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Filed under: Geothermal brines- Ranking research problems in geothermal development (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of Saline Water, 1971), by Alan D. K. Laird and United States. Office of Saline Water (page images at HathiTrust)
- Corrosion of materials and scaling in low-salinity East Mesa geothermal brines (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1981), by P. B. Needham, J. P. Carter, W. D. Riley, S. D. Cramer, F. X. McCawley, and United States Bureau of Mines (page images at HathiTrust)
- Corrosion of selected metals and a high-temperature thermoplastic in hypersaline geothermal brine (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1983), by R. K. Conrad, Stephen D. Cramer, and J. P. Carter (page images at HathiTrust)
- Recovering zinc-lead sulfide from a geothermal brine (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1985), by L. E. Schultze and D. J. Bauer (page images at HathiTrust)
- Recovering lithium chloride from a geothermal brine (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1984), by L. E. Schultze and D. J. Bauer (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Geothermal brines -- California -- Salton Sea
Filed under: Geothermal brines -- United States -- Computer programs
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Geothermal resources- Geothermal resource investigations, Imperial Valley, California, January 1972 : developmental concepts. (United States, Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1972), by United States Bureau of Reclamation (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geothermal energy: a national proposal for geothermal resources research; final report. (University of Alaska, 1972), by Battelle Seattle Research Center Geothermal Resources Research Conference, Jesse C. Denton, Walter J. Hickel, and National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Geothermal energy : clean power from the Earth's heat (U.S. Geological Survey ;, 2003), by Wendell A. Duffield, J. H. Sass, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Extracting minerals from geothermal brines: a literature study (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1974), by Rolland Blake (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hot dry rock geothermal energy : status of exploration and assessment : report no. 1 of the Hot Dry Rock Assessment Panel (Energy Research and Development Administration, Division of Geothermal Energy ;, 1977), by Hot Dry Rock Assessment Panel (page images at HathiTrust)
- Impact prediction manual for geothermal development (Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Western Energy and Land Use Team, 1978), by Woodward-Clyde Consultants and Western Energy and Land Use Team (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geothermal project summaries. (Washington, D.C.: Energy Research and Development Administration, Division of Geothermal Energy, 1976., 1976), by United States. Energy Research and Development Administration. Division of Geothermal Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Review of international geothermal activities and assessment of U.S. industry opportunities (Los Alamos National Laboratory ;, 1987), by Meridian Corporation and Los Alamos National Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Electricity from geothermal energy (U. S. Dept. of Energy :, 1980), by Joseph Kestin and United States. Department of Energy. Division of Geothermal Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Comparative assessment of five potential sites for hydrothermal-magma systems : energy transport (Sandia Laboratories;, 1980), by Harry C. Hardee, Sandia National Laboratories, and Sandia Laboratories (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Benefit/cost analysis for research in geothermal log interpretation : Final report (The Laboratory, 1979), by F. A. Rigby, P. Reardon, and Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Instrumentation for granite test No. 1 (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information, 1974), by Bert R. Dennis, Robert M. Potter, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- State-of-the-art of liquid waste disposal for geothermal energy systems, 1979 (The Division ;, 1980), by Leo J. Defferding and United States. Department of Energy. Division of Environmental Control Technology (page images at HathiTrust)
- An Assessment of geothermal development in the Imperial Valley of California (U.S. Dept. of Energy ;, 1980), by J. H. Hill, William M. Morris, David W. Layton, United States. Department of Energy. Environmental and Safety Engineering Division, United States. Department of Energy. Technology Assessments Division, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geothermal energy ([U.S. Govt. Print. Off.], 1965), by Donald Edward White (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Geothermal resources exploration & exploitation : a bibliography. (U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, Office of Public Affairs, Technical Information Center ;, 1975), by United States. Energy Research and Development Administration. Technical Information Center and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Renewable resource/transmission development scenarios : final project report (California Energy Commission, 2011), by David Olsen, Rich Ferguson, Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies, and California Energy Commission. Public Interest Energy Research (page images at HathiTrust)
- Application of InSAR to the detection of surface deformation in the geothermal fields of Imperial Valley, California : final project report (California Energy Commission, 2010), by Mariana Eneva, Inc Imageair, and California Energy Commission. Public Interest Energy Research (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geothermal exploration in Eastern California using ASTER thermal infrared data : final project report (California Energy Commission, 2010), by Mariana Eneva, Inc Imageair, and California Energy Commission. Public Interest Energy Research (page images at HathiTrust)
- Direct use applications of geothermal resources at Desert Hot Springs, California : final report (California Energy Commission, 1978), by Chris C Christiansen, United States. Department of Energy. Geothermal Energy Division, and California Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Reservoir confirmation of the Buckeye Power Plant area : Wildhorse State 36 confirmation well, Northwest Geysers : final project report ([Sacramento, Calif.] : California Energy Commission, [2011], 2011), by Mark Walters, Joe Beall, Geysers Power Company, and California Energy Commission. Energy Research and Development Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Fluid inclusion stratigraphy : a new method for geothermal reservoir assessment : final project report ([Sacramento, Calif.] : California Energy Commission, Energy Research and Development Division, [2007], 2007), by Lorie M. Dilley, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and California Energy Commission. Energy Research and Development Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Assessment of geothermal resources in the Wilbur Hotsprings area, Colusa and Lake Counties, California : final project report ([Sacramento, Calif.] : California Energy Commission, [2013], 2013), by William Walden, Jodie Crandel, George Crandell, LLC Renovitas, and California Energy Commission. Energy Research and Development Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Assessment of California's low temperature geothermal resources : geothermal heat pump efficiencies by region : evaluation of geothermal heat pump system use in California : final project report ([Sacramento, Calif.] : California Energy Commission, [2012], 2012), by William Glassley and California Energy Commission. Energy Research and Development Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference : hearings before the Subcommittee on Mines and Mining of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-third Congress, second session, hearings held in Honolulu, Hawaii, August 27 and 29, 1974. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1974), by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Mines and Mining (page images at HathiTrust)
- Careers in renewable energy. (Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse, 2001), by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geothermal resource assessment update : the Long Valley region : Task 4.2 : final project report ([Sacramento, Calif.] : California Energy Commission, [2012], 2012), by William E. Glassley, California Geothermal Energy Collaborative, and California Energy Commission. Energy Research and Development Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- The total flow concept for recovery of energy from geothermal hot brine deposits (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, University of California ;, 1973), by A. L. Austin, Justin H. Howard, G. H. Higgins, and Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Assessment of surface geophysical methods in geothermal exploration and recommendations for future research (Dept. of Energy, [Office of Energy Research], Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ;, 1978), by N. E. Goldstein, M. J. Wilt, R. A. Norris, United States. Department of Energy. Division of Geothermal Energy, and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Salton Sea Scientific Drilling Project : a summary of drilling and engineering activities and scientific results ; final report, April 1992 (U.S. Dept. of Energy, 1992), by Howard P. Ross, C. Kelson Forsgren, and United States. Department of Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Geothermal Research Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey ;, 1982), by Wendell A. Duffield and Marianne Guffanti (page images at HathiTrust)
- Measurement requirements and methods for geothermal reservoir system parameters (an appraisal) (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 1979), by M. D. Lamers, Measurement Analysis Corporation, United States. Dept. of Energy, and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Earth Sciences Division (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Geothermal energy research development & Demonstration Program : third annual report (Washington, D.C. : U.S. Deptartment of Energy, 1979., 1979), by Interagency Geothermal Coordinating Council (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Environmental investigations associated with the LASL hot dry rock geothermal energy development project (Los Alamos, New Mexico : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1977., 1977), by Kenneth H. Rea, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, and United States. Department of Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory geothermal program in northern Nevada (Berkeley, California : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 1974., 1974), by Kenneth F. Mirk, H. A. Wollenberg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geoscience studies in Buena Vista Valley, Nevada (Berkeley, California : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 1976., 1976), by N. E. Goldstein, United States. Energy Research and Development Administration, and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geothermal subsidence research program plan : April 1977 (Berkeley, California : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 1977., 1977), by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and United States. Energy Research and Development Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
- Microseisms in geothermal exploration : studies in Grass Valley, Nevada (Berkeley, California : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1977., 1977), by Alfred Liang-Chi Liaw, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and United States. Department of Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Northern Nevada geothermal exploration strategy analysis (Berkeley, California : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 1977., 1977), by N. E. Goldstein, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and United States. Department of Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- National geothermal information resource : annual report, 1977 (Berkeley, California : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 1978., 1978), by Sidney L. Phillips, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and United States. Department of Energy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Chemistry division annual progress report for period ending November 1, 1975 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1976., 1976), by O. L. Keller, I. L. Thomas, R. L. Hahn, L. M. Ferris, United States. Energy Research and Development Administration, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust)
- Selected data on water wells, geothermal wells, and oil tests in Imperial Valley, California (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1976), by W. F. Hardt and James J. French (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geothermal technologies program : buried treasure: the environmental, economic, and employment benefits of geothermal energy (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2004), by Jay Nathwani and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Supplement: Belknap - Foley geothermal area, Willamette National Forest/Deschutes National Forest Draft environmental statement for geothermal leasing (USDA, Forest Service, 1979), by United States Forest Service, Geological Survey (U.S.), United States Bureau of Land Management, and United States Department of Agriculture (page images at HathiTrust)
- Proceedings : second United Nations Symposium on the Development and Use of Geothermal Resources, San Francisco, California, 20-29 May 1975 (U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976), by San Francisco United Nations Symposium on the Development and Use of Geothermal Resources. 2d, United Nations, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Geological Survey (U.S.), National Science Foundation (U.S.), and United States. Energy Research and Development Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
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