France -- History -- 1789-1815 -- SourcesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: France -- History -- 1789-1815 -- Sources
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: France -- History -- 1789-1815 The Memoirs of Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto, Minister of the General Police of France (2 volumes; London: Printed for C. Knight, 1825), by Joseph Fouché, ed. by Alph. de Beauchamp (page images at HathiTrust) Justification du Gouvernement des Bourbons, Précédé d'un Coup-d'Oeil sur la Révolution Française, et sur le Retour de Buonaparte (in French; Paris: Lenormant; Lyon: Guyot Frères, 1815), by Antoine Faivre (page images at HathiTrust) Memoirs of a Contemporary: Being Reminiscences (New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1902), by Ida Saint-Elme, trans. by Lionel Strachey (page images at HathiTrust) History of the French Revolution From 1789 to 1814, by M. Mignet (Gutenberg text) Lazare Carnot: Republican Patriot (Oxford, OH: Mississippi Valley Press, 1940), by Huntley Dupre (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: France -- History -- 1789-1815 -- PoetryFiled under: France -- History, Military -- 1789-1815 L'Expédition d'Égypte, 1798-1801 (second edition, 5 volumes, in French; Paris: H. Charles-Lavauzelle, ca. 1899-1907), by C. de La Jonquière (page images at HathiTrust) Napoleon and Maneuver Warfare (Harmon Lectures in military history, #28; CO: U.S. Air Force Academy, 1985), by Steven T. Ross (page images at HathiTrust) Histoire Illustrée d'un Corps Belge au Service de la République et de l'Empire, La 112e Demi-Brigade: Côtes de l'Océan; Italie, Espagne; IIe Corps de la Grande Armée, 1803-1814 (in French; Brussels: Librairie Militaire Spineux, 1902), by Eugène Cruyplants, contrib. by Joseph de Maugeer Le Lieutenant Général Delort, d'Après ses Archives et les Archives du Ministère de la Guerre, 1792-1815 (in French; Paris and Nancy: Berger-Levrault et cie, 1906), by Louis Stouff
Filed under: France -- History -- Sources
Filed under: France -- History -- Sources -- Periodicals
Filed under: Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871 -- History -- Sources Actes du Gouvernement de la Défense Nationale (du 4 Septembre 1870 au 8 Février 1871): Rapports de la Commission et des Sous-Commissions, Télégrammes, Pièces Diverses, Dépositions des Témoins, Pièces Justificatives, Tables Analytique Générale et Nominative (7 volumes in French; Paris: Librairie des Publications Législatives, et al., 1876), by France Gouvernement de la Défense Nationale Filed under: Angouleme (France) -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Charente-Maritime (France) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- Catalogs Inventaire Sommaire des Archives Départmentales Antérieures à 1790: Charente-Inférieure (3 volumes in French; La Rochelle: E. Martin, 1900-1906), ed. by Louis Marie Meschinet de Richemond
Filed under: Lozère (France : Department) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography
Filed under: Lozère (France : Department) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- CatalogsFiled under: Romans-sur-Isère (France) -- History -- Sources Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Barnard de Romans ("nouvelle edition complete; premiere partie" covering 817-1093, in Latin with French notes; no further parts published; 1898), by Ulysse Chevalier Filed under: Church lands -- France -- Solesmes -- History -- SourcesFiled under: Criticism -- France -- History -- 16th century -- SourcesFiled under: France -- History -- 15th century -- Sources The Book of Peace, by Christine de Pisan, ed. by Karen Green, C. J. Mews, and Janice M. Pinder (PDF at PSU) Filed under: France -- History -- Charles VI, 1380-1422 -- Sources The Book of Peace, by Christine de Pisan, ed. by Karen Green, C. J. Mews, and Janice M. Pinder (PDF at PSU) Filed under: France -- History -- Consulate and First Empire, 1799-1815 -- SourcesFiled under: France -- History -- German occupation, 1940-1945 -- SourcesFiled under: France -- History -- House of Valois, 1328-1589 -- SourcesFiled under: France -- History -- Louis XIV, 1643-1715 -- SourcesFiled under: France -- History -- Louis XVI, 1774-1793 -- SourcesFiled under: France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- SourcesFiled under: France -- History -- To 987 -- SourcesFiled under: Socialism -- France -- History -- Sources Mémoires d'un Communard: Des Barricades au Bagne (in French; Paris: Librairie Socialiste, ca. 1906), by Jean Allemane