Guatemala -- LanguagesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Chuj language -- TextsFiled under: Maya language Queen Móo and the Egyptian Sphinx (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1896), by Augustus Le Plongeon Queen Móo and the Egyptian Sphinx (second edition; New York: The author; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1900), by Augustus Le Plongeon
Filed under: Maya language -- Dictionaries -- French Relation des Choses de Yucatan de Diego de Landa: Texte Espagnol et Traduction Française en Regard, Comprenant les Signes du Calendrier et de l'Alphabet Hiéroglyphique de la Langue Maya (Collection de Documents Dans les Langues Indigenes v3, in Spanish and French; Paris: A. Bertrand, 1864), by Diego de Landa, contrib. by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg Filed under: Maya language -- Dictionaries -- Spanish Relaciones de Yucatán (2 volumes in Spanish; Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1898-1900), ed. by José María Asensio, contrib. by Diego de Landa Filed under: Maya language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Filed under: Maya language -- Grammar Relaciones de Yucatán (2 volumes in Spanish; Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1898-1900), ed. by José María Asensio, contrib. by Diego de Landa Relation des Choses de Yucatan de Diego de Landa: Texte Espagnol et Traduction Française en Regard, Comprenant les Signes du Calendrier et de l'Alphabet Hiéroglyphique de la Langue Maya (Collection de Documents Dans les Langues Indigenes v3, in Spanish and French; Paris: A. Bertrand, 1864), by Diego de Landa, contrib. by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg Filed under: Maya language -- TextsFiled under: Maya language -- Yucatán Peninsula Quatre Lettres sur le Mexique: Exposition Absolue du Système Hiéroglyphique Mexicain; La Fin de Pȧge de Pierre; Époque Glaciaire Temporaire; Commencement De Pȧge de Bronze; Origines de la Civilisation Et des Religions de L'antiquité; (Collection de Documents Dans les Langues Indigenes v4, in French, with an English appendix by Rafinesque on the Lenape; Paris: F. Brachet; Mexico: Juan Buxo y Cia., 1868), by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg, contrib. by C. S. Rafinesque
Filed under: Quiché language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot Gramatica de la Lengua Quiche / Grammaire de la Langue Quichée, Espagnole-Française (Collection de Documents Dans les Langues Indigenes v2; 2 parts in 1, in French, Spanish, and Quiché; Paris: A. Bertrand, 1862), by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg, trans. by Ziz Bartolo Filed under: Quiché language -- Grammar Gramatica de la Lengua Quiche / Grammaire de la Langue Quichée, Espagnole-Française (Collection de Documents Dans les Langues Indigenes v2; 2 parts in 1, in French, Spanish, and Quiché; Paris: A. Bertrand, 1862), by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg, trans. by Ziz Bartolo
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Guatemala -- Antiquities Zacualpa: A Study of Ancient Quiché Artifacts (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #472; 1936), by S. K. Lothrop (page images at HathiTrust) Atitlan: An Archaeological Study of Ancient Remains on the Borders of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #444; 1933), by S. K. Lothrop (page images at HathiTrust) Guatemala, the Land of the Quetzal: A Sketch (London: T. F. Unwin, 1887), by William Tufts Brigham (multiple formats at Guatemala, the Land of the Quetzal: A Sketch (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887), by William Tufts Brigham Uaxactun, Guatemala, Group E, 1926-1931 (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #477, 1937), by O. G. Ricketson and Edith Bayles Ricketson, contrib. by Monroe Amsden, A. Ledyard Smith, and H. E. D. Pollock (page images at HathiTrust) The Annals of the Cakchiquels: The Original Text, With a Translation, Notes, and Introduction (1885), ed. by Daniel G. Brinton, contrib. by Francisco Hernández Arana Xajilá and Francisco Díaz Gebuta Quej (Gutenberg text and page images) The Popol Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kichés of Central America (London: D. Nutt, 1908), by Lewis Spence (Gutenberg text and illutrated HTML)
Filed under: Uaxactún Site (Guatemala)Filed under: Zacualpa Site (Guatemala)Filed under: Petén (Guatemala : Department) -- AntiquitiesFiled under: Guatemala -- Bibliography Bibliothèque Mexico-Guatémalienne: Précédée d'un Coup d'Oeil sur les Études Américaines dans leurs Rapports avec les Études Classiques et Suivie du Tableau par Ordre Alphabétique des Ouvrages de Linguistique Américaine Contenus dans le même Volume (in French; Paris: Maisonneuve et cie, 1871), by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg
Filed under: Guatemala -- Imprints -- Periodicals
Filed under: Guatemala -- Boundaries -- Mexico
Filed under: Guatemala -- Church history -- 19th centuryFiled under: Guatemala -- Description and travel
Filed under: Guatemala -- Economic conditions -- 1985-
Filed under: Guatemala -- Foreign relations -- United States -- SourcesFiled under: Guatemala -- Statistics, VitalFiled under: Atitlán, Lake (Guatemala)
Filed under: Agricultural laborers -- Guatemala -- Political activity
Filed under: Peasants -- Guatemala -- Political activityFiled under: Civil rights -- GuatemalaFiled under: Communism -- Guatemala Intervention of International Communism in Guatemala (Washington: GPO, 1954), by United States Department of State Filed under: Democracy -- GuatemalaFiled under: Hand weaving -- GuatemalaFiled under: Human experimentation in medicine -- Moral and ethical aspects -- GuatemalaFiled under: Human rights -- GuatemalaFiled under: Indian pottery -- GuatemalaFiled under: Indians of Central America -- GuatemalaFiled under: Land reform -- GuatemalaFiled under: Medical geography -- GuatemalaFiled under: Mexico -- Boundaries -- GuatemalaFiled under: Sexually transmitted diseases -- Research -- GuatemalaFiled under: State-sponsored terrorism -- GuatemalaMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |