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Filed under: Indiens -- Amérique du Nord -- Alberta -- Moeurs et coutumes
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Filed under: Indiens -- Amérique du Nord -- Alberta
Filed under: Indiens -- Amérique du Nord -- Alberta -- Captifs
Filed under: Indiens -- Amérique du Nord -- Canada -- Moeurs et coutumes The Aboriginies of Canada under the British Crown with a glance at their customs, characteristics and history (s.n., 1878), by William Clint (page images at HathiTrust) The six-nations Indians in Canada (Hunter, Rose, 1896), by J. B. Mackenzie (page images at HathiTrust) A Group of noble savages (s.n., 1859), by Charles Dickens (page images at HathiTrust) Life among the red men of America (s.n., 1895), by Egerton Ryerson Young (page images at HathiTrust) A voyage to North-America undertaken by command of the present King of France containing the geographical description and natural history of Canada and Louisiana ... great cataracts (Printed for John Exshaw and James Potts ..., 1766), by Pierre-François-Xavier de Charlevoix (page images at HathiTrust) Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps (Chez Saugrain l'aîné ..., Charles-Estienne Hochereau ..., 1724), by Joseph François Lafitau (page images at HathiTrust) Moeurs, loix et costumes des sauvages du Canada accompagnés de six figures dessinées caractéristiquement représentant les costumes, gravées avec soin & peintes dans les couleurs adoptées par chaque nation, toutes ornées de filets d'or, &c. (Se trouve chez les principaux libraires du royaume, 1800), by Grasset S. Sauveur (page images at HathiTrust) Histoire de l'Amérique septentrionale contenant l'histoire des peuples alliez de la Nouvelle France, leurs moeurs et leurs maximes, leur religion & leur interêts avec toutes les nations des lacs Superieurs, tels que sont les Hurons et les Illinois, l'alliance faite avec les Français & ces peuples, la possession de tous ces pays au nom du Roi & tout ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable sous Messieurs de Traci, de Frontenac, de la Barre De Denonville (Chez Jean-Luc Nion ... et François Didot ..., 1722), by Claude-Charles Bacqueville de La Potherie (page images at HathiTrust) Voyages chez différentes nations sauvages de l'Amérique septentrionale renfermant des détails curieux sur les moeurs, usages, cérémonies religieuses, le système militaire, &c. des Cahnuagas, des Indiens des Cinq & Six Nations, Mohawks, Connecedagas, Iroquois, &c., des Indiens Chippeways, & autres Sauvages de divers [sic] tribus ... avec un état exact des postes situés sur le fleuve St. Laurent, le lac Ontario, &c. &c. (Chez Prault l'aîné, imprimeur ..., Fuchs, libraire ..., 1792), by John Long (page images at HathiTrust) L'invalide ou L'ami du jeune âge (G. Portielje, 1826), by G. C. Verenet (page images at HathiTrust) Seizure of the ship Industry, by a conspiracy, and the consequent sufferings of Capt. James Fox and his companions their captivity among the Esquimaux Indians in North America and the miraculous escape of the captain; the disasters which attended the mutineers; interspersed with anecdotes, descriptions, &c.; also, the providential escape and sufferings of Captain Boyce in the year 1727. (Printed for Thomas Tegg ..., 1810) (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Indiens -- Amérique du Nord -- Ontario -- Moeurs et coutumesFiled under: Indiens -- Amérique du Nord -- Yukon -- Moeurs et coutumes
Filed under: Indiens -- Amérique du Nord -- Moeurs et coutumes Early life among the Indians reminiscences from the life of Benj. G. Armstrong : treaties of 1835, 1837, 1842 and 1854 : habits and customs of the Red Men of the forest : incidents, biographical sketches, battles, &c ([s.n.], 1892), by Benj. G. Armstrong and Thos. P. Wentworth (page images at HathiTrust) Ancient history of the Six Nations. (s.n.], 1892), by William M. Beauchamp and David Cusick (page images at HathiTrust) Introduction to the study of Indian languages with words phrases and sentences to be collected (G.P.O., 1880), by J. W. Powell and Smithsonian Institution (page images at HathiTrust) Manners and customs of the Indians an extract from his "New English Canaan", 1637 (s.n., 1899), by Thomas Morton (page images at HathiTrust) History of the Oregon territory and British North American fur trade with an account of the habits and customs of the principal native tribes on the northern continent (Edwards and Hughes, 1846), by John Dunn (page images at HathiTrust) British Columbia and Alaska Indian bazaar (The Company?, 1899), by Victoria Loan and Security Co (page images at HathiTrust) Mythologie und Civilisation der nordamerikanischen Indianer zwei Abhandlungen (P. Frohberg, 1882), by Karl Knortz (page images at HathiTrust) The Indian potlatch substance of a paper read before C.M.S. annual conference at Metlakatla, B.C., 1899 (Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, 1899), by J. B. McCullagh (page images at HathiTrust) Are the Carrier sociology and mythology indigious or exotic? (s.n., 1892), by A. G. Morice and Royal Society of Canada (page images at HathiTrust) The Western Dénés, their manners and customs (Copp, Clark, 1889), by A. G. Morice and Canadian Institute (page images at HathiTrust) Wah-kee-nah and her people the curious customs, traditions, and legends of the North American Indians (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1893), by James C. Strong (page images at HathiTrust) Native races of North America (s.n., 1893) (page images at HathiTrust) The Native races of North America (Methodist Mission Rooms, 1895), by W. H. Withrow (page images at HathiTrust) Life among the Indians, or, Personal reminiscences and historial incidents illustrative of Indian life and character (Cranston & Curtis;, 1857), by James B. Finley (page images at HathiTrust) Wigwam and war-path, or, the Royal chief in chains (J.P. Dale, 1875), by A. B. Meacham (page images at HathiTrust) Sealskins and copperskins (s.n., 1866) (page images at HathiTrust) Traits of Northwestern Indians. (s.n., 1893) (page images at HathiTrust) Memoirs of Charles Dennis Rusoe d'Eres, a native of Canada who was with the Scanyawtauragahroote Indians eleven years with a particular account of his sufferings, &c, during his tarry with them, and his safe return to his family connections in Canada : to which is added an appendix, containing a brief account of their persons, dress, manners, reckoning time, mode of government, &c. ... character of the Scanyawtauragahroote Indians, particular description of the quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects, which are to be met with on and in the vicinity of Scanyawtauragahroote Island. (Printed for, and sold by Henry Ranlet, 1800), by Charles Dennis Rouso d'Eres (page images at HathiTrust) Legends, traditions and laws, of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, and history of the Tuscarora Indians (Union Print. and Pub. Co., 1881), by Elias Johnson (page images at HathiTrust) Sketches of the history, manners, and customs of the North American Indians (Printed for Black, Young, and Young, 1824), by James Buchanan and John Heckewelder (page images at HathiTrust) Grey Hawk life and adventures among the Red Indians (J.B. Lippincott, 1883), by John Tanner and James Macaulay (page images at HathiTrust) Sketches of the history, manners & customs of the North American Indians, with a plan for their melioration (W. Borradaile, 1824), by James Buchanan and John Heckewelder (page images at HathiTrust) An account of the remarkable occurences in the life and travels of Col. James Smith during his captivity with the Indians, in the years 1755, '56, '57, '58 & '59 (R. Clarke, 1870), by James Smith (page images at HathiTrust) History of the Oregon Territory and British North America fur trade with an account of the habits and customs of the principal native tribes on the northern continent (Edwards and Hughes, 1844), by John Dunn (page images at HathiTrust) The book of the Indians, or, Biography and history of the Indians of North America from its first discovery to the year 1841 (Antiquarian Bookstore, 1841), by Samuel G. Drake (page images at HathiTrust) Indian captivities being a collection of the most remarkable narratives of persons taken captive by the North American Indians, or, Relations of those who, by stratagem or desperate valor, have effected the most surprising escapes from their cruel hands : to which are added notes, historical, biographical, &c. (Antiquarian Bookstore and Institute, 1839), by Samuel G. Drake (page images at HathiTrust) Traits of American-Indian life and character (Smith, Elder;, 1853), by Peter Skene Ogden (page images at HathiTrust) The Oregon Territory, and the British North American fur trade with an account of the habits and customs of the principal native tribes on the northern continent (G.B. Zieber, 1845), by John Dunn (page images at HathiTrust) The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century (G.N. Morang, 1899), by Francis Parkman (page images at HathiTrust) Illustrations of the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians in a series of letters and notes written during eight years of travel and adventure among the wildest and most remarkable tribes now existing, with three hundred and sixty engravings from the author's original paintings (H.G. Bohn, 1845), by George Catlin (page images at HathiTrust) Three years travels through the interior parts of North-America for more than five thousand miles containing an account of the great lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers ... of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles ... together with a concise history of the genius, manners, and customs of the Indians ... and an appendix describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settlements (Published by James Key, 1798), by Jonathan Carver (page images at HathiTrust) Traditions of the North American Indians being a second and revised edition of Tales of an Indian camp (H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1830), by James A. Jones (page images at HathiTrust) Onéota, or, Characteristics of the red race of America from original notes and manuscripts (Wiley & Putnam, 1845), by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (page images at HathiTrust) A narrative of the captivity and adventures of John Tanner, (U.S. interpreter at the Saut de Ste. Marie,) during thirty years residence among the Indians in the interior of North America (G. & C. & H. Carvili, 1830), by John Tanner and Edwin James (page images at HathiTrust) De zeden der wilden van Amerika zynde een nieuwe uitvoerige en zeer kurieuse beschryving van derzelver oorsprong, godsdienst, manier von oorlogen, huwelyken, opvoeding, oeffeningen, feesten, danzeryen, begravenissen, en andere zeldzame gewoonten, tegen de zeden der oudste volkeren vergeleken, en met getuigenissen uit de oudste grieksche en andere schryveren getoetst en bevestigt (By Gerard Vander Poe, boekverkoper, 1731), by Joseph François Lafitau (page images at HathiTrust) The natural and civil history of the French dominions in North and South America with an historical detail of the acquisitions, and conquests made by the British arms in those parts, giving a particular account of the climate, soil ... together with the religion, government, genius, character, manners and customs of the Indians and other inhabitants, illustrated by maps and plans of the principal places (Printed for T. Jefferys ... [and 3 others], 1761), by Thomas Jefferys (page images at HathiTrust) Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps (Chez Saugrain l'aîné ..., Charles-Estienne Hochereau ..., 1724), by Joseph François Lafitau (page images at HathiTrust) Anecdotes sur les Indiens de l'Amérique du Nord leurs moeurs et leurs habitudes. (L.-R. Relay, 1845) (page images at HathiTrust) Trente années dans les déserts de l'Amérique du Nord (Librairie Saint-Paul;, 1889), by John Tanner (page images at HathiTrust) Description de la Louisiane nouvellement découverte au sud'oüest de la Nouvelle-France, par ordre du roy : avec la carte du pays : les moeurs et la manière de vivre des sauvages; dediée à Sa Majesté (Chez la veuve Sebastien Huré ..., 1683), by Louis Hennepin (page images at HathiTrust) Moeurs, coutumes et religions des sauvages américains (Périsse, 1839), by Joseph François Lafitau (page images at HathiTrust) Trente années dans les déserts de l'Amérique du Nord (A. Bertrand, 1835), by John Tanner (page images at HathiTrust) Relation du voyage fait a Canada pour la prise de possession du fort de Quebec par les François (s.n., in the 17th century), by Paul Le Jeune (page images at HathiTrust) Characteristics of the red race of America (Wiley & Putnam, 1847), by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (page images at HathiTrust) The manners, customs and antiquities of the Indians of North and South America (Bradbury, Soden, 1844), by S. G. Goodrich (page images at HathiTrust) [True and authentic narratives of captives who have been carried away by the Indians from the various frontier settlements of the United States from the earliest to the present time] (Antiquarian Bookstore and Institute, 1841), by Samuel G. Drake (page images at HathiTrust) Biography and history of the Indians of North America from its first discovery to the present time comprising details in the lives of all most distinguished chiefs ... also a history of their wars, massacres and depredations ... with an account of their antiquities, manners and customs, religion and laws ... the great question of the first peopling of America (Antiquarian Institute, 1837), by Samuel G. Drake (page images at HathiTrust) Western scenes and reminiscences together with thrilling legends and traditions of the red men of the forest : to which is added several narratives of adventures among the Indians. (Derby & Miller;, 1853), by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (page images at HathiTrust) Catlin's Indians being a deeply interesting and truly celebrated series of letters and notes on the manners, customs and condition of the North American Indians, written during eight years' travel amongst the wildest tribes of Indians in North America (Hubbard Bros., 1891), by George Catlin (page images at HathiTrust) De zeden der wilden van Amerika zynde een nieuwe uitvoerige en zeer kurieuse beschryving van derzelver oorsprong, godsdienst, manier von oorlogen, huwelyken, opvoeding, oeffeningen, feesten, danzeryen, begravenissen, en andere zeldzame gewoonten, tegen de zeden der oudste volkeren vergeleken, en met getuigenissen uit de oudste grieksche en andere schryveren getoetst en bevestigt (By H.W. van Welbergen, en P.H. Charlois, 1751), by Joseph François Lafitau (page images at HathiTrust) True and authentic narratives of captives, who have been carried away by Indians from the various frontier settlements of the United States, from the various frontier settlements of the United States, from the earliest to the present time (Antiquarian Bookstore and Institute, 1844), by Samuel G. Drake (page images at HathiTrust) Chicóra and other regions of the conquerors and the conquered (Lippincott, Grambo, 1854), by Mary H. Eastman (page images at HathiTrust) Tales of the North American Indians, and adventures of the early settlers in America (Jarrold, 1853), by Barbara Hawes (page images at HathiTrust) The history of Maine, from the earliest discovery of the region by the Northmen until the present time including a narrative of the voyage and explorations of the early adventurers, the manners and customs of the Indian tribes ... (B.B. Russell ;, 1875), by John S. C. Abbott (page images at HathiTrust) The manners, customs and antiquities of the Indians of North and South America (Thomas, Cowperthwait, 1846), by S. G. Goodrich (page images at HathiTrust) A view of the American Indians their general character, customs, language, public festivals, religious rites and traditions shewing them to be the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel, the language of prophecy concerning them and the course by which they travelled from Media into America (Printed for the author and sold by R. Hunter, 1828), by Israel Worsley (page images at HathiTrust) Travels through the two Louisianas and among the savage nations of the Missouri also in the United States, along the Ohio and the adjacent provinces in 1801, 1802, & 1803 : with a sketch of the manners, customs, character, and the civil and religious ceremonies of the people of those countries (Printed for Richard Phillips ... by J.G. Barnard ..., 1807), by Franc̜ois Marie Perrin du Lac (page images at HathiTrust) John Long's journal, 1768-1782 (A.H. Clark, 1904), by John Long and Reuben Gold Thwaites (page images at HathiTrust) Illustrations of the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians with letters and notes written during eight years of travel and adventure among the wildest and most remarkable tribes now existing, with three hundred and sixty engravings from the author's original paintings (H.G. Bohn, 1866), by George Catlin (page images at HathiTrust) Indian traits being sketches of the manners, customs and character of the North American natives (Harper, 1839), by B. B. Thatcher (page images at HathiTrust) Lettres d'un sauvage dépaysé contenant une critique des moeurs du siécle [sic], & des réflexions sur des matières de religion & de politique. (Chez Jean-François Jolly, 1800), by Zakara and Karokajo (page images at HathiTrust) Description de la Louisiane nouvellement decouverte au sud-oüest de la Nouvelle France, par ordre du roy, avec la carte du pays, les moeurs & la maniere de vivre des sauvages, dedié e à Sa Majesté (Chez Amable Auroy ..., 1688), by Louis Hennepin (page images at HathiTrust) Dissertation sur l'Amérique et les Américains contre les Recherches philosophiques de M. de P**** ([s.n.], 1770), by Antoine Joseph Pernety (page images at HathiTrust)
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