Foster, Vincent W., 1945-1993 -- Death and burialSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Foster, Vincent W., 1945-1993 -- Death and burial
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Al Fayed, Dodi -- Death and burial
Filed under: Brown, John, 1800-1859 -- Death and burial
Filed under: Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824 -- Death and burial
Filed under: Diana, Princess of Wales, 1961-1997 -- Death and burial
Filed under: Edward VI, King of England, 1537-1553 -- Death and burial
Filed under: Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 -- Death and burial
Filed under: Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 -- Death and burial
Filed under: Hill, Joe, 1879-1915 -- Death and burial
Filed under: Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, 1870-1924 -- Death and burialFiled under: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Death and burial Abraham Lincoln: The Just Magistrate, the Representative Statesman, the Practical Philanthropist (Worcester: C. Hamilton, 1865), by Alexander H. Bullock (HTML and page images at Emory) An Address: Delivered on Request of the Congregation, at the Place of Worship of the Hebrew Association, Temimi Derech, at New Orleans, on Saturday, April 29th, 1865 (New York: Slater and Riley, printers, 1865), by P. J. Joachimsen An Address in Commemoration of Abraham Lincoln (Philadelphia: Sherman and Co., 1865), by George Dana Boardman (HTML and page images at Emory) Character and Death of Abraham Lincoln (Auburn, NY: W. J. Moses; New York, Sheldon and Co., 1865), by Henry Fowler (HTML and page images at Emory) A Commemorative Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Worcester, MA, 1865), by Seth Sweetser (HTML and page images at Emory) The Curtained Throne: A Sermon, Suggested by the Death of President Lincoln (Philadelphia: J. S. Claxton, 1865), by Robert F. Sample (HTML and page images at Emory) The Death of President Lincoln (Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1865), by Morgan Dix (HTML and page images at Emory) Death of President Lincoln: A Sermon Delivered in the Unitarian Church in Archdale Street, Charleston, S.C., Sunday, April 23, 1865 (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1865), by Charles Lowe (HTML and page images at Emory) Death of President Lincoln: A Sermon, Preached in Grace Church, Orange, N.J., Easter, April 16, 1865 (Orange, NJ: E. Gardner, 1865), by James Smith Bush Death, the Law of Life: A Discourse Delivered on the Sunday Morning After the Murder of President Lincoln (Philadelphia: Sherman and Co., 1865), by George Dana Boardman (HTML and page images at Emory) Discourse Delivered on the Day of the Funeral of President Lincoln (New York: Press of J. M. Bradstreet and Son, 1865), by John McClintock, contrib. by J. T. Butts (HTML and page images at Emory) A Discourse Delivered on the Occasion of the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln (Boston: Rand and Avery, 1865), by Seth Reed (HTML and page images at Emory) A Discourse in Memory of Our Late President, Abraham Lincoln (Holliston: Plimpton and Clark, 1865), by J. T. Tucker (HTML and page images at Emory) A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Albany: J. Munsell, 1865), by Warren Hathaway (HTML and page images at Emory) A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Boston: J. K. Wiggin, 1865), by A. L. Stone (HTML and page images at Emory) A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1865), by Frank L. Robbins (HTML and page images at Emory) Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Rochester, NY: C. D. Tracy and Co., 1865), by Thomas Tousey (HTML and page images at Emory) A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln (Albany: Weed, Parsons and Co., 1865), by Denis Wortman (HTML and page images at Emory) Discourse on the Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Philadelphia: J. B. Rodgers, 1865), by Morris C. Sutphen (HTML and page images at Emory) Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln (Hartford: A. N. Clark and Co., 1865), by Henry Champion Deming (HTML and page images at Emory) Funeral Address Delivered at the Burial of President Lincoln (New York: Carlton and Porter, 1865), by Matthew Simpson (HTML and page images at Emory) God Seen Above All National Calamities: A Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln (Washington: McGill and Witherow, 1865), by A. D. Gillette (HTML and page images at Emory) "God's Ways Unsearchable": A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln (Pittsburgh: W. G. Johnston and Co., 1865), by Herrick Johnson (HTML and page images at Emory) The Great Funeral Oration on Abraham Lincoln (New York: American News Co., 1865), by Emma Hardinge Britten (HTML and page images at Emory) A Great Man Fallen! A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Philadelphia : Sherman and Co., 1865), by Wilbur F. Paddock (HTML and page images at Emory) The Humble Conqueror: A Discourse Commemorative of the Life and Services of Abraham Lincoln (Boston: William V. Spencer, 1865), by Henry C. Badger (HTML and page images at Emory) A Memorial Discourse on the Character of Abraham Lincoln (Concord, MA: McFarland and Jenks, 1865), by P. B. Day (HTML and page images at Emory) Moses and Joshua: A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Boston: Dakin and Metcalf, 1865), by Jeremiah Eames Rankin (HTML and page images at Emory) National Disappointment: A Discourse Occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln (Buffalo: Breed, Butler, and Co., 1865), by Joel Foote Bingham (HTML and page images at Emory) The Nation's Sacrifice: Abraham Lincoln (Cincinnati: R. Clarke and Co., 1865), by A. D. Mayo (HTML and page images at Emory) Our National Unity Perfected in the Martyrdom of our President (Philadelphia: Smith, English and Co., 1865), by A. G. Thomas (HTML and page images at Emory) Personal Forgiveness and Public Justice: A Sermon Preached in the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, New York, April 23, 1865 (New York: A. D. F. Randolph, 1865), by Robert Russell Booth President Lincoln's Death: Its Voice to the People (Northampton, MA: Trumball and Gere, 1865), by Gordon Hall (HTML and page images at Emory) The Providential Significance of the Death of Abraham Lincoln: A Discourse Delivered in the Central M.E. Church, Newark, N.J., on the Day of National Humiliation, June 1st, 1865 (Newark, NJ: H. Harris, 1865), by Robert Boyd Yard (HTML and page images at Emory) Reden Gehalten bei der Berliner Todtenfeier für den Präsidenten Lincoln von Amerikanischen, Englischen und Deutschen Geistlichen: Ein Ausspruch der Kirche über Sklaverei und Freie Arbeit (in German; Berlin: C. G. Lüderitz, 1865), ed. by J. J. Sturz A Sermon, Occasioned by the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States (Brattleboro, VT: Printed at the Vermont Record Office, 1865), by Pliny H. White (HTML and page images at Emory) A Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, April 15th, 1865 (Canandaigua, NY: N. J. Milliken, 1865), by O. E. Daggett (HTML at Emory) Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of President Lincoln (Hartford: Press of Case, Lockwood and Company, 1865), by Cephas Bennett Crane (multiple formats at A Sermon on the Services and Death of Abraham Lincoln (1865), by John Falkner Blake (HTML and page images at Emory) The Sin of Reviling, and Its Work: A Funeral Sermon, Occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln, April 14th, 1865 (New York: J. A Gray and Green, 1865), by William R. Gordon (HTML and page images at Emory) Strength in Sorrow (Canandaigua: Printed at C. Jobson's Office, 1865), by Christopher Starr Leffingwell (HTML and page images at Emory) The Teachings of the Crisis: Address Delivered in St. Paul's Church, Camden, N.J., on the Occasion of the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865 (Camden, NJ: S. Chew, 1865), by Joseph Fithian Garrison (HTML and page images at Emory) Victory and Mourning: A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln (New Brunswick, NJ: Terhune and Van Anglen's Press, 1865), by Richard H. Steele (HTML and page images at Emory) A Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (Troy, NY: A. W. Scribner, 1865), by Marvin R. Vincent (HTML and page images at Emory) The Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln, by Phillips Brooks (page images at MOA) The Nation's Mourning, by B. J. Relyea (HTML and page images at Emory) Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Late President of the United States, Preached on the Occasion of the National Funeral, by N. L. Rice (HTML and page images at Emory) Sermons on Recent National Victories, and the National Sorrow, by Edward Payson Powell (page images at MOA)
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