Guyana -- AntiquitiesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Guyana -- Antiquities
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Filed under: Guyana Guyana and Belize: Country Studies (second edition, 1993), ed. by Tim Merrill British Guiana (originally published 1962, may be updated), by Raymond T. Smith (HTML at Wayback Machine) Handbook of British Guiana, 1909: Comprising General and Statistical Information Concerning the Colony (Georgetown, Guyana: Printed by the Argosy Co.; et al., 1909), ed. by George D. Bayley Stark's Guide-Book and History of British Guiana: Containing a Description of Everything Relating to This Colony That Would Be of Interest to Tourists and Residents, Respecting its History, Inhabitants, Climate, Agriculture, Geology, Gold Mining, Government, and Resources (Boston: J. H. Stark; London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., ca. 1892), by James Rodway and James Henry Stark (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Guyana -- Bibliography A Selective Guide to the English Literature on the Netherlands West Indies, With a Supplement on British Guiana (NIB booklet #9; New York: Netherlands Information Bureau, 1943), by Philip Hanson Hiss
Filed under: Guyana -- Boundaries -- VenezuelaFiled under: Guyana -- Description and travel Wanderings in South America, by Charles Waterton (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Our Search for a Wilderness: An Account of Two Ornithological Expeditions to Venezuela and to British Guiana (New York: H. Holt and Co., 1910), by Blair Niles and William Beebe Filed under: Guyana -- Fiction
Filed under: Guyana -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Jonestown Mass Suicide, Jonestown, Guyana, 1978 The Assassination of Representative Leo J. Ryan and the Jonestown, Guyana Tragedy: Report of a Staff Investigative Group to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives (Washington: GPO, 1979), by United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs Staff Investigative Group (page images at HathiTrust) The Death of Representative Leo J. Ryan, People's Temple, and Jonestown: Understanding a Tragedy (Washington: GPO, 1979), by United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs The Performance of the Department of State and the American Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana, in the People's Temple Case (ca. 1979), by John H. Crimmins and Stanley S. Carpenter Filed under: Immigrants -- Guyana -- HistoryFiled under: Guyana -- Politics and government Interview With Dr. Cheddi Jagan, Prime Minister of British Guiana, Sunday, October 15, 1961 (transcribed from a Meet the Press broadcast, 1961), by Cheddi Jagan, Lawrence E. Spivak, Ned Brooks, Ted Poston, and Tad Szulc (multiple formats at
Filed under: Guyana -- Politics and government -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Guyana -- Registers Handbook of British Guiana, 1909: Comprising General and Statistical Information Concerning the Colony (Georgetown, Guyana: Printed by the Argosy Co.; et al., 1909), ed. by George D. Bayley
Filed under: Agriculture -- Guyana -- JonestownFiled under: Communal living -- Guyana -- JonestownFiled under: United States. Embassy (Guyana) The Performance of the Department of State and the American Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana, in the People's Temple Case (ca. 1979), by John H. Crimmins and Stanley S. Carpenter Filed under: Apprentices -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- GuyanaFiled under: Black people -- GuyanaFiled under: Botany -- Guyana
Filed under: Indian children -- Guyana -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Diplomatic and consular service, American -- Guyana The Performance of the Department of State and the American Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana, in the People's Temple Case (ca. 1979), by John H. Crimmins and Stanley S. Carpenter Filed under: English newspapers -- GuyanaFiled under: Enslaved persons -- Emancipation -- Guyana
Filed under: Ndjuka peopleFiled under: Families -- GuyanaFiled under: Gazettes -- GuyanaFiled under: Geology -- GuyanaFiled under: Indians of South America -- Guyana
Filed under: Indians of South America -- Guyana -- FolkloreFiled under: Indians of South America -- Guyana -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Law -- Guyana -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Natural history -- GuyanaFiled under: Zoology -- GuyanaFiled under: Public administration -- GuyanaFiled under: Public opinion -- GuyanaFiled under: Slavery -- GuyanaFiled under: Venezuela -- Boundaries -- Guyana
Filed under: Women -- Guyana -- Biography
Filed under: South America -- Antiquities Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco, in the Thirteenth Century, by the Mongols, Accompanied with Elephants; and the Local Agreement of History and Tradition, With the Remains of Elephants and Mastodontes, Found in the New World (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827), by John Ranking
Filed under: Chile -- Antiquities Über die Chilenischen "Pintados": Beitrag zur Katalogisierung und Vergleichenden Untersuchung der Südamerikanischen Piktographien (from the 14th Internationaler Amerikanisten Congress, 1904, in German; Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1906), by Alberto Plagemann Filed under: Peru -- Antiquities Mastercraftsmen of Ancient Peru (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1968), by Alan R. Sawyer (multiple formats at Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco, in the Thirteenth Century, by the Mongols, Accompanied with Elephants; and the Local Agreement of History and Tradition, With the Remains of Elephants and Mastodontes, Found in the New World (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827), by John Ranking Peru Illustrated: or, Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas (New York: Hurst and Co., c1877), by E. G. Squier Peru: Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas (New York: Harper and Bros., 1877), by E. G. Squier (multiple formats at Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas, ed. by Clements R. Markham (HTML at The Necropolis of Ancon in Peru: A Contribution to Our Knowledge of the Culture and Industries of the Empire of the Incas, Being the Results of Excavations Made on the Spot (3 volumes; Berlin: A. Asher and Co.; New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1880-1887), by W. Reiss and Alphons Stübel, trans. by A. H. Keane, contrib. by Ludwig Wittmack, Rudolf Virchow, and Alfred Nehring (page images at HathiTrust) Peruvian Antiquities (New York: A. S. Barnes and Co., 1855), by Mariano Eduardo de Rivero y Ustáriz and Johann Jakob von Tschudi, trans. by Francis L. Hawks Inca Land: Explorations in the Highlands of Peru, by Hiram Bingham El Uso de las Cabezas Humanas Artificialmente Momificadas y su Representación en el Antiguo Arte Peruano (doctoral thesis in Spanish; Lima: E. R. Villaran, ca. 1918), by Julio C. Tello (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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