Herbs -- Therapeutic use -- PeriodicalsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Herbs -- Therapeutic use -- Periodicals
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Herbs -- Therapeutic use Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects (second edition; Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2011), ed. by Iris F. F. Benzie and Sissi Wachtel-Galor (illustrated HTML at NIH) The Complete Herbal, by Nicholas Culpeper (HTML at Bibliomania) A Curious Herbal, Containing Five Hundred Cuts, of the Most Useful Plants, Which are Now Used in the Practice of Physick (2 volumes; London: Printed for Samuel Harding (v1) and John Nourse (v2), 1737-1739), by Elizabeth Blackwell (page images at illustratedgarden.org) The Cherokee Physician: or, Indian Guide to Health (Asheville, NC: Edney and Dedman, 1849), by Richard Foreman, contrib. by Jas. W. Mahoney The Compleat Herbal of Physical Plants (second edition; London: Printed for R. and T. Bonwicke, 1707), by John Pechey Hypericum and Depression, by Harold H. Bloomfield, Mikael Nordfors, and Peter McWilliams (HTML at hypericum.com)
Filed under: Herbs -- Therapeutic use -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Tesoro de Medicinas para Diversas Enfermedades (in Spanish; third printing; Madrid: Imprenta de Musica, 1708), by Gregorio López, contrib. by Mathias de Salazar Mariaca and Joseph Diaz Brizuela Filed under: Herbs -- Therapeutic use -- Hawaii
Filed under: Herbs -- Therapeutic use -- Marketing -- EvaluationFiled under: Herbs -- Therapeutic use -- United States
Filed under: Periodicals -- Bibliography
Filed under: Periodicals -- Circulation
Filed under: Periodicals -- Directories
Filed under: Periodicals -- Indexes
Filed under: Periodicals -- Periodicals
Filed under: Periodicals -- Publishing
Filed under: Advertising, Magazine
Filed under: American periodicals
Filed under: Chapbooks
Filed under: Electronic journals
Filed under: Fan magazines The National Fantasy Fan (selected issues 1941-; all issues 2003-) (partial serial archives) For Fans by Fans: Early Science Fiction Fandom and the Fanzines (master's thesis; Pensacola, FL: University of West Florida, 2015), by Rachel Anne Johnson (at purl.fcla.edu) File 770 (selected issues, 1978-), by Mike Glyer (partial serial archives) Science Fiction Five-Yearly, ed. by Lee Hoffman (full serial archives) Deliverance (c1995), by D. West (multiple formats in the UK) Tightbeam (with selected issues of predecessor titles, and all issues 2012-) (partial serial archives) Science Fantasy News (UK serial fanzine, 1948-1960), ed. by Vince Clarke (partial serial archives) Energumen (science fiction fanzine, 1970-1981), ed. by Mike Glicksohn and Susan Wood (full serial archives) Alter Ego (partial serial archives) Cheap Truth (SF newsletter from the mid-1980s), ed. by Bruce Sterling Checkpoint (UK-based science fiction newsletter of the 1970s), ed. by Peter Roberts (full serial archives) The Skyrack Newsletter (with annotations), ed. by Rom Bennett (full serial archives) Weberwoman's Wrevenge, ed. by Jean Weber (full serial archives) Ansible (science fiction newsletter, 1979-present), ed. by David Langford (full serial archives) Gegenschein, by Eric Lindsay (partial serial archives) Mimosa, ed. by Nicki Lynch and Richard W. Lynch (partial serial archives)
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