Games -- Juvenile fictionSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Games -- Juvenile fiction Tiddledywink Tales (New York: R. H. Russell and Son, 1891), by John Kendrick Bangs, illust. by Charles Howard Johnson
Filed under: Fantasy games -- Juvenile fiction The Queen of the Pirate Isle (c1885), by Bret Harte, illust. by Kate Greenaway (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Queen of the Pirate Isle (London: Chatto and Windus, n.d.), by Bret Harte, illust. by Kate Greenaway (multiple formats at The Queen of the Pirate Isle (Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., 1887), by Bret Harte, illust. by Kate Greenaway (page images at HathiTrust)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Games A Playful Path (Pittsburgh: ETC Press, c2014), by Bernie DeKoven (PDF with commentary at CMU) Toward a Ludic Architecture: The Space of Play and Games (text-only version; c2010), by Steffen P. Walz (PDF with commentary at CMU) The Book of Games, With Directions How to Play Them (Toronto: G.N. Morang, 1898), by Mary White (multiple formats at Chess and Playing Cards: Catalog of Games and Implements for Divination Exhibited by the United States National Museum in Connection with the Department of Archaeology and Paleontology of the University of Pennsylvania at the Cotton States and International Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, 1895 (Washington: GPO, 1898), by Stewart Culin Games for Everybody (New York: Dodge Publishing Co., c1905), by Mary Christiana Hofmann (illustrated HTML at Healthful Sports for Boys, by A. R. Calhoun (Gutenberg text) Healthful Sports for Boys (New York: Christian herald Bible house, c1910), by A. R. Calhoun, ed. by Theodore Waters In and Out Door Games (New York: Sully and Kleinteich, c1904), by Mrs. Burton Kingsland (multiple formats at Scouting Games (sixth edition), by Robert Baden-Powell (HTML at Confidential Price-List and Telegraph Code (publisher's wholesale catalog; 1894), by McLoughlin Bros. (PDF at Entertainments for Home, Church and School, by Frederica Seeger, ed. by Theodore Waters (Gutenberg text) Mother Goose Finger Plays (Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs and Co., ca. 1915), by Irene Margaret Cullison (page images at LOC) The Mottoes and Commentaries of Friedrich Froebel's Mother Play (London: Edward Arnold, 1900), by Friedrich Fröbel, ed. by Susan E. Blow, trans. by Henrietta R. Eliot (PDF files at Roehampton) Wings and the Child: or, The Building of Magic Cities (New York and London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1913), by E. Nesbit, illust. by George Barraud (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Dancing, Beauty, and Games (London: A. L. Humphreys, 1913), by Constance Stewart-Richardson Manual Training-Play Problems: Constructive Work for Boys and Girls Based on the Play Interest (New York: Macmillan, 1917), by William S. Marten (multiple formats at
Filed under: Games -- Africa Mancala, the National Game of Africa (extract from the Report of the National Mseum, 1894; Washington: GPO, 1896), by Stewart Culin
Filed under: Games -- Design
Filed under: Games -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Games -- History
Filed under: Games -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Games -- Korea
Filed under: Games -- Periodicals
Filed under: Games -- Research
Filed under: Games -- Social aspects
Filed under: Adventure games
Filed under: Alternate reality games
Filed under: Board games
Filed under: Card games
Filed under: Educational games
Filed under: Fantasy games The Magnamund Companion (Internet edition, 2012), by Joe Dever, illust. by Rob Adams, Gary Chalk, Richard Hook, Peter Lyon, and Graham Round (PDF at Project Aon) The Darke Crusade (c1991), by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Beyond the Nightmare Gate (c1986), by Ian Page, ed. by Joe Dever, illust. by Paul Bonner (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) War of the Wizards (c1986), by Ian Page, ed. by Joe Dever, illust. by Paul Bonner (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Forbiddden City (c1985), by Ian Page, ed. by Joe Dever, illust. by Paul Bonner (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Grey Star the Wizard (c1985), by Ian Page, ed. by Joe Dever, illust. by Paul Bonner (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Tabletop: Analog Game Design (Pittsburgh: ETC Press, c2011), ed. by Greg Costikyan and Drew Davidson (PDF with commentary at CMU) Black Baron, by Joe Dever, illust. by Peter Parr (PDF with commentary at Project Aon) The Buccaneers of Shadaki, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Captives of Kaag, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Castle Death, by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Cauldron of Fear, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Caverns of Kalte, by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Chasm of Doom, by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Curse of Naar, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Dawn of the Dragons, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Deathlord of Ixia, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Dungeons of Torgar, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Emerald Enchanter, by Joe Dever, illust. by Peter Parr (PDF with commentary at Project Aon) The Fall of Blood Mountain, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Fire on the Water, by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Flight From the Dark, by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Highway Holocaust, by Joe Dever, illust. by Mel Grant (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Hunger of Sejanoz, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Jungle of Horrors, by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Kingdoms of Terror, by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Legacy of Vashna, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book (online edition), by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (PDF files at Project Aon) The Masters of Darkness, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Mydnight's Hero, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Plague Lords of Ruel, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) The Prisoners of Time, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Rune War, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Scarlet Sorcerer, by Joe Dever, illust. by Peter Parr (PDF with commentary at Project Aon) Shadow on the Sand, by Joe Dever, illust. by Gary Chalk (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Slaughter Mountain Run, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Trail of the Wolf, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Vampirium, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) Voyage of the Moonstone, by Joe Dever, illust. by Trevor Newton (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon) White Warlord, by Joe Dever, illust. by Peter Parr (PDF with commentary at Project Aon) Wolf's Bane, by Joe Dever, illust. by Brian Williams (multiple formats with commentary at Project Aon)
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