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Filed under: India -- Politics and government -- 2014-
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Filed under: India -- Politics and government
Filed under: India -- Politics and government -- 1765-1947 The Emancipation of India: A Reply to the Article by the Right Hon. Viscount Morley, O.M., on "British Democracy and Indian Government" in the "Nineteenth Century and After" for February, 1911 (London: Twentieth Century Press, ca. 1911), by H. M. Hyndman (multiple formats at Freedom's Battle: Being a Comprehensive Collection of Writings and Speeches on the Present Situation (second edition, 1922), by Mahatma Gandhi (Gutenberg text) Effeminism: The Economy of Colonial Desire (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998), by Revathi Krishnaswamy (page images at HathiTrust) The Administration of the East India Company: A History of Indian Progress (London: R. Bentley, 1853), by John William Kaye (multiple formats at The Expansion of England: Two Courses of Lectures (London: Macmillan and Co., 1914), by J. R. Seeley (multiple formats at Orient and Occident; A Comparative Study (London and Leipzig: T. F. Unwin, c1913), by Manmath C. Mallik Java, or, How to Manage a Colony: Showing a Practical Solution of the Questions Now Affecting British India (2 volumes; London: Hurst and Blackett, 1861), by J. W. B. Money The Travels of Dean Mahomet: An Eighteenth-Century Journey through India, by Sake Deen Mahomet, ed. by Michael H. Fisher (HTML at UC Press) Filed under: India -- Politics and government -- 1857-1919Filed under: India -- Politics and government -- 1919-1947 Revolution in India (New York: Island Press, c1944), by Frances Gunther (page images at HathiTrust) Brother India (New York: World Youth Congress, ca. 1940), by Rajni Patail, contrib. by Paul Robeson British Imperialism in India: Speech Delivered in the House of Commons, July 9, 1925 (Chicago: Daily Worker Pub. Co., ca. 1925), by Shapurji Saklatvala (PDF at Young India, 1919-1922; With a Brief Sketch of the Non-Cooperation Movement (second edition; Chennai: S. Ganesan, 1924), by Mahatma Gandhi, contrib. by Rajendra Prasad (multiple formats at Young India, 1919-1922; With a Brief Sketch of the Non-Cooperation Movement (second edition; New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1924), by Mahatma Gandhi, contrib. by Rajendra Prasad (page images at HathiTrust) The Crisis in India (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1942), by James S. Allen Gandhi Versus the Empire (New York: Universal Pub. Co., c1932), by Haridas Thakordas Muzumdar, contrib. by Will Durant (page images at HathiTrust) One Year of Non-Cooperation: From Ahmedabad to Gaya (Koklata: Communist Party of India, 1923), by M. N. Roy and Evelyn Trent Constructive Programme: Its Meaning and Place, by Mahatma Gandhi (text at Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule, by Mahatma Gandhi (HTML at The Politics of Preference: Democratic Institutions and Affirmative Action in the United States and India (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1997), by Sunita Parikh (page images at HathiTrust) Mother, Your 50th Independence-Anniversary!, by Sri Chinmoy (HTML at Filed under: India -- Politics and government -- 1947-
Filed under: India -- Politics and government -- 1947- -- PeriodicalsFiled under: India -- Politics and government -- 1977- Kashmir: A Report to the Nation, 22-27 May 1993 (New Delhi : Peoples' Union for Civil Liberties, Citizens for Democracy, ca. 1994), by Rajinder Sachar, Kuldip Nayar, Amrik Singh, Balraj Puri, and N. D. Pancholi
Filed under: India -- Politics and government -- 1977- -- Periodicals
Filed under: Punjab (India) -- Politics and government -- 19th centuryFiled under: India -- Politics and government -- 20th centuryFiled under: India -- Politics and government -- 21st century
Filed under: India -- Politics and government -- 21st century -- Periodicals
Filed under: Bengal (India) -- Politics and government -- NewspapersFiled under: Firozpur (India) -- Politics and governmentFiled under: Kolkata (India) -- Politics and government Municipal Calcutta: Its Institutions in Their Origin and Growth (Kolkata: Corporation of Calcutta, 1916), by S. W. Goode Filed under: Punjab (India) -- Politics and governmentFiled under: Surat (India) -- Politics and governmentFiled under: Tamil Nadu (India) -- Politics and governmentFiled under: Caste -- India -- Tamilnadu -- Politics and government |