Financial crises -- CongressesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Financial crises -- Congresses
Filed under: Currency crises -- CongressesFiled under: Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 -- CongressesFiled under: Financial crises -- Prevention -- Congresses
Filed under: Financial crises -- Developing countries -- Prevention -- Congresses
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Financial crises Framing the Global Economic Downturn: Crisis Rhetoric and the Politics of Recessions (2009), ed. by Paul 't Hart and Karen Tindall (PDF and HTML with commentary at ANU E Press) Post-Crisis Fiscal Policy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014), ed. by Carlo Cottarelli, Philip R. Gerson, and Abdelhak S. Senhadji (PDF files with commentary at MIT Press) The Careless State: Wealth and Welfare in Britain Today (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, c2010), by Paul Graham Taylor (HTML at; registration optional) Commercial Crises of the Nineteenth Century (London: Swan Sonnenschein; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1902), by H. M. Hyndman (multiple formats at Financial Crises and Periods of Industrial and Commercial Depression (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1902), by Theodore E. Burton (multiple formats at Geschichte der Handelskrisen in England im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung des Englischen Wirtschaftslebens, 1640-1840 (in German; Munich: E. Reinhardt, 1907), by Mentor Bouniatian (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) La Crisis, 1885-1892, Sistema Bancario (in Spanish; Buenos Aires: Impr. M. Biedma, 1893), by José A. Terry When Things Don't Fall Apart: Global Financial Governance and Developmental Finance in an Age of Productive Incoherence, by Ilene Grabel, contrib. by Dani Rodrik (PDF files with commentary at MIT Press)
Filed under: Financial crises -- ArgentinaFiled under: Financial crises -- AsiaFiled under: Financial crises -- Developing countries
Filed under: Financial crises -- IcelandFiled under: Financial crises -- Fiction
Filed under: Financial crises -- United States -- Fiction The Adventures of Harry Franco: A Tale of the Great Panic (New York: F. Saunders, 1839), by Charles F. Briggs Filed under: Financial crises -- Government policy
Filed under: Financial crises -- History -- 21st centuryFiled under: Financial crises -- Social aspectsFiled under: Financial crises -- United StatesFiled under: Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report: Final Report of the National Commission on the Causes of the Financial And Economic Crisis in the United States (official government edition, 2011), by United States Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission The First Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century (2 volumes; London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2008-2009), ed. by Andrew Felton and Carmen M. Reinhart Betrayal of Americanism (2010), by Hem Raj Jain (HTML at Wayback Machine) Nordics in Global Crisis: Vulnerability and Resilience (2010), by Thorvaldur Gylfason, Bengt Holmström, Sixten Korkman, Hans Tson Söderström, and Vesa Vihriäläa (PDF in Iceland) Taxation and the Financial Crisis (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2012), ed. by Julian Alworth and Giampaolo Arachi Post-Crisis Fiscal Policy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014), ed. by Carlo Cottarelli, Philip R. Gerson, and Abdelhak S. Senhadji (PDF files with commentary at MIT Press) The Benefits of the New Economy: Resolving the Global Economic Crisis Through Mutual Guarantee (Toronto and New York: ARI Publishers, c2012), by Guy Isaac, Joseph Levy, and Alexander Ognits, trans. by Chaim Ratz (Microsoft Word document at Deep Freeze: Iceland's Economic Collapse (Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, c2011), by Philipp Bagus and David Howden (PDF and Epub at Post-Crisis Growth in Developing Countries: A Special Report of the Commission on Growth and Development on the Implications of the 2008 Financial Crisis (in English and Arabic; c2010), by Commission on Growth and Development (PDF with commentary at The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis, ed. by Wyn Grant and Graham K. Wilson (HTML with commentary at Oxford Scholarship Online)
Filed under: Abomey (Benin) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Congresses
Filed under: Academic freedom -- Congresses
Filed under: Action research in education -- Congresses
Filed under: Adaptation (Biology) -- Congresses
Filed under: Administrative agencies -- United States -- Congresses
Filed under: Adobe houses -- Conservation and restoration -- Congresses
Filed under: Aeronautics in earth sciences -- Congresses
Filed under: Aeronautics in geodesy -- Congresses
Filed under: Aerospace industries -- United States -- Costs -- CongressesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |