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Filed under: Household employees -- United States -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Filed under: Women household employees -- United States -- Fiction
Filed under: African American women household employees -- Fiction
Filed under: Household employees -- Connecticut -- New Haven
Filed under: Household employees -- New York (State) -- New York -- Fiction
Filed under: Household employees -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Filed under: United States -- History Building the American Republic (2 volumes; Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, c2018), by Harry L. Watson and Jane Elizabeth Dailey (multiple formats with commentary at Chicago) U.S.A. History in Brief (Learner English edition; Washington: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, 2010), by Susan Wallach (PDF at Historians on America: Decisions that Made a Difference (Washington: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, 2007), ed. by George Clack and Paul Malamud (PDF at The Age of Reinterpretation (reprinted from the American Historical Review; Washington: Service Center for Teachers of History, c1961), by C. Vann Woodward (page images at HathiTrust) Abridged History of the United States, or Republic of America (New York: A. S. Barnes and Co.; Cincinati: Derby, Bradley and Co., 1848), by Emma Willard (multiple formats at An American History (New York: Macmillan, 1916), by Eleanor Riggs (page images at HathiTrust) The American Nation: A History (28 volumes; New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1904-1918), ed. by Albert Bushnell Hart, contrib. by Edward Potts Cheyney, Livingston Farrand, Edward Gaylord Bourne, Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Charles McLean Andrews, Evarts Boutell Greene, Reuben Gold Thwaites, George Elliott Howard, Claude Halstead Van Tyne, Andrew C. McLaughlin, John Spencer Bassett, Edward Channing, Kendric Charles Babcock, Frederick Jackson Turner, William MacDonald, George Pierce Garrison, Theodore Clarke Smith, French Ensor Chadwick, James K. Hosmer, William Archibald Dunning, Edwin Erle Sparks, Davis Rich Dewey, John Holladay Latané, Frederic Austin Ogg, and David Maydole Matteson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) A Brief History of the United States (ca.1909), by John Bach McMaster (Gutenberg text) An Elementary History of Our Country (28th impression; Boston et al.: Houghton Mifflin Co., c1922), by Eva March Tappan Elementary History of the United States (revised edition; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1884), by G. P. Quackenbos, ed. by John D. Quackenbos A First Book in American History: With Special Reference to the Lives and Deeds of Great Americans (New York: American Book Company, c1889), by Edward Eggleston (page images at Pitt) Footprints of Four Centuries: The Story of the American People (Philadelphia and Chicago: International Publishing Co., 1895), by Hamilton Wright Mabie (page images at Google) Formation of the Union, 1750-1829, by Albert Bushnell Hart (Gutenberg text) Forward Looking Lessons in U. S. History (San Francisco: Harr Wagner Puc. Co., 1919), by William Jeremiah Savage Historical Tales, the Romance of Reality: American (v1 and 2 of a larger series; Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott Co., c1908), by Charles Morris History of the American Frontier, 1763-1893 (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1924), by Frederic L. Paxson (page images at HathiTrust) A History of the American People (5 volumes; Harper and Brothers, c1902), by Woodrow Wilson A History of the American People (documentary edition, 10 volumes; New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1917-1918), by Woodrow Wilson A History of the United States (6 volumes; New York: Macmillan, c1905-1925), by Edward Channing A History of the United States (London: Chatto and Windus, 1919), by Cecil Chesterton, contrib. by G. K. Chesterton (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) A History of the United States and its People, From Their Earliest Records to the Present Time (7 volumes published, covering up to the early 19th century; Cleveland: Burrows Brothers Co., 1904-1910), by Elroy McKendree Avery (page images at HathiTrust) History of the United States, From Their First Settlement as Colonies, to the Peace With Mexico, in 1848 (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo, and Co., 1852), by William Grimshaw (page images at HathiTrust) History of the United States, or Republic of America (New York: A. S. Barnes and Co., 1847), by Emma Willard (multiple formats at History of the United States, or Republic of America, Exhibited in Connexion With its Chronology and Progressive Geography (New York: White, Gallaher and White, 1828), by Emma Willard (multiple formats at Google) Introductory American History (1912), by Henry Eldridge Bourne and Elbert Jay Benton (Gutenberg text) The Leading Facts of American History (revised edition, 1920), by D. H. Montgomery (HTML at The Memorial Story of America: Comprising the Important Events, Episodes, and Incidents Which Make Up the Record of Four Hundred Years From 1492 to 1892 (Philadelphia and Chicago: J. Winston and Co., 1892), by Hamilton Wright Mabie and Marshal H. Bright, contrib. by John Sherman, J. K. Upton, Henry L. Dawes, John Heyl Vincent, Frances E. Willard, Alexander K. McClure, William Campbell Preston Breckinridge, Francis Newton Thorpe, Theodore Sandford Doolittle, Albert Shaw, and Anna Laurens Dawes (page images at HathiTrust) The New Eclectic History of the United States (New York et al.: American book Co., c1890), by M. E. Thalheimer (page images at HathiTrust) Our Own Country: Its History and Achievements, and the Story of Our Great Men and Women (Philadelphia et al.: Monarch Book co., c1895), by Hamilton Wright Mabie and Marshal H. Bright, contrib. by John Sherman, J. K. Upton, Henry L. Dawes, Frances E. Willard, Alexander K. McClure, Francis Newton Thorpe, and Anna Laurens Dawes Political and Social History of the United States, 1492-1828 (New York: Macmillan, 1925), by Homer C. Hockett (multiple formats at "Sam": or, The History of Mystery, by Charles W. Webber (page images at MOA) Stories of American Life and Adventure, by Edward Eggleston (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Story of Our Nation, From the Earliest Discoveries to the Present Time (Philadelphia: National Pub. Co., c1902), by Ella Hines Stratton (page images at HathiTrust) This Country of Ours, by H. E. Marshall (Gutenberg text) This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States (New York: George H. Doran Company, c1917), by H. E. Marshall, illust. by A. C. Michael (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers) The Thrilling Story of the World's Giant Republic, From the Earliest Discoveries to the Present Time (Philadelphia: National Pub. Co., c1902), by Ella Hines Stratton (page images at HathiTrust) The Rise of American Civilization (original edition of 2 volumes; New York: Macmillan, 1927), by Charles A. Beard and Mary Ritter Beard, illust. by Wilfred Jones The Frontier in American History (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1920), by Frederick Jackson Turner (multiple formats at The Frontier in American History (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1921), by Frederick Jackson Turner (Gutenberg text and page images) The Great Republic: A Descriptive, Statistical, and Historical View of the States and Territories of the American Union (1871), by James D. McCabe (page images at MOA) Political and Social History of the United States, 1829-1925 (New York: Macmillan, 1925), by Arthur M. Schlesinger (page images at HathiTrust) From Hitching Posts to Parking Meters, 1620-1960; With Historical Data, Family Memoirs and a Genealogical Registe (Colorado Springs: The author, 1961), by Ida Pearl Barker Bloss (page images at HathiTrust) The Glory Trail: The Great American Migration and Its Impact on Natural Resources (1958), by Ernest Swift (PDF The War Myth in United States History (third printing; New York: Vanguard Press; Association to Abolish War, 1934), by C. H. Hamlin (page images at HathiTrust) True Stories of Our Pioneers: The Heroic Deeds and Devoted Lives of the Fathers and Mothers of America, Embracing the Principal Episodes in the Struggle of the White Race and the Red Men for the Possession of the New World (c1904), by Augustus Lynch Mason, contrib. by John Clark Ridpath and Trumbull White (multiple formats at Indiana)
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