HeterosexualitySee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Heterosexuality in literature
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Homosexuality -- FictionFiled under: Sexual orientation -- Periodicals
Filed under: Homosexuality -- Periodicals
Filed under: Lesbianism -- Periodicals
Filed under: Lesbianism -- Literary collections -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Lesbianism -- United States -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Homosexuality -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- Periodicals
Filed under: Homosexuality -- Religious aspects -- Catholic Church
Filed under: Homosexuality -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- History of doctrines -- 17th centuryFiled under: Sexual orientation -- RomaniaFiled under: Sexual orientation -- United States
Filed under: Homosexuality -- United States
Filed under: Lesbianism -- Political aspects -- United StatesFiled under: Lesbianism -- Social aspects -- United StatesFiled under: Socialism and homosexuality -- United States
Filed under: Homosexuality -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- NewspapersFiled under: Homosexuality -- Florida
Filed under: Homosexuality -- Law and legislation -- FloridaFiled under: Homosexuality -- Political aspects -- United StatesFiled under: Homosexuality -- Social aspects -- United States
Filed under: Bisexuality -- Political aspects -- United StatesFiled under: Homosexuality Homotopia? Gay Identity, Sameness and the Politics of Desire (Punctum Books, 2015), by Jonathan Kemp (PDF with commentary at punctumbooks.com) A Gay Humanist Manifesto (c2011), by Alan Keslian (PDF in the UK) Homosexuality: The Psychology of the Creative Process (originally published 1971), by Paul Rosenfels (HTML with commentary at rosenfels.org) Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes (in German; Berlin: L. Marcus, 1914), by Magnus Hirschfeld Homo-Sexual Life (Little Blue Book #692; Girard, KS: Haldeman-Julius Co., c1925), by William J. Fielding (multiple formats at archive.org) The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women (1908), by Edward Carpenter (HTML at Fordham) The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women (London: G. Allen and Unwin, reprinted 1921), by Edward Carpenter (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk: A Study in Social Evolution (New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1914), by Edward Carpenter (HTML at edwardcarpenter.net) Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk: A Study in Social Evolution (London: George Allen and Co., 1914), by Edward Carpenter (HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com) A Problem in Greek Ethics: Being an Inquiry Into the Phenomenon of Sexual Inversion, Addressed Especially to Medical Psychologists and Jurists (1901), by John Addington Symonds A Problem in Greek Ethics: Being an Inquiry Into the Phenomenon of Sexual Inversion, Addressed Especially to Medical Psychologists and Jurists (London: Privatey printed for the Areopagitica Society, 1908), by John Addington Symonds (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Homosexuality -- Greece Athenaei Naucratitae Deipnosophistarum Libri Quindecim: Ex Optimis Codicibus Nunc Primum Collatis Emendavit Ac Supplevit Nova Latina Versione (Athenaus text in Greek; notes and commentary in Latin; 14 volumes (5 of Atheanus, 9 of commentary); Strasbourg: Societatis Bipontinae, 1801-1807), by Athenaus of Naucratis, ed. by Johann Schweighäuser, contrib. by Isaac Casaubon (page images at HathiTrust) The Deipnosophists: or, Banquet of the Learned of Athenaeus (3 volumes, with varying book divisions; London: H. G. Bohn, 1854), by Athenaus of Naucratis, trans. by Charles Duke Yonge
Filed under: Homosexuality -- History A Problem in Modern Ethics: Being an Inquiry Into the Phenomenon of Sexual Inversion, Addressed Especially to Medical Psychologists and Jurists (1896), by John Addington Symonds
Filed under: Homosexuality -- Moral and ethical aspects
Filed under: Homosexuality -- Southern States
Filed under: Homosexuality in literatureMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |