Great Britain -- 19th centurySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:- Great Britain -- 19th century -- Biography
- Great Britain -- 19th century -- Fiction
- Great Britain -- 19th century -- History Fiction
- British literature -- 19th century
- England -- 19th century
- Scotland -- 19th century
- Actors -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Advertising -- Great Britain -- London -- 19th century
- Agriculture -- Great Britain -- Economic aspects -- 19th century
- Aids to navigation -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Albumen prints -- Great Britain -- Scotland -- Edinburgh -- 19th century
- Almanacs, English -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Alphabet books -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Anti-slavery literature -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Aquatint -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Arbors -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Architecture, Domestic -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Armorial bindings -- Specimens -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Art criticism -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Artists -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Association copies (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Atheism -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Authors' inscriptions (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Authors' presentation copies (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Authors' presentation inscriptions (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Authors' presentation inscriptions -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Autographs (Provenance -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Autographs (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Banks and banking -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Banks and banking, Cooperative -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Basic training (Military education) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Beauty, Personal -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Binder's tickets (Binding) -- Great Britain -- Kelso -- 19th century
- Binders' tickets (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Binders' tickets -- Specimens -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Binding labels (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Biography -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Block printing -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Book illustrations -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Bookbinders' tickets -- Specimens -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Bookplates (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Booksellers' advertisements -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Booksellers' labels -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Brotherhoods -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Calf bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Caricatures -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Caricatures and cartoons -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Case bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Catholics -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Charities -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Child labor -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Child welfare -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Christian biography -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Chromolithography -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Cloth bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Color prints -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Copper engravings -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Costume -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- County government -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Courts-martial and courts of inquiry -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Dates (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Decorated edges (Binding) -- Great Britain -- London -- 19th century
- Deism -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Diplomats -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Disestablishment of churches -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Drawing -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Drawing books -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Drawings -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- East Indies -- Commerce -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Education -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Egypt -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Electric industry -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Emblem books -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Emblems, English -- Great Britain -- Bristol -- 19th century
- Emblems, English -- Great Britain -- London -- 19th century
- English poetry -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Engraving -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Errata lists (Publishing) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Etching -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Festival books -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Finance -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Fisheries -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Food prices -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Fore-edge paintings -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Free trade -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Game laws -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Geologists -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Gold tooled bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Gold tooled bindings -- Specimens -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Graphite drawings -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Biography -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Church history -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Civilization -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Commerce -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Economic conditions -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Emigration and immigration -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- History, Military -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- History, Naval -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Intellectual life -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Military life -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Religion -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Rural conditions -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Social conditions -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Social life and customs -- 19th century
- Great Britain -- Statistics, Vital -- 19th century
- Handmade paper printings (Printing) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Harbors -- Port charges -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Home economics -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Home missions -- Great Britain -- Congregational churches -- 19th century
- Horse racing -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Illustrated books (Photographs) -- Great Britain -- Scotland -- Glasgow -- 19th century
- Illustrated works -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Illustration of books -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Illustrators -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Ink stamps -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Insertions (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Investments -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Jewish literature -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Juvenile literature -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Labor unions -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Land tenure -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Landscape prints -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Lectures -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Life insurance -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Limitation statements (Publishing) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Lithography -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Local government -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Man-woman relationships -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Marbled edges (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Meat industry and trade -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Methodist Church -- Great Britain -- Sermons -- 19th century
- Military manuals -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Miners -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Monograms -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Morocco bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- London -- 19th century
- Open-face types (Type evidence) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Original covers (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Painters -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Painting -- Great Britain -- Study and teaching -- 19th century
- Painting, Modern -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Paper bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Periodicals -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Petition, Right of -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Photographs -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Photogravures (prints) -- Great Britain -- Scotland -- Glasgow -- 19th century
- Photolithographs -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Physicians -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Pictorial cloth bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Pilots and pilotage -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Political activists -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Poverty -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Presentation inscriptions (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Press law -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Prime ministers -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Primers (Instructional books) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Printed wrappers (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Printers' devices (Publishing) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Prisons -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Privately published books (Publishing) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Proofs (Printing) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Property tax -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Prospectuses -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Protectionism -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Public health -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Public welfare -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Publishers' advertisements (Publishing) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Publishers' advertisements -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Publishers' advertisments -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Publishers' bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Publishers' cloth bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Queens -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Radicalism -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Railroads -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Regency -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Religious education -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Rent -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Right of property -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- School buildings -- Heating and ventilation -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- School hygiene -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Scrapbooks -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Sermons -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Shipping -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Signed bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Silhouettes -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Socialism -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Statesmen -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Steel engravings -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Stipple engraving -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Subscribers' lists -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Subscription lists (Publishing) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Suffrage -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Teachers -- Training of -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Textbooks -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Theater -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Travel literature -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Tree calf bindings (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Trials (Sedition) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Trials, litigation, etc. -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Unbound sheets (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- United States -- Commerce -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- United States -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Unopened books (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Untrimmed edges (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Watermarks (Paper) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Women -- Employment -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Women printers -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Women publishers -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Wood engravings -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Working class -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Xenophobia -- Great Britain -- 19th century
- Youth -- Employment -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Great Britain -- 19th century Female beauty, as preserved and improved by regimen, cleanliness and dress : and especially by the adaptation, colour and arrangement of dress, as variously influencing the forms, complexion, and expression of each individual, and rendering cosmetic impositions unnecessary (Thomas Hurst, 65, St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1837), by A. Walker, John William Wright, E. T. Parris, M. Gauci, and Anthony Carlisle (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Great Britain -- 19th century -- Biography
Filed under: Great Britain -- 19th century -- Fiction
Filed under: Great Britain -- 19th century -- History Fiction
Filed under: England -- 19th century
Filed under: Advertising -- Great Britain -- London -- 19th century International humour (W. Scott ;, 1894), by Alice Werner and Dudley Hardy (page images at HathiTrust) Artemus Ward (his travels) among the Mormons ... (J. C. Hotten, 1865), by Edward P. Hingston (page images at HathiTrust) Aureus; or, The life and opinions of a sovereign (G. Wightman, 1824), by Peregrine Oakley and George Wightman (page images at HathiTrust) Through the subarctic forest : a record of a canoe journey from Fort Wrangel to the Pelly Lakes, and down the Yukon River to the Behring Sea (E. Arnold, 1896), by Warburton Mayer Pike and Joseph T. Tower (page images at HathiTrust) Out of Egypt; stories from the threshold of the East (E. Mathews, 1895), by Percy Addleshaw (page images at HathiTrust) Original plays (Chatto & Windus, 1876), by W. S. Gilbert and Fredric Woodbridge Wilson Collection of Gilbert and Sullivan (Harvard Theatre Collection) (page images at HathiTrust) The housewife's referee : a treatise on culinary and household subjects (Hutchinson, 1898), by Mrs. De Salis (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Agriculture -- Great Britain -- Economic aspects -- 19th century
Filed under: Aids to navigation -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Albumen prints -- Great Britain -- Scotland -- Edinburgh -- 19th century
Filed under: Almanacs, English -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Alphabet books -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Anti-slavery literature -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Aquatint -- Great Britain -- 19th century Thames Tunnel (W. Warrington, 1838), by Richard Beamish, W. Warrington, J. Pinchback, M. Dixie, T. Blood, Thames Tunnel Company, and Silvester & Co (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Armorial bindings -- Specimens -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Art criticism -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Artists -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Association copies (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Atheism -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Authors' inscriptions (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Authors' presentation copies (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Authors' presentation inscriptions (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Authors' presentation inscriptions -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Autographs (Provenance -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Autographs (Provenance) -- Great Britain -- 19th century Elements of conchology, according to the Linnæan system (Ogles, Duncan & Cochran, 1818), by E. J. Burrow (page images at HathiTrust) History of the principal drugs of vegetable origin (Macmillan and Co., 1879), by Friedrich A. Flückiger and Daniel Hanbury (page images at HathiTrust) Bookbinding for amateurs: being descriptions of the various tools and appliances required and minute instructions for their effective use. (L.U. Gill, 1885), by W. J. E. Crane (page images at HathiTrust) Extracts form the letters and other writings of the late Joseph Gurney Bevan ; preceded by a short memoir of his life. (printed and sold by W. Phillips, 1821), by Joseph Gurney Bevan (page images at HathiTrust) The history of the life of Thomas Ellwood (J. Harrison, 1855), by Thomas Ellwood and Joseph Wyeth (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Banks and banking, Cooperative -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Basic training (Military education) -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Beauty, Personal -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Filed under: Binder's tickets (Binding) -- Great Britain -- Kelso -- 19th century
Filed under: Binders' tickets (Binding) -- Great Britain -- 19th century Trevethlan : a Cornish story (Smith, Elder and Co., 1848), by William Davy Watson and Westley (Firm of bookbinders) (page images at HathiTrust) History of art (Smith, Elder and co., 1874), by Wilhelm Lübke and F. E. Bunnett (page images at HathiTrust) Dragons' teeth (L. Booth, 1863), by James Pycroft and Westley (Firm of bookbinders) (page images at HathiTrust) Story of an Australian settler (Smith, Elder and Co., 1849), by Alexander Harris and Westleys (Firm of bookbinders) (page images at HathiTrust) Science in theology sermons (J. Murray, 1859), by Adam Storey Farrar and Edmonds & Remnants (Firm of bookbinders) (page images at HathiTrust) A concise dictionary of the Bible for the use of families and students. (J. Murray, 1865), by William Smith, William Aldis Wright, and Edmonds & Remnants (Firm of bookbinders) (page images at HathiTrust) The defenceless state of Great Britain (John Murray, 1850), by Francis Bond Head and Edmonds & Remnants (page images at HathiTrust) The Englishwoman in America. (J. Murray, 1856), by Isabella L. Bird, John Murray, and William Clowes and Sons (page images at HathiTrust)
More items available under narrower terms. |