Gamma ray spectrometrySee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Spectrometry, Gamma ray
- Gamma spectroscopy
Filed under: Gamma ray spectrometry- Calculations of the Penetration of Gamma Rays: Final Report (White Plains, NY: Nuclear Development Associates; Oak Ridge, TN: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1954), by Herbert Goldstein and J. Ernest Wilkins (page images at HathiTrust)
- Quality control for environmental measurements using gamma-ray spectrometry (Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory ;, 1977), by Lee H. Ziegler, Hiram M. Hunt, and Nev.) Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory (Las Vegas (page images at HathiTrust)
- Application of thermal neutron capture-gamma ray analysis to oxidized taconite beneficiation process slurries (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1980), by Franklin B. W. Woodbury (page images at HathiTrust)
- Monitoring taconite process streams with thermal neutron capture-gamma ray analysis (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1980), by Franklin B. W. Woodbury (page images at HathiTrust)
- Health division gamma-ray spectroscopy group semiannual report (Argonne National Laboratory, in the 20th century), by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and Argonne National Laboratory. Health Division. Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Group (page images at HathiTrust)
- Radiochemical analysis of cerium-144 together with cerium-137 in sea water (Institute of Marine Resources, University of California, 1962), by K Kameda (page images at HathiTrust)
- Radioactivities now appearing in sewage disposal systems from fallout and from industrial and medical wastes (Institute of Marine Resources, University of California, 1962), by Theodore Robert Folsom and Govindaraju Jagan Mohanrao (page images at HathiTrust)
- The occurrence and fate of radiocesium and other gamma emmitters in wastes (Institute of Marine Resources, University of California, 1962), by Theodore Robert Folsom (page images at HathiTrust)
- Zinc-65 and other fallout nuclides in marine organisms of the California coast (Institute of Marine Resources, University of California, 1963), by Yutaka Nagaya, Theodore Robert Folsom, and University of California (System). Institute of Marine Resources (page images at HathiTrust)
- A comparison of analytical techniques used for determination of fallout cesium in sea water for oceanographic purposes (Institute of Marine Resources, University of California, 1963), by Theodore Robert Folsom, Katsuko Saruhashi, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. San Francisco Operations Office, and University of California (System). Institute of Marine Resources (page images at HathiTrust)
- Precision of measurements of small traces of radioactivity by gamma spectrometry (Institute of Marine Resources, University of California, 1963), by Theodore Robert Folsom, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. San Francisco Operations Office, and University of California (System). Institute of Marine Resources (page images at HathiTrust)
- The single-scattering approximation to the gamma-ray air-scattering problem (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1961), by D. K. Trubey and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ecological sampling and meteorological calculation of fallout on forests near Oak Ridge (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1961), by Jerry S. Olson, Union Carbide Corporation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Search for a 0⁺, 2⁺, 4⁺ triplet in the vicinity of 1.140 Mev in Pd¹⁰⁶ (Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, 1960), by Horacio E. Bosch, Daniel J. Horen, and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- The gamma ray spectrum from the absorption of [Pi] ⁻ mesons in hydrogen (University of California Radiation Laboratory, 1950), by Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, Herbert F York, Lee Aamodt, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Scintillation spectroscopy measurements of gamma-ray energies from sources of Y⁸⁸, Mn⁵⁴, and Zn⁶⁵ (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1959), by R. W. Peelle, T. A. Love, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Union Carbide Corporation, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Neutron Physics Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Energy and angular distribution of gamma radiation from a Co60 source after diffusion through many mean free paths of water (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1957), by R. W. Peelle, T. A. Love, F. C. Maienschein, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory Applied Nuclear Physics Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Neutron-gamma ray spectrometer (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Office of Technical Services], 1962), by James Duncan Hall, John Berry Ashe, and Austin Texas Nuclear Corporation (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A linear least-squares fitting program for the analysis of gamma-ray spectra including a gain-shift routine (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Idaho Operations Office, 1964), by G. A. Cazier, R. L. Heath, D. D. Metcalf, Richard G. Helmer, Phillips Petroleum Company. Atomic Energy Division, and Idaho National Reactor Testing Station (page images at HathiTrust)
- Comparison of the prompt fission gamma spectrum of U-233 induced by thermal neutrons and by 1.8 eV resonance neutrons (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Idaho Operations Office, 1964), by M. S. Moore, R. R. Spencer, Phillips Petroleum Company. Atomic Energy Division, and Idaho National Reactor Testing Station (page images at HathiTrust)
- Data analysis techniques for gamma-ray scintillation spectrometry (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Idaho Operations Office, 1962), by R. L. Heath, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Phillips Petroleum Company. Atomic Energy Division, and Idaho National Reactor Testing Station (page images at HathiTrust)
- Guidelines for gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements of ²³⁵U enrichment (Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1974), by L.A. Kull, R. O. Ginaven, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- On the use of gamma-ray spectroscopy to determine Pu isotopic abundances in plutonium sources (Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1970), by H. W. Kraner, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Technical Support Organization, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- A non-destructive method for the determination of uranium-235 in uranium metal slugs (Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1955), by D. G. Miller, General Electric Company, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Hanford Atomic Products Operation (page images at HathiTrust)
- Basic principles of scintillation counting for medical investigators (Oak Ridge National Laboratory , 1959), by C. C. Harris, D. A. Ross, J. E. Francis, D. P. Hamblen, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Union Carbide Corporation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies (page images at HathiTrust)
- Neutron capture gamma ray spectra (Argonne National Laboratory, Experimental Nuclear Physics Division, 1950), by Bernard Hamermesh, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Argonne National Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Operation and maintenance of the Hanford effluent water gamma monitor (Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1956), by M. C. Greene, M. R. Wood, R. S. Paul, General Electric Company, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- The gamma ray spectrum resulting from the capture of negative [Pi] mesons in hydrogen and deuterium (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Division, 1950), by Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, James Hadley, R. Lee Aamodt, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- New design of a completely automated high precision curved-crystal spectrometer (Ames, Iowa : Ames Laboratory , 1962), by H. Toffer, E. N. Hatch, Ames Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- A computer method for determining by least squares gamma ray relative intensities using a bent-crystal monochromator (Ames Laboratory, 1964), by Joseph Emerson Brown, E. N. Hatch, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Ames Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Finite geometry corrections to gamma-ray angular correlations measured with 5 in. diameter by 6 in. long NaI(T1) crystals and with 3 in. diameter by 3 in. long NaI(T1) crystals. (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information ;, 1959), by A. R. Rutledge, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Chalk River Project, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- A program for the analysis of gamma-ray scintillation spectra using the method of least squares (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information ;, 1961), by A. J. Ferguson, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Chalk River Project (page images at HathiTrust)
- Monitoring of material of low U-235 assay through gamma radiation energy separation (Goodyear Atomic Corporation ;, 1958), by M. E. Jacobs, Goodyear Atomic Corporation, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Non-destructive determination of U²³⁵ content of rod-shaped fuel elements by gamma pulse spectrometry (Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, General Electric Company, 1958), by W. C. Judd, M. B. Leboeuf, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, General Electric Company, and Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Calculations of the penetration of gamma rays : final report (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : United States Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service, 1954., 1954), by Herbert Goldstein, J. Ernest Wilkins, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. New York Operations Office, and Nuclear Development Associates (page images at HathiTrust)
- Strontium isotope evidence for the age of the Vaqueros Formation and latest Oligocene marine transgression in the northern Santa Maria Province, central California (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey :, 1996), by Margaret A. Keller, Jon R. Schwalbach, Kevin M. Bohacs, Rodger E. Denison, Marilyn Elizabeth Tennyson, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Direct radiometric measurement of the uranium and thorium series in equilibrium by gamma-ray scintillation spectrometer ([Washington D.C.] ; United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1955., 1955), by Patrick M. Hurley, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Research, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- An automatic fuel element enrichment differentiator (FEED) based on gamma-ray spectrometry (Washington, D.C. : Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, 1963., 1963), by L. C. Nelson, C.L. Zyskowski, H. Bussell, S.J. Lorik, United States. Department of Energy. New Brunswick Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Proceedings of the Total Absorption Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Symposium : Gatlinburg, Tennessee, May 10-11, 1960. (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : United States Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service Extension, 1960., in the 20th century), by Tennessee) Total Absorption Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Symposium (1960 May 10-11 : Gatlinburg, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Office of Technical Information (page images at HathiTrust)
- Determination of Np²³⁹, "total fissions", Mo⁹⁹, and Ce¹⁴¹ in fission product mixtures by gamma-ray scintillation spectrometry (San Francisco, California : U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, 1956., 1956), by L. G. McIsaac and U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Line and continuum gamma-ray yields from thermal-neutron capture in 75 elements : final report (San Diego, California : Gulf General Atomic, Inc., 1969., 1970), by Gulf General Atomic Incorporated, T. L. Harper, Victor John Orphan, Norman C. Rasmussen, and United States. Defense Atomic Support Agency (page images at HathiTrust)
- The quantitative techniques of scintillation spectrometry as applied to the calibration of standard sources (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service, 1954., 1954), by R. L. Heath, F. Schroeder, Phillips Petroleum Company. Atomic Energy Division, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gamma ray spectrum and intensity of polonium 208-209 : information report (Miamisburg, Ohio : Mound Laboratory, 1953., 1953), by George L. Fox, Monsanto Chemical Company, Mound Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Technical Information Service (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gamma-ray spectrum enhancement (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, 1977., 1977), by J. H. Reed, G. M. Reynolds, United States. Energy Research and Development Administration. Grand Junction Office, and inc Science Applications (page images at HathiTrust)
- Manual for the application of NURE 1974-1977 aerial gamma-ray spectrometer data (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Department of Energy, 1977., 1977), by Donald F. Saunders, Mark J. Potts, United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office, and Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (page images at HathiTrust)
- Construction of calibration pads facility, Walker Field, Grand Junction, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Department of Energy, 1978., 1978), by Dan L. Ward, United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office, and Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations (page images at HathiTrust)
- Aerial gamma-ray and magnetic survey of the Bethel and Yukon areas, Alaska : final report (Available for purchase from Texas Instruments Incorporated, Airborne Geophysical Services ;, 1976), by United States. Energy Research and Development Administration. Grand Junction Office, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations, and Texas Instruments Incorporated (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gross gamma-ray calibration blocks. (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Department of Energy, 1978., 1978), by Kenneth L. Kosanke, Mark A. Mathews, United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office, and Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations (page images at HathiTrust)
- Aerial radiometric and magnetic survey : Trona national topographic map : California (Dallas, Texas : Geodata International, 1979., 1979), by Geodata International, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations, and United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- Applied spectrometry of ionizing radiation (United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information ;, 1966), by Ekaterina Lukinichna Stoli︠a︡rova and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Technical Information (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Nuclear spectrometer applications (Indianapolis, 1962), by Ind.) Nuclear Measurements Corporation (Indianapolis, R. H. Huebner, and Wendell H. Bradley (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Determination of oxygen content in germanium and silicon by He³ ion activation (L.G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts : Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, 1968., 1968), by G. I. Aleksandrova, G. I. Shmanenkova, D. Ya Choporov, G. V. Sukhov, G. P. Pleshakova, G. A. Kotel℗ʹnikov, A. M. Demidov, and Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gamma radiation spectral survey of the Jackson/Goliad formations in Texas : summary report for the United States Atomic Enerby Commission, Grand Junction Office, Grand Junction, Colorado (Geodata International Inc., 1974), by Geodata International and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- Medical gamma-ray spectrometry (United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information, 1959), by D. A. Ross, J. E. Francis, D. P. Hamblen, C. C. Harris, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Applied Ge(Li) gamma-ray spectroscopy (Richland, Washington : Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1971., 1971), by J. A. Cooper, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Pacific Northwest Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Circuitry for a high altitude gamma spectrometry system (Argonne, Illinois : Electronics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 1963., 1963), by Richard B. Keener and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Applied Nuclear Physics Division, Bulk Shielding Facility. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1955), by T. A. Love, F. C. Maienschein, R. W. Peelle, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- The response of monoenergetic gamma rays in finite media (Argonne National Laboratory :, 1967), by William J. Snow (page images at HathiTrust)
- Health Division Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Group Semiannual Report. : January through June 1964 (Argonne National Laboratory, Physics Division, 1965), by Asher J. Finkel and Argonne National Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Spectrometric techniques for measuring environmental gamma radiation (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information, 1964), by Harold L. Beck and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Health and Safety Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Dual channel pulse analyser and count-rate meter for gamma spectrometer monitor (Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1954), by R. S. Paul, M. R. Wood, General Electric Company, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- High resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy applied to bulk sample analysis (Grand Junction, Colorado : Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction Operations, 1978., 1978), by Kenneth L. Kosanke, Robert D. Wilson, Charles D. Koch, United States. Department of Energy. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Resource Applications, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, and National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program (page images at HathiTrust)
- The effects of vegetation on the energy and angular distribution of uranium daughter gamma rays at an altitude of 121.9 meters (Fort Worth, Texas : Radiation Research Associates, 1979., 1979), by R. M. Rubin, Michael Byron Wells, John H. Price, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations, United States. Department of Energy. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Resource Applications, National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program, and Radiation Research Associates (page images at HathiTrust)
- High-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry in uranium exploration (U.S. Geological Survey, 1976), by Robert M. Moxham, Allan B. Tanner, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Peoria, Decater, Belleville quadrangles : final report Volume 1 (Puyallup, Washington ; Lakewood, Colorado : High Life Helicopters/QEB, Inc., [1981], 1981), by United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- Spectral gamma-ray logging studies (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Department of Energy, 1981., 1981), by Robert D. Wilson, David C. Stromswold, United States. Department of Energy. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Resource Applications, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations, National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program, and United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- An Analytical method for unfolding gamma-ray spectra (Los Alamos, New Mexico : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1969., 1969), by W. M. Sanders, D. M. Holm, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- A code for converting gamma-ray spectra to secondary gamma-ray production cross sections : from the Popop4 Library (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division, Computing Technology Center, 1969., 1969), by W. E. Ford, David H. Wallace, Union Carbide Corporation. Nuclear Division. Computing Technology Center, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- New techniques in precision gamma scanning : application to fast-breeder reactor fuel pins (Los Alamos, New Mexico : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1973., 1973), by J. R. Phillips, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Identification of the 871 keV photon observed from plutonium 238 sources. (Miamisburg, Ohio : Mound Laboratory, 1969., 1969), by F. K. Tomlinson, Monsanto Chemical Company, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Mound Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ground roughness effects on the energy and angular distribution of gamma radiation from fallout. (Las Vegas, Nevada : Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier, Inc., 1962., 1962), by C. M. Huddleston, Q. C. Klinger, R. M. Kinkaid, Z. G. Burson, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Civil Effects Test Operations Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- Determination of ²³⁸U, ²³⁵U, and ²³⁷Np in aluminum metal by gamma spectrometry (Paducah, Kentucky. : Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant , 1976., 1976), by J. C. Williams, C. R. Beverly, P. S. Karr, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and United States. Energy Research and Development Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
- Delayed beta- and gamma-ray production due to thermal-neutron fission of ²³⁵U, spectral distributions for times after fission between 2 and 14000 sec : tabular and graphical data (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Department of Energy [Office of Energy Technology], Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1978., 1978), by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Neutron Physics Division, H. Weaver, R. W. Peelle, K. J. Northcutt, J. F. Emery, J. W. McConnell, T. A. Love, J. K. Dickens, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (page images at HathiTrust)
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