Horses -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Horses -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Horses -- Diseases -- Early works to 1800 Pharmacopoeia Hippiatrica: or, The Gentleman Farrier's Repository of Elegant and Approved Remedies for the Diseases of Horses: In Two Books, Containing, I. The Surgical : II. The Medical Part of Practical Farriery: With Suitable Remarks on the Whole (Dublin: Printed for E. Watts, bookseller, 1765), by J. Bartlet (page images at NIH) The Parfait Mareschal, or Compleat Farrier (Edinburgh: Printed by G. Mosman, 1696), by Jacques de Solleysel, trans. by William Hope (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Horses Hobby Horses (New York: Derrydale Press, 1940), by Amy Freeman Lee (page images at HathiTrust) Animal Management (1908; reprinted 1916), by Great Britain War Office Veterinary Department (page images at HathiTrust) A Dissertation on Horses: Wherein it is Demonstrated, by Matters of Fact, as Well as From the Principles of Philosophy, that Innate Qualities do not Exist, and that the Excellence of this Animal is Altogether Mechanical and not in the Blood (London: Printed for T. Waller, 1756), by William Osmer (Gutenberg text and HTML) The Faras-Nama-E Rangin: or, The Book of the Horse (London: B. Quaritch, 1911), by Saʻādat Yār K̲h̲ān, trans. by D. C. Phillott (multiple formats at Four Essays (Harvard Studies in Romance Languages v3; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1917), by Murray Anthony Potter (multiple formats at The Spider and the Fly: or, Tricks, Traps, and Pitfalls of City Life, By One Who Knows (compilation of some previous publications, with some early pages missing; New York: C. Miller and Co., 1875), contrib. by Henry William Herbert
Filed under: Horses -- AnatomyFiled under: Horses -- Breeding
Filed under: Horses -- Breeding -- Arabian Peninsula Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1879), by Anne Blunt, ed. by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt Filed under: Horses -- Breeding -- Virginia
Filed under: Horses -- England -- London
Filed under: Horses -- Equipment and supplies -- CatalogsFiled under: Horses -- Equipment and supplies -- HistoryFiled under: Horses -- Fiction
Filed under: Ponies -- FictionFiled under: Stallions -- FictionFiled under: Horses -- France
Filed under: Horses -- Great Britain -- Pedigrees -- Periodicals
Filed under: Horseshoeing Modern Blacksmithing, Rational Horse Shoeing, and Wagon Making (Chicago: Frederick J. Drake, c1904), by John Gustaf Holmström Filed under: Horses -- Juvenile fiction Smoky, the Cowhorse (New York and London: C. Scribner's Sons, 1926), by Will James (page images at HathiTrust) Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell Black Beauty, His Grooms and Companions: The Autobiography of a Horse (London: Jarrold and Sons, ca. 1877), by Anna Sewell Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse (text from Jarrold 19th edition; illustrations from various editions), by Anna Sewell, illust. by L. J. Bridgman, Lucy Kemp-Welch, Cecil Aldin, and Hermann Toaspern (illustrated HTML with commentary at Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse (illustrated Philadelphia: H. Altemus, 1897), by Anna Sewell (page images at A Little Book About a Horse (London: J. and C. Evans, 1826) The Tale of Pony Twinkleheels, by Arthur Scott Bailey, illust. by Harry L. Smith (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Told Under A White Oak Tree (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., c1922), by William S. Hart, illust. by James Montgomery Flagg The Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake: or, The Stirring Cruise of the Motor Boat Gem, by Laura Lee Hope (Gutenberg text) The Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake: or, The Stirring Cruise of the Motor Boat gem (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1913), by Laura Lee Hope "Behind Time" (New York: Cassell and Co., c1886), by George Parsons Lathrop, illust. by Oliver Herford (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Horses -- Juvenile literatureFiled under: Horses -- Juvenile poetry The Centaur (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2007), by May Swenson, illust. by Sherry Meidell (PDF with commentary at The Diverting History of John Gilpin (1878), by William Cowper, illust. by Randolph Caldecott (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Diverting History of John Gilpin: Shewing How He Went Farther Than He Intended, and Came Safe Home Again (New York et al.: Routledge and Sons, ca. 1890), by William Cowper, illust. by H. Rosa (page images at Filed under: Horses -- ReproductionFiled under: Horses -- TrainingFiled under: Eclipse (Race horse) Eclipse and O'Kelly: Being a Complete History So Far as is Known of That Celebrated English Thoroughbred Eclipse (1764-1789), of His Breeder the Duke of Cumberland and of his subsequent owners William Wildman, Dennis O'Kelly and Andrew O'Kelly, Now For the First Time Set Forth From the Original Authorities and Family Memoranda (London: W. Heinemann, 1907), by Theodore Andrea Cook Filed under: Marengo (Horse)Filed under: MaresMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |