Folk dance musicFor works consisting of Folk dance music of an individual ethnic group, an additional subject entry is made under the heading [ethnic group--place -- Music.] Here are entered collections of miscellaneous folk dance music. Music for individual dances is entered under dance form, e.g. Square dance music. If the collection also contains dance instruction, two headings are used, e.g. 1. Folk dancing. 2. Folk dance music. If the collection is for a medium other than piano, an additional heading is used for the medium, e.g. 1. Folk dance music. 2. Orchestral music, Arranged. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Folk dance music
Filed under: Folk dance music -- England -- Northumberland Northumbrian Minstrelsy: A Collection of the Ballads, Melodies, and Small-Pipe Tunes of Northumbria (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Society of Antiquaries, 1882), ed. by J. Collingwood Bruce and John Stokoe
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Dance music The Princess, by Mr. Isaac and James Paisible (page images at LOC) Brookes on Modern Dancing, by Laurence De Garmo Brookes (HTML and page images at LOC) A Collection of Ball-Dances Perform'd at Court, by John Weaver (HTML and page images at LOC) Dick's Quadrille Call-Book, and Ball-Room Prompter (HTML and page images at LOC) An Essay for the Further Improvement of Dancing, by E. Pemberton (page images and partial HTML at LOC) J.W. Pepper's Universal Dancing Master, Prompter's Call Book and Violinist's Guide, by Lucien O. Carpenter (page images at LOC) Le Gratie d'Amore (in Italian; facsimile images from 1602 and 1604 editions), by Cesare Negri (page images with commentary at The Code of Terpsichore, by Carlo Blasis (HTML and page images at LOC) The Friendship, by Mr. Isaac and James Paisible (page images at LOC) The Godolphin, by Mr. Isaac and James Paisible (page images at LOC) The Northumberland, by Mr. Isaac and James Paisible (page images at LOC) The Pastorall, by Mr. Isaac and James Paisible (page images at LOC) The Royal Ann, by Mr. Isaac and James Paisible (page images at LOC) The Royal Portuguez, by Mr. Isaac and James Paisible (page images at LOC) The Royall, by Mr. Isaac and James Paisible (page images at LOC) Varietie of Lute-Lessons (London: Thomas Adams, 1610), by Robert Dowland (PDF at The Dancing Master (10th edition, 1698), ed. by John Playford (page images at LOC) Grammar of the Art of Dancing, by Friedrich Albert Zorn, ed. by Alfonso Josephs Sheafe (HTML and page images at LOC)
Filed under: Country-dances (Music) -- 17th centuryFiled under: Dance music -- 18th centuryFiled under: Dance music -- 19th century
Filed under: Ballets -- Excerpts -- ScoresFiled under: Ballets -- ScoresFiled under: Cotillions Cotillions From Cinderella: The Most Favorite Airs in Cinderella, Arranged as Cotillions (includes piano music and dance instructions for The Three Sisters, The Glass Slipper, The Chase, Cinderella, The Fairy, and the Cinderella Waltz; New York: T. Birch, c1831), by Gioacchino Rossini, ed. by C. Pons, contrib. by Mr. Parker (multiple formats at Filed under: Country-dances (Music)Filed under: Galliards
Filed under: Minuets -- ScoresFiled under: SchottischesFiled under: RedowasFiled under: Rigaudons
Filed under: Folk music -- Appalachian Region
Filed under: Folk music -- Southern States -- History and criticism -- Congresses Sounds of the South: A Report and Selected Papers from a Conference on the Collecting and Collections of Southern Traditional Music, Held in Chapel Hill, April 6-8, 1989, to Celebrate the Opening of the Southern Folklife Collection with the John Edwards Memorial Collection in the Manuscripts Department of the Academic Affairs Library, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC: Southern Folklife Collection, University of North Carolina, 1991), ed. by Daniel W. Patterson, contrib. by Michael T. Casey, George M. Holt, Bess Lomax Hawes, Bill C. Malone, Paul Oliver, Thomas Carter, Ray Funk, Norm Cohen, Tim West, Barry Jean Ancelet, Allen Tullos, David E. Whisnant, and Archie Green (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Folk music -- Hungary -- History and criticismFiled under: Folk music -- History and criticismFiled under: Folk music -- Jamaica Jamaican Song and Story: Annancy Stories, Digging Sings, Ring Tunes, and Dancing Tunes (Publications of the Folk-Lore Society #55; London: D. Nutt, 1907), ed. by Walter Jekyll, contrib. by Alice Werner, Charles Samuel Myers, and Lucy Etheldred Broadwood Filed under: Folk music -- Library resourcesFiled under: Folk music -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Folk music -- Southern StatesFiled under: Folk music -- Sri Lanka Vedda Music (reprinted from C. G. and Brenda Seligman's The Veddas; Cambridge: At the University Press, 1911), by Charles S. Myers Filed under: Folk music -- United States Slave Songs of the United States (reprint; New York: P. Smith, 1951), ed. by William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware, and Lucy McKim Garrison (page images at HathiTrust) Hampton and its Students, by M. F. Armstrong and Helen W. Ludlow (page images at MOA) Slave Songs of the United States (New York: A. Simpson and Co., 1867), ed. by William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware, and Lucy McKim Garrison The American Songbag (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., c1927), ed. by Carl Sandburg (multiple formats at
Filed under: Folk songs -- Australia The Old Bush Songs, ed. by A. B. Paterson
Filed under: Folk songs -- History and criticism
Filed under: Folk songs -- PeriodicalsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |