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Geological museums

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Broader terms:Used for:
  • Geology -- Museums
Filed under: Geological museums
  • [Info] The Palace and Park, its Natural History and its Portrait Gallery, Together With a Description of the Pompeian Court, in the Undermentioned Guides: 1. Palalace and Park; 2. Portrait Gallery; 3. Ethnology and Natural History; 4. Extinct Animals; 5. Pompeian Court (5 guides in 1 volume; London: Crystal Palace Library, and Bradbury and Evans, 1854), by Samuel Phillips, R. G. Latham, Edward Forbes, Richard Owen, and George Scharf, illust. by Philip H. Delamotte

Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.

Filed under: Science museums -- Great BritainFiled under: Anatomical museums Filed under: Anatomical museums -- History Filed under: Medical museums -- Periodicals Filed under: Natural history museums -- Hawaii -- Honolulu -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Natural history museums -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Botanical museums
  • [Info] The Palace and Park, its Natural History and its Portrait Gallery, Together With a Description of the Pompeian Court, in the Undermentioned Guides: 1. Palalace and Park; 2. Portrait Gallery; 3. Ethnology and Natural History; 4. Extinct Animals; 5. Pompeian Court (5 guides in 1 volume; London: Crystal Palace Library, and Bradbury and Evans, 1854), by Samuel Phillips, R. G. Latham, Edward Forbes, Richard Owen, and George Scharf, illust. by Philip H. Delamotte
Filed under: Zoological museums
  • [Info] The Palace and Park, its Natural History and its Portrait Gallery, Together With a Description of the Pompeian Court, in the Undermentioned Guides: 1. Palalace and Park; 2. Portrait Gallery; 3. Ethnology and Natural History; 4. Extinct Animals; 5. Pompeian Court (5 guides in 1 volume; London: Crystal Palace Library, and Bradbury and Evans, 1854), by Samuel Phillips, R. G. Latham, Edward Forbes, Richard Owen, and George Scharf, illust. by Philip H. Delamotte
Filed under: Geology Filed under: Geology -- Africa, East Filed under: Geology -- Alabama Filed under: Geology -- Alaska Filed under: Geology -- Alps Filed under: Geology -- Amazon River Valley Filed under: Geology -- Antarctica Filed under: Geology -- Appalachian Region, Southern Filed under: Geology -- Arizona Filed under: Geology -- Asia, Central Filed under: Geology -- Austria Filed under: Geology -- California Filed under: Geology -- Canada

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