Great Britain -- Colonies -- AsiaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Great Britain -- Colonies -- Asia- The Emancipation of India: A Reply to the Article by the Right Hon. Viscount Morley, O.M., on "British Democracy and Indian Government" in the "Nineteenth Century and After" for February, 1911 (London: Twentieth Century Press, ca. 1911), by H. M. Hyndman (multiple formats at
- Gandhi Versus the Empire (New York: Universal Pub. Co., c1932), by Haridas Thakordas Muzumdar, contrib. by Will Durant (page images at HathiTrust)
- Poverty and Un-British Rule in India (London: S. Sonnenschein and Co., 1901), by Dadabhai Naoroji (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Great Britain -- Colonies -- Asia -- AdministrationFiled under: Great Britain -- Colonies -- India- Cartas Polìticas, Comerciales y Literarias Sobre la India: ó, Intereses de la Inglaterra, Relativos á la Rusia, al Indostan y al Egipto (translated into Spanish; Madrid: En la imprenta de Sancha, 1805), by John Taylor, trans. by Angel Martinez de Godoy (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Englishwoman in India: Containing Information for the Use of Ladies Proceeding to, or Residing in, the East Indies, on the Subjects of Their Outfit, Furniture, Housekeeping, the Rearing of Children, Duties and Wages of Servants, Management of the Stables, and Arrangements for Travelling; To Which are Added Receipts for Indian Cookery (London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1864), by A Lady Resident (multiple formats at Google)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Great Britain -- Colonies- Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations (14 volumes, covering 1704-1782; London: HMSO, 1920-1938), ed. by Great Britain Public Record Office (HTML at British History Online)
- The Expansion of England: Two Courses of Lectures (London: Macmillan and Co., 1914), by J. R. Seeley (multiple formats at
- Oceana: or, England and Her Colonies (third edition; London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1886), by James Anthony Froude (page images at HathiTrust)
- Oceana: or, England and Her Colonies (new impression; London et al.: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1912), by James Anthony Froude (multiple formats at
- Should We Surrender Colonies?, by S. Fowler Wright (HTML at
- The British Empire Under Fire (Headline Books #24; New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1940), by James Frederick Green, illust. by Bunji Tagawa (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Conduct of British Empire Foreign Relations Since the Peace Settlement (London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1928), by Arnold Toynbee (multiple formats at
- Imperialism: A Study (New York: James Pott and Co., 1902), by J. A. Hobson (HTML at
- Problems of Greater Britain (second edition, two volumes; London and New York: Macmillan, 1890), by Charles Wentworth Dilke
- Outspoken Essays (Second Series) (London et al.: Longmans, Green and Co., 1922), by William Ralph Inge
- Questions of Empire (New York: T. Y. Crowell and Co., c1901), by Archibald Philip Primrose Rosebery
- Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in the American and West Indian Colonies (Pursuant to Statute 13 George II. c. 7) (Publications of the Huguenot Society of London v24; Manchester, UK: Printed by Sherratt and Hughes, 1921), ed. by M. S. Giuseppi (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Great Britain -- Colonies -- 20th century
Filed under: Great Britain -- Colonies -- Administration- Virginia Under Charles I and Cromwell, 1625-1660 (Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet #7; Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, c1957), by Wilcomb E. Washburn (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- Efficiency and Empire (London: Methuen and Co., 1901), by Arnold White (multiple formats at
- Literary Fragments (London: Spottiswoode and Co., 1891), by George C. Brodrick
- A View of the Art of Colonization, With Present Reference to the British Empire; In Letters Between a Statesman and a Colonist, ed. by Edward Gibbon Wakefield (PDF at McMaster)
- What Makes the British Commonwealth Hold Together? (1946), by Herbert Heaton (illustrated HTML at
- Political and Literary Essays, Third Series (London: Macmillan and Co., 1916), by Evelyn Baring Cromer
- Introductory Survey of Colonial Tariff Policies (Washington: GPO, 1921), by United States Tariff Commission, contrib. by Benjamin Bruce Wallace, Stanley Kuhl Hornbeck, and Jacob Viner (page images at HathiTrust)
- Java, or, How to Manage a Colony: Showing a Practical Solution of the Questions Now Affecting British India (2 volumes; London: Hurst and Blackett, 1861), by J. W. B. Money
Filed under: Great Britain -- Colonies -- Africa- British Possessions II: The Congo (published as volume 16 of Peace Handbooks; London: HMSO, 1920), by Great Britain Foreign Office Historical Section (page images at HathiTrust)
- Great Britain in Modern Africa (London: Seeley and Co., 1907), by Edgar Sanderson
- Partition of Africa: British Possessions (I) (published as volume 15 of Peace Handbooks; London: HMSO, 1920), by Great Britain Foreign Office Historical Section (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Advance of Our West African Empire (London: T. F. Unwin, 1903), by C. Braithwaite Wallis
- Southern Rhodesia: Despatch to the High Commissioner for South Africa, Transmitting Draft Letters Patent Providing for the Constitution of Resposible Government in the Colony of Southern Rhodesia, and Other Draft Instruments Connected Therewith (London: HMSO, 1922), by Great Britain Colonial Office
- The Story of West Africa (London: H. Marshall and Son, ca. 1899), by Mary Henrietta Kingsley (page images at HathiTrust)
- British East Africa and Uganda: A Historical Record, Compiled From Captain Lugard's and Other Reports (bound with Bentley's Handbook to the Uganda Question and Proposed East Africa Railway; London: Chapman and Hall, 1892), contrib. by F. D. Lugard and Ernest L. Bentley (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gold Coast Native Institutions; With Thoughts Upon a Healthy Imperial Policy for the Gold Coast and Ashanti (London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1903), by J. E. Casely Hayford
- A Tropical Dependency: An Outline of the Ancient History of the Western Soudan, With an Account of the Modern Settlement of Northern Nigeria (London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1905), by Flora L. Shaw
Filed under: Great Britain -- Colonies -- Africa, WestFiled under: Great Britain -- Colonies -- America- The Colonial Policy of Great Britain, Considered With Relation to Her North American Provinces, and West India Posessions (London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock and Joy; Glasgow: Printed for A. and J. M. Duncan, 1816), by British traveller (multiple formats at
- The Colonial Policy of Great Britain, Considered With Relation to Her North American Provinces, and West India Posessions (Philadelphia: M. Carey; Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1816), by British traveller (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the Other Isles and Territories in America, to Which the English are Related (London: Printed by T. Milbourn, 1672), by Richard Blome, contrib. by Thomas Lynch
- The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved (Boston: Edes and Gill, 1764), by James Otis (multiple formats at
- The Revolt of French Canada, 1800-1835: A Chapter of the History of the British Commonwealth (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1962), by Helen Taft Manning (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Colonial Policy of William III in America and the West Indies (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1922), by G. H. Guttridge
- Select Works of Edmund Burke (1999 compilation), by Edmund Burke, ed. by Edward John Payne and Francis Canavan (HTML at
- The British Empire in America: Containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and Present State of All the British Colonies on the Continent and Islands of America (2 volumes; London: Printed for J. Nicholson et al., 1708), by Mr. Oldmixon, illust. by Herman Moll
- The British Empire in America: Containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and State of the British Colonies on the Continent and Islands of America (second edition, corrected and amended, 2 volumes; London: Printed for J. Brotherton et al., 1741), by Mr. Oldmixon, illust. by Herman Moll
- Das Britische Reich in America: Worinnen Enthalten die Geschichte der Entdeckung, der Aufrichtung, des Anwachses und Zustandes der Englischen Colonien auf dem Festen Lande und den Insuln von America (2 volumes in German; Lemgo: J. H. Meyer, 1744), by Mr. Oldmixon, contrib. by Theodor Arnold, illust. by Herman Moll
- Das Brittische Reich in America, Sammt dem Eroberten Canada mit Denen Wichtigen Inseln, Gadaloupe, Martinique und Andern See-Plätzen: oder, Kurzgefasste Beschreibung der Engländischen Pflantzstädte Sammt Ihrer Macht, Geschichte und Handlung in Nord-America (in German; Żary: G. Hebold, 1761), by Mr. Oldmixon
- Das Brittische Reich in Amerika: oder, Kurzgefasste Beschreibung der Engländischen Pflanzstädte Samt Ihrer Macht, Geschichte und Mandlung in Nord-Amerika (in German; Leipzig: Leipziger Ostermesse, 1756), by Mr. Oldmixon
- Gross-Brittannisches America, Nach Seiner Erfindung, Bevölckerung und Allerneuestem Zustand (in German; Hamburg: Z. Hertels, 1710), by Mr. Oldmixon, trans. by Ludwig Friedrich Vischer (multiple formats at
- Het Britannische Ryk in Amerika Zynde eene Beschryving van de Ontedekking, Bevolking, Inwoonders, het Klimaat, den Koophandel, en Tegenwordigen Staat van Alle de Britannischen Coloniën in dat Gedeelte der Wereldt (2 volumes in Dutch; Amsterdam: R. en G. Wetstein, 1721), by Mr. Oldmixon, trans. by Rudolf Wetstein and Gerard Wetstein
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