Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610 -- Assassination -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610 -- Assassination
Filed under: Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610 -- Early works to 1800- A true discourse of the occurrences in the warres of Sauoy and the warring of the forte of Mont-millan: by the most Christian King of France and Nauarre Henrie the fourth. Also the number of cannons and munition by his Maiestie taken in the said Mont-millan. Wherevnto is annexed, the oration of Sir Philip Cauriana, knight: pronounced to the most Christian Queene Ma[r]y de Medicis, at her departure out of Tuscane to goe into France. Faithfully translated out of French by E.A. (Imprinted at London : [By R. Read] for Walter Burre, at the signe of the Flower de Luce and Crowne, in Poules Church-yarde, 1601), by Pierre de L'Estoile and Edward Aggas (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- An answeare to the supplication Against him, who seeming to giue the King counsel to become a Catholike, indeuoureth to stirre vp his good subiectes vnto rebellion. Faithfully translated out of French by E.A. (London : Printed by Iohn Wolfe, and are to be solde at his shop right ouer against the great south doore of Paules, 1591), by Edward Aggas (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Histoire du roy Henry le Grand. English. (London : printed by James Cottrel, for Samuel Speed, at the signe of the Rainbow near the Inner Temple-gate in Fleet-street, 1663), by Hardouin de Péréfixe de Beaumont, John Davies, and John Dauncey (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- An ansvvere to the last tempest and villanie of the League, vpon the slanders which were imprinted by the same, against the French king Intituled: A declaration of the crimes whereinto the Catholikes do fall, in taking the king of Nauarre his part. Translated out of French into English by T.H. (Printed at London : [By T. Scarlet] for Cuthbert Burby, and are to bee solde at his shop vnder Saint Mildreds Church in the Poultrie, 1593) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The chiefe occurences of both the armies, from the eight of Aprill, till the seuenteenth of the same month With other intelligences giuen by credible letters. (London : Printed by Iohn Wolfe, and are to be sold at the little shop ouer against the great South doore of Paules, 1592) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The continual follovving of the French king vpon the Duke of Parma, the Duke of Guise, the Duke of Maine, and their armies From the seuenteenth of Aprill, vntill the 20. of the same month. Togither with the honourable attempts of Sir Roger Williams and his men. (London : Printed by Iohn Wolfe, and Edvvard White, and are to be solde at the signe of the Gunne, [1592]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Discovrs av vray de ce qvi s'est passé en l'armee conduicte par sa Majesté, depuis son aduenement à la Couronne, iusques à la prinse de la ville de Honfleu, au mois de Ianuier. 1590.. (A Londres : Imprimée par Iean Wolfe., 1590.) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Déclaration du roy de Navarre sur les calomnies publiées contre luy ès protestations de ceux de la Ligue qui se sont eslevez en ce royaume. English. (Printed at London : By Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican at the signe of the halfe Eagle and the Key, 1585), by King of France Henry IV, Philippe de Mornay, Claudius Hollyband, and Navarre (Kingdom). Sovereign (1572-1610 : Henry III) aut (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Discours d'estat sur la blessure du roy. English. (London : Printed [by E. Allde] for E. Aggas, dwelling nere the west end of Saint Paules Church, 1595), by Alexandre de Pontaymeri and Edward Aggas (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- True newes, concerning the winning of the towne of Corbeyll by the French king from the Prince of Parma. Which was doone on S. Martins euen at night last past. 1590. Sent from Deepe to an English gentleman. (At London : Prinnted [sic] by E. A[llde] and are to be solde [by E. White] at the little North doore of Paules Church at the signe of the Gunne, 1590) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A true report of the most execrable murder committed vpon the late French King Henrie the 4. of famous memory with diuers particularities aswell concerning the prisoner, as other matters preceding and ensuing the accident. Written in a letter from good place, and much differing from the vncertaine relations thereof heretofore published. (At London : Printed [by T. Purfoot] for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at his shop in Brittaine Burse, An. 1610) (HTML at EEBO TCP)