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Broader terms:Related terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Legal holidays
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Filed under: Holidays
Filed under: Holidays -- DramaFiled under: Holidays -- England
Filed under: Christmas -- England
Filed under: Christmas -- England -- FictionFiled under: Holidays -- Exercises, recitations, etc. Holiday Selections for Readings and Recitations, Specially Adapted to Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, Washington's Birthday, Easter, Arbor Day, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving (Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., c1920), ed. by Sara Sigourney Rice
Filed under: Memorial Day -- Fiction Comrades (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1911), by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, illust. by Howard E. Smith
Filed under: Christmas -- France -- ProvenceFiled under: Holidays -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Holidays -- Juvenile literatureFiled under: Holidays -- Massachusetts Report on the Expediency of Celebrating in Future the Landing of the Pilgrims, on the Twentyfirst day of December, Instead of the Twentysecond Day of That Month (Boston: Printed by vote of the Society, 1850), by Pilgrim Society (Plymouth, Mass.) Filed under: Holidays -- MinnesotaFiled under: Arbor DayFiled under: Christmas True Christmas Spirit (c1955), by Edward J. Sutfin (HTML at EWTN) The Twelve Days of Christmas (c1955), by Elsa Chaney (HTML at EWTN) Our Christmas Symbols (Raleigh, NC: Graphic Press, c1953), by Aylene E. Cooke and Cameron Cooke (multiple formats at The Story of Christmas: Sun, Saviour and Santa Claus (Atlanta: Oglethorpe University Press, 1941), by Thornwell Jacobs (multiple formats at A Christmas Book: Origin of the Christmas Tree, the Mistletoe, the Yule Log and St. Nicholas (Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College, 1898), by Carla Wenckebach (page images at HathiTrust) Christmas Entertainments (originally published in 1740 as "Round About Our Coal Fire"; reprinted London: Field and Tuer, et al., ca. 1883) (page images at HathiTrust) Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan (London: T. F. Unwin, 1912), by Clement A. Miles (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Feast of St. Friend: A Christmas Book (New York: George H. Doran Co., 1911), by Arnold Bennett (Gutenberg text) Friendship and Happiness (Hodder and Stoughton edition; usually titled "The Feast of St. Friend"), by Arnold Bennett (HTML at Gutenberg Canada) The Lights of Beacon Hill: A Christmas Message (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922), by Abbie Farwell Brown (page images at HathiTrust) The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas, by Max Heindel (multiple formats at Myths and Legends of Christmastide (San Francisco: Stanley-Taylor Co., 1901), by Bertha F. Herrick (Gutenberg text) Yule-Tide in Many Lands, by Mary Poague Pringle and Clara A. Urann, illust. by L. J. Bridgman (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Christmas Dispute Revived, in a Letter From Mr. William Smith, of Norwalk, Conncticut, to Elder Elias Lee, of Ballston, State of New-York, Now Published With a Reply by Mr. Lee (Ballston, NY: Printed by W. Child for E. Lee, 1800), by William Smith and Elias Lee (HTML at Evans TCP) A Little Book for Christmas (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1917), by Cyrus Townsend Brady, illust. by Will Crawford (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) St. Nicholas: His Legend and His Rôle in the Christmas Celebration and Other Popular Customs (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1917), by George Harley McKnight St. Paul and Protestantism, With Other Essays (popular edition; London: Smith, Elder, 1892), by Matthew Arnold (multiple formats at Filed under: Fasts and feasts -- JudaismFiled under: John the Baptist's Day Le Feste di San Giovanni in Firenze: Breve Notizia (in Italian; Florence: A. Ciardi, 1887), by Aurelio Gotti Filed under: May Day (Labor holiday)Filed under: Memorial Day Memorial Ceremonies at the Graves of Our Soldiers. Saturday, May 30, 1868 (published 1869), by Frank Moore (multiple formats at Memorial Ceremonies at the National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, Under the Auspicies of the Grand Army of the Republic, May 30, 1868 (Washington: McGill and Witherow, 1868), by Grand Army of the Republic (multiple formats at Memorial Day (Decoration Day): Its Celebration, Spirit, and Significance As Related in Prose and Verse, With a Non-Sectional Anthology of the Civil War (New York: Moffat, Yard and Co., 1911), ed. by Robert Haven Schauffler (multiple formats at Memorial Day: G. A. R. Programme for May 29th, 1875, by Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Iowa (multiple formats at Manual of the Grand Army of the Republic, Containing its Principles and Objects; Together with Memorial Day, in the Department of Michigan, May, 1869, List of Officers, etc. (Lansing: W. S. George and Co., 1869), by Grand Army of the Republic Department of Michigan, ed. by I. M. Cravath (multiple formats at Memorial Day Exercises, Mount Hope Cemetery, Sunday, May 30, 1920, by Confederate Veteran Camp of New York (multiple formats at Filed under: Saint Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Day: Its Celebration in New York and Other American Places, 1737-1845; How the Anniversary Was Observed by Representative Irish Organizations, and the Toasts Proposed (New York: The author, 1902), by John D. Crimmins Filed under: Schools -- Exercises and recreationsFiled under: Thanksgiving Day Little Known Facts About Thanksgiving and Lincoln's Proclamation (Fort Wayne, IN: Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., ca. 1939), by Louis Austin Warren (multiple formats at Proclamations for Thanksgiving, Issued by the Continental Congress, Pres't Washington, by the National and State Governments on the Peace of 1815, and by the Governors of New York Since the Introduction of the Custom; With Those of the Governors of the Several States in 1858 (Albany, NY: Munsell and Rowland, 1858), ed. by Franklin B. Hough (page images at Ohio Memory)
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