Governors -- United StatesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Governors -- United States
Filed under: Governors -- Pennsylvania -- Election
Filed under: Governors -- Alaska -- Powers and duties
Filed under: Governors' spouses -- Montana -- Correspondence
Filed under: Governors' spouses -- Texas -- Biography
Filed under: Governors -- Alaska -- BiographyFiled under: Gruening, Ernest, 1887-1974
Filed under: Governors -- California -- Biography History of Political Conventions in California, 1849-1892 (Publications of the California Sttae Library #1; 1893), by Winfield J. Davis Filed under: Governors -- Indiana
Filed under: Governors -- Indiana -- Biography
Filed under: Governors -- Iowa -- Biography
Filed under: Governors -- Massachusetts -- Biography Life and Letters of John Winthrop (first editions, 2 volumes; Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1864-1867), by Robert C. Winthrop, contrib. by John Winthrop Life and Letters of John Winthrop (second edition, 2 volumes; Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1869), by Robert C. Winthrop, contrib. by John Winthrop Filed under: Winthrop, John, 1588-1649 Life and Letters of John Winthrop (first editions, 2 volumes; Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1864-1867), by Robert C. Winthrop, contrib. by John Winthrop Life and Letters of John Winthrop (second edition, 2 volumes; Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1869), by Robert C. Winthrop, contrib. by John Winthrop
Filed under: Governors -- Michigan -- BiographyFiled under: Ferris, Woodbridge N., 1853-1928Filed under: Governors -- Minnesota
Filed under: Governors -- New Jersey -- Biography The Governors of New Jersey, 1664-1974: Biographical Essays (1982), ed. by Paul A. Stellhorn and Michael J. Birkner
Filed under: Governors -- New Mexico -- Zuni -- BiographyFiled under: Pino, Pedro
Filed under: Governors -- North Carolina -- BiographyFiled under: Governors -- Ohio
Filed under: Governors -- Ohio -- Biography Private Memoir of Thomas Worthington, Esq. of Adena, Ross County, Ohio, Senator, Governor, etc., etc., by His Daughter (Cincinnati: Press of Robert Clarke and Co., 1882), by Sarah Worthington King Peter (PDF at State Library of Ohio) Journey Through My Years (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1946), by James M. Cox (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Cox, James M. (James Middleton), 1870-1957Filed under: Worthington, Thomas, 1773-1827 Thomas Worthington, Father of Ohio Statehood (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 1998), by Alfred Byron Sears (PDF at Ohio State) Private Memoir of Thomas Worthington, Esq. of Adena, Ross County, Ohio, Senator, Governor, etc., etc., by His Daughter (Cincinnati: Press of Robert Clarke and Co., 1882), by Sarah Worthington King Peter (PDF at State Library of Ohio) Filed under: Governors -- Rhode Island The Providence Plantations for Two Hundred and Fifty Years: An Historical Review of the Foundation, Rise, and Progress of the City of Providence (Providence: J. A. and R. A. Reid, 1886), contrib. by Welcome Arnold Greene
Filed under: Governors -- South Carolina -- Biography
Filed under: Governors -- Texas -- Biography Star of Destiny: The Private Life of Sam and Margaret Houston (Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press, 1993), by Madge Thornall Roberts, contrib. by Randolph B. Campbell (page images at Portal to Texas History) Six Decades in Texas: or, Memoirs of Francis Richard Lubbock, Governor of Texas in War Time, 1861-63 (Austin, TX: Ben C. Jones and Co., 1900), by Francis Richard Lubbock, ed. by Cadwell Walton Raines Filed under: Lubbock, Francis Richard, 1815-1905 Six Decades in Texas: or, Memoirs of Francis Richard Lubbock, Governor of Texas in War Time, 1861-63 (Austin, TX: Ben C. Jones and Co., 1900), by Francis Richard Lubbock, ed. by Cadwell Walton Raines
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Governors -- Australia -- New South Wales
Filed under: Governors -- Australia -- New South Wales -- BiographyFiled under: Phillip, Arthur, 1738-1814
Filed under: Governors -- China -- BiographyFiled under: Governors -- China -- History
Filed under: Governors general -- India -- BiographyFiled under: Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, Marquis, 1738-1805
Filed under: Governors -- Jamaica -- Fiction
Filed under: Governors -- Tennessee, East -- BiographyFiled under: Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877
Filed under: Governors' spouses -- New Zealand -- CorrespondenceFiled under: Governors' spouses -- New Zealand -- DiariesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |