Forest products -- AustraliaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms: |
Filed under: Forest products -- Australia -- Queensland
Filed under: Timber -- Australia -- QueenslandFiled under: Timber -- Australia
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Maple sugarFiled under: Maple syrup
Filed under: Epoxy resins
Filed under: Textile fibers, Synthetic
Filed under: Rayon
Filed under: Rayon -- Toxicology
Filed under: Rayon industry and trade -- Health aspects
Filed under: Celluloid
Filed under: Amber The Tears of the Heliades: or, Amber as a Gem (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons; London: S. Low, Marston and Co., 1900), by William Arnold Buffum Filed under: Rubber
Filed under: Rubber -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.Filed under: Rubber, ArtificialFiled under: Timber
Filed under: Forests and forestry -- Measurement
Filed under: Forests and forestry -- Measurement -- Data processing 3P Sample Log Scaling (Portland, OR: Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1971), by Floyd A. Johnson, James B. Lowrie, and Martin Gohlke Filed under: Lumber -- MeasurementFiled under: Forests and forestry -- Colorado -- MeasurementFiled under: Forests and forestry -- Wyoming -- Measurement
Filed under: Log brands -- Michigan
Filed under: Log driving -- Maine -- Fiction Rose O' the River, by Kate Douglas Wiggin, illust. by George Hand Wright (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Filed under: Logging, Skyline
Filed under: Logging -- Fiction
Filed under: Logging -- Machinery -- Catalogs Steam Logging Machinery (Pine Town, NC: Surry Parker, c1912), by Surry Parker
Filed under: Logging -- Machinery -- North Carolina -- Pictorial works Steam Logging Machinery (Pine Town, NC: Surry Parker, c1912), by Surry Parker
Filed under: Logging -- Minnesota -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Wood -- Preservation -- Environmental aspects -- United StatesFiled under: Lumber -- Drying Seasoning of Wood (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1917), by J. B. Wagner
Filed under: Fungicides Using Bayleton (Triadimefon) to Control Fusiform Rust in Pine Tree Nurseries (Southern Forest Experiment Station research note SO-253, 1979), by G. A. Snow, S. J. Rowan, J. P. Jones, W. D. Kelley, and J. G. Mexal
Filed under: Pesticides -- Law and legislation -- United States Regulating Pesticides (1980), by National Research Council Committee on Prototype Explicit Analyses for Pesticides (page images with commentary at NAP) Filed under: Wood -- TestingFiled under: Wood Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material (centennial edition, 2010), by Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.) (PDF at Wood and Forest (fifth edition, Peoria, IL: Manual Arts Press, 1921), by William Noyes (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Wood and Other Organic Structural Materials (New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1917), by Charles H. Snow Exercises in Wood-Working, With a Short Treatise on Wood: Written for Manual Training Classes in Schools and Colleges (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1890), by Ivin Sickels (multiple formats at Southern Woodland Trees: A Guide to the Identification of Trees and Woods to Accompany Farm Woodlands (Yonkers-on-Hudson, NY, and Chicago: World Book Co., 1924), by James Berthold Berry, illust. by Mary E. Eaton (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Wood -- Mechanical properties
Filed under: Ships, WoodenFiled under: Stains and stainingFiled under: Wood, James H. (James Harvey)Filed under: Wood-decaying fungiMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |