Geometry -- Computer simulationSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Geometry -- Computer simulation
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Filed under: Geometry Geometry Unbound (c2006), by Kiran Sridhara Kedlaya (PDF with commentary at kskedlayaorg) Geometric Topology: Localization, Periodicity and Galois Symmetry (The 1970 MIT Notes) (electronic edition, ca. 2005), by Dennis Sullivan, ed. by Andrew Ranicki (PDF in the UK) Model Theory, Algebra, and Geometry (2000), ed. by Deirdre Haskell, Anand Pillay, and Charles Steinhorn (PDF files with commentary at Cours de Géométrie Élémentaire, avec de Nombreux Exercices (second edition, in French; Tours: A. Mame et fils; et al., 1912), by G. Marie (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) An Elementary Treatise on Modern Pure Geometry, by R. Lachlan (page images at Cornell) Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, by A. M. Legendre and Charles Davies, ed. by J. Howard Van Amringe (page images at Cornell) The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, and Propositions I.-XXI. of Book XI., and an Appendix on the Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, Etc., With Copious Annotations and Numerous Exercises (Dublin: Hodges, Figgis and Co., 1885), by Euclid and John Casey (page images at Cornell) Geometriske Eksperimenter (in Danish; Copenhagen: Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, 1913), by Johannes Hjelmslev (multiple formats at Introduction to Mathematics (Reading, MA and London: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1961), by Charles Francis Brumfiel, Robert E. Eicholz, and Merrill Shanks (page images at HathiTrust) Byrne's Euclid: The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, With Coloured Diagrams and Symbols, by Euclid, ed. by Oliver Byrne and Nicholas Rougeux (JavaScript-dependent illustrated HTML at An Elementary Treatise on Pure Geometry with Numerous Examples, by John Wellesley Russell (page images at Cornell) La Recente Geometria del Triangolo (in Italian; Città di Castello: S. Lapi, 1900), by Cristoforo Alasia Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry (1911), by John Wesley Young (page images at Cornell)
Filed under: Geometry -- Computer-assisted instruction
Filed under: Geometry -- Congresses
Filed under: Geometry -- Data processing
Filed under: Geometry -- Early works to 1800 Euclid's Elements of Geometry (Greek text from Heiberg's edition, with English translation and notes by the editor; 2008), by Euclid, ed. by Richard Fitzpatrick, contrib. by J. L. Heiberg (PDF with commentary at Texas) Brouillon Project d'une Atteinte aux Evenemens des Rencontres du Cone avec un Plan, par L,S,G,D,L (in French; 1639), by Gérard Desargues Francisci à Schooten Principia Matheseos Universalis, seu Introductio ad Geometriae Methodum Renati Des Cartes (in Latin; Leiden: Ex Officinâ Elseviriorum, 1651), by Frans van Schooten, ed. by Erasmus Bartholin Aritmetica, e Geometria Prattica (in Italian; Naples: C. Troyse and G.-D. Pietroboni, 1697), by Elia del Re Aritmetica, e Geometria Prattica (in Italian; Naples: N. Migliaccio, 1733), by Elia del Re (multiple formats at Google) Pyrotechnia: or, A Discourse of Artificiall Fire-Works... Whereunto is Annexed a Short Treatise of Geometrie (London: Printed by T. Harper for R. Mab, 1635), by John Babington Utriusque Cosmi Maioris Scilicet et Minoris Metaphysica, Physica atque Technica Historia (2 volumes, in Latin; ca. 1617), by Robert Fludd Euclidis Elementa (5 volumes in Greek and Latin; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1883-1888), by Euclid, ed. by J. L. Heiberg The Geometrical Lectures of Isaac Barrow, by Isaac Barrow, trans. by J. M. Child (page images at Cornell) Geometrical Solutions Derived From Mechanics: A Treatise of Archimedes (with LaTeX markup), by Archimedes, trans. by J. L. Heiberg and Lydia Gillingham Robinson, contrib. by David Eugene Smith (Gutenberg text) The Geometry of René Descartes, by René Descartes, trans. by David Eugene Smith and Marcia L. Latham (PDF at Tychonis Brahe Triangulorum Planorum et Sphaericorum Praxis Arithmetica, Qua Maximus Eorum Praesertim in Astronomicis Usus Compendiose Explicatur (facsimile of a 1591 manuscript attributed by Studnicka to Brahe, with notes, in Latin; Prague: Ex Officina Polygraphica Ios. Farsky, 1886), by Tycho Brahe, ed. by F. I. Studnicka (page images at HathiTrust) Elements, by Euclid, ed. by D. E. Joyce, trans. by Thomas Little Heath (illustrated HTML at Elements (English and Greek), by Euclid, trans. by Thomas Little Heath (HTML with commentary at Perseus) Harmonies of the World, by Johannes Kepler, trans. by Charles Glenn Wallis (HTML with commentary at The Method of Archimedes, Recently Discovered by Heiberg: A Supplement to the Works of Archimedes, 1897 (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1912), by Archimedes, ed. by Thomas Little Heath, contrib. by J. L. Heiberg (multiple formats at The Works of Archimedes, Edited in Modern Notation With Introductory Chapters (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1897), by Archimedes, ed. by Thomas Little Heath (multiple formats at
Filed under: Geometry -- Foundations
Filed under: Geometry -- History
Filed under: Geometry -- Miscellanea
Filed under: Geometry -- Periodicals
Filed under: Geometry -- Philosophy
Filed under: Geometry -- Problems, exercises, etc. Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University (new revised edition; Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2019), by S. T. C. Siklos (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Paper Folding for the Mathematics Class (Washington: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, c1957), by Donovan A. Johnson (page images at HathiTrust) Méthodes et Théories pour la Resolution des Problèmes de Constructions Géométriques, Avec Application à Plus de 400 Problèmes (third edition, in French; Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils; Copenhagen: A. F. Høst et fils, 1901), by Julius Petersen, trans. by Octave Chemin (multiple formats at Methods and Theories for the Solution of Problems of Geometrical Constructions, Applied to 410 Problems (Copenhagen: A. F. Høst and Son; London: S. Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1879), by Julius Petersen, trans. by Sophus Haagensen A Key to the Exercises in the First Six Books of Casey's Elements of Euclid, by Joseph Casey (page images at Cornell)
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