Incidental music -- Vocal scores without accompaniment -- 17th centurySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Incidental music -- Vocal scores without accompaniment -- 17th century
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Filed under: Abandoned children -- England -- 17th century
Filed under: Account books -- England -- 17th century
Filed under: Acrostics -- England -- 17th century
Filed under: Advertising -- Books -- 17th century
Filed under: Advertising fliers -- England -- London -- 17th century Advertisement. Annals, being a large and learned history of church and state affairs in English manuscript, relating especially to England for 800 years ending 1626 ... compiled by Thomas Harding, B.D. late of the University of Oxford. ... If any person be willing to purchase this history, they may see it at the dwelling house of Euclid Speidel in Angel Alley near White-Chappel Church, London, any afternoon, at three of the clock ... ([London : s.n., 1695]), by Thomas Harding and Euclid Speidell (HTML at EEBO TCP) Advertisement. The history of the bucaniers of America; or, A true account of the most remarkable assaults committed ... upon the coasts of the West-Indies ... Written by John Esquemeling, and Basil RIngrose ... in this second edition is added the dangerous voyages and bold attempts of Capt. Cook and Cap. Sharp in the South-Sea ... with the effigies of the bucaniers, curiously done in nineteen copper plates. In four parts compleat.. ([London : William Whitwood, and Anthony Feltham, 1695]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) There is newly published, the four following usefull and necessary books. The queens closet opened ... The exact dealer refined ... the third edition, enlarged. ... The young secretary's guide: or, A speedy help to learning. In two parts. ... The strange and prodigious religions, customs, and manners, of sundry nations ... the second edition. All four printed for Henry Rhodes ... ([London : H. Rhodes, ca. 1695]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Aesthetics, Modern -- 17th century
Filed under: Agents provocateurs -- Ireland -- 17th century
Filed under: Agriculture -- Spain -- 17th century
Filed under: Allegories -- 17th century
Filed under: Allegory -- Italy -- 17th century Aqvila romana, overo, Monarchia occidentale da Carlo Magno d'Occidente imperador primo (A spese dell' autore, si vende da Giouanni Parè ..., 1679), by Giovanni Palazzi, Giovanni Parè, Arnold van Westerhout, Benoît Thiboust, Pieter van Sikkelaer, Cornelis van Merlen, and Leonhard Heckenauer (page images at HathiTrust) Aqvila Sveva, svb qva imperatores Svevi a Conrado III vsquè ad Conradvm IV Occidentis Imperatorem XXVII (Ex typographia Andreae Poleti, sumptibus auctoris, prostant sub signo Fortunae, & nauis, aliorumque, 1679), by Giovanni Palazzi, Andreas Poleti, Jean François de Ruelles, Arnold van Westerhout, Benoît Thiboust, and Leonhard Heckenauer (page images at HathiTrust) Aqvila franca, svb qva Francones imperatores a Conrado II Salico vsquè ad Lotharivm II Occidentis imperatorem XX (Ex typographia Andreae Poleti, sumptibus auctoris, prostant sub signo Fortunae & nauis aliorumque, 1679), by Giovanni Palazzi, Andreas Poleti, and Arnold van Westerhout (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Almanacs -- Netherlands -- 17th century Comptoir almanach, op 't jaar onses heeren Jesu Christi M.DC.LXXXX. na de nieuwe en oude-stijl : voorsien met de jaar-marckten, paarde, beeste, en leer-markten : alsmede de vacantien voor den hove van Hollant in 'sGravenhage, Uptrecht, Vrieslant, Amsterdam, &c. : ook op wat uur de post-wagens, treck-schupten en boodens moeten afvaren : noch zijn hier in gesteldt de dagelijckse uuren van des maens op en ondergang, alsmede op wat uur en plaets het met de nieuwe en volle maen hoog en laeg water is (By de weduwe Jasper Dol ..., 1690), by Isaac Haringhuysen and fl. 1687-1698 Weduwe Jasper Dol (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Almanacs, English -- Scotland -- 17th century A new prognostication, for the year of our redemption, 1678, being the second after bissextile, or leap year. Most curiously and artificially calculated, for all north-Brittain, but more especially (and even according to every typographer's very bound duty) for the latitude and meridian of our most famous city of Bon-Accord. Which stands upon a pleasant lone, whose gallant dykes, are Dee and Done. / by A. R. A.M. an expert mathematician. (Printed in Aberdeen : by John Forbes, printer to the town and colledges, 1678), by mathematician A. R. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Almanacs, Scottish -- 17th century Edinburgh's true almanack, or A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1690. Being the second year after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5639. Exactly calculated according to art, for the meridian of the most famous city of Edinburgh, whose latitude is 55 d. 54 m.¹/₂. and longitude is 11 d. 37 m. from Pico Taniriff, according to the newest tables. / By James Paterson mathematician. (Edinburgh : Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to the City and Colledge, for the year, 1690.), by James Paterson (HTML at EEBO TCP) Edinburgh's true almanack, or A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1683 ([Edinburgh : Heir of A. Anderson, 1683]), by James Paterson (HTML at EEBO TCP) An almanack, and new prognostication, for the year of our Lord, 1700. Being bissextile or leap year; and from the creation of the world, 5649. Exactly calculated for the famous City of Edinburgh, the metropolitan of Scotland, whose latitude is 55d. 54 m. ¹₂ longitude is 11 d. 37 m. / By G. C. Mathemat. (Edinburgh : Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Excellent Majesty, City and Colledge, for the year, 1700.), by G. C. (HTML at EEBO TCP) A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1691. Being the third year after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5640. Exactly calculated according to art, for the meridian of the most famous city of Edinburgh, whose latitude is 55 d. 54 m.¹/₂. and longitude is 11 d. 37 m. / By G. S. Philomath. (Edinburgh : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the City and Colledge, for the year 1691), by philomath G. S. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: America -- 17th century
Filed under: Amusements -- England -- 17th century
Filed under: Anagrams -- Italy -- 17th century
Filed under: Anatomy -- 17th century
Filed under: Anatomy, Comparative -- 17th century A systeme of anatomy, treating of the body of man, beasts, birds, fish, insects, and plants illustrated with many schemes, consisting of variety of elegant figures, drawn from the life, and engraven in seventy four folio copper-plates. And after every part of man's body hath been anatomically described, its diseases, cases, and cures are concisely exhibited. The first volume containing the parts of the lowest apartiments of the body of man and other animals, etc. / by Samuel Collins ... (In the Savoy [London] : Printed by Thomas Newcomb, MDCLXXV [1685]), by Samuel Collins (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Annotations -- 17th century
Filed under: Anthologies -- France -- 17th century
Filed under: Anti-Catholicism -- England -- 17th century At the court at White-hall, January the seventeenth, 1678/9, present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... there having been lately presented by the justices of the peace ... (London : Printed for John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678/9, [i.e. 1679]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP) At the court at Whitehall, this sixth day of December, 1678, present, the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... whereas His Majesty and this board are informed of the bold and open repair made to several places ... (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP) At the court at Whitehall, the nineteenth of November 1678 by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and the lords of His Majesties most honourable Privy Council : whereas His Majesty by his late royal proclamation ... did straitly charge and command all persons, being popish recusants ... (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP) A letter to the misrepresenter of papists being a vindication of that part of the Protestant preface to the Wholesome advices from the Blessed Virgin, &c. which concerns the Protestants charity to papists, and a layman's writing it : in answer to what is objected against it in the 4th chapter of the second part of the Papist misrepresented, &c. / by the same layman who translated the Wholesome advices, &c. and made the preface to them. (London : Printed by J.D. for J. Robinson ... and Thomas Newborough ..., 1687), by James Taylor (HTML at EEBO TCP) The devil turn'd casuist, or, The cheats of Rome laid open in the exorcism of a despairing devil, at the house of Thomas Pennington in Orrel in the parish of Wigan and county of Lancaster / by Zachary Taylor ... (London : Prnited [sic] for Peter Buck ..., 1696), by Zachary Taylor (HTML at EEBO TCP) Catholic hymn on the birth of the Prince of Wales ([London : s.n.], 1688) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Anti-Catholicism -- Ireland -- 17th century
Filed under: Aphorisms and apothegms -- 17th century
Filed under: Apologetics -- 17th century A conference with a theist part I / by William Nicholls. (London : Printed by T.W. for Francis Saunders and Thomas Bennet, 1698), by William Nicholls (HTML at EEBO TCP) A Catholicks resolution, or, A serious enquiry whether it be better to turn Independent, Presbyterian, Romane? or continue what I am, Catholick? in matter of religion. (London : [s.n.], Printed Anno Dom. 1668) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Ffydd ddi-ffvant adroddiad o helynt y grefydd gristnogol er dechreuad y byd hyd yr oes hon, a phrofiad oi gwirionedd. (Oxon : Printiedig yn rhydychen gan Hen. Hall, 1667), by Charles Edwards (HTML at EEBO TCP) Y ffydd ddi-ffvant adroddiad o helynt y grefydd cristianogol er dechreuad y byd hyd yr oes hon, a phrofiad oi gwirionedd a i rhinwedd = The unfeigned faith : containing a briefe history of the Christian religion from the beginning of the world to this present age, and a proofe of its veritie and efficacie : yr ail-printiad gyd ag anghwanegiad. ([Rhydychen] : Printeidig yn Rhydychen gan Hen: Hall, ac a werhir gan lyfrwyr Gwreclam a Llanfyllin, a chan Mr Goff yn Ghaer Fryddyn, a Mr Vertue yn Abergavenny, ac ymhen y bont ar ogur, 1671), by Charles Edwards (HTML at EEBO TCP) De veritate religionis Christianae. English (London : Printed for Rich. Royston ..., 1680), by Hugo Grotius and Simon Patrick (HTML at EEBO TCP) A vindication of the primitive Fathers against the imputations of Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum, in his Discourse on the divinity and death of Christ referred to the sense and judgment of the church universal, the arch-bishops and bishops of the Church of England, the two famous universities of Oxon and Cambridge, and the next session of the convocation / Samuel Hill ... ([London] : Printed for J. Whitlock ..., 1695), by Samuel Hill (HTML at EEBO TCP) Mr. Blount's oracles of reason examined and answered in nine sections in which his many heterodox opinions are refuted, the Holy Scriptures and revealed religion are asserted against deism & atheism / by Josiah King ... (Exeter : Printed by S. Darker for Philip Bishop, bookseller ... and are to be sold by the bookseller of London and Westminster, 1698), by Josiah King (HTML at EEBO TCP) An apologie for our publick ministerie and infant-baptism written som years ago for private satisfaction of som dissenting brethren and upon request enlarged and published for the same ends / by William Lyford. (London : Printed by William Du Gard, 1652), by William Lyford (HTML at EEBO TCP) Christian conferences demonstrating the truth of the Christian religion and morality / by F. Malebranche. To which is added his Meditations on humility and repentance. (London : Printed and are to be sold by J. Whitlock, 1695), by Nicolas Malebranche (HTML at EEBO TCP) The question of questions vvhich rightly resolved resolveth all our questions in religion this question is : vvho ought to be our iudge in all these our differences? : this book answereth this question, and hence sheweth a most easy, and yet a most safe way, how among so many religions the most vnlearned, and learned may find the true religion / by Optatus Ductor. (Gant (Holland) : Printed by Maximilian Graet, 1658), by J. Mumford (HTML at EEBO TCP) The polititians catechisme for his instruction in divine faith and morall honesty / written by N.N. (Printed at Antworp : [s.n.], M.DC.LVIII [1658]), by N. N., Nicholas French, and Peter Talbot (HTML at EEBO TCP) Remarks of an university-man upon a late book, falsly called A vindication of the primitive fathers, against the imputations of Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum, written by Mr. Hill of Killmington (London : Printed for Ri. Chiswell ..., 1695), by John Willes (HTML at EEBO TCP) Ffydd ddiffuant sef hanes y ffydd Gristianogol, airhimwedd y trydydd preintiad gyd ag angwanegiad = The unfeigned faith : containing a brief historie of the Christian religion and a proof of its verity and efficacie. (Rhydychen : Hen. Hall, 1677), by Charles Edwards (HTML at EEBO TCP) A short and easy method with the deists: wherein the certainty of the Christian religion, is demonstrated by infallible proof, from four rules, which are incompatible to any imposture that ever yet has been, or that can possibly be. : In a letter to a friend. : To which is added, a letter from the Reverend Mr. Leslie, to a deist, upon his conversion, by reading this book. ([Williamsburg, Va.] : Printed and sold by William Parks, at his printing-offices, in Williamsburg, and Annapolis,, 1733), by Charles Leslie (HTML at Evans TCP)
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