HungaryOnline books by this author are available.
See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:- Hungary --
- Hungary -- Administrative departments
- Hungary -- Anniversaries, etc.
- Hungary -- Antiquities
- Hungary -- Antiquities, Celtic
- Hungary -- Antiquities, Roman
- Hungary -- Archaeology
- Hungary -- Army
- Hungary -- Baranya Megye
- Hungary -- Bibliography
- Hungary -- Bio-bibliography
- Hungary -- Biography
- Hungary -- Boundaries
- Hungary -- Budapest
- Hungary -- Census
- Hungary -- Census, 1880
- Hungary -- Census, 1881
- Hungary -- Centennial celebrations, etc.
- Hungary -- Charities
- Hungary -- Church history
- Hungary -- Civilization
- Hungary -- Claims vs. United States
- Hungary -- Claims vs. United States, 1928
- Hungary -- Climate
- Hungary -- Commerce
- Hungary -- Commercial policy
- Hungary -- Commercial treaties
- Hungary -- Constitution. from old catalog
- Hungary -- Constitutional history
- Hungary -- Constitutional law
- Hungary -- Court and courtiers
- Hungary -- Courts
- Hungary -- Cultural policy
- Hungary -- Defenses
- Hungary -- Description and travel
- Hungary -- Description and travel. from old catalog
- Hungary -- Dictionaries
- Hungary -- Dictionaries and encyclopedias
- Hungary -- Drama
- Hungary -- Economic conditions
- Hungary -- Economic policy
- Hungary -- Elections
- Hungary -- Emigration and immigration
- Hungary -- Encyclopedias
- Hungary -- Ethnic relations
- Hungary -- Fiction
- Hungary -- Foreign economic relations
- Hungary -- Foreign population
- Hungary -- Foreign relations
- Hungary -- Gazetteers
- Hungary -- Genealogy
- Hungary -- Geography
- Hungary -- Government
- Hungary -- Government publications
- Hungary -- Guidebooks
- Hungary -- Historical geography
- Hungary -- Historiography
- Hungary -- History
- Hungary -- History to 1683
- Hungary -- History, 1301-1683
- Hungary -- History, 1805
- Hungary -- History, Local
- Hungary -- History, Military
- Hungary -- Honvédség
- Hungary -- Imprints
- Hungary -- In art
- Hungary -- Industries
- Hungary -- Intellectual life
- Hungary -- Kings and rulers
- Hungary -- Language
- Hungary -- Law
- Hungary -- Law and legislation
- Hungary -- Laws, statutes, etc
- Hungary -- Literatures
- Hungary -- Maps
- Hungary -- Name
- Hungary -- Nationality
- Hungary -- Nationality. from old catalog
- Hungary -- Newspapers
- Hungary -- Nobility
- Hungary -- Officials and employees
- Hungary -- Országgyűlés
- Hungary -- Periodicals
- Hungary -- Pictorial works
- Hungary -- Poetry
- Hungary -- Politics
- Hungary -- Politics and government
- Hungary -- Politics, 1872-1912
- Hungary -- Population
- Hungary -- Princes and princesses
- Hungary -- Queens
- Hungary -- Registers
- Hungary -- Relations
- Hungary -- Religion
- Hungary -- Rural conditions
- Hungary -- Social conditions
- Hungary -- Social life and customs
- Hungary -- Statistics
- Hungary -- Statistics, Vital
- Hungary -- Tiszaeszlár
- Hungary -- Trachoma
- Hungary -- Treaties, etc.
- Hungary -- Turkish occupation, 1526-1699
- Diplomatic and consular service, Hungarian
- Hungary in literature
- Hungary, Law of
- Árva Vára (Hungary)
- Abaúj-Torna Megye (Hungary)
- Abauj (Hungary)
- Arad (Hungary : Region)
- Backa (Serbia and Hungary)
- Bakony Mountains (Hungary)
- Balaton, Lake (Hungary)
- Balaton, Lake, Region (Hungary)
- Baranya Megye (Hungary)
- Békéscsaba (Hungary)
- Bihar Megye (Hungary)
- Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megye (Hungary)
- Buda (Hungary)
- Budapest (Hungary)
- Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Esztergom (Hungary)
- Debrecen (Hungary)
- Debreceni Református Főiskola (Hungary)
- Dunántúl (Hungary)
- Esztergom (Hungary)
- Felsőbánya (Hungary)
- Felvidék (Slovakia and Hungary)
- Fertőd (Hungary)
- Győr (Hungary)
- Győr (Hungary : County)
- Hajdú Megye (Hungary)
- Hegyalja (Hungary)
- Hetes (Hungary)
- Heves County (Hungary)
- Heves Megye (Hungary)
- Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megye (Hungary)
- Jaszság (Hungary)
- Kecskemét (Hungary)
- Kecskemét Region (Hungary)
- Keszthely (Hungary)
- Kiskunság (Hungary)
- Komárom Megye (Hungary)
- Krassó-Szr̈ény (Hungary : County)
- Miskolcz (Hungary)
- Mór (Hungary)
- Nagkállói (Hungary)
- Nagykőrös (Hungary)
- Nagykanizsa (Hungary)
- Nagykunság (Hungary)
- Nagyszeben (Hungary)
- Neusiedler Lake (Austria and Hungary)
- Nograd (Hungary)
- Nyíregyháza (Hungary)
- Országos Rabbiképző-Intézet (Hungary)
- Pápa (Hungary)
- Pécs (Hungary)
- Pest (Hungary)
- Pusztaszer (Hungary)
- Selmeczbánya (Hungary)
- Siddur (Hungary)
- Sopron (Hungary : County)
- Sopron (Hungary)
- Széművészeti Múzeum (Hungary)
- Szépművészeti Múzeum (Hungary)
- Szamosújvár (Hungary)
- Szécsény (Hungary)
- Székesfehérvár (Hungary)
- Szeged (Hungary)
- Szentes (Hungary)
- Szigetvár (Hungary)
- Szolnok Megye (Hungary)
- Szombathely (Hungary)
- Törökbálint (Hungary)
- Temes (Hungary)
- Tiszaeszlár (Hungary)
- Tolna Megye (Hungary)
- Toronta lva rmegye (Hungary)
- Transylvania (Hungary)
- Trianon, Treaty of, June 4, 1920 (Hungary)
- Ugocsa (Hungary)
- Uprising of 1848-1849 (Hungary)
- Vác (Hungary)
- Velem (Hungary)
- Veszprém (Hungary)
- Zala Megye (Hungary)
- Zemplén Megye (Hungary)
- Abbeys -- Hungary
- Abduction -- Hungary
- Absence and presumption of death -- Hungary
- Accident insurance -- Hungary
- Accident law -- Hungary
- Accidents -- Hungary
- Accounting -- Hungary
- Acquisition of property -- Hungary
- Acting -- Hungary
- Actions and defenses -- Hungary
- Actions in rem -- Hungary
- Actors -- Hungary
- Adjoining landowners -- Hungary
- Administrative courts -- Hungary
- Administrative law -- Hungary
- Administrative procedure -- Hungary
- Administrative responsibility -- Hungary
- Adoption -- Hungary
- Aeronautics, Commercial -- Hungary
- After-dinner speeches -- Hungary
- Age distribution (Demography) -- Hungary
- Agency -- Hungary
- Aging -- Hungary
- Agricultual cooperative credit associations -- Hungary
- Agricultural colleges -- Hungary
- Agricultural colonies -- Hungary
- Agricultural cooperative credit associations -- Hungary
- Agricultural credit -- Hungary
- Agricultural education -- Hungary
- Agricultural exhibitions -- Hungary
- Agricultural experiment stations -- Hungary
- Agricultural insurance -- Hungary
- Agricultural laborers -- Hungary
- Agricultural laws and legislation -- Hungary
- Agricultural museums -- Hungary
- Agricultural pests -- Hungary
- Agriculture -- Hungary
- Agriculture and state -- Hungary
- Agriculture, Cooperative -- Hungary
- Alcohol -- Hungary
- Alcoholism -- Hungary
- Algae -- Hungary
- Alimony -- Hungary
- Allotment of land -- Hungary
- Amnesty -- Hungary
- Amortization -- Hungary
- Anecdotes -- Hungary
- Animal breeding -- Hungary
- Animal culture -- Hungary
- Animals -- Hungary
- Antisemitism -- Hungary
- Appellate procedure -- Hungary
- Arachnida -- Hungary
- Arbitration and award -- Hungary
- Archaeological literature -- Hungary
- Archaeology -- Hungary
- Architecture -- Hungary
- Architecture, Domestic -- Hungary
- Architecture, Medieval -- Hungary
- Architecture, Renaissance -- Hungary
- Architecture, Romanesque -- Hungary
- Architecture, Turkish -- Hungary
- Archival resources -- Hungary
- Archives -- Hungary
- Aristocracy (Social class) -- Hungary
- Armenians -- Hungary
- Armies -- Hungary
- Armor -- Hungary
- Art -- Hungary
- Art and state -- Hungary
- Art museums -- Hungary
- Art objects -- Hungary
- Art, Baroque -- Hungary
- Art, Japanese -- Hungary
- Art, Renaissance -- Hungary
- Artesian wells -- Hungary
- Artists -- Hungary
- Arts -- Hungary
- Asphalt -- Hungary
- Assignments (Law) -- Hungary
- Associations -- Hungary
- Associations, institutions, etc. -- Hungary
- Attila, d. 453 -- Homes and haunts -- Hungary
- Attorneys general's opinions -- Hungary
- Auditors -- Hungary
- Austria -- Commerce -- Hungary
- Austria -- Relations -- Hungary
- Austro-Turkish War, 1661-1664 -- Campaigns -- Hungary
- Authors and publishers -- Hungary
- Automobile industry and trade -- Hungary
- Autonomy -- Hungary
- Awards -- Hungary
- Bacillariaceae, Fossil -- Hungary
- Bailiffs -- Hungary
- Ball games -- Hungary
- Ballads -- Ukrainian -- Hungary
- Banking law -- Hungary
- Bankruptcy -- Hungary
- Banks and banking -- Hungary
- Bar associations -- Hungary
- Bar examinations -- Hungary
- Basilicas -- Hungary
- Bee culture -- Hungary
- Beer -- Hungary
- Bees -- Hungary
- Beetles -- Hungary
- Benedictines -- Hungary
- Benefices, Ecclesiastical -- Hungary
- Betrothal -- Hungary
- Bible -- Influence -- Hungary
- Bibliography -- Hungary
- Bigamy -- Hungary
- Bilingualism -- Hungary
- Bills of exchange -- Hungary
- Bills, Legislative -- Hungary
- Biogeoraphy -- Hungary
- Biology -- Hungary
- Birds -- Hungary
- Blood accusation -- Hungary
- Boards of trade -- Hungary
- Bonds -- Hungary
- Book collecting -- Hungary
- Book industries and trade -- Hungary
- Books -- Hungary
- Booksellers' catalogs -- Hungary
- Botanical gardens -- Hungary
- Botanists -- Hungary
- Botany -- Hungary
- Boundaries -- Hungary
- Boy Scouts -- Hungary
- Breach of the peace -- Hungary
- Bridges -- Hungary
- Bronze age -- Hungary
- Budget -- Hungary
- Building laws -- Hungary
- Burden of proof -- Hungary
- Burglary -- Hungary
- Burial laws -- Hungary
- Business education -- Hungary
- Business enterprises -- Hungary
- Cadastre -- Hungary
- Calvinism -- Hungary
- Canals -- Hungary
- Capacity and disability -- Hungary
- Capital punishment -- Hungary
- Capitalism -- Hungary
- Cardinals -- Hungary
- Carex -- Hungary
- Carriers -- Hungary
- Carthusians -- Hungary
- Cartouches, Ornamental (Decorative arts) -- Hungary
- Castles -- Hungary
- Catholic Church -- Hungary
- Catholic Church, Roman -- Hungary
- Catholic converts -- Hungary
- Catholics -- Hungary
- Cattle -- Hungary
- Cattle breeds -- Hungary
- Ceilings -- Decoration -- Hungary
- Celebrities -- Hungary
- Celts -- Hungary
- Census -- Hungary
- Centaurea -- Hungary
- Chamber music -- Hungary
- Chapters, Cathedral, collegiate, etc -- Hungary
- Characeae -- Hungary
- Charitable uses trusts and foundations -- Hungary
- Charitable uses, trusts and foundations -- Hungary
- Charities -- Hungary
- Charters -- Hungary
- Checks -- Hungary
- Cheese industry -- Hungary
- Chess -- Hungary
- Child welfare -- Hungary
- Children -- Hungary
- Christian antiquities -- Hungary
- Christian art and symbolism -- Hungary
- Christian poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- Hungary
- Christian saints -- Hungary
- Christian socialism -- Hungary
- Christian union -- Hungary
- Christianity -- Hungary
- Church and social problems -- Hungary
- Church and state -- Hungary
- Church architecture -- Hungary
- Church buildings -- Hungary
- Church decoration and ornamment -- Hungary
- Church history -- Hungary
- Church property -- Hungary
- Church records and registers -- Hungary
- Church schools -- Hungary
- Ciphers -- Civil -- Hungary
- Ciphers -- Criminal -- Hungary
- Cistercians -- Hungary
- Cities and towns -- Hungary
- Cities and towns, Medieval -- Hungary
- Citizenship -- Hungary
- Civil law -- Hungary
- Civil procedure -- Hungary
- Civil rights -- Hungary
- Civil service -- Hungary
- Clay -- Hungary
- Clergy -- Hungary
- Clothing and dress -- Hungary
- Cloture -- Hungary
- Coal -- Hungary
- Coal mines and mining -- Hungary
- Coal-miners -- Hungary
- Codification -- Hungary
- Collective farms -- Hungary
- Collective labor agreements -- Hungary
- Commercial associations -- Hungary
- Commercial law -- Hungary
- Commercial loans -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Commission merchants -- Hungary
- Commons -- Hungary
- Communication -- Hungary
- Communication and traffic -- Hungary
- Communications -- Hungary
- Communism -- Hungary
- Community property -- Hungary
- Compensation for judicial error -- Hungary
- Competition, Unfair -- Hungary
- Composers -- Hungary
- Compromise and settlement -- Hungary
- Confessions -- Hungary
- Conflict of laws -- Hungary
- Conservatism -- Hungary
- Consignation -- Hungary
- Constitutional and Political Law -- Hungary
- Constitutional courts -- Hungary
- Constitutional history -- Hungary
- Constitutional law -- Hungary
- Constitutions -- Hungary
- Contracts -- Hungary
- Contracts and obligations -- Hungary
- Contraventions (Criminal law) -- Hungary
- Contraventions -- Hungary
- Convict labor -- Hungary
- Cooperative societies -- Hungary
- Copyright -- Hungary
- Coronation books -- Hungary
- Coronations -- Hungary
- Corporations -- Hungary
- Corporations, Foreign -- Hungary
- Correctional institutions -- Hungary
- Corrections -- Hungary
- Cost and standard of living -- Hungary
- Costs -- Hungary
- Costume -- Hungary
- Councils and synods -- Hungary
- Councils and synods, Provincial -- Hungary
- Counter-Reformation -- Hungary
- Counties -- Hungary
- County government -- Hungary
- Court records -- Hungary
- Court rules -- Hungary
- Courts -- Hungary
- Courts baron and courts leet -- Hungary
- Courts, Commercial -- Hungary
- Courts-martial and courts of inquiry -- Hungary
- Craniology -- Hungary
- Credit -- Hungary
- Crests -- Hungary
- Crime -- Hungary
- Criminal attempt -- Hungary
- Criminal law -- Hungary
- Criminal liability -- Hungary
- Criminal procedure -- Hungary
- Criminal psychology -- Hungary
- Criminology -- Hungary
- Criticism -- Hungary
- Croatia -- Relations (General) -- Hungary
- Croatia -- Relations -- Hungary
- Croatian literature -- Hungary
- Croats -- Hungary
- Crown jewels -- Hungary
- Crown lands -- Hungary
- Crustacea -- Hungary
- Cryptogams -- Hungary
- Currency question -- Hungary
- Customary law -- Hungary
- Customs administration -- Hungary
- Customs law -- Hungary
- Czechoslovakia -- Relations -- Hungary
- Czechs -- Hungary
- Dairying -- Hungary
- Damages -- Hungary
- Dance -- Hungary
- Dance music -- Hungary
- Debtor and creditor -- Hungary
- Debts, Public -- Hungary
- Decentralization in government -- Hungary
- Decoration and ornament -- Hungary
- Decoration and ornament, Architectural -- Hungary
- Decorative arts -- Hungary
- Deeds -- Hungary
- Defense (Criminal procedure) -- Hungary
- Defense information, Classified -- Hungary
- Delegated legislation -- Hungary
- Delegation (Civil law) -- Hungary
- Democracy -- Hungary
- Desertion and non-support -- Hungary
- Desserts -- Hungary
- Detention -- Hungary
- Dictionaries Legal -- Hungary
- Diet -- Hungary
- Diplomatic and consular service, American -- Hungary
- Diplomatics -- Hungary
- Diplomats -- Hungary
- Directors of corporations -- Hungary
- Diseases -- Hungary
- Divine rights of kings -- Hungary
- Divorce -- Hungary
- Dolus -- Hungary
- Domestic relations -- Hungary
- Dominicans -- Hungary
- Double taxation -- Hungary
- Dower -- Hungary
- Draft -- Hungary
- Drama -- Hungary
- Dress accessories -- Hungary
- Dueling -- Hungary
- Duress (Law) -- Hungary
- Eötvös, Károly, 1842-1916 -- Travel -- Hungary
- Early printed books -- Hungary
- Earth sciences -- Hungary
- Earthquakes -- Hungary
- Ecclesiastical geography -- Hungary
- Ecclesiastical law -- Hungary
- Economic assistance, American -- Hungary
- Economic history -- Austria -- Hungary
- Economic policy -- Hungary
- Economics -- Hungary
- Economists -- Hungary
- Education -- Hungary
- Education and state -- Hungary
- Education, Bilingual -- Hungary
- Education, Elementary -- Hungary
- Education, Higher -- Hungary
- Education, Secondary -- Hungary
- Educational exchanges -- Hungary
- Educational law and legislation -- Hungary
- Educators -- Hungary
- Election law -- Hungary
- Elections -- Hungary
- Emblem books -- Hungary
- Emblems (allegorical pictures) -- Hungary
- Embroidery -- Hungary
- Emigration and immigration -- Hungary
- Emigration and immigration law -- Hungary
- Eminent domain -- Hungary
- Employers' liability -- Hungary
- Employers' liability insurance -- Hungary
- Employment agencies -- Hungary
- Engraving -- Hungary
- Engravings (prints) -- Hungary
- Entail -- Hungary
- Entomology -- Hungary
- Equality -- Hungary
- Escheat -- Hungary
- Estates -- Hungary
- Estonia -- Relations -- Hungary
- Etching -- Hungary
- Ethnology -- Hungary
- Europe -- Relations -- Hungary
- Evidence -- Hungary
- Evidence, Documentary -- Hungary
- Evidence, Expert -- Hungary
- Evliya Çelebi, 1611?-1682? -- Travel -- Hungary
- Excavations (Archaeology) -- Hungary
- Exchange of persons programs, American -- Hungary
- Exchange of publications -- Hungary
- Executions (Law) -- Hungary
- Executions -- Hungary
- Executive departments -- Hungary
- Executive power -- Hungary
- Export marketing -- Hungary
- Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 (Paris, France) -- Hungary
- Extradition -- Hungary
- Factories -- Hungary
- Facts -- Hungary
- Fairy tales -- Hungary
- Families -- Hungary
- Family -- Hungary
- Family allowances -- Hungary
- Farm buildings -- Hungary
- Farm management -- Hungary
- Farms -- Hungary
- Fashion -- Hungary
- Favored nation clause -- Hungary
- Feeds -- Hungary
- Fees -- Hungary
- Festivals -- Hungary
- Feudalism -- Hungary
- Feudelism -- Hungary
- Field crops -- Hungary
- Finance -- Hungary
- Finance, Public -- Hungary
- Fines (Penalties) -- Hungary
- Finland -- Relations -- Hungary
- Fires -- Hungary
- Fish and game laws -- Hungary
- Fish culture -- Hungary
- Fisheries -- Hungary
- Fishes -- Hungary
- Fishes, Fossil -- Hungary
- Fishing -- Hungary
- Flood control -- Hungary
- Folk art -- Hungary
- Folk literature -- Hungary
- Folk music -- Hungary
- Folk songs -- Hungary
- Folk songs, Hungarian -- Hungary
- Folk songs, Romanian -- Hungary
- Folklore -- Hungary
- Food -- Hungary
- Food industry and trade -- Hungary
- Forage plants -- Hungary
- Foreign exchange -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Foreign language publications -- Hungary
- Foreign relations -- Hungary
- Forest management -- Hungary
- Forestry law and legislation -- Hungary
- Forestry schools and education -- Hungary
- Forests and forestry -- Hungary
- Forgery -- Hungary
- Forms (Law) -- Hungary
- Forms -- Hungary
- Fortification -- Hungary
- Foundlings -- Hungary
- France -- Relations -- Hungary
- Franciscans -- Hungary
- Fraud -- Hungary
- Fraudulent conveyances -- Hungary
- Free enterprise -- Hungary
- Freedom of religion -- Hungary
- Freedom of the press -- Hungary
- Freemasons -- Hungary
- Freight and freightage -- Hungary
- Fruit -- Hungary
- Fruit-culture -- Hungary
- Funeral music -- Hungary
- Fungi -- Hungary
- Games -- Hungary
- Gardening -- Hungary
- Gardens -- Hungary
- Generals -- Hungary
- Geodesy -- Hungary
- Geog -- Hungary
- Geography -- Hungary
- Geology -- Hungary
- Geomagnetism -- Hungary
- German language -- Hungary
- German literature -- Hungary
- Germans -- Hungary
- Germany -- Commerce -- Hungary
- Germany -- Foreign economic relations -- Hungary
- Gifts -- Hungary
- Girl Scouts -- Hungary
- Goldwork -- Hungary
- Government property -- Hungary
- Grain trade -- Hungary
- Grapes -- Breeding -- Hungary
- Grapes -- Hybridization -- Hungary
- Grapes -- Varieties -- Hungary
- Great Britain -- Relations -- Hungary
- Guardian and ward -- Hungary
- Guardianship and curatorship -- Hungary
- Guilds -- Hungary
- Harbors -- Hungary
- Hasidism -- Hungary
- Heads of state -- Hungary
- Health insurance -- Hungary
- Health resorts -- Hungary
- Heraldry -- Hungary
- Herders -- Hungary
- Heroes -- Hungary
- High schools -- Hungary
- Historians -- Hungary
- Historic buildings -- Hungary
- Historic sites -- Hungary
- Historical linguistics -- Hungary
- History -- Hungary
- History of law -- Hungary
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Hungary
- Home -- Hungary
- Homestead and exemption -- Hungary
- Homicide -- Hungary
- Homstead and exemption -- Hungary
- Horses -- Hungary
- Horticulture -- Hungary
- Hospitals -- Hungary
- Hot springs -- Hungary
- Household employees -- Hungary
- Households -- Hungary
- Housing -- Hungary
- Huguenots -- Hungary
- Human geography -- Hungary
- Human rights -- Hungary
- Humanism -- Hungary
- Humanities -- Hungary
- Hungarian language -- Dialects -- Hungary
- Hunters -- Hungary
- Hunting -- Hungary
- Husband and wife -- Hungary
- Hydraulic engineering -- Hungary
- Hydrology -- Hungary
- Identification -- Hungary
- Illegality -- Hungary
- Illegitimacy -- Hungary
- Illustration of books -- 20th century -- Hungary
- Immoral contracts -- Hungary
- Impediments to marriage -- Hungary
- Incandescent lamps -- Hungary
- Income tax -- Hungary
- Incompatibility of officers -- Hungary
- Incunabula -- Hungary
- Indeterminate sentences -- Hungary
- Indictments -- Hungary
- Industrial Law and Legislation -- Hungary
- Industrial accidents -- Hungary
- Industrial law -- Hungary
- Industrial laws and legislation -- Hungary
- Industrial life insurance -- Hungary
- Industrial management -- Hungary
- Industrial relations -- Hungary
- Industrial safety -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Industries -- Hungary
- Infanticide -- Hungary
- Inheritance and succession -- Hungary
- Inheritance and sucession -- Hungary
- Inland navigation -- Hungary
- Inland water transportation -- Hungary
- Inquisition -- Hungary
- Insanity (Law) -- Hungary
- Inscriptions -- Hungary
- Inscriptions, Latin -- Hungary
- Inscriptions, Runic -- Hungary
- Insects -- Hungary
- Installment plan -- Hungary
- Insurance -- Hungary
- Insurance law -- Hungary
- Intellectuals -- Hungary
- Interdiction (Civil law) -- Hungary
- Interdiction -- Hungary
- Interfaith marriage -- Hungary
- Intergovernmental relations -- Hungary
- Internal revenue -- Hungary
- International law -- Hungary
- International relations -- Hungary
- Interpretation and construction -- Hungary
- Intervention (Civil procedure) -- Hungary
- Investiture -- Hungary
- Investments, American -- Hungary
- Iron industry and trade -- Hungary
- Iron mines and mining -- Hungary
- Iron ores -- Hungary
- Jesuits -- Hungary
- Jewish councils -- Hungary
- Jewish funeral sermons -- Hungary
- Jewish religious schools -- Hungary
- Jewish sermons, German -- Hungary
- Jewish sermons, Hebrew -- Hungary
- Jews -- Hungary
- Joint stock companies -- Hungary
- Judaism -- Hungary
- Judges -- Hungary
- Judgments -- Hungary
- Judgments, Foreign -- Hungary
- Judicial assistance -- Hungary
- Judicial discretion -- Hungary
- Judicial power -- Hungary
- Judicial sales -- Hungary
- Judicial statistics -- Hungary
- Jurisdiction -- Hungary
- Jurisprudence -- Hungary
- Juristic acts -- Hungary
- Jury -- Hungary
- Justice -- Administration of -- Hungary
- Justice, Administration of -- Hungary
- Juvenile corrections -- Hungary
- Juvenile courts -- Hungary
- Juvenile delinquency -- Hungary
- Juvenile delinquents -- Hungary
- Juvenile justice, Administration of -- Hungary
- Kings and rulers -- Hungary
- Kinship -- Hungary
- Kipchak (Turkic people) -- Hungary
- Labor -- Hungary
- Labor laws and legislation -- Hungary
- Labor market -- Hungary
- Labor movement -- Hungary
- Labor supply -- Hungary
- Labor unions -- Hungary
- Lakes -- Hungary
- Land reform -- Hungary
- Land tenure -- Hungary
- Land titles -- Register and transfer -- Hungary
- Landlord and tenant -- Hungary
- Language and history -- Hungary
- Language policy -- Hungary
- Languages -- Hungary
- Latin language -- Study and teaching -- Hungary
- Latin literature, Medieval and modern -- Hungary
- Law -- Hungary
- Law and fact -- Hungary
- Law reform -- Hungary
- Law reports, digests, etc. -- Hungary
- Law schools -- Hungary
- Lawyers -- Hungary
- Learned institutions and societies -- Hungary
- Leases -- Hungary
- Legal aid -- Hungary
- Legal essays -- Hungary
- Legal liability -- Hungary
- Legends -- Hungary
- Legislation -- Hungary
- Legislation, Industrial -- Hungary
- Legislative bodies -- Hungary
- Legislative power -- Hungary
- Lepidoptera -- Hungary
- Liability (Law) -- Hungary
- Liber and slander -- Hungary
- Liberalism -- Hungary
- Liberty of conscience -- Hungary
- Libraries -- Hungary
- Library catalogs -- Hungary
- Library science -- Hungary
- Lichenes -- Hungary
- Lichens -- Hungary
- Liens -- Hungary
- Life insurance -- Hungary
- Limitation of actions -- Hungary
- Limited liability -- Hungary
- Liquor laws -- Hungary
- Lit -- Hungary
- Lithography -- Hungary
- Livestock -- Hungary
- Loans -- Hungary
- Local finance -- Hungary
- Local government -- Hungary
- Lotteries -- Hungary
- Lutheran Church -- Hungary
- M arriage -- Hungary
- Macedonians -- Hungary
- Magyarországi Református Egyház -- Hungary
- Manual training -- Hungary
- Manuscripts -- Hungary
- Manuscripts, Hebrew -- Hungary
- Manuscripts, Medieval -- Hungary
- Maps -- Hungary
- Maritime law -- Hungary
- Markets -- Hungary
- Marriage -- Hungary
- Marriage law -- Hungary
- Married women -- Hungary
- Marshals -- Hungary
- Marsili, Luigi Ferdinando, 1658-1730 -- Knowledge -- Hungary
- Martyrs -- Hungary
- Master and servant -- Hungary
- Mathematicians -- Hungary
- Medical colleges -- Hungary
- Medical geography -- Hungary
- Medical jurisprudence -- Hungary
- Medical laws and legislation -- Hungary
- Medicine -- Hungary
- Mental health laws -- Hungary
- Merchant marine -- Hungary
- Meteorologists -- Hungary
- Meteorology -- Hungary
- Migration, Internal -- Hungary
- Mil. Hist -- Wars, 1848-49 -- Hungary
- Mil. History -- Wars 1848-49 -- Hungary
- Military art and science -- Hungary
- Military history -- Hungary
- Military law -- Hungary
- Military offenses -- Hungary
- Military pensions -- Hungary
- Mineral industries -- Hungary
- Mineral waters -- Hungary
- Mineralogy -- Hungary
- Mines -- Hungary
- Mines and mineral resources -- Hungary
- Mining engineering -- Hungary
- Mining law -- Hungary
- Ministerial responsibility -- Hungary
- Minorities -- Hungary
- Minorities, Racial -- Hungary
- Mints -- Hungary
- Mistake -- Hungary
- Mollusks -- Hungary
- Mollusks, Fossil -- Hungary
- Monarchy -- Hungary
- Monasteries -- Hungary
- Monasticism -- Hungary
- Monasticism and religious orders -- Hungary
- Money -- Hungary
- Monuments -- Hungary
- Moratorium on payment of debts -- Hungary
- Mortality -- Hungary
- Mortgages -- Hungary
- Mortmain -- Hungary
- Mosques -- Hungary
- Mosses -- Hungary
- Motion pictures -- Hungary
- Mountains -- Hungary
- Mulberry -- Hungary
- Municipal charters -- Hungary
- Municipal corporations -- Hungary
- Municipal finance -- Hungary
- Municipal government -- Hungary
- Municipal law -- Hungary
- Mushrooms -- Hungary
- Music -- Hungary
- Musical instruments -- Hungary
- Musicians -- Hungary
- Names, Geographical -- Hungary
- Names, Personal -- Hungary
- Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815 -- Regimental histories -- Hungary
- National security -- Hungary
- Nationalism -- Hungary
- Nationalism and education -- Hungary
- Nationalism and nationality -- Hungary
- Nationalism and nationalty -- Hungary
- Nationality and citizenship -- Hungary
- Natural history -- Hungary
- Natural resources -- Hungary
- Naturalization -- Hungary
- Nazarenes (Church of the Nazarene) -- Hungary
- Negligence -- Hungary
- Negotiable instruments -- Hungary
- Newspapers -- Hungary
- Nobility -- Hungary
- Non-contentious jurisdiction -- Hungary
- Noncitizens -- Hungary
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- Hungary
- Notaries -- Hungary
- Nuclear energy -- Government policy -- Hungary
- Nuclear energy -- Safety regulations -- Hungary
- Nullity -- Hungary
- Numismatics -- Hungary
- Obligations -- Hungary
- Odonata -- Hungary
- Old age pensions -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Ordeal -- Hungary
- Ordinances, Municipal -- Hungary
- Ore deposits -- Hungary
- Ornithology -- Hungary
- Orthodox Eastern Church -- Hungary
- Orthodox Judaism -- Hungary
- Orthoptera -- Hungary
- Painters -- Hungary
- Painting -- Hungary
- Palaces -- Hungary
- Palatines -- Hungary
- Paleobotany -- Hungary
- Paleontology -- Hungary
- Panoramas -- Hungary
- Paprika -- Hungary
- Parcel post -- Hungary
- Pardon -- Hungary
- Parent and child (Law) -- Hungary
- Parent and child -- Hungary
- Paris Universal Exposition of 1878 -- Hungary
- Parliamentary practice -- Hungary
- Pashas -- Hungary
- Passover sermons -- Hungary
- Passports -- Hungary
- Pasture, Right of -- Hungary
- Patent laws and legislation -- Hungary
- Patents -- Hungary
- Paternity -- Hungary
- Patron and client -- Hungary
- Patronage, Ecclesiastical -- Hungary
- Peace Corps (U.S.) -- Hungary
- Peasant uprisings -- Hungary
- Peasants -- Hungary
- Peat -- Hungary
- Peat bogs -- Hungary
- Pensions, Old age -- Hungary
- Periodicals -- Hungary
- Perjury -- Hungary
- Personal injuries -- Hungary
- Personality (Law) -- Hungary
- Persons (Law) -- Hungary
- Persons -- Hungary
- Petroleum -- Hungary
- Petroleum industry and trade -- Hungary
- Petrology -- Hungary
- Pharmacopoeias -- Hungary
- Photography -- Hungary
- Physical geography -- Hungary
- Physicians and surgeons -- Hungary
- Piarists -- Hungary
- Plains -- Hungary
- Plankton -- Hungary
- Plant diseases -- Hungary
- Plant introduction -- Hungary
- Plant quarantine -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Plant-soil relationships -- Hungary
- Plants -- Hungary
- Pledge -- Hungary
- Pol.Econ -- Austria -- Hungary
- Poland -- Foreign economic relations -- Hungary
- Poland -- Relations -- Hungary
- Police -- Hungary
- Police regulations -- Hungary
- Poliomyelitis -- Hungary
- Political parties -- Hungary
- Political prisoners -- Hungary
- Political science -- Hungary
- Political scientists -- Hungary
- Politicians -- Hungary
- Politics and government -- Hungary
- Poor laws -- Hungary
- Population -- Hungary
- Portrait painters -- Hungary
- Possession -- Hungary
- Post-communism -- Hungary
- Postal laws -- Hungary
- Postal savings -- Banks -- Hungary
- Postal service -- Hungary
- Prehistoric peoples -- Hungary
- Preliminary examinations (Criminal procedure) -- Hungary
- Prerogative, Royal -- Hungary
- Prescription -- Hungary
- Presidents -- Hungary
- Press -- Hungary
- Press law -- Hungary
- Price -- Hungary
- Prices -- Hungary
- Prime ministers -- Hungary
- Princes -- Hungary
- Printers -- Hungary
- Printers' marks -- Hungary
- Printing -- Hungary
- Prisoners -- Hungary
- Prisons -- Hungary
- Private companies -- Hungary
- Private libraries -- Hungary
- Privileges and immunities -- Hungary
- Probate law and practice -- Hungary
- Probation -- Hungary
- Procedure (Law) -- Hungary
- Procedure -- Hungary
- Property -- Hungary
- Prostitution -- Hungary
- Protestant churches -- Hungary
- Protestantism -- Hungary
- Protestants -- Hungary
- Psychoanalysis -- Hungary
- Public architecture -- Hungary
- Public buildings -- Hungary
- Public contracts -- Hungary
- Public health -- Hungary
- Public law -- Hungary
- Public officials and employees -- Hungary
- Public opinion -- Hungary
- Public prosecutors -- Hungary
- Public schools -- Hungary
- Public welfare -- Hungary
- Public works -- Hungary
- Publicity -- Hungary
- Publishers and publishing -- Hungary
- Publishers' catalogs -- Hungary
- Pulmonata -- Hungary
- Punishment -- Hungary
- Quarries and quarrying -- Hungary
- Queens -- Hungary
- Rabbinical seminaries -- Hungary
- Rabbis -- Hungary
- Railroad law -- Hungary
- Railroads -- Hungary
- Railroads and state -- Hungary
- Rain and rainfall -- Hungary
- Rationing -- Hungary
- Real property -- Hungary
- Real property tax -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Recidivism -- Hungary
- Reclamation of land -- Hungary
- Reconstruction (1914-1939) -- Hungary
- Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- Hungary
- Recording and registration -- Hungary
- Reform Judaism -- Hungary
- Reformation -- Hungary
- Reformatories -- Hungary
- Reformed (Reformed Church) -- Hungary
- Reformed Church -- Hungary
- Refugees -- Hungary
- Regalia (Insignia) -- Hungary
- Registers of births etc -- Hungary
- Registers of births, etc. -- Hungary
- Registration and transfer -- Hungary
- Religion -- Hungary
- Religion and law -- Hungary
- Religious tolerance -- Hungary
- Remedies -- Hungary
- Rent -- Hungary
- Repatriation -- Hungary
- Reports digests etc -- Hungary
- Reports, digests, etc -- Hungary
- Representative government and representation -- Hungary
- Research -- Hungary
- Research institutes -- Hungary
- Revenue -- Hungary
- Revolutionaries -- Hungary
- Risk -- Hungary
- Rivers -- Hungary
- Roads -- Hungary
- Romania -- Relations -- Hungary
- Romanians -- Hungary
- Romanies -- Hungary
- Romanticism -- Hungary
- Rotifera -- Hungary
- Rumainians -- Hungary
- Rumanians -- Romania -- Hungary
- Russia -- Relations -- Hungary
- Russians -- Hungary
- Ruthenians -- Hungary
- Sabbathaians -- Hungary
- Sales -- Hungary
- Sales tax -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Sanitation -- Hungary
- School hygiene -- Hungary
- School improvement programs -- Hungary
- Schools, Serbian -- Hungary
- Science -- Hungary
- Scientists -- Hungary
- Scouting (Youth activity) -- Hungary
- Sculptors -- Hungary
- Sculpture, Ancient -- Hungary
- Seals (Numismatics) -- Hungary
- Seals (numism.) -- Hungary
- Secularization -- Hungary
- Securities -- Hungary
- Security (Law) -- Hungary
- Security -- Hungary
- Self defense -- Hungary
- Self-determination, National -- Hungary
- Separate property -- Hungary
- Separation of powers -- Hungary
- Serbs -- Hungary
- Serfdom -- Hungary
- Session laws -- Hungary
- Sex crimes -- Hungary
- Shabbat ha-gadol sermons -- Hungary
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Appreciation -- Hungary
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Stage history -- Hungary
- Shavuot sermons -- Hungary
- Ship captains -- Hungary
- Ships and shipping -- Hungary
- Shrubs -- Hungary
- Sieges -- Hungary
- Silk -- Hungary
- Singing games -- Hungary
- Slavery -- Hungary
- Slavs -- Hungary
- Slovak poetry -- Hungary
- Slovaks -- Hungary
- Slovenes -- Hungary
- Small game hunting -- Hungary
- Social classes -- Hungary
- Social problems -- Hungary
- Social security -- Hungary
- Socialism -- Hungary
- Socialist Party -- Hungary
- Sociology -- Hungary
- Soils -- Hungary
- Soldiers -- Hungary
- Songs -- Hungary
- Sovereignty -- Hungary
- Speeches, addresses, etc. -- Hungary
- Speeches, adresses, etc -- Hungary
- Spiders -- Hungary
- Springs -- Hungary
- Srpska pravoslavna crkva -- Hungary
- Stamp duties -- Hungary
- Statesmen -- Hungary
- Statistics -- Hungary
- Stock and stockholders -- Hungary
- Stock companies -- Hungary
- Stock exchange -- Hungary
- Stock exchanges -- Hungary
- Stocks -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Stone -- Hungary
- Strikes and lockouts -- Hungary
- String quartets -- Hungary
- Students -- Hungary
- Study of law -- Hungary
- Succession, Royal -- Hungary
- Suffrage -- Hungary
- Sugar -- Hungary
- Summary proceedings -- Hungary
- Summer schools -- Hungary
- Support -- Hungary
- Synagogue music -- Hungary
- Tales -- Hungary
- Tales, German -- Hungary
- Tariff -- Hungary
- Taxation -- Hungary
- Teachers -- Hungary
- Teachers colleges -- Hungary
- Teaching -- Hungary
- Technical assistance -- Hungary
- Technical assistance, American -- Hungary
- Technical education -- Hungary
- Telecommunication -- Hungary
- Telegraph -- Hungary
- Telephone -- Hungary
- Terrorism -- Hungary
- Textile industry -- Hungary
- Theater -- Hungary
- Theaters -- Hungary
- Theological seminaries -- Hungary
- Theological seminaries, Reformed Church -- Hungary
- Theology, Doctrinal -- Hungary
- Third parties -- Hungary
- Tithes -- Hungary
- Titles of honor and nobility -- Hungary
- Toasts -- Hungary
- Tobacco -- Manufacture and trade -- Hungary
- Tolls -- Hungary
- Torts -- Hungary
- Trachoma -- Treatment -- Hungary
- Trade regulation -- Hungary
- Trade unions -- Hungary
- Trademarks -- Hungary
- Transportation -- Hungary
- Trees -- Hungary
- Trial practice -- Hungary
- Trials (Murder) -- Hungary
- Trials (Witchcraft) -- Hungary
- Trials -- Hungary
- Trusts and monopolies -- Hungary
- Trusts and trustees -- Hungary
- Turks -- Hungary
- Ukrainian language -- Dialects -- Hungary
- Ukrainians -- Hungary
- Unemployed -- Hungary
- Unemployment insurance -- Hungary
- Unitarian Universalist churches -- Hungary
- Unitarian churches -- Hungary
- Unitarianism -- Hungary
- Unitarians -- Hungary
- United Nations -- Hungary
- United States -- Commerce -- Hungary
- United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Hungary
- United States -- Relations -- Hungary
- Universities and colleges -- Hungary
- Upper class -- Hungary
- Usury laws -- Hungary
- Vernacular architecture -- Hungary
- Veszprém -- Hungary
- Veterinarians -- Hungary
- Veterinary colleges -- Hungary
- Villages -- Hungary
- Vital statistics -- Hungary
- Viticulture -- Hungary
- Vocational education -- Hungary
- Vujić, Joakim, 1772-1847 -- Travel -- Hungary
- Wages -- Hungary
- Warranty -- Hungary
- Water -- Law and legislation -- Hungary
- Water-supply -- Hungary
- Waters -- Hungary
- Waterways -- Hungary
- Waterworks -- Hungary
- Weapons -- Hungary
- Wheat trade -- Hungary
- Willows -- Hungary
- Wills -- Hungary
- Wine and wine making -- Hungary
- Wine industry -- Hungary
- Witchcraft -- Hungary
- Witnesses -- Hungary
- Women -- Hungary
- Woody plants -- Hungary
- Work -- Social aspects -- Hungary
- Working class -- Hungary
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Hungary
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Hungary
- Young women -- Hungary
- Youth -- Hungary
- Yugoslavs -- Hungary
- Zionism -- Hungary
- Zoology -- Hungary
Filed under: Hungary- Hungary: A Country Study (second edition, 1990), ed. by Stephen R. Burant (multiple formats at
- Az ... Országgyűlés Képviselöházának jegyzokönyvei ... Hiteles kiad. (Budapest., in the 19th century), by Hungary. Országgyűlés. Képviselöház (page images at HathiTrust)
- Political persecution in Hungary : an appeal to British public opinion (A. Constable, 1908), by R. W. Seton-Watson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Memories of my exile (D. Appleton and Company, 1880), by Lajos Kossuth and Ferencz Jausz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ethnographia; a Magyar Néprajzi Társaság folyóirata. (Magyar Néprajzi Társaság., 1890), by Magyar Néprajzi Társaság (page images at HathiTrust)
- Magyarország évi könyvészete (Országos Széchényi Könyvtár., 1860), by Országos Széchényi Könyvtár (page images at HathiTrust)
- Directory of officials of the Hungarian People's Republic. (Central Intelligence Agency :, 1975), by United States Central Intelligence Agency and National Foreign Assessment Center (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Mitteilungen zur Zigeunerkunde 1902-1903 (Buchdr. V. Hornybanszky, 1887) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Series palaeontologica (Academia Scientiarum Hungarica, 1928), by Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet and Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Századok. (Akadémiai Kiadó, 1867), by Magyar Történelmi Társulat (page images at HathiTrust)
- Greater Rumania : a study in national ideals (Hodder and Stoughton, 1917), by David Mitrany (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Treaty of peace with Hungary ([U.S. Dept. of State], 1947), by Allied Powers (1919- ), Allied Powers 1947 February 10), and United States Department of State (page images at HathiTrust)
- Folia cryptogamica. ([I. Győrffy?], 1924) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Trade union conditions in Hungary; documents presented by the mission of inquiry of the International labour office (August-September 1920) ([Printed by Atar], 1921), by International Labour Office (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- The financial reconstruction of Hungary : general survey and principal documents (Chambéry : Imp. Réunies, [1926], 1926), by League of Nations (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A magyar királyi szék betöltése és a Pragmatica sanctio története. (Ráth M., 1866), by Ferencz Salamon (page images at HathiTrust)
- The secret treaties of Austria-Hungary, 1879-1914 (Harvard university press; [etc., etc.], 1920), by Alfred Francis Pribram, J. G. D'Arcy Paul, Denys P. Myers, Archibald Cary Coolidge, and Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Das geldwesen im kriege (Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky a.-g.;, 1925), by Alexander Popovics (page images at HathiTrust)
- Régi magyar könyvtár ... Kiadja a M. Tud. Akadémia. (A M. Tud. Akadémia Könyvkiadó Hivatala, 1879), by Károly Szabó, Hiador Strypsʹkyĭ, Árpád Hellebrant, and Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (page images at HathiTrust)
- The folk-tales of the Magyars. (Pub. for the Folk-lore Society by E. Stock, 1889), by W. Henry Jones, Gyula Pap, János Erdélyi, János Kriza, and Lajos L. Kropf (page images at HathiTrust)
- Area handbook for Hungary. (For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.], 1973), by Eugene K. Keefe and American University Foreign Area Studies (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die Österreisch-ungarische monarchie in wort und bild ; Auf anregung und unter mitwirkung ... des durchlauchtigsten kronprinzen erzherzog Rudolf. (K. K. Hof- und staatsdruckerei, 1886), by Crown Prince of Austria Rudolf (page images at HathiTrust)
- Old homes of new Americans : the country and the people of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and their contribution to the New World (Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1913., 1913), by Francis E. Clark, Mass.) Riverside Press (Cambridge, and Houghton Mifflin Company (page images at HathiTrust)
- Austria-Hungary: the polyglot empire (Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1917), by Wolf von Schierbrand (page images at HathiTrust)
- Repertorium locorum ... Hungariae (typis Regiæ Universitatis Pestanae, 1808), by János Lipszky (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungary of to-day (E. Nash, 1909), by Percy Alden (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Dismembered Hungary ([Place of publication not identified], 1922), by László Buday (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- The tragedy of Hungary; an appeal for world peace (The author, 1924), by Louis Kossuth Birinyi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geschichte der Ungarn. (G. Emich, 1851), by Michael Horváth (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Hungarian question. (K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd., 1908), by Charles Arthur Ginever and Ilona De Györy Ginever (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Spomenici Srba u Ugarskoj, Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji tokom XVI i XVII stoleća (Matica srpska, 1910), by Aleksa Ivić (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Kossuth and his generals: with a brief history of Hungary; select speeches of Kossuth; etc. (Phinney, 1852), by Henry W. De Puy (page images at HathiTrust)
- The tragedy of central Europe (T. Butterworth, 1923), by Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- La patrie hongroise, souvenirs personnels. (Nouvelle revue, 1884), by Juliette Adam (page images at HathiTrust)
- View of Trianon's Hungary. (Turul Association, 1928), by Arthur B. Yolland (page images at HathiTrust)
- Narrative of a journey from Constantinople to England (Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis, 10, Stationers'-Hall-Court, and Ave-Maria-Lane ;, 1828), by R. Walsh, George Charles Bingham Lucan, George Duckworth, Henry J. B. Clements, John Boyd, Westley and Tyrrel (Dublin), Hering (Firm), Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis (Firm), and Engelmann & Co. (London) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Magyarország' statistikája. (Trattner-Károlyi tulajdona, 1842), by Elek Fényes (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ierarchia Românilor din Ardeal și Ungaria (Tip. Seminariuluĭ Archidiecesan, 1904), by Augustin Bunea (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Magyarok emléke, a' velek rokon 's azon egy kormány alatti nemzetekével, 1526. óta (Nyomt. a' Kir. Tud. Egyetem betűivel, 1836), by József Básthy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Oesterreich-Ungarn (F. Duncker, 1885), by Heinrich Neelmeyer-Vukassowitsch (page images at HathiTrust)
- Austria-Hungary (J. Murray, 1909), by Geoffrey Drage (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Moravīi︠a︡ i Madʹi︠a︡ry : s poloviny IX do nachala X vi︠e︡ka ([publisher not identified], 1881), by K. I︠A︡. Grot (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ob ėtnograficheskoĭ granit︠s︡i︠e︡ russkago naroda v Avstro-Ugrīi, o somnitelʹnoĭ "vengesko"̆i nat︠s︡īi i o nedi︠e︡limosti Ugrīi. ([Tip. T-va A.S. Suvorina], 1915), by A. Petrov (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gemälde von Ungarn (C.A. Hartleben, 1829), by János Csaplovics (page images at HathiTrust)
- La Hongrie contemporaine (J. Kugelmann, 1891), by Raoul Chélard (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ungarn, das reich, land, und volk wie es ist. Nebst freimüthiger beleuchtung der ungarischen Reichtagsverhandlungen in den jahren 1830, 1832 und 1833 (Literarisches museum, 1833), by A. J. Gross-Hoffinger (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungary; a sketch of the country, its people and its conditions (Printing office of the "Athenaeum,", 1908), by Gyula Vargha (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ungarn (F. A. Perthes a.-g., 1922), by Alexander Szana (page images at HathiTrust)
- Srbi u Ugarskoj ([Novi Sad] : [publisher not identified], 1883., 1883), by Stevan Pavlović (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungary after a thousand years (American Hungarian daily, inc., 1934), by Imre de Jósika-Herczeg and Albert Apponyi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Magyar Ország históriaja. (Nyomtatta Csathy György, 1805), by Ézsaiás Budai (page images at HathiTrust)
- Istorii︠a︡ Vengrii v srednie veka i novoe vremi︠a︡ (880-04 S.-Peterburg : Izdanīe "Brokgauz-Efron", 1908., 1908), by Nikolaĭ Petrovich Boret︠s︡kiĭ-Bergfelʹd (page images at HathiTrust)
- Eszmetöredék a magyar reformrol. (Wigand Ottonál, 1844), by Dániel Vay (page images at HathiTrust)
- Arpád a Uhorsko. (Nåkl. spisovatel'ovým, 1885), by František Vít̕azoslav Sasinek (page images at HathiTrust)
- Aus Ungarns Türkenzeit. Vortrag gehalten im Hamburgischen Kolonial-Institut am 13. Januar 1917. (H. Keller, 1917), by Georg Jacob (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Babel. Fragmente über die jetzigen politischen Angelegenheiten in Ungarn. (Im römischen Reiche, 1790), by Leopold Alois Hoffmann (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ellenör; politicai zsebkönyv, a' Pesti Ellenzéki Kör megbizásából. (Németországban, 1847), by József Bajza (page images at HathiTrust)
- Memoirs of a Hungarian lady. (H. Colburn, 1850), by Theresa Pulszky and Ferencz Aurelius Pulszky (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ungarn nach dem friedensschluss. (Vereinigung wissenschaftlicher verleger, W. de Gruyter & co., 1922), by László Buday (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A nemzetközi csere céljaira az Országos köyvforgalmi és bibliográfiai központ rendelkésére álló magyar hivatalos és tudományos kiadványok Cimjegyzéke. Liste des publications officielles et scientifiques, mises à la disposition du Bureau central bibliographique des bibliothèques public de Hongrie pour l'échange international. (A Királyi magyar egyetemi myomda, 1928), by Budapest. Országos könyvforgalmi bibliográfiai központ (page images at HathiTrust)
- Kiadványai (Intézet, 1953), by Hungary) Növényvédelmi Kutató Intézet (Budapest (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungary : a country study (For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1990), by Eugene K. Keefe, Stephen R. Burant, and Library of Congress. Federal Research Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Chanaparhordutʻiwn 'i Lehastan ew hayl koghmans bnakeals 'i Haykazantsʻ serelotsʻ i nakhneatsʻ Ani kʻaghakʻin (880-03 Venetik, I Vans Srboy Ghazaru, 1830., 1830), by Minas Bzhshkean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Magyarország leirása (Nyomatott Beimelnél, 1847), by Elek Fényes (page images at HathiTrust)
- The tragedy of Trianon; : Hungary's appeal to humanity, (T. Butterworth Ltd., 1928), by Robert Donald (page images at HathiTrust)
- Mikroszeizmikus jelentés (Műszaki Könyvkiadó, 1937), by Országos Földrengésvizsgáló Intézet (Hungary) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Hungary and the Hungarians (McClure, 1908), by W. B. F. Bovill and William Pascoe (page images at HathiTrust)
- Oesterreich-Ungarn als Kolonialmacht. (Verlag für Literatur, Kunst und Musik, 1911), by Manfred Ragg (page images at HathiTrust)
- View of Trianon's Hungry. (The "Turul" association, 1928), by Turul association, Louis Fodor, Tivadar Agorasztó, and Arthur B. Yolland (page images at HathiTrust)
- A megcsonkitott Magyarország; a Magyar tudományos akadémia Lévay-dijával kitüntetve (A Pantheon irodalmi intézet részvénytársaság kiadása, 1921), by László Buday and Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Lévay-dijá (page images at HathiTrust)
- Magyarország a XX. évszáz elején (Polatsek-féle kiadása, 1902), by Géza Czirbusz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Osztrák-magyar vöröskönyv : diplomáciai akták a háború előzményeinek történetéhez : 1914. (Athenaeum, 1915) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Az Osztrák-magyar monarchia irásban és képben. (A Magyar királyi államnyomda kiadása, 1887), by Crown Prince of Austria Rudolf (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Historical right of the Hungarian nation to its territorial integrity (Low, W. Dawson & sons ;, 1920), by János Karácsonyi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Palmerston and the Hungarian revolution, a dissertation which was awarded the Prince Consort prize, 1914 (University press, 1919), by Charles Sproxton (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungarian alkali soils and methods of their reclamation. (University of California printing office, 1927), by Elek Sigmond, W. P. Kelley, and Stephen de Fináli (page images at HathiTrust)
- Magyarország orvosi bibliographiája, 1472-1899 (sumptibus Athenaei, 1900), by Tibor Györy and Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (page images at HathiTrust)
- Austria of the Austrians and Hungary of the Hungarians (I. Pitman, 1914), by Leon Kellner, Arthur L. Delisle, and Paula Arnold (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Francis Joseph I. : his life and times : an essay in politics (Duckworth, 1915), by Robert Pentland Mahaffy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Le pays magyar. (Alcan, 1903), by Raymond Recouly (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ungarn : Land und Volk, Geschichte, Staatsrechte, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege, Landwirtschaft, Industrie und Handel, Schulwesen, wissenschaftliches Leben, Literatur, bildende Kunste. (Quelle & Meyer, 1918) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Publications of the Hungarian Statistical Society (Budapest, 1925), by Magyar Statisztikai Társaság (page images at HathiTrust)
- Handbuch zur Kenntniss Ungarns, ferner: Siebenbürgens, der serbischen Woiwodschaft, des Temescher Banates, Slavoniens, Croatiens, der k.k. Militairgrenze und des ungarischen Litorales. (Buchner, 1851), by Julian Feodor Joseph Chownitz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Forest researches (Selmecbánya : Magyar Királyi Erdészeti Kisérleti Állomás, 1899), by Magyar Királyi Erdészeti Kisérleti Állomás (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ungarische Jahrbücher. (W. de Gruyter, 1921), by Julius von Farkas and Robert Gragger (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Magyarország jövője és a Dunai egyesült államok. (Új Magyarország Részvénytársaság, 1918), by Oszkár Jászi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Nemzet ideál. (Légrády Testvérek Kiadása, 1898), by Kornél Ábrányi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Notitia rerum hungaricarum. (Typis Collegii Academici Soc. Jesu, 1770), by Károly Ferenc Palma (page images at HathiTrust)
- Tausend und ein Irrthum des Verfassers der Ungrischen Irrthümer. (1791), by Alajos Batthyány (page images at HathiTrust)
- La Hongrie ancienne et moderne; histoire, arts, littérature, monuments (H. Lebrun, 1854), by J. Boldényi (page images at HathiTrust)
- La Hongrie à la veille du millénaire; données statistiques avec deux plans de l'Exposition. (Société anonyme d'impr. de Pest, 1896), by Hungary) Ezredéves országos kiállitás (1896 : Budapest and Hungry. Millenial exposition (1896) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Immigration abuses; glimpses of Hungary and Hungarians; a narrative of the experiences of an American immigrant inspector while on duty in Hungary, together with a brief review of that country's history and present troubles (The Pearson Advertising Co., 1906), by Marcus Braun and G. Z. (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ungarn, strategisch und politisch (F.W. Goedsche, 1850), by Ungarischer Offizier (page images at HathiTrust)
- Catalogus historico-criticus antiquitatum, raritatum, et pretiosorum cum bibliotheca antiquaria, et numaria eiusdem instituti (Typis Regiae literarum Universitatis Hungaricae, 1825), by J. F. Miller, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Jakab Ferdinánd Miller, and Országos Széchényi Könyvtár (page images at HathiTrust)
- La Hongrie ancienne et moderne : histoire, arts, litte rature, monuments (H. Lebrun, 1851), by J. Bolde nyi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Croquis aus Ungarn. (O. Wigand, 1843), by Albert Hugo (page images at HathiTrust)
- Politikai programm töredékek. 1847. (Nyomatott Trattner-Károlyi Betüivel, 1847), by István Széchenyi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Diplomatarium Alvinczianum = Alvinczi Péter okmánytára (Eggenberger Ferdinánd M. Akademiai, 1870), by Sándor Szilágyi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Baronyai Decsi János Magyar historiája 1592-1598. (Eggenberger, 1866), by János Decsi and Ferenc Toldy (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Magyar zene elmélete (Pesti Könyvnyomda-Részvény-Társaság, 1904), by Géza Molnár (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungary (Erdélyi, 1910), by Magyar Államvasutok, Albert Kain, and Istvan Barsony (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- La Hongrie après le traité de Trianon. (G. Roustan, 1922), by László Buday (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ungarn; Land und Volk, Geschichte, Staatsrechte, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege, Landwirtschaft Industrie und Handel, Schulwesen, wissenschaftliches Leben, Literatur, bildende Künste. (Verlag des Franklin-Verein, 1917) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Statistisches Jahrbuch der Haupt- und Residenzstadt Budapest (Communal-Statistisches Bureau, in the 19th century), by Budapest (Hungary). Statisztikai Hivatal (page images at HathiTrust)
- Birtokpolitika és földreform Magyarországon : Agrarpolitik und Bodenreform in Ungarn (Budapest, 1927), by Károly Schandl (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die volkswirtschaftlichen ursachen der lebensmittelteuerung und die massnahmen gegen sie in Oesterreich und Ungarn .... (Erlangen, 1912), by Joseph Richter (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Arbeiten des Ungarischen Biologischen Forschungs institutes (Kutatóintézet., 1928), by Magyar Biológiai Kutatóintézet (page images at HathiTrust)
- Archivum Balatonicum. (Tihany, Hungary., 1926), by Budapest. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum. Balaton Biológiai Állomasnak (page images at HathiTrust)
- Izvesti︠i︡a Vengerskikh selʹskokhoizi︠a︡ĭstvennykh nauchnoissledovatelʹskikh institutov. (Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, 1898), by Hungary. Földművelésügyi Minisztérium and Hungary. Mezőgazdasági Kisérletügyi Központi Bizottsága (page images at HathiTrust)
- Reichsgesetzblatt für die im Reichsrate vertretenen Königreiche und Länder. (Aus der Staatsdruckerei., 1870), by Austria (page images at HathiTrust)
- Succincta medicorum Hungariae et Transilvaniae biographia. Centuria prima-[tertia] Excerpta ex adversariis auctoris. (Ex officina Sommeria, 1774), by Stephano Weszprémi (page images at HathiTrust)
- "Diszharmónia és vakság" : Széchenyi István utolsó napjainak dokumentumai (Helikon, 1988), by István Széchenyi and Ervin Fenyő (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Nicholas Fejérváry. In memoriam : a tribute of affection and respect ([publisher not identified], 1893), by Octave Thanet (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungary and the Hungarians (Methuen, 1908), by W. B. F. Bovill and William Pascoe (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Die aquitanische Flora des Zsilthales im Comitate Hunyad (Budapest : Buchdr. des Franklin-Verein, 1887., 1887), by Móricz Staub (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ungarische statististische Mitteilungen (Az Országos Magyar Kir. Statisztikai Hivatal, 1893), by Hungary. M. Kir. Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (page images at HathiTrust)
- Általános magánjogi törvénykönyvek tervezete Magyarország számára. I. közlemény. Általános rész ... (Nyomatott a Magyar nyomda betüivel, 1871), by Ignác Dietrich and Pál Hoffmann (page images at HathiTrust)
- Zeitschrift von und für Ungarn, zur beförderung der vaterländischen geschichte, erdkunde und literatur (F.J. Patzke, etc., 1802), by Lajos János Schedius (page images at HathiTrust)
- Handbuch der Geschichte von Ungern und seiner Verfassung. (Georg Wigand, 1833), by Samuel Klein (page images at HathiTrust)
- Indices reales historici in decreta comitialia serenissimorum ac potentissimorum regum Hungariae ... Tom 1. Index realis geographico-topographicus (Typis realis regiae universtitatis Hungaricae, 1805), by Márton György Kovachich (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hongrie : exposé géographique et statistique à l'occasion de l'exposition universelle de Vienne de 1873, rédigé en collaboration de plusieurs spécialistes (Impr. fondée par actions, 1873), by Károly Keleti and Vienna International Exhibition (1873) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Der tausendjährige Ungarische Staat und sein Volk. Im Auftrage des Herrn k. u. Handelsministers, als Präsidenten der Millenniums Landes-Ausstellungs-Kommission redigirt ("Kosmos" Kunstanstalt, 1896), by József Jekelfalussy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ferenczy István, 1972-1856 (Magyar történelmi társulat kiadása, 1905), by Simon Meller (page images at HathiTrust)
- Monumenta ecclesiae strigoniensis. (A. Horák, 1874), by Crescens Lajos Dedek and Nándor Knauz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Codex diplomaticus partium regno Hungariae adnexarum = Magyarország melléktartományainak oklevéltára (A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1903), by Lajos Thallóczy and Sándor Horváth (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Politische Chronik der Oesterreichische-Ungarischen Monarchie. (Wien., 1910) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Ungarn; eine mitteleuropäische Entdeckung. (C.H. Bech'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung O. Beck, 1917), by Joseph August Lux (page images at HathiTrust)
- Baedeker's Austria-Hungary (Karl Baedeker ;, 1905), by Karl Baedeker, Breitkopf & Härtel, and Karl Baedeker (Firm) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Keresztény magvető. (Kriza János és Nagy Lajos, 1861), by Unitárius Irodalmi Társaság and Unitárius Egyház (page images at HathiTrust)
- Munkálatai. (Pest, 1856), by Magyar Földtani Társulat (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ethnographisch-geographische Statistik des Königreiches Ungarn und dessen Nebenländer (Gedruct bei Anton Benko, 1837), by László Bielek (page images at HathiTrust)
- Recherches historiques et statistiques sur les peuples d'origine slave, magyare et roumaine (Delarue; [etc., etc.], 1852), by Mikoaj Ambrozy Kubalski (page images at HathiTrust)
- Landeskunde von Oesterreich-Ungarn. Mit geographisch-statischen und anderen einschlägigen Literaturanzeigen. (W. Braumüller, 1875), by Ferdinand Grassauer (page images at HathiTrust)
- La Hongrie ahcienne et moderne; histoire, arts, littérature, monuments (H. Lebrun, 1853), by J. Boldényi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Austria of the Austrians and Hungary of the Hungarians (C. Scribner's sons, 1914), by Leon Kellner, Arthur L. Delisle, and Paula Arnold (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungarian dances for piano four hands. (G. Schirmer, 1898), by Johannes Brahms and Wm. Scharfenberg (page images at HathiTrust)
- A magyar általános polgári törvénykönyv tervezetének további tárgyalását elökészitö föelöadmány és a tervezetre vonatkozó birálati anyag. (Grill K., 1904), by Hungary. Igazságügyminisztérium (page images at HathiTrust)
- Észrevételek Dr. Hoffmann Pál általános magánjogi törvénykönyv tervezetére. (Hügel O., 1873), by István Teleszky and Pál Hoffmann (page images at HathiTrust)
- Adressbuch der bibliotheken Deutschlands, mit einschluss von Oesterreich-Ungarn und der Schweiz. (G. Schönfeld, 1875), by Julius Petzholdt (page images at HathiTrust)
- A korlátozott beszámithatóságról folyt vita (Budapest : Franklin-Társulat Könyvnuyomdája, 1903., 1903), by Hugó Lukács, Ernő Friedmann, and Jakab Salgó (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A magánjog és tárgya; különös tekintettel a magyar általános magánjog codificatiojára. (Nyomatott ifj. Madarász Endrénél, 1877), by Sándor Daempf (page images at HathiTrust)
- A magyar általános polgári törvénykönyv tervezetének lényegesebb hibái. Elsö füzet az 1-360. [Section symbol][Section symbol]-ig. (Müller K., 1906), by Elemér Kruk (page images at HathiTrust)
- Adalékok a kényuralom ellenes mozgalmak történetéhez; az Asbóth-család irataiból. Új kiadás. (Budapest, 1888) (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Nyáry-féle 1842. évi "Büntetötörvény-szolgáltatási eljárás". ([Franklin-társulat nyomdája], 1906), by Géza Dombováry and Pál Nyáry (page images at HathiTrust)
- A proposito del nuovo progetto di procedura penale ungherese. (F. Martinez, 1890), by Mario de Mauro (page images at HathiTrust)
- Legĭ, regulamente și ordonanțe privitoare la succesiuni, tutele, acte autentice și la actele de stare civila in vigoare in Austria, Ungaria, Bulgaria, Grecia, Serbia și Turcia. (Tip. "Gutenberg," J. Göbl, 1891), by Romania. Ministerul Afacerilor Străine (page images at HathiTrust)
- Conservativ magyar politika. (Ainer Lajos, 1887), by János Asboth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Remarques sur les notes de m. le docteur Quinet (V. Hornyánszky, 1906), by Ottó Herman, A. Quinet, and England) International Ornithological Congress (4th : 1905 : London (page images at HathiTrust)
- Az ezeréves Magyarország multjából és jelenéböl. (Posner, 1896), by Mór Gelléri (page images at HathiTrust)
- Juifs et catholiques en Autriche-Hongrie. (Lethielleux., 1896), by Alphonse Kannengieser (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die fossile Flora von Szántó in Ungarn. (K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1870), by F. Unger (page images at HathiTrust)
- Crystallographia Hungarica. (Apud Wolffgangum Gerle, 1776), by Giovanni Antonio Scopoli and Wolfgang Gerle (page images at HathiTrust)
- Alterthu mer der Bronzezeit in Ungarn. (F. Kilian, 1890), by Jo zsef Hampel (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ne gy havi szolga latom a magyar hadseregben 1848 junius ve ge to l okto ber ve geig (Rudnya nszky a. ko nyvnyomda ja bo l , 1881), by Iva nka Imre (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vertheidigung der Ungarn gegen Prof. Dr. Johann Sepp's Angriffe : Als Erwiderung auf die im Werke: "Ein Volk von zehn Millionen oder der Bayernstamm ; eine Kampfschrift gegen Czechen und Magyaren" erhobenen Anklagen (C. Stampfel, 1884), by Gáspár Tóth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rat hrvata s magjarima godine 1848.-9. (Sa 16 silika.). (Dionic ka tiskara, 1902) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Belu gyi ko zlo ny, kiadja a Magyar kira lyi belu gyminiszte rium. (Budapest., 1896), by Hungary. Belu gyminiszte rium (page images at HathiTrust)
- Background notes, Hungary. (U.S. Dept. of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Public Communication, Editorial Division :, 1986), by United States. Department of State. Office of Public Communication. Editorial Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Statistice regni Hungariae. (Typis Joannis Nep. Schauff, 1794), by Mihály Horvath (page images at HathiTrust)
- The millennial realm of Hungary, it's past and present. The Hungarian edition edited by M. Getteri. The English edition edited by J.H. (Czottel & Deutsch Printing Office, 1896), by John Horowitz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Versuch über die Staatskräfte der österreichischen Monarchie, in Beziehung auf Europa. (Germanien, 1797), by Johann Andreas Demian (page images at HathiTrust)
- Sciagraphia seu compendiaria Hungariae veteris et recentioris notitia historico-politica in qua status regni physicus, historicus, politicus, ecclesiasticus, litterarius, commerciorum, rei militaris, nec non administrationis aeraii ex probatis patriae, aliisque auctorum monumentis succincte privata opera exponitur, ac eruditorum judicio substernitur. (Apud F. J. Roetzel, 1798), by Honoratus Novotny (page images at HathiTrust)
- Statistique du royaume de Hongrie. (Francfort sur le Mein, 1813), by Martin von Schwartner (page images at HathiTrust)
- Aus dem Tagebuche einer ungarischen Dame (F.W. Grunow, 1850), by Theresa Pulszky (page images at HathiTrust)
- Du Rhin au Nil; Tyrol, Hongrie, Provinces danubiennes, Syrie, Palestine, Egypte. (Delevingue, 1852), by Xavier Marmier (page images at HathiTrust)
- Commemorative addresses : George William Curtis, Edwin Booth, Louis Kossuth, John James Audubon, William Cullen Bryant (Harper, 1895), by Parke Godwin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Try Cracow and the Carpathians (Chapman and Hall, 1872), by Alexander Hadden Hutchinson (page images at HathiTrust)
- The history of Hungary and the Magyars: from the earliest period to the close of the late war. (A. Montgomery, 1853), by Edwin Lawrence Godkin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Schicksal der Tora und des Glaubens in Ungarn : Die Entstehung der Gemeinden, konfessionelle Streitigkeiten zwischen Gemeinden und Rabbiner; die Reformbewegung im Kreise der ungarischen Juden bis 1869 (Kongressjahr) Die Ursache der Trennung in der ungarischen Judenheit; Orthodoxie, Neologie, "Status-quo." (Ba-defus shel Meshulam Zalman ṿe-aḥiṿ Menaḥem ha-Kohen Ḳaṭtsburg, 1921), by Jekuthiel Judah Greenwald (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hármas kis tükör, melly I. A' szent históriát, II. Magyar országot, III. Erdély országot, annak földével, polgári-állapatjával, és historiájával, gyenge elmékhez alkalmaztatott módon a' nemes tanúlóknak, summásan, de világosan elö-adja és ki-mutatja (Landerer Mihály, 1781), by István Losontzi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geographie und statistik des königreichs Italien. Statistische skizze der Oesterreichisch-ungarischen monarchie ... (J.C. Hinrichs, 1878), by Hugo Franz Brachelli (page images at HathiTrust)
- Geographie und statistik des königreichs Italien. Statistische skizze der Oesterreichisch-ungarischen monarchie ... (J.C. Hinrichs, 1872), by Hugo Franz Brachelli (page images at HathiTrust)
- A polgári törvénykönyv törvényjavaslatának tárgyalása a képviselöház külön bizottságában ... (Grill K., 1915), by Hungary. Igazságügyminisztérium and Hungary (page images at HathiTrust)
- Le sort des minorités nationales en Hongrie et en Tchécoslovaquie, étude préparé par Ernest Ludwig. (Association scientifiques hongroises, 1922), by Ernest Ludwig (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vengrīi︠a︡ i ei︠a︡ zhiteli (Tip. A.M. Kotomina, 1873), by A. Peterson (page images at HathiTrust)
- Jelentése az ... Zárszámadásról, valamint az államhaztartás, államvagyon és állami adósságok kezelése körül az ... évben szerzett tapasztalatairol. (Nyomatott a Magyar királyi állami nyomdában., between 1000 and 1999), by Hungary. Állami Számvevőszék (page images at HathiTrust)
- Investigation of communist takeover and occupation of Hungary : fifth interim report of hearings before the Subcommittee on Hungary of the Select Committee on Communist Aggression, House of Representatives, Eighty-third Congress, second session, under authority of H. Res. 346 and H. Res. 438. Hungary. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1954), by United States. Congress. House. Select Committee on Communist Aggression (page images at HathiTrust)
- Istoria Romînilor din Ardeal şi Ungaria : Volumeul I-iŭ : pănă la mişcarea luĭ Horea (1784). (Bucharest : Caseĭ Şcoalelor, 1915., 1915), by Nicolae Iorga (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Magyar Jezsuiták a XIX-IK században (A Kollégium sajátja, 1902), by Laszlo Velics (page images at HathiTrust)
- Magyarország története (Lauffer és Stolp, 1861), by László Szalay (page images at HathiTrust)
- Area handbook for Hungary (Special Operations Research Office, The American University, 1959), by American University Foreign Area Studies Division and United States. Department of the Army (page images at HathiTrust)
- Background notes, Hungary. (U.S. Dept. of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Public Communication, Editorial Division :, 1983), by United States. Department of State. Office of Public Communication. Editorial Division (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungary; a sketch of the country, its people and its conditions (Printing-Office of the "Athenaeum", 1910), by Gyula Vargha (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- United States exchange programs with the Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, and Hungary : Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, August 20, 1959 (Washington, D.C. : United States Government Printing Office, 1959, 1959), by United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and United States. Congress 1959). Senate (page images at HathiTrust)
- Das historisch-diplomatische Verhältniss des Königreichs Kroatien zu der ungarischem St. Stephans-Krone. (Agram : Karl Albrecht, 1861., 1861), by Eugen Kvaternik (page images at HathiTrust)
- Streichquartett II = String quartet, op. 10 (Wien : Universal Edition, [1921], 1921), by Zoltán Kodály (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungary: a survey, July 1958-July 1959. (New York, 1960), by Kossuth Foundation and Zoltán Sztáray (page images at HathiTrust)
- Válogatott munkái. Kiadta, bevezetéssel és jegyzetekkel ellátta Ferenczi Zoltán. (Lampel R. (Wodianer F. és fiai), 1905), by Ferencz Deák and Zoltán Ferenczi (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Erdély országgyülései a vajdák alatt : (időköz: 1002-1540) (Pfeifer F., 1869), by József Vass (page images at HathiTrust)
- Magyar díszítő művészet ("Jókai, 1907), by István Gróh (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Landsknechtek. (Fritz, 1909), by Károly Böhm (page images at HathiTrust)
- The millennial realm of Hungary; its past and present. (The "Kosmos" printing office, 1896), by Mór Gelléri and John Horowitz (page images at HathiTrust)
- A magyar általános polgári törvénykönyv tervezetének fökérdéseire vonatkozó bizottsági tárgyalások. (Grill K., 1909), by Hungary. Igazságügyminisztérium (page images at HathiTrust)
- Diritto internazionale privato. Inammissibilità in uno stato divorzista, come l'Ungheria, della conversione in divorzio della separazione personale pronunciata da un tribunale italiano fra coniugi italiani, diventati cittadini ungheresi per l'adulterio del marito, il quale se ne sia reso colpevole in Italia prima dell' acquisto della cittadinanza ungherese. (Roma, 1910), by Pietro Esperson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A büntetöjog kodifikációjának elsö kisérletei Magyarországon. Kollonics javaslata és a Novum Tripartitum. (Politzer Zs. és fia, 1916), by Elemér Réti Illés (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Észrevételek a polgári törvénykönyv tervezetéhez. Személyjog 1 - 93. [Section symbol][Section symbol]. Családjog 94 - 106. [Section symbol][Section symbol]. Kötelmi jog 914 - 1793. [Section symbol][Section symbol]. (Grill K., 1901), by Károly Haller (page images at HathiTrust)
- Handbuch zur Kenntniss von Ungar (Verlag der Buchner's Buchhandlung, 1851), by Julian Chownitz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Nemzeti dicsőségünk : fényes korszakok a magyar nemzet történelméből. (Budapest : Kiadó Vállalata, [1900?], 1900), by János Hock (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Russischen Truppen gegen die ungarischen rebellen im Jahre 1849 (S. Schropp, 1851), by H. von Neidhardt (page images at HathiTrust)
- Unteilbar und untrennbar : die Geschichte des grossen Weltkrieges mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Österreich-Ungarns (Verlag für Vaterländische Literatur, 1917), by Maximilian Hoen, Emil Woinovich von Belobreska, Alois Veltzé, and Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. K. und K. Kriegsarchiv (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Legelö- és havasgazdálkodás : közgazdasági összehasonlitó tanulmány és egyszersmind kézikönyv, különös tekintettel a hazai viszonyokra : továbbá javaslat a jövö gazdálkodás ideális alakjának a "ligetes legelök" -nek alakitása és a legelögazdálkodásnak törvényes úton való szabalyozása tárgyában (Pallas részvénytársaság nyomdája, 1904), by Béla Berendy and Hungary. Földművelésügyi Minisztérium (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vízügyi közlemények (Pesti könyvnyomda-reszvény-társaság, 1890), by Hungary. Földművelésügyi Minisztérium, Ödön Bogdánfy, and Országos Vízépítési Igazgatóság (Budapest) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hangutánzás és jelentésváltozás : az egyetemes és a magyar hangszertörténetben (Budavári Tudományos Társaság, 1926), by Emil Haraszti (page images at HathiTrust)
- Az Árpádok története. (Franklin-Társulat, 1895), by Gyula Sebestyén (page images at HathiTrust)
- The agricultural educational institutions of Hungary : with a brief description of the organization of the Royal Agricultural Academy of Magyar-Óvár ... (Magyar-Óvár, 1902), by Alexander Vörös (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Marche funèbre : pour piano (Editio Musica, 1950), by Béla Bartók (page images at HathiTrust)
- Hungarian dances for pianoforte : [2 hands] (G. Schirmer, 1898), by Johannes Brahms and Wm. Scharfenberg (page images at HathiTrust)
- Zsidó évkönyv. (Budapest., 1928), by Vilmos Kecskeméti (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Agriculture, forestry, and fishing in Hungary. (Joint Publications Research Service, 1958), by United States. Joint Publications Research Service (page images at HathiTrust)
- Collection of tkhines (Columbia University Libraries, 1828), by Jews (page images at HathiTrust)
- Report on the U.S. Helsinki Commission delegation visit to Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Albania (Codel DeConcini) : March 22-28, 1991 (The Commission, 1991), by United States Congress Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (page images at HathiTrust)
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