Great Britain -- History -- Victoria, 1837-1901 -- SourcesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Great Britain -- History -- Victoria, 1837-1901 -- Sources The Letters of Queen Victoria: A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861 (3 volumes; London: J. Murray, 1908), by Queen Victoria, ed. by Arthur Christopher Benson and Reginald Baliol Brett Esher The Letters of Queen Victoria, Second Series: A Selection From Her Majesty's Correspondence and Journal Between the Years 1862 and 1878 (original 2-volume edition; London: J. Murray, 1926), by Queen Victoria, ed. by George Earle Buckle
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Great Britain -- History -- Victoria, 1837-1901 Great Britain and Her Queen (second edition, 1897), by Anne E. Keeling (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) A Modern History of the English People (2 volumes; London: Grant Richards, 1913), by R. H. Gretton A Modern History of the English People (2 volumes; Boston: Small, Maynard and Co., 1913), by R. H. Gretton (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Citizen's Body: Desire, Health, and the Social in Victorian England (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2007), by Pamela K. Gilbert (PDF at Ohio State) Queen Victoria: Scenes From Her Life and Reign (London et al.: Blackie, 1901), by G. A. Henty (page images at HathiTrust) The Letters of Queen Victoria: A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861 (3 volumes; London: J. Murray, 1908), by Queen Victoria, ed. by Arthur Christopher Benson and Reginald Baliol Brett Esher Strange Science: Investigating the Limits of Knowledge in the Victorian Age (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2017), ed. by Lara Pauline Karpenko and Shalyn R. Claggett (PDF with commentary at Michigan and The Letters of Queen Victoria, Second Series: A Selection From Her Majesty's Correspondence and Journal Between the Years 1862 and 1878 (original 2-volume edition; London: J. Murray, 1926), by Queen Victoria, ed. by George Earle Buckle At the Heart of the Empire: Indians and the Colonial Encounter in Late-Victorian Britain (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), by Antoinette M. Burton (HTML at UC Press) The Victorian Half Century: A Jubilee Book (London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1887), by Charlotte M. Yonge Queen Victoria (London: Chatto and Windus, 1921), by Lytton Strachey (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Queen Victoria (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1921), by Lytton Strachey (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Great Britain -- History -- Victoria, 1837-1901 -- Biography Eminent Victorians, by Lytton Strachey Filed under: Great Britain -- History -- Victoria, 1837-1901 -- FictionFiled under: Great Britain -- History -- Victoria, 1837-1901 -- HistoriographyFiled under: Great Britain -- History -- Victoria, 1837-1901 -- Periodicals
Filed under: Alexandria (Egypt) -- History -- Bombardment, 1882 -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Zimbabwe -- History -- Ndebele Revolt, 1896
Filed under: Zimbabwe -- History -- Ndebele Revolt, 1896 -- FictionFiled under: Zimbabwe -- History -- Ndebele Revolt, 1896 -- Personal narrativesFiled under: Zimbabwe -- History -- Shona Revolt, 1896-1897
Filed under: Zimbabwe -- History -- Shona Revolt, 1896-1897 -- Fiction Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland, by Olive Schreiner Filed under: Zimbabwe -- History -- Shona Revolt, 1896-1897 -- Personal narratives With the Mounted Infantry and the Mashonaland Field Force, 1896 (London: Methuen and Co., 1898), by E. A. H. Alderson
Filed under: Great Britain -- History -- Sources Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, ed. by William Noel Sainsbury, J. W. Fortescue, Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton, and K. G. Davies, contrib. by Great Britain Public Record Office (full serial archives) The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563 (London: Camden Society, 1848), by Henry Machyn, ed. by John Gough Nichols (HTML with commentary at British History Online) The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century (London: Camden Society, 1876), ed. by James Gairdner, contrib. by John Page, John Lydgate, and William Gregory (HTML with commentary at British History Online) Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont: Diary of Viscount Percival, Afterwards First Earl of Egmont (3 volumes; London: H.M.S.O., 1920-1923), by John Perceval Egmont Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores: or, Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages (full serial archives) Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe (London: Camden Society, 1880), ed. by James Gairdner, contrib. by John Stow (HTML with commentary at British History Online) Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London (Camden Society old series #53; London: Camden Society, 1852), ed. by John Gough Nichols (HTML with commentary at British History Online) A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds (6 volumes; London: HMSO, 1890-1915), ed. by Great Britain Public Record Office (HTML at British History online) Journal of the House of Lords, by Great Britain Parliament House of Lords (partial serial archives) Report to the Right Honourable the Master of the Rolls On Documents in the Archives and Public Libraries of Venice (London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1866), by Thomas Duffus Hardy The Autobiography of Phineas Pett (London: Printed for the Navy Records Society, 1918), by Phineas Pett, ed. by W. G. Perrin (multiple formats at An Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London, From the Reign of King Edward the Second, Unto King Richard the Third, of All the Parliaments Holden in Each Kings Reign, and the Several Acts in Every Parliament; Together With the Names and Titles of All the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, and Barons, Summoned To Every of the Said Parliaments (originally collected by Cotton, revised by Prynne; London: Printed for W. Leake, 1657), ed. by Robert Cotton and William Prynne, contrib. by Robert Bowyer and William Morrell The Life of Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice of England in the Reign of James I, With Memoirs of His Contemporaries (second edition, 2 volumes; London: H. Colburn, 1845), by Cuthbert W. Johnson The Manuscripts of Shrewsbury and Coventry Corporations; The Earl of Radnor, Sir Walter Corbet, Bart., and Others (HMC 15th report appendix, part 10; London: HMSO, 1899), by Great Britain Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts The Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and King's Lynn (HMC 11th report appendix, part 3; London; HMSO, 1887), by Great Britain Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Two London Chronicles From the Collections of John Stow (London: Camden Society, 1910), ed. by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford (HTML with commentary at British History Online) The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations; Capt. Loder-Symonds; Mr. E. R. Wodehouse, M.P.; and Others (HMC 13th report appendix, part 4; London: HMSO, 1892), by Great Britain Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts
Filed under: Great Britain -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography
Filed under: Great Britain -- History -- Sources -- Periodicals Calendar of Treasury Books (32 volumes covering 1660-1718, published 1904-1962), by Great Britain Public Record Office, ed. by William Arthur Shaw and F. H. Slingsby (full serial archives) British and Foreign State Papers (partial serial archives) Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers (5 volumes covering 1729-1745, published 1897-1903), by Great Britain Public Record Office, ed. by William Arthur Shaw (full serial archives) Calendar of Treasury Papers (6 volumes covering 1556-1728, published 1868-1889), by Great Britain Public Record Office, ed. by Joseph Redington (full serial archives) Journal of the House of Commons, by Great Britain Parliament House of Commons (partial serial archives)
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