Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- JournalistsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Journalists
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Filed under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 Allied Participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom (Washington: US Army Center of Military History, 2011), by Stephen A. Carney (PDF at US Army CMH) The Iraq Study Group Report (2006), by Iraq Study Group, contrib. by James Addison Baker and Lee Hamilton (PDF at Damaged Spring: Pink Noire (2003), by Johanna Drucker (page images with commentary at Learning from Iraq: Counterinsurgency in American Strategy (2007), by Steven Metz (PDF with commentary at Deployed: How Reservists Bear the Burden of Iraq (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009), by Michael C. Musheno and Susan M. Ross (page images at HathiTrust) The Constitution in Crisis: The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq War (2005), by United States House Committee on the Judiciary Democratic Staff (HTML and PDF files at Wayback Machine) Canada and the New American Empire: War and Anti-War (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2004), ed. by George Melnyk (PDF files at University of Calgary) Caught in the Crossfire: The Iraq War and the Media, a Diary of Claims and Counterclaims (c2003), by Anthony Löwstedt (PDF with commentary at IPI) Lessons Encountered: Learning From the Long War (Washington: National Defense University Press, 2015), ed. by Richard D. Hooker and Joseph J. Collins (multiple formats at NDU Press) Compendium of Iraq's Proscribed Weapons Programmes in the Chemical, Biological and Missile Areas (2007), by United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (PDF files at Wayback Machine)
Filed under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Campaigns On Point II, Transition to the New Campaign: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom, May 2003-January 2005 (Fort Leavenworth, KS : Combat Studies Institute Press, 2008), by Donald P. Wright and Timothy R. Reese On Point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom, by Gregory Fontenot, E. J. Degen, and David Tohn (illustrated HTML at Filed under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- ManpowerFiled under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Personal narratives, AmericanFiled under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Press coverageFiled under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Prisoners and prisons, American Command's Responsibility: Detainee Deaths in U.S. Custody in Iraq and Afghanistan (New York: Human Rights First, 2006), by Hina Shamsi, ed. by Deborah Pearlstein (PDF at Wayback Machine) The Battle Behind the Wire: U.S. Prisoner and Detainee Operations from World War II to Iraq (MG-934-OSD; c2011), by Cheryl Benard, Edward O'Connell, Cathryn Quantic Thurston, Andrés Villamizar, Elvira N. Loredo, Thomas Sullivan, and Jeremiah Goulka (PDF with commentary at The Report of the Constitution Project's Report on Detainee Treatment (Washington: Constitution Project, c2013), by Constitution Project Task Force on Detainee Treatment (PDF with commentary at Filed under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Propaganda Misleading Information From the Battlefield: Hearing Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, First Session, April 24, 2007 (Washington: GPO, 2008), by United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (page images at HathiTrust) Misleading Information From the Battlefield: The Tillman and Lynch Episodes (first committee report, with additional views from Tom Davis; 2008), by United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, contrib. by Tom Davis (PDF at Filed under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Veterans -- Services for -- United States
Filed under: Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Veterans -- United States -- Statistics
Filed under: Journalists
Filed under: Journalists -- Biography In Search of the Free Individual: The History of the Russian-Soviet Soul (in English and Russian; Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c2018), by Svetlana Aleksievich, trans. by Jamey Gambrell (PDF and Epub with commentary at Cornell Open) Champagne Before Breakfast (New York: H. Holt and Co., c1954), by Hy Gardner (page images at HathiTrust) Adventures in Journalism (New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1923), by Philip Gibbs Twice Thirty: Some Short and Simple Annals of the Road (New York and London: C. Scribner's Sons, 1925), by Edward William Bok (multiple formats at The Years Were Good, by Louis Benson Seltzer (HTML at Skeleton of Justice (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1941), by Edith Roper and Clara Leiser (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Journalists -- Correspondence
Filed under: Journalists -- Drama
Filed under: Journalists -- Fiction After the Revolution: A Novel (c2021), by Robert Evans, illust. by Tavia Morra (HTML and Epub files with commentary at Island (c1962), by Aldous Huxley (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Second Floor Mystery: Photoplay Title of The Agony Column (with illustrations from the Warner Bros. film; bound also with Fifty Candles; New York: Grosset and Dunlap, ca. 1930), by Earl Derr Biggers (page images at HathiTrust) The Agony Column, by Earl Derr Biggers (Gutenberg text) Guthrie of the Times: A Story of Success (New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1904), by Joseph A. Altsheler, illust. by Frederic Rodrigo Gruger May Iverson's Career (New York and London: Harper and Bros., n.d.), by Elizabeth Garver Jordan (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) "In the Twinkling of an Eye" (Los Angeles: Biola Book Room, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, c1918), by Sydney Watson In the Twinkling of an Eye (c1921), by Sydney Watson (PDF with commentary at New Grub Street, by George Gissing Sleeping Fires, by Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Journalists -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Journalists -- United States
Filed under: Women journalistsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |