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Filed under: Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania Civilization of the Indian Natives (published with a Seneca vocabulary; Philadelphia: M. T. C. Gould; New York: I. T. Hopper, 1830), by Halliday Jackson Archaeological Studies of the Susquehannock Indians of Pennsylvania (Safe Harbor report #2; Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1936), by Donald A. Cadzow (page images at HathiTrust) Petroglyphs (Rock Carvings) in the Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor, Pennsylvania (Safe Harbor report #1; Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1934), by Donald A. Cadzow (multiple formats at Researches Upon the Antiquity of Man in the Delaware Valley and the Eastern United States (University of Pennsylvania series in Philology, Literature and Archaeology v6; Boston: Ginn and Co.; Halle, Germany: M. Niemeyer, 1897), by Henry C. Mercer, Richard H. Harte, and E. D. Cope The frontier policy of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh, Pa., 1919), by George Arthur Cribbs (page images at HathiTrust) The life of Conrad Weiser as it relates to his services as official interpreter between New York and Pennsylvania, and as envoy between Philadelphia and the Onondaga councils (Onondaga historical association, 1925), by W. M. Beauchamp and Onondaga Historical Association (page images at HathiTrust) Three archaeological sites in Somerset County, Pennsylvania ... (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1939), by Mary Butler (page images at HathiTrust) The Indian wars of Pennsylvania : an account of the Indian events, in Pennsylvania, of the French and Indian war, Pontiac's war, Lord Dunmore's war, the revolutionary war, and the Indian uprising from 1789 to 1795 ; tragedies of the Pennsylvania frontier based primarily on the Penna. archives and colonial records / by C. Hale Sipe ; introduction by Dr. George P. Donehoo. (The Telegraph Press, 1929), by C. Hale Sipe (page images at HathiTrust) Conrad Weiser and the Indian policy of colonial Pennsylvania (George W. Jacobs & Co., 1900), by Joseph Solomon Walton (page images at HathiTrust) Some account of the conduct of the religious society of Friends towards the Indian tribes in the settlement of the colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsylvania: with a brief narrative of their labours for the civilization and Christian instruction of the Indians, from the time of their settlement in America, to the year 1843 (E. Marsh, 1844), by London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Aborigines' Committee (page images at HathiTrust) Border warfare in Pennsylvania during the revolution. (R. L. Myers & Co., 1901), by L. S. Shimmell (page images at HathiTrust) Indian folk-songs of Pennsylvania (N. F. McGirr, 1927), by Henry W. Shoemaker (page images at HathiTrust) Clark manuscripts (Athens, Pa., 1931), by John S. Clark, Louise Welles Murray, and Cayuga County Historical Society (page images at HathiTrust) On the frontier with Colonel Antes; or, The struggle for supremacy of the red and white races in Pennsylvania. (Chew & sons, printers, 1900), by Edwin MacMinn (page images at HathiTrust) The wilderness trail; or, The ventures and adventures of the Pennsylvania traders on the Allegheny path (G. P. Putnam's sons, 1911), by Charles A. Hanna (page images at HathiTrust) A letter from William Penn, proprietary and governour of Pennsylvania in America, to the committee of the Free society of traders of that province, residing in London. (Printed and sold by A. Sowle, 1683. [Tottenham, Re-printed by J. Coleman], 1881), by William Penn (page images at HathiTrust) The geology of the South Mountain belt of Berks County. (Board of Commissioners for the Second Geological Survey, 1883), by E. V. D'Invilliers (page images at HathiTrust) The Indian chiefs of Pennsylvania, or, A story of the part played by the American Indian in the history of Pennsylvania : based primarily on the Pennsylvania archives and colonial records, and built around the outstanding chiefs (Ziegler Print. Co., Inc., 1927), by C. Hale Sipe (page images at HathiTrust) A supplement to the first edition of The Indian wars of Pennsylvania (Telegraph Press, 1931), by C. Hale Sipe (page images at HathiTrust) "Indian character and habits in Pennsylvania" : an address before the Society of colonial wars in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, June 2, 1928, at Eddington, Pa. (Printed by order of the Society, 1928), by Warren S. Ely (page images at HathiTrust) The wilderness trail : or, The ventures and adventures of the Pennsylvania traders on the Allegheny path, with some new annals of the old West, and the records of some strong men and some bad ones (G.P. Putnam's sons, 1911), by Charles A. Hanna (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Wyoming and Indian melodies and other poems (Ketterlinus printing house, 1891), by Richard Lynott O'Malley (page images at HathiTrust) Report of the Commission to locate the site of the frontier forts of Pennsylvania. (C. M. Busch, state printer, 1896), by Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania, George Dallas Albert, Jay Gilfillan Weiser, Sheldon Reynolds, John M. Buckalew, and Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Richards (page images at HathiTrust) David Zeisberger's history of northern American Indians ([Columbus, O., Press of F.J. Heer, 1910), by David Zeisberger, William Nathaniel Schwarze, and Archer Butler Hulbert (page images at HathiTrust) History of the early settlement of the Juniata Valley : embracing an account of the early pioneers, and the trials and privations incident to the settlement of the valley ; predatory incursions, massacres, and abductions by the Indians during the French and Indian wars, and the War of the Revolution, &c. (H.B. Ashmead, 1856), by U. J. Jones (page images at HathiTrust) Histoire, mœurs et coutumes des nations indiennes qui habitaient autrefois la Pensylvanie et les États voisins. (L. de Bure, 1822), by John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder and Peter Stephen Du Ponceau (page images at HathiTrust) History of the early settlement of the Juniata Valley: embracing an account of the early pioneers, and the trials and privations incident to the settlement of the valley, predatory incursions, massacres, and abductions by the Indians during the French and Indian wars, and the war of the revolution, &c. (Harrisburg publishing company, 1889), by U. J. Jones and William Henry Egle (page images at HathiTrust) Report of the Commission to locate the site of the frontier forts of Pennsylvania. (W.S. Ray, state printer, 1916), by Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania, George Dallas Albert, Jay Gilfillan Weiser, Sheldon Reynolds, John M. Buckalew, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Richards, and Thomas Lynch Montgomery (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Falckmer's Curieuse nachricht von Pennsylvania. (Printed for the author, 1905), by Daniel Falckner and Julius Friedrich Sachse (page images at HathiTrust) Forts on the Pennsylvania frontier, 1753-1758. (Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1960), by William A. Hunter (page images at HathiTrust) History of the early settlement of the Juniata Valley: (Harrisburg publishing company, 1889), by Uriah James Jones and William Henry Egle (page images at HathiTrust) The frontier forts within the north and west branches of the Susquehanna river, Pennsylvania. A report of the state commission appointed to mark the forts erected against the Indians prior to 1783 ([E.B. Yordy, Printer], 1896), by John M. Buckalew, Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, and Pennsylvania. Indian Forts Commission (page images at HathiTrust) Wyoming and Indian melodies and other poems (Ketterlinus printing house, 1891), by Richard Lynott O'Malley (page images at HathiTrust) Falckner's Curieuse nachricht von Pennsylvania (Printed for the author, 1905), by Daniel Falckner and Julius Friedrich Sachse (page images at HathiTrust) History of the Lackawanna Valley (Printed by the Tribune publishing company, 1903), by H. Hollister (page images at HathiTrust) A declaration and remonstrance of the distressed and bleeding frontier inhabitants of the province of Pennsylvania, : presented by them to the Honourable the governor and Assembly of the province, shewing the causes of their late discontent and uneasiness and the grievances under which they have laboured, and which they humbly pray to have redress'd. (Printed [by William Bradford], 1764), by Matthew Smith, James Gibson, and Pennsylvania. General Assembly (page images at HathiTrust) Johann Heckewelder's...Nachricht von der geschichte, den sitten und gebraüchen der indianischen völkerschaften, welche ehemals Pennsylvanien und die benachbarten staaten bewohnten. (Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1821), by John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder and Fr. Hesse (page images at HathiTrust) A memoir on the history of the celebrated treaty made by William Penn with the Indians : under the elm tree at Shackamaxon, in the year 1682 (Printed for M'Carty & Davis, 1836), by Peter Stephen Du Ponceau and Joshua Francis Fisher (page images at HathiTrust) History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations : who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring states (The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1876), by John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder and William Cornelius Reichel (page images at HathiTrust) Indians in Pennsylvania (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1961), by Paul A. W. Wallace and Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Mirabilia Dei inter Indicos, or, The rise and progress of a remarkable work of grace amongst a number of the Indians in the provinces of New-Jersey and Pennsylvania (Printed and sold by William Bradford in Second-street, 1746), by David Brainerd and Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge (page images at HathiTrust) Some account of the conduct of the religious Society of Friends towards the Indian tribes in the settlement of the colonies of east and west Jersey and Pennsylvania with a brief narrative of their labours for the civilization and Christian instruction of the Indians, from the time of their settlement in America, to the year 1843. (E. Marsh, 1844), by Society of Friends. Meeting for Sufferings. Aborigines' Committee (page images at HathiTrust) Sketches of the life and Indian adventures of Captain Samuel Brady, a native of Cumberland county, born 1758, a few miles above Northumberland, Pa. (Re-printed by S. H. Zahm & Co., 1891), by Blairsville Blairsville record (page images at HathiTrust) Handbook of tribal names of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia : [publisher not identified], 1908., 1908), by Thomas K. Donnalley (page images at HathiTrust) How Joe Lucas died, 1795 (s.n., 1908), by John B. C. Lucas (page images at HathiTrust) Border warfare in Pennsylvania during the revolution (R.L. Myers & Co., 1901), by L. S. Shimmell (page images at HathiTrust) History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring states (Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1881), by John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder (page images at HathiTrust) History of Venango County, Pennsylvania, and incidentally of petroleum, together with accounts of the early settlement and progress of each township, borough and village, with personal and biographical sketches of the early settlers, representative men, family records, etc. (J. A. Caldwell, 1879), by J. H. Newton and J. A. Caldwell (page images at HathiTrust) History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring states (Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1881), by John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder (page images at HathiTrust) Our native Indians (F.D. Berkebile, 1940), by Fred Donovan Berkebile (page images at HathiTrust) An enquiry into the causes of the alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest : and into the measures taken for recovering their friendship ... Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian French ... (Printed for J. Wilkie, 1759), by Charles Thomson and Christian Frederick Post (page images at HathiTrust) The Morning Star (McKay, 1957), by Lucille Wallower (page images at HathiTrust) Civilization of the Indian Natives: or, a Brief View of the Friendly Conduct of William Penn Towards Them in the Early Settlement of Pennsylvania, by Halliday Jackson (Gutenberg ebook) History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighbouring States., by John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder, contrib. by William Cornelius Reichel (Gutenberg ebook) A letter from William Penn, poprietary and governour of Pennsylvania in America, to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders of that province residing in London containing a general description of the said province, its soil, air, water, seasons, and produce ... of the natives, or, aborigines, their language, customs, and manners ... of the first planters, the Dutch &c. ... to which is added an account of the city of Philadelphia ... (London : Printed and sold by Andrew Sowle, 1683), by William Penn (HTML at EEBO TCP) A letter from William Penn, proprietary and governour of Pennsylvania in America, to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders of that province, residing in London containing a general description of the said province, its soil, air, water, seasons, and produce ... of the natives or aborigines, their language, customs, and manners ... of the first planters, the Dutch &c. ... as also an account of the city of Philadelphia ... with a portraiture or plat-form thereof ... ([London] : Printed by appointment of the said committee, by Andrew Sowle ..., 1683), by William Penn (HTML at EEBO TCP) The conduct of the Paxton-men, impartially represented: with some remarks on the Narrative. (Philadelphia: : Printed by Andrew Steuart., MDCCLXIV. [1764]), by Thomas Barton and John Ewing (HTML at Evans TCP) Mirabilia Dei inter Indicos, or The rise and progress of a remarkable work of grace amongst a number of the Indians in the provinces of New-Jersey and Pennsylvania, justly represented in a journal kept by order of the Honourable Society (in Scotland) for Propagating Christian Knowledge. : With some general remarks. / By David Brainerd, Minister of the Gospel, and missionary from the said society. ; Published by the Rev. & worthy correspondents of the said society. ; With a preface by them. ; [Ten lines of Scripture texts] (Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by William Bradford in Second-Street., [1746]), by David Brainerd and Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge (HTML at Evans TCP) A Dialogue, between Andrew Trueman, and Thomas Zealot; about the killing the Indians at Cannestogoe and Lancaster. ([Philadelphia] : Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] at Ephesus., [1764]) (HTML at Evans TCP) A Dialogue, between Andrew Trueman, and Thomas Zealot; about the killing the Indians at Cannestogoe and Loncaster [i.e. Lancaster]. ([Philadelphia : Printed by Anthony Armbruster, 1764]) (HTML at Evans TCP) The Quaker unmask'd; or, Plain truth: humbly address'd to the consideration of all the freemen of Pennsylvania. : [Four lines of quotations] (Philadelphia: : Printed [by Andrew Steuart], in the year of our Lord, M,DCC,LXIV. [1764]), by David James Dove and Benjamin Franklin (HTML at Evans TCP) Narrative of the late massacres, in Lancaster County ([Philadelphia] : Printed [by Franklin and Hall?], in the year M,DCC,LXIV. [1764]), by Benjamin Franklin (HTML at Evans TCP) A looking-glass, for Presbyterians. [Seven lines of verse from Swift] ([Philadelphia] : Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the year, MDCCXLIV [i.e., 1764]), by Isaac Hunt (HTML at Evans TCP) An address to the Rev. Dr. Alison, the Rev. Mr. Ewing, and others, trustees of the Corporation for the Relief of Presbyterian Ministers, their Widows and Children: being a vindication of the Quakers from the aspersions of the said trustees in their letter published in the London chronicle, no. 1223. : To which is prefixed, the said letter. / By a lover of truth. ; [One line in Latin] ([Philadelphia] : Printed [by William Dunlap], in the year 1765), by Lover of truth and Joseph Galloway (HTML at Evans TCP) An answer to the pamphlet entituled The conduct of the Paxton men, impartially represented: wherein the ungenerous spirit of the author is manifested, &c. And the spotted garment pluckt off. : [Twelve lines of quotations] (Philadelphia: : Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Moravian Alley,, 1764[.]), by Philanthropy (HTML at Evans TCP) The Quakers assisting, to preserve the lives of the Indians, in the barracks, vindicated: shewing wherein, the author of the Quaker unmask'd, hath turn'd king's evidence; impeached himself, and cleared the Quakers from all the heavy charges he hath published against them. : [Seven lines of quotations] Number. II. (Philadelphia: : Printed [by Anthony Armbruster], in the year MDCCLXIV. [1764]) (HTML at Evans TCP) A letter, from Batista Angeloni, who resided many years in London, to his friend Manzoni. Wherein the Quakers are politically and religiously considered. : To which is added, The Cloven-Foot discovered. : [One line of Latin text] (Ephrata [Pa.]: : Re-printed, and sold by several store-keepers in the county of Lancaster., [1764]), by John Shebbeare (HTML at Evans TCP) A declaration and remonstrance of the distressed and bleeding frontier inhabitants of the province of Pennsylvania, presented by them to the Honourable the governor and Assembly of the province, shewing the causes of their late discontent and uneasiness and the grievances under which they have laboured, and which they humbly pray to have redress'd. ([Philadelphia] : Printed [by William Bradford], in the year M,DCC,LXIV. [1764]), by Matthew Smith, James Gibson, and Pennsylvania. General Assembly (HTML at Evans TCP) An historical account, of the late disturbance, between the inhabitants of the back settlements; of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphians, &c. Impartially related by a well wisher. ; The second edition, may be called a piracy. I said printed at Rome: I meant nothing but printed in Second-Street, by Andrew Steuars-Stockfish. ([Philadelphia] : Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Moravian-Alley., [1764]), by Well wisher (HTML at Evans TCP)
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