceania: A Supplementary Geography (New York: Macmillan, 1916), by James Franklin Chamberlain and Arthur Henry Chamberlain
Filed under: Australia -- Biography
Filed under: Australia -- Civilization
Filed under: Australia -- Colonization
Filed under: Australia -- Commercial policy
Filed under: Australia -- Commercial treaties
Filed under: Australia -- Defenses
Filed under: Australia -- Description and travel Journal of a First Fleet Surgeon (1788; published 1978), by George B. Worgan (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) Reaching for the Top in the Land Down Under (Baltimore: National Federation of the Blind, c2001), ed. by Marc Maurer (illustrated HTML at nfb.org) The Tireless Traveler: Twenty Letters to the Liverpool Mercury, 1875 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), by Anthony Trollope, ed. by Bradford Allen Booth (HTML at UC Press) Account of a Voyage Around the World (in English and Welsh; Caernarvon, Wales: H. Humphreys, 1856), by J. Roberts, trans. by John Bear (HTML in Australia) Australian Sketches (Second Series), by Thomas McCombie (page images in Germany) Diary of a Working Clergyman in Australia and Tasmania, Kept During the Years 1850-1853: Including His Return to England by Way of Java, Singapore, Ceylon, and Egypt (London: Hatchard and Co., 1859), by John Davies Mereweather Fought and Won (Adelaide: W. K. Thomas and Co., 1922), by John Lewis, contrib. by Ernest Whitington (page images at HathiTrust) Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia, From Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a Distance of Upwards of 3000 Miles, During the Years 1844-1845 (London: T. amp; W. Boone, 1847), by Ludwig Leichhardt Lonely Lands: Through the Heart of Australia (Sydney: N.S.W. Bookstall Co., 1909), by Francis Birtles My Experiences in Australia: Being Recollections of a Visit to the Australian Colonies in 1856-7, by a Lady (London: J. F. Hope, 1860), by Emma Macpherson (page images at Google) On the Wallaby: or, Through the East and Across Australia (London and New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1894), by Guy Boothby, illust. by Ben Boothby A Residence of Eleven Years in New Holland and the Caroline Islands: Being the Adventures of James F. O'Connell, Edited From His Verbal Narration (Boston: B. B. Mussey, 1836), by James F. O'Connell (page images at HathiTrust) Tales of the Colonies: or, The Adventures of an Emigrant, by Charles Rowcroft (HTML and PDF at University of Sydney) The Wanderings of a Spiritualist (London: Hodder and Stoughton, ca. 1921), by Arthur Conan Doyle What We Saw in Australia (1875), by Rosamond Davenport Hill and Florence Davenport Hill (multiple formats at archive.org) A Boy's Voyage Round the World (London: J. Murray, 1905), by Samuel Smiles, ed. by Samuel Smiles (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Explorations in Australia (1875), by John Forrest (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Hard Life in the Colonies, and Other Experiences by Sea and Land, Now First Printed, Compiled From Private Letters (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1892), ed. by Catherine Carlyon Jenkyns, contrib. by Arthur Cardew Jenkins, Gilbert Chilcott Jenkins, and Haln Killegrew Dunbar (multiple formats at archive.org) A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53, Written on the Spot, by Mrs. Charles Clacy (Gutenberg text) Land-Travel and Sea-Faring (London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1891), by Morley Roberts, illust. by A. D. McCormick (multiple formats at archive.org) Natives of Australia (London: A. Constable, 1906), by Northcote Whitridge Thomas Our Australian Cousins (London: Macmillan, 1880), by James Inglis (multiple formats at archive.org) The Physical Configuration of the Australian Continent (Sydney and Brisbane: W. Brooks and Co., 1905), by Ernest Favenc (multiple formats at archive.org)
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