German language -- Dictionaries -- PolyglotSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: German language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot
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Filed under: German language -- Dictionaries Schwäbisches Wörterbuch: Mit Etymologischen und Historischen Anmerkungen (in German; Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart, 1844), by Johann Christoph von Schmid
Filed under: Ainu language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language) (second edition; Tokyo: Methodist Pub. House; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1905), by John Batchelor Filed under: English language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot An English and Swedish Dictionary: Wherein The Generality of Words and Various Significations are Rendered Into Swedish and Latin (second edition; Harg, Sweden: P. Momma, 1757), by Jakob Serenius (page images at HathiTrust) Dictionnaire Polyglotte en Six Langues: Français-Allemand-Anglais-Suédois-Italien-Russe des Termes de la Machine à Vapeur et de Ses Différentes Applications / Shesti-Iazychnyi Slovar: Frantsuzsko-Niemetsko-Anglo-Shvedsko-Italiansko-Russkii (St. Petersburg, Russia: Imperial Academy of the Sciences, 1865), by Andrei Mikhailovich Engel (multiple formats at An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language) (second edition; Tokyo: Methodist Pub. House; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1905), by John Batchelor Filed under: Esperanto -- Dictionaries -- PolyglotFiled under: French language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot Le Dictionnaire des Six Langues; Das Sechssprachige Wörterbuch; The Six-languages Dictionary; El Diccionario de las Seis Lenguas; Il Dizionario Delle Sei Lingue; O Diccionario das Seis Linguas: Médaille à l'Exposition Universelle de Paris 1900 (in French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese; Lisbon: Empresa Editora do "Occidente", 1902), by Francisco de Almeida Dictionnaire Polyglotte en Six Langues: Français-Allemand-Anglais-Suédois-Italien-Russe des Termes de la Machine à Vapeur et de Ses Différentes Applications / Shesti-Iazychnyi Slovar: Frantsuzsko-Niemetsko-Anglo-Shvedsko-Italiansko-Russkii (St. Petersburg, Russia: Imperial Academy of the Sciences, 1865), by Andrei Mikhailovich Engel (multiple formats at Dictionnaire Français-Arabe-Persan et Turc (3 volumes, in French with Arabic, Persian, and Turkish; Moscow: Impr. de l'Université impériale, 1840-1841), by Alexandre Handjéri Filed under: Japanese language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language) (second edition; Tokyo: Methodist Pub. House; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1905), by John Batchelor Filed under: Latin language -- Dictionaries -- PolyglotFiled under: Quiché language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot Gramatica de la Lengua Quiche / Grammaire de la Langue Quichée, Espagnole-Française (Collection de Documents Dans les Langues Indigenes v2; 2 parts in 1, in French, Spanish, and Quiché; Paris: A. Bertrand, 1862), by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg, trans. by Ziz Bartolo Filed under: Russian language -- Dictionaries -- PolyglotFiled under: Swedish language -- Dictionaries -- PolyglotFiled under: Technology -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot |