Geometry -- FoundationsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Geometry -- Foundations
Filed under: Mathematical analysis -- FoundationsFiled under: Hyperspace The Fourth Dimension: Toward a Geometry of Higher Reality (free online edition, c2014), by Rudy v. B. Rucker, contrib. by Martin Gardner (illustrated HTML at Theorie der Vielfachen Kontinuität (in German; Zurich: Zürcher und Furrer, ca. 1901), by Ludwig Schläfli, ed. by J. H. Graf Linear Transformations In Hilbert Space and Their Applications To Analysis (American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications v15; 1932), by Marshall H. Stone (multiple formats at Mathematical Essays and Recreations, by Hermann Schubert, trans. by Thomas J. McCormack (page images at Cornell) Side-Lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science: Essays and Addresses, by Simon Newcomb (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Algebras, Linear Linear Algebra (first edition; 2013), by David Cherney, Tom Denton, and Andrew Waldron, ed. by Rohit Thomas (PDF with commentary at UC Davis) Elementary Linear Algebra (online CC-BY edition, 2012), by Kenneth Kuttler Elementary Linear Algebra (second online edition, 1998), by Keith Robert Matthews (PDF files with commentary at A First Course in Linear Algebra (electronic edition), by Robert A. Beezer (HTML and PDF with commentary at Modern Multidimensional Calculus (Reading, MA, et al: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1963), by M. Evans Munroe (page images at HathiTrust) Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra, by Edwin H. Connell (PDF and Postscript at Miami) Elementary Divisors and Some Properties of the Lyapunov Mapping X to AX + XA* (Argonne, IL: Argonne National Laboratory, 1961), by Wallace Givens (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Algebras, Linear -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Algebras, Linear -- TextbooksFiled under: Complexes
Filed under: Hauptvermutung (Topology)Filed under: Complexes, Cochain
Filed under: Cayley numbers (Algebra)Filed under: Substitutions, Linear
Filed under: Banach modules (Algebra)Filed under: Harmonic analysis
Filed under: Lamé's functionsFiled under: Spherical harmonics
Filed under: AusdehnungslehreFiled under: Operator algebras Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics, by Ola Bratteli and Derek W. Robinson
Filed under: Noncommutative differential geometryFiled under: Banach spacesFiled under: Hilbert space
Filed under: Spectral theory (Mathematics)Filed under: Geometry, Riemannian
Filed under: Surfaces of constant curvatureFiled under: Metric spaces
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Geometry, Non-Euclidean
Filed under: Geometry, HyperbolicFiled under: Screws, Theory ofMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |