Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania -- Safe HarborSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania -- Safe Harbor -- Antiquities
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania Civilization of the Indian Natives (published with a Seneca vocabulary; Philadelphia: M. T. C. Gould; New York: I. T. Hopper, 1830), by Halliday Jackson Archaeological Studies of the Susquehannock Indians of Pennsylvania (Safe Harbor report #2; Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1936), by Donald A. Cadzow (page images at HathiTrust) Petroglyphs (Rock Carvings) in the Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor, Pennsylvania (Safe Harbor report #1; Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1934), by Donald A. Cadzow (multiple formats at Researches Upon the Antiquity of Man in the Delaware Valley and the Eastern United States (University of Pennsylvania series in Philology, Literature and Archaeology v6; Boston: Ginn and Co.; Halle, Germany: M. Niemeyer, 1897), by Henry C. Mercer, Richard H. Harte, and E. D. Cope
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania -- Antiquities -- Periodicals
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania -- History -- 18th centuryFiled under: Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania -- Periodicals
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Education -- Pennsylvania -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania -- TreatiesFiled under: Indian captivities -- Pennsylvania
Filed under: Indian captivities -- Pennsylvania -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Indian captivities -- Genesee River Valley (Pa. and N.Y.)Filed under: Susquehanna Indians
Filed under: Safe Harbor (Pa.) -- AntiquitiesFiled under: Petroglyphs -- Pennsylvania -- Safe Harbor |