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Filed under: Gout -- Treatment -- Early works to 1800
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Filed under: Gout -- Early works to 1800 The Attila of the Gout (second edition; London: Printed for the author, 1713), by John Marten (page images at NIH) Monsieur Belloste's Hospital Surgeon, as Far as It Treats of The Gout, Rheumatism, Cholick, Dropsy, Stone, Gravel, and Venereal Complaints: To Which are Added Dr. Sydenham's Observations on The Gout; With Proper Notes on Each (London: Printed by J. Hughs, 1737) (page images at NIH)
Filed under: Immunization -- Complications Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism (2004), by Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Immunization Safety Review Committee (multiple formats at NAP) Immunization Safety Review: Multiple Immunizations and Immune Dysfunction (2002), by Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Immunization Safety Review Committee, ed. by Kathleen R. Stratton, Christopher B. Wilson, and Marie C. McCormick (multiple formats at NAP) Immunization Safety Review: SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer (c2003), by Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Immunization Safety Review Committee, ed. by Kathleen R. Stratton, Donna A. Almario, and Marie C. McCormick (multiple formats at NAP) Immunization Safety Review: Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine and Autism (2001), by Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Immunization Safety Review Committee, ed. by Kathleen R. Stratton, Alicia Gable, Padma Shetty, and Marie C. McCormick (multiple formats at NAP) Immunization Safety Review: Hepatitis B Vaccine and Demyelinating Neurological Disorders (2002), by Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Immunization Safety Review Committee, ed. by Kathleen R. Stratton, Donna A. Almario, and Marie C. McCormick (multiple formats at NAP) Filed under: Prostate -- Diseases -- Treatment -- ComplicationsFiled under: Gene therapy Human Gene Therapy: A Background Paper (1984), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Palliative treatmentFiled under: Phototherapy Light Therapeutics: A Practical Manual of Phototherapy for the Student and the Practitioner, With Special Reference to the Incandescent Electric-Light Bath (Battle Creek, MI: Good Health Pub. Co., 1910), by John Harvey Kellogg Radium, and Other Radio-Active Substances: Polonium, Actinium, and Thorium (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co.; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1904), by William Joseph Hammer (multiple formats at archive.org) Filed under: Physical therapy Physical Fitness: A Guide for Individuals with Lower Limb Loss (Baltimore: Dept. of Veterans Affairs, ca. 1991), by Ernest M. Burgess and Albert Rappoport Filed under: Alcoholism -- Treatment Resisting 12-Step Coercion: How to Fight Forced Participation in AA, NA, or 12-Step Treatment (Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press, 2000), by Stanton Peele (HTML at Wayback Machine) Alcoholics Anonymous ("Big book online"; official online version of the 4th edition of 2001), contrib. by Bill W. (HTML and PDF files at aa.org) Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered From Alcoholism (new and revised edition; New York: Alcoholics Anonymous Publishing, 1955), contrib. by Bill W. (page images at HathiTrust) Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered From Alcoholism (New York: Works Pub. Co., 1947), by Bill W. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than Fourteen Thousand Men and Women Have Recovered From Alcoholism (New York: Works Publishing, 1945), by Bill W. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Filed under: COVID-19 (Disease) -- TreatmentFiled under: Cardiac arrest -- TreatmentFiled under: Cocaine abuse -- TreatmentFiled under: Depression in adolescence -- TreatmentFiled under: Depression in children -- TreatmentFiled under: Depression, Mental -- TreatmentFiled under: Drug abuse -- TreatmentFiled under: Drug addiction -- TreatmentFiled under: Epilepsy -- TreatmentFiled under: Food allergy in children -- TreatmentFiled under: Food allergy in infants -- TreatmentFiled under: Hypertension -- TreatmentFiled under: Malaria -- Treatment The Theory and Treatment of Fevers (Arrow Rock, MO: The author, 1844), by John Sappington and Ferdinando Stith Filed under: Nicotine addiction -- TreatmentFiled under: Obesity -- TreatmentFiled under: Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Treatment Cadaverland: Inventing a Pathology of Catastrophe for Holocaust Survival: The Limits of Medical Knowledge and Historical Memory in France (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, c2009), by Michael Dorland Filed under: Pregnant women -- Substance use -- TreatmentFiled under: Psychic trauma -- TreatmentFiled under: Psychosexual disorders -- TreatmentFiled under: Stuttering -- TreatmentFiled under: Substance abuse -- TreatmentFiled under: Wounds and injuries -- Treatment A Complete Guide to Maggot Therapy: Clinical Practice, Therapeutic Principles, Production, Distribution, and Ethics (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2022), ed. by Frank Stadler (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) The Treatment of Infected Wounds (second edition; London: Balliere, Tindall and Cox, 1918), by Alexis Carrel and Georges Dehelly, trans. by Herbert Child, contrib. by Anthony A. Bowlby (multiple formats at archive.org) Faith-Healing in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Read Before the American Folk-Lore Society, November 29, 1890 (New York: De Vinne Press, 1891), by Charles F. Cox We Are the Wounded (New York: E.P. Dutton and Co., 1945), by Keith Wheeler (page images at HathiTrust)
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