Group 14 elementsSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:Used for:- Carbon group elements
- Group 4a elements
- Group IVa elements
- Carbon group
Filed under: Carbon
Filed under: Carbon -- Environmental aspects Green Carbon: The Role of Natural Forests in Carbon Storage, Part 1: A Green Carbon Account of Australia's South-Eastern Eucalypt Forests, and Policy Implications (2008), by Brendan G. Mackey, Heather Keith, Sandra L. Berry, and David Lindenmayer (PDF with commentary at ANU E Press) Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power (2006), by Larry Lohmann, ed. by Niclas Hallstrom, Olle Nordberg, and Robert Osterbergh (PDF at The Corner House) Filed under: Carbon -- Periodicals
Filed under: Graphite -- Alabama -- Chilton CountyFiled under: Graphite -- Alabama -- Clay CountyFiled under: Graphite -- Alabama -- Coosa CountyFiled under: GermaniumFiled under: Lead
Filed under: Lead -- Analysis
Filed under: Lead -- Environmental aspects -- AmericaFiled under: Lead -- Toxicology
Filed under: Lead poisoning -- AmericaFiled under: SiliconFiled under: Tin
Filed under: Chlorination
Filed under: Water -- Purification -- Chlorination
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Chemical elements Discovery of the Elements (sixth edition, enlarged and revised; Easton, PA: Journal Of Chemical Education, c1956), by Mary Elvira Weeks, ed. by Henry Marshall Leicester, contrib. by F. B. Dains (multiple formats at Discovery of the Elements (fifth edition, enlarged and revised; Easton, PA: Journal of Chemical Education, c1945), by Mary Elvira Weeks, contrib. by F. B. Dains (page images at HathiTrust) Isotopic Mass Spectrometry of the Elements (Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1963), by E. J. Spitzer and J. R. Sites (page images at HathiTrust) Occult Chemistry: Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements, by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, ed. by A. P. Sinnett (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Filed under: Oxygen
Filed under: Metallurgy
Filed under: Metallurgy -- Early works to 1800 De Re Metallica, Translated From the First Latin Edition of 1556, With Biographical Introduction, Annotations and Appendices Upon the Development of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy and Mining Law From the Earliest Times to the 16th Century (New York: Dover Publications, 1950), by Georg Agricola, ed. by Herbert Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) De Re Metallica, Translated From the First Latin Edition of 1556, With Biographical Introduction, Annotations and Appendices Upon the Development of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy and Mining Law From the Earliest Times to the 16th Century (London: The Mining Magazine, 1912), by Georg Agricola, ed. by Herbert Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover
Filed under: Metallurgy -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Cobalt alloys -- MetallurgyFiled under: Iron -- MetallurgyFiled under: Oxyacetylene welding and cuttingFiled under: Oxygen -- Physiological transportFiled under: PoloniumFiled under: Selenium The Radiochemistry of Selenium, by V. J. Molinski and G. W. Leddicote (PDF at Selenium: Its Electrical Qualities, and the Effect of Light Thereon (1877), by Willoughby Smith (multiple formats at Radium, and Other Radio-Active Substances: Polonium, Actinium, and Thorium (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co.; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1904), by William Joseph Hammer (multiple formats at Filed under: Sulfur The Radiochemistry of Sulfur, by G. W. Leddicote (PDF at Ultima Thule: or, A Summer in Iceland (2 volumes; London and Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1875), by Richard Francis Burton Filed under: TelluriumFiled under: Metals Selected Values of Thermodynamic Properties of Metals and Alloys (New York: J. Wiley and Sons, c1963), by Ralph Hultgren, Raymond L. Orr, Philip D. Anderson, and K. K. Kelley (page images at HathiTrust) Engineering Materials and Processes (third edition; Scranton: International Textbook Co., 1959), by Donald S. Clark, contrib. by William Howard Clapp (page images at HathiTrust) Metals and Their Chief Industrial Applications: Being, with Some Considerable Applications, the Substance of a Course of Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institute of Great Britain in 1877 (London: Macmillan and Co., 1878), by C. R. Alder Wright (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Periodic law The Principles of Chemistry (2 volumes, based on the Russian 6th edition; London et al.: Longmans, Green and Co., 1897), by Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev, ed. by T. A. Lawson, trans. by George Kamensky
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