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Filed under: Pollination by insects
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Insects What Does the Honeybee See? And How Do We Know? A Critique of Scientific Reason (2009), by G. Adrian Horridge (PDF with commentary at ANU E Press) Book of Monsters (Washington: National Geographic Society, 1914), by David Fairchild and Marian Fairchild Elementary Text-Book of Entomology (second edition; London: W. Swan Sonnenschein and Co., New York: Macmillan, 1892), by W. F. Kirby (multiple formats at archive.org) Experiments on the Generation of Insects (translated from the Italian edition of 1688; Chicago: Open Court Pub. Co., 1909), by Francesco Redi, ed. by Robert Payne Bigelow, trans. by Mab Bigelow (multiple formats at archive.org) A Glossary to Say's Entomology (Philadelphia: S. A. Mitchell, 1825), by Thomas Say (multiple formats at archive.org) The Life of the Grasshopper (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1920), by Jean-Henri Fabre, trans. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos (multiple formats at archive.org) Our Common Insects: A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses (Salem: Naturalists' Agency; Boston: Estes and Lauriat; New York: Dodd and Mead, 1873), by A. S. Packard The Wonders of Instinct: Chapters in the Psychology of Insects, by Jean-Henri Fabre, trans. by Bernard Miall and Alexander Teixeira de Mattos (Gutenberg text) College Entomology (New York: Macmillan, 1947), by E. O. Essig (page images at HathiTrust) Wild Nature's Ways (London et al.: Cassell and Co., 1909), by Richard Kearton, illust. by Cherry Kearton and Richard Kearton (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Insects -- Africa
Filed under: Insects -- America The Corixidae of the Western Hemisphere (Hemiptera) (University of Kansas Science Bulletin v. 32; 1948), by H. B. Hungerford, contrib. by R. I. Sailer
Filed under: Insects -- Behavior
Filed under: Insects -- Collection and preservation
Filed under: Insects -- Diseases
Filed under: Insects -- Fiction
Filed under: Insects -- Finland
Filed under: Insects -- Great Britain
Filed under: Insects -- Guam Insects of Guam (2 volumes (Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin #172 and #189); Honolulu: The Museum, 1942-1946), ed. by Otto H. Swezey
Filed under: Insects -- Hawaii
Filed under: Insects -- Italy Revisione degli Stafilinidi Italiana (5 parts in 1 volume; Camerino: Savini, 1904-1908), by Antonio Porta
Filed under: Insects -- Johnston Atoll
Filed under: Insects -- Juvenile fiction. Jack's Insects (popular edition; first part of the 1910 edition; London: Methuen and Co., c1920), by Edmund Selous, illust. by J. A. Shepherd (multiple formats at Google; US access only) Jack's Other Insects (popular edition; second part of the 1910 "Jack's Insects" edition; London: Methuen and Co., c1920), by Edmund Selous, illust. by J. A. Shepherd The Tale of Mrs. Ladybug (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1921), by Arthur Scott Bailey, illust. by Harry L. Smith (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Woggle-Bug Book (Chicago: Reilly and Britton Co., 1905), by L. Frank Baum, illust. by Ike Morgan (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Down Spider Web Lane (New York: Barse and Hopkins, c1909), by Mary Dickerson Donahey, illust. by Gertrude A. Kay (page images at childrensbooksonline.org) The Tale of Betsy Butterfly (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1918), by Arthur Scott Bailey (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images) Doctor Dolittle's Garden (1927), by Hugh Lofting
Filed under: Insects -- Juvenile literature The American Boys' Book of Bugs, Butterflies and Beetles (Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1915), by Daniel Carter Beard (multiple formats at archive.org) The Butterfly's Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast, by R. M. Ballantyne, contrib. by William Roscoe (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Fairy Frisket; or, Peeps at Insect Life (London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1874), by A. L. O. E. The History of Insects (New York: Samuel Wood, 1813) (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) An Introduction to the Natural History and Classification of Insects, by Priscilla Wakefield (frame-dependent page images at antiquebooks.net) Old Farm Fairies: A Summer Campaign In Brownieland Against King Cobweaver's Pixies (Philadelphia: G. W. Jacobs and Co., 1895), by Henry C. McCook (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) A Sister's Stories (Kirkby Lonsdale: Arthur Foster; London: L.B. Seeley and Sons, 1833), by Selina Martin (multiple formats at archive.org) A Gift for a Little Child (Concord, NH: R. Merrill, 1843) (multiple formats at archive.org) A Natural History of Reptiles, Serpents, and Insects (based on Buffon's Natural History; Alnwick: W. Davison, ca. 1820), contrib. by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon, illust. by Thomas Bewick (multiple formats at archive.org) Natural History: or, Uncle Philip's Conversations With the Children About Tools and Trades Among Inferior Animals (New York: Harper and Bros., 1835), by Francis L. Hawks (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Filed under: Insects -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Insects -- NetherlandsFiled under: Insects -- New York (State) Aquatic Insects in New York State (New York State Museum bulletin #68 (Entomology 18); Albany, NY: University of the State of New York, 1903), by James G. Needham, Alex. D. MacGillivray, O. A. Johannsen, and Kary Cadmus Davis Filed under: Insects -- NomenclatureFiled under: Insects -- North America American Entomology, or, Descriptions of the Insects of North America (3 volumes; Philadelphia: S. A. Mitchell, 1824-1828), by Thomas Say Filed under: Insects -- PeriodicalsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |