Index librorum prohibitorumOnline books by this author are available.
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Filed under: Index librorum prohibitorum- The Literary Policy of the Church of Rome, Exhibited in an Account of Her Damnatory Catalogues or Indexes, Both Prohibitory and Expurgatory, With Various Illustrative Extracts, Anecdotes, and Remarks (second edition; London: J. Duncan, 1830), by Joseph Mendham (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Roman Index of Forbidden Books, Briefly Explained for Catholic Booklovers and Students (second edition; St. Louis, MO: B. Herder; et al., 1909), by Francis S. Betten
- The Roman Index of Forbidden Books, Briefly Explained for Catholic Booklovers and Students (fifth edition; St. Louis, MO, and London: B. Herder, 1920), by Francis S. Betten (multiple formats at
- The Roman index of forbidden books (Loyola university press, 1925), by Francis Sales Betten (page images at HathiTrust)
- Der Index der verbotenen bücher. (Herdersche verlagshandlung, 1904), by Joseph Hilgers (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Der Index der verbotenen Bücher : Ein Beitrag zur kirchen- und literaturgeschichte (Verlag von M. Cohen & Sohn (Fr. Cohen), 1883), by F. H. Reusch (page images at HathiTrust)
- Deducção chronologica, e analytica ... (na officina de M. Manescal da Costa, 1768), by Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo Pombal, José de Seabra da Silva, and Pre-1801 Imprint Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Storia polemica delle proibizioni de'libri, scritta da Francesantonio Zaccaria ... (G. Salomoni, 1777), by Francescantonio Zaccaria (page images at HathiTrust)
- Index romanus : Verzeichnis sämtlicher auf dem römischen Index stehenden deutschen Bücher, desgleichen aller wichtigen fremdsprachlichen Bücher seit dem Jahre 1750 (G. Pillmeyer's Buchhandlung (J. Jonscher), 1911), by Albert Sleumer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- The Roman index of forbidden books (B. Herder, 1920), by Francis Sales Betten (page images at HathiTrust)
- Index librorum prohibitorum juxta exemplar Romanum jussu sanctissimi Domini nostri editum anno MDCCCXXXV : accesserunt suis locis nomina eorum qui usque ad hanc diem damnati fuere. (Hanicq, 1838) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die bücherverbote in papstbriefen; kanonistisch-bibliographische studie (Herder, 1907), by Joseph Hilgers (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Index Romanus; Verzeichnis sämtlicher auf dem römischen Index stehenden deutschen Bücher, desgleichen aller fremdsprachlichen Bücher seit dem Jahre 1870. (G. Pillmeyer, 1906), by Albert Sleumer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Supplica degli stampatori e libraj d'Italia al Papa Pio VI : per il libero smercio dei loro libri : dal torchio al sacro fuoco è breve il passo. ([s.n.], 1785), by Pope Pius VI (page images at HathiTrust)
- An account of the indexes, both prohibitory and expurgatory, of the Church of Rome... (Hatchard, 1826), by Joseph Mendham and Andrew Dickson White (page images at HathiTrust)
- Das kirchliche Bücherverbot : mit zwei kleinern einleitenden Aufsätzen : Ueber die kirchliche Freiheit und Ueber das Studium des Kirchenrechts (Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1858), by Joseph Fessler (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Roman index of forbidden books briefly explained for Catholic booklovers and students (B. Herder, 1909), by Francis Sales Betten (page images at HathiTrust)
- The censorship of the church of Rome and its influence upon the production and distribution of literature : a study of the history of the prohibitory and expurgatory indexes, together with some consideration of the effects of Protestant censorship and of censorship by the state (G. P. Putnam's sons, 1906), by George Haven Putnam (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A manifestation of the motives, whereupon the most Reuerend Father, Marcus Antonius de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalato, (in the territorie of Venice) undertooke his departure thence. Englished out of his Latine copy. (Printed by Iohn Bill, 1616), by Marco Antonio De Dominis (page images at HathiTrust)
- De expvngendis haereticorvm propriis nominibus etiam de libris qui de religione ex professo nontractant. Adiecta est Iohan. (Apud Iosephum de Angelis, 1576), by Juan Bautista Cardona and Giovanni Matteo Grillo (page images at HathiTrust)
- Index romanus : Verzeichnis sämtlicher auf dem römischen Index stehenden deutschen Bücher, desgleichen aller wichtigen fremdsprachlichen Bücher seit dem Jahre 1750 (G. Pillmeyers Buchhandlung, 1915), by Albert Sleumer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Die strafbestimmungen gegen die unzüchtigen schriften in geschichtlicher darstellung ... (Buchdr. M. Zöller, 1910), by Adam von Nagʹorski and Germany (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Decretum feria II. die 12 Julii 1869 : sacra congregatio ... cardinalium a SanctissimoDomino Nostro Pio Papa IX sanctaque sede apostolica Indici librorum .. (Typographia Rev. Cam. Apostolicae, 1869), by Église catholique. Pape (1846-1878 : Pie IX) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die neuen Büchergesetze der Kirche : Ein Kommentar zur Bulle Officiorum ac munerum und zu den Decreta generalia de prohibitione et censura librorum (F. Kirchheim, 1900), by Philipp Schneider (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Book censorship in New Spain. (Austin, Tex., 1949), by Dorothy Schons (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- O indexech zakázaných knih : index římský a indexy české : knížka pro každého českého člověka (Nákl. vyd-va Volné myšlenky, 1911), by František Loskot (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- The Roman index of forbidden books briefly explained (Loyola University Press, 1940), by Francis Sales Betten and Book Arts Collection (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Indeks zabranjenih knjiga. (Tisak Hrvatske tiskare, 1924), by Josip Gunčevič (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Actas y decretos del Concilio Primero Provincial Neo-Granadino (Bogotá : Impr. Metropolitana, 1869., 1869), by Colombia) Catholic Church. Province of Nueva Granada (Columbia). : Synodus Provincialis : 1868 : Bogotá, Vincente Arbeláez, Earl A. Pope Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary), Catholic Church. Congregatio Negotiorum Ecclesiasticorum Extraordinariorum, Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Bogotá (Colombia). Archbishop (1884-1889 : Paúl y Vargas), Catholic Church. Pope (1878-1903 : Leo XIII), and Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Bogotá (Colombia). Sínodo Diocesano (1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Roman index of forbidden books briefly explained (Loyola University Press, 1932), by Francis S. Betten (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- The Roman Index of forbidden books (B. Herder, 1915), by Francis S. Betten (page images at HathiTrust)
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