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Broader terms:Used for:- Casa del Fauno (Pompeii)
- Casa di Goethe (Pompeii)
- Faun, House of the (Pompeii)
- Fauno, Casa del (Pompeii)
- Goethe, Casa di (Pompeii)
Filed under: House of the Faun (Pompeii)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Dwellings -- Italy
Filed under: Dwellings -- Italy -- Early works to 1800 Les plans et les descriptions de deux des plus belles maisons de campagne de Pline le consul : avec des remarques sur tous ses bâtimens, et une dissertation touchant l'architecture antique & l'architecture gothique (Chez Florentin & Pierre Delaulne, ruë S. Jacques, à l'Empereur & au Lion d'or., 1699), by J.-F. Félibien des Avaux, Vincenzo Scamozzi, Pliny the Younger, Antoine Lambin, Pierre Delaulne, and Florentin Delaulne (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Dwellings -- Italy -- FlorenceFiled under: Dwellings -- Italy -- MilanFiled under: Dwellings -- Italy -- RomeFiled under: Apartment houses -- ItalyFiled under: Cataio (Battaglia Terme, Italy) Zelotti's Epic Frescoes at Cataio: The Obizzi Saga (New York: Fordham University Press, 2008), by Irma B. Jaffe, contrib. by Gernando Colombardo (PDF with commentary at Ragionamento sopra il Cathaio, lvogo dello ill. S. Pio Enea Obizzi (Per Lorenzo Pasquati, 1573), by Giuseppe Betussi and Lorenzo Pasquato (page images at HathiTrust) Mumiographia Musei Obiciani (Ex Typographia Seminarii, 1799), by a S. Bartholomaeo Paulinus (page images at HathiTrust) Descrizione del Cataio, lvogo del marchese Pio Enea degli Obizi ([Maresta], 1669), by Giuseppe Betussi, Maresta, Ani Bossi, Antonio Libanori, and Francesco Berni (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Country homes -- ItalyFiled under: Domus Augustana (Rome, Italy) Del palazzo de' Cesari. Opera postuma (Per Pierantonio Berno, stampatore, e Librajo nella via de' Leoni, 1738), by Francesco Bianchini, Dionigi Valesio, Giuseppe Scolari, Girolamo Rossi, Rocco Pozzi, Giovanni Marco Pitteri, Francesco Nicoletti, Baldassare Gabbuggiani, Vincenzo Franceschini, Antonio Balestra, Pierantonio Berno, and Giuseppe Bianchini (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: House of the Tragic Poet (Pompeii)Filed under: House of the Vettii (Pompeii) Il mito di Ciparisso : memoria : letta all'Accademia Ercolanese (Stamperia reale, 1841), by Francisco Maria Avellino (page images at HathiTrust) The National Museum of Naples : illustrated in CLV plates, including VI plates referring to the last excavations of Pompeii (House of the Vettii) : a particularised archeological description (J. Chiurazzi & fils :, in the 1890s), by Luigi Conforti and Museo nazionale di Napoli (page images at HathiTrust) Dipinti mvrali di Pompei (Pasquale d'Amelio, in the 1890s), by Edoardo Cerillo, Pasquale d' Amelio, and Vincenzo Loria (page images at HathiTrust) Dipinti murali scelti (Richter & Co., 1888), by Edoardo Cerillo, Pasquale d' Amelio, and Vincenzo Loria (page images at HathiTrust) Nvovi scavi di Pompei, casa dei Vettii (Richter & Co., in the 1890s), by Pasquale d' Amelio and Antonio Sogliano (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Laurentine Villa (Laurentum) Relazione di un viaggio ad Ostia e alla villa Plinio detta Laurentino (Presso Antonio Fulgoni, 1802), by Carlo Fèa and Antonio Fulgoni (page images at HathiTrust) Descrizione d'una casa romana (Milano : Coi torchj de' fratelli Sonzogno, stradone di S. Ambrogio, no. 2735, 1825., 1825), by François Mazois and Vincenzo Scamozzi (page images at HathiTrust) Les plans et les descriptions de deux des plus belles maisons de campagne de Pline le consul : avec des remarques sur tous ses bâtimens, et une dissertation touchant l'architecture antique & l'architecture gothique (Chez Florentin & Pierre Delaulne, ruë S. Jacques, à l'Empereur & au Lion d'or., 1699), by J.-F. Félibien des Avaux, Vincenzo Scamozzi, Pliny the Younger, Antoine Lambin, Pierre Delaulne, and Florentin Delaulne (page images at HathiTrust) Le Laurentin : maison de campagne de Pline-le-consul restitué d'après sa lettre à Gallus (Paris : Chez l'auteur, rue de Seine, 18, et chez les principaux marchands d'estampes, 1852., 1852), by Jules Frédéric Bouchet and Pliny the Younger (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Palazzo Cesi (Rome, Italy) Oper[e] di Polidoro. (1658), by da Firenze Maturino, Giovanni Francesco Venturini, Pietro Santi Bartoli, Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi, and da Caravaggio Polidoro (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Palazzo Colonna (Rome, Italy)Filed under: Palazzo ducale (Sassuolo, Italy)Filed under: Villa Arconati (Bollate, Italy)Filed under: Villa Demidoff (Pratolino, Italy) Descrizione della regia villa, fontane, e fabbriche di Pratolino. (Nella Stamperia granducale, per i Tartini, e Franchi, 1742), by Bernardo Sansone Sgrilli (page images at HathiTrust) Panorama di Firenze, la Esposizione nazionale del 1861 e la villa Demidoff a San Donato : mosaico storico ed artistico (G. Schiepatti, 1863), by Tullio Dandolo, Anatolio Demidoff, and Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Villa Ghirlanda Silva (Cinisello Balsamo, Italy)Filed under: Villa Ludovisi (Rome, Italy)Filed under: Villa Madama (Rome, Italy) The villa Madama, Rome; a reconstruction (J. Tiranti & company, 1928), by W. E. Greenwood (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The villa Madama, Rome (William Helburn, inc. [pref., 1928), by W. E. Greenwood (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Il palazzo Madama in Roma sede del Senato del regno. Ottobre 1904. (Forzani & c., 1904), by Giovanni Barracco (page images at HathiTrust) Arabesques antiques des bains de Livie, et de la Ville Adrienne, avec les plafonds de la Ville-Madame (Chez M. Ponce ... et Chez les principaux libraires & marchands d'estampes de l'Europe, 1789), by Nicolas Ponce (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Villa Montalto (Rome, Italy)Filed under: Villa Pliniana (Torno, Italy) Les plans et les descriptions de deux des plus belles maisons de campagne de Pline le consul : avec des remarques sur tous ses bâtimens, et une dissertation touchant l'architecture antique & l'architecture gothique (Chez Florentin & Pierre Delaulne, ruë S. Jacques, à l'Empereur & au Lion d'or., 1699), by J.-F. Félibien des Avaux, Vincenzo Scamozzi, Pliny the Younger, Antoine Lambin, Pierre Delaulne, and Florentin Delaulne (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Villa Poniatowski (Rome, Italy : Via Flaminia)Filed under: Villa Rotonda (Vicenza, Italy)Filed under: Villa imperiale (Pesaro, Italy)Filed under: Villa of Horace (Licenza, Italy)Filed under: Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii)More items available under broader and related terms at left. |