Frontier and pioneer life -- ColoradoSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- Colorado A Frontier Army Surgeon: Life in Colorado in the Eighties (second, revised and enlarged edition; New York: Exposition Press, 1962), by Bernard James Byrne, ed. by Laura Laurenson Byrne, contrib. by Laura Byrne Hickok (page images at HathiTrust) Class and Community in Frontier Colorado (originally published 1990; open access edition Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2020), by Richard Hogan (PDF files at Project MUSE) The Story of a Pioneer: An Historical Sketch in Which is Depicted Some of the Struggles and Exciting Incidents Pertaining to the Early Settlement of Colorado (Denver: Reed Pub. Co., 1904), by V. Devinny (page images at Harvard)
Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- Colorado -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Ranch life -- Colorado -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Ranch life -- Colorado -- Fiction
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Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life
Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- Alaska
Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- Alberta
Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- Appalachian Region
Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- Arizona
Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- Australia, Northern
Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- British Columbia
Filed under: Frontier and pioneer life -- California Luzena Stanley Wilson, '49er: Memories Recalled Years Later for Her Daughter Correnah Wilson Wright (Mills College, CA: Eucalyptus Press, 1937), by Luzena Stanley Wilson, ed. by Correnah Wilson Wright, contrib. by Francis P. Farquhar, illust. by Kathryn Uhl Appreciation of Loved Ones Who Made Life Rich for Many, by Lilian A. Cross (HTML at LOC) The Autobiography of Charles Peters, by Charles Peters (illustrated HTML at LOC) California, 1849-1913: or, The Rambling Sketches and Experiences of Sixty-four Years' Residence in That State, by L. H. Woolley California All the Way Back to 1828, by Michael Claringbud White (HTML at LOC) From the Kennebec to California: Reminiscences of a California Pioneer, by Henry Hiram Ellis (PDF at LOC) Gold and Sunshine: Reminiscences of Early California, by James J. Ayers (HTML at LOC) History of California, by Helen Elliott Bandini (Gutenberg text) The Last of the Mill Creeks, and Early Life in Northern California, by Sim Moak (HTML at LOC) A Letter from A Gold Miner, Placerville, California, October 1850, by S. Shufelt, contrib. by Robert Glass Cleland (HTML at LOC) A Picture of Pioneer Times in California, by William Francis White (HTML at LOC) Recollections of a California Pioneer (New York: Neale Pub. Co., 1917), by Carlisle S. Abbott Reminiscences of a Ranger: or, Early Times in Southern California, by Horace Bell (HTML at LOC) Touching Incidents in the Life and Labors of a Pioneer on the Pacific Coast Since 1853, by Joseph Wilkinson Hines (HTML at LOC) A Trip to the Gold Mines of California in 1848, by John Alfred Swan, ed. by John A. Hussey (HTML at LOC) A Yankee Trader in the Gold Rush, by Franklin Agustus Buck (HTML at LOC) Unfortunate Emigrants: Narratives of the Donner Party (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 1996), ed. by Kristin Johnson (PDF with commentary at Alonzo Delano's California Correspondence, by Alonzo Delano (HTML at LOC) California Letters of Lucius Fairchild, by Lucius Fairchild, ed. by Joseph Schafer (HTML at LOC) The Gold Seekers of '49, by Kimball Webster (HTML at LOC) Golden Dreams and Waking Realities, by William Shaw (HTML at LOC) The Gregson Memoirs, by Eliza Marshall Gregson and James Gregson (HTML at LOC) The Land of Little Rain (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1903), by Mary Austin Notes of a Voyage to California via Cape Horn, by Samuel C. Upham (HTML at LOC) A Pioneer at Sutter's Fort, 1846-1850, by Heinrich Lienhard, trans. by Marguerite Eyer Wilbur (HTML at LOC) Ranch Life in California, by Evelyn M. Herstlet (HTML at LOC) Recollections of Pioneer Work in California, by James Woods (HTML at LOC) Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings, by Daniel Bates Woods (HTML at LOC) One Man's Gold: The Letters and Journal of a Forty-Niner (1930), by Enos Christman, ed. by Florence Morrow Christman (PDF and XML at The Diary of Johann August Sutter, by John Augustus Sutter (HTML at LOC) Recollections of a Newspaperman: A Record of Life and Events in California, by Frank Aleamon Leach (PDF at Report of the Debates in the Convention of California, on the Formation of the State Constitution, in September and October, 1849 (Washington: Printed by J. T. Towers, 1850), by California Constitutional Convention (1849), ed. by J. Ross Browne Scharmann's Overland Journey to California, by Herman B. Scharmann, trans. by Margaret Hoff Zimmerman and Erich W. Zimmerman (HTML at LOC) Three Years in California, by John David Borthwick Life and Adventures of the Celebrated Bandit, Joaquin Murrieta: His Exploits in the State of California (Chicago: Regan Pub. Corp., 1925), by Ireneo Paz, trans. by Frances P. Belle (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Negro Trail Blazers of California: A Compilation of Records From the California Archives in the Bancroft Library at the University of California, in Berkeley, and From the Diaries, Old Papers and Conversations of Old Pioneers in the State of California (Los Angeles, 1919), by Delilah L. Beasley Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9 (two volumes), by William Redmond Ryan (HTML at LOC) Vida y Aventuras del Más Célebre Bandido Sonorense, Joaquín Murrieta, y Sus Grandes Proezas en el Estado de California (sixth edition, in Spanish; Los Angeles: C. G. Vincent and Co., 1923), by Ireneo Paz
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