Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1603-1625See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1603-1625- The Making of an Imperial Polity: Civility and America in the Jacobean Metropolis (Cambridge, UK et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2020), by Lauren Working (HTML and PDF files at Cambridge University Press)
- Stuart politics in Chapman's Tragedy of Chabot (University of Michigan, 1928), by Norma Dobie Solve (page images at HathiTrust)
- Character of Lord Bacon : his life and works (Maxwell, 1835), by Thomas Martin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Parliamentary debates in 1610. (Printed for the Camden Society, 1862), by Great Britain. Parliament (1610). House of Commons, Samuel Rawson Gardiner, and Camden Society (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Notes of the debates in the House of Lords (Printed for the Camden Society, 1870), by Great Britain. Parliament, Samuel Rawson Gardiner, Henry Elsynge, and Henry Elsynge (page images at HathiTrust)
- Bacon (Macmillan, 1889), by R. W. Church (page images at HathiTrust)
- Notes of the debates in the House of Lords (Printed for the Camden Society, 1870), by Great Britain. Parliament, Samuel Rawson Gardiner, and Henry Elsynge (page images at HathiTrust)
- A commission with instrvctions and directions, granted by His Maiestie to the Master and Counsaile of the Court of Wards and Liueries : for compounding for wards, ideots, and lunaticks, and giuen vnder His Highness Great Seale of England the eleuenth day of December 1618. (Printed by Bonham Morton and Iohn Bill ..., 1618), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (page images at HathiTrust)
- His Maiesties Declaration, touching his Proceedings in the late Assemblie and Conuention of Parliament, by King of England James I (Gutenberg ebook)
- A Proclamation Declaring His Maiesties Pleasure Concerning the Dissoluing of the Present Conuention of Parliament, by King of England James I (Gutenberg ebook)
- To our very louing friends the iustices of assize for the counties of Northampton, Warwicke, Leicester, Derbie, Nottingham, Rutland, and Lincolne after our very heartie commendations, whereas His Maiestie was mooued for diuers iust and waightie considerations, to grant foorth his letters pattents for a generall collection to made within the kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales, towards the repairing of the ancient hauen of the port townes of Dunwich, Southwold, and Walberswicke in the countie of Suffolke ... (Printed at London : By Robert Barker, and Iohn Bill ..., 1620), by England and Wales and England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A record of some worthy proceedings in the honourable, wise, and faithfull Howse of Commons in the late Parliament ([Amsterdam? : G. Thorp?], 1611), by England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons and Francis Bacon (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King a proclamation for better furnishing the nauy, and shipping of the realme, with able and skilfull mariners. (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, M.DC.XXV [1625]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the continuance of His Maiesties farthing tokens (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1614), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation conteyning His Maiesties royall pleasure concerning the proiect of dying and dressing of broad cloathes within the kingdome, before they be exported. (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1614), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation against steelets, pocket daggers, pocket dagges and pistols (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1616), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for reforming the abuses in making of gold and siluer threed within this realme and for the inhibiting the importation thereof, from the parts beyond the seas. (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, deputies and assignes of Robert Barker ..., M. DC. XVII [1617]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation concerning ale-houses (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., M. DC. XVIII [1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation to restraine the planting of tobacco in England and VVales (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XIX [1619]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for preuention and restraint of the abuses and inconueniences occasioned by dying with logwood (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XIX [1619]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the banishing of Giles Mompesson (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXI [1621]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXI [1621]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXI. [1621]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation commanding noblemen, knights, and gentlemen of quality, to repayre to their mansion houses in the country, to attend their seruices, and keepe hospitality, according to the ancient and laudable custome of England (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXII. [1622]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- King Iames his iudgement by way of counsell and advice to all his loving subjects extracted out of his own speeches / by Doctor Willet ; concerning politique government in England and Scotland. (Printed at London : for Thomas Cooke, 1642), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and Andrew Willet (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Vox populi (London : Printed for John Garfield ..., 1659), by Thomas Scott, John Rowland, and Robert Cotton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Scrinia Ceciliana. (London : Printed for G. Bedel and T. Collins ..., 1663), by Francis Bacon, William Cecil Burghley, Philip Sidney, and Nicholas Throckmorton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- William, by the prouidence of God, Bishop of Exeter, to all and singular archdeacons, officials, parsons ... and all other ecclesiasticall officers ... greeeting [sic] whereas His Majesty, for the seasoning of all youth in their due alleageance, hath caused a booke to bee compiled and imprinted ... intituled God and the King ... (Imprinted at London : [s.n.], 1616), by Church of England. Diocese of Exeter. Bishop (1598-1621 : Cotton) and William Cotton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Kings Maiesties commissioners for granting court leets ([London : Eliot's Court Press, 1616?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation touching the Kings Maiesties audit now shortly to be holden and kept [blank] in the [blank] of [blank] for the revenues of his highnesse crowne, within the countie of [blank] for the yeare ending at the feast of Saint Michaell th'archangell now next comming. [blank] Anno domini [blank]. ([London : By R. Barker?, 1610?]), by England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation touching the Kings Maiesties audit now shortly to be kept and holden at [blank] for the revenues of his highnesse crowne, within the countie of [blank] for the yeare ending at the feast of S. Michael the archangell now next comming. Anno Domini 162[blank]. ([London : By R. Beale?, 1624?]), by England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- It hath beene our desire and disposition in all the course of our gouernment ... to extend our naturall clemencie in forewarning offenders (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. 1608), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- [Brief for one-year collections to repair the church in Clare, Suffolk] ([S.l.] : Printed by Thomas Purfoot, [1619]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation commanding noblemen, knights and gentlemen of qualitie, to repaire to their mansion houses in the countrey (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, M. DC. XXII [1622]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation concerning the adiournement of the Parliament (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, M.DC.XXI [1621]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation for better furnishing the nauy, and shipping of the realme, with able and skilfull mariners (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, M. DC. XXII [1622]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation concerning the prorogation of the Parliament (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. M.DC.XXIIII [1624]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. M.DC.XXIIII [1624, i.e. 1625]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, 1624), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Abstract of His Maiesties letters patents ... containing a declaration of His Maiesties pleasure for confirming ... Matthew de Questor Esquier, and Matthew de Questor his sonne, of the office of postmaster for forraine parts ([London : B. Norton and J. Bill, 1623]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Having occasion at this time to deliberate vpon diuers weightie affaires (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, 1620), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Having occasion at this time to deliberate vpon diuers great and weightie affaires (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, 1620), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Orders for the posts of our realmes (Jmprinted at London : By Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom 1603 [i.e. 1604]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Wee haue (before this time) made knowen to our subiects vpon diuers occasions (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno 1600), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King whereas heretofore sundry wayes haue bene deuised to redresse the disorders among the postes of our realme ... (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1609), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Whereas there is lately published in print our apologie heretofore made for the oath of allegiance. (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. 1609), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Whereas the Kings most excellent Maiestie hath continued this Parliament together, longer then hath bene usual (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno 1610), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation against tenant-rights (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XX [1620]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, orders for the postes of our realmes and for all men to obserue and obey in the speedy carriage of packets, directed for our affaires. (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1608), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, orders for the postes of our realmes and for all men to obserue and obey in the speedie cariage of packets, directed for our affaires. (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXI [1621]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, orders for thorow-posts, and curriers, riding in post in our affaires (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., 1621), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The effect of certaine branches of the statute made in anno 33. Henrici VIIJ touching the maintenance of artillery, and the punishment of such as vse vnlawfull games, very necessary to be put in execution. (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., M. DC. XXV [1625]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Iames by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. to the [blank] in our countie of [blank] and to euery of them greeting ... ([S.l. : B. Norton and J. Bill, 1619?]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Iames by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. to the chiefe constables and bailiffes of the hundred of [blank] and to euery of them in our county of [blank] greeting ... ; Iames, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland defender of the faith, &c., to the [blank] of the [blank] of [blank] and to euery of them in our county of [blank] greeting ... ([S.l. : B. Norton and J. Bill, 1619?]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Iames by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, defender of the faith &c. to the chiefe constables and bayliffe of the hundred or deuision of [blank] in our countie of [blank] and to euery of them greeting ... ; By vertue of a precept in His Maiesties name to me directed these are to charge and command you, that you warne two of the most sufficient men within your constablery or tything ... to appeare before the Clerke of the Market ... ([S.l. : B. Norton and J. Bill, 1619?]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Whereas it hath pleased His Maiestie by his proclamation bearing date the xv. of May 1609. to publish his pleasure touching the ordinary posts of this realme ... (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. 1615 [i.e. 1616]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- An answer to certain scandalous papers scattered abroad under colour of a Catholick admonition ([London : s.n., 1681]), by Robert Cecil Salisbury and A. B. C. To the Earl of Salisbury (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King a proclamation for better furnishing the nauy, and shipping of the realme, with able and skilfull mariners. (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, 1624), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A copie of the principall parts of His Maiestie commissions for granting pardons to such as vse trades, whereto they haue not been apprentices, and for dispencing with them to continue the same for their liues, notwithstanding the statute of Quinto Elizabeth (Printed at London : By Iohn Beale, 1619), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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